/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_main.c #include "quakedef.h" // used for dlight push checking and other things int r_framecount; mplane_t frustum[4]; matrix4x4_t r_identitymatrix; int c_alias_polys, c_light_polys, c_faces, c_nodes, c_leafs, c_models, c_bmodels, c_sprites, c_particles, c_dlights; // true during envmap command capture qboolean envmap; float r_farclip; // view origin vec3_t r_origin; vec3_t vpn; vec3_t vright; vec3_t vup; // // screen size info // refdef_t r_refdef; // 8.8 fraction of base light value unsigned short d_lightstylevalue[256]; cvar_t r_drawentities = {0, "r_drawentities","1"}; cvar_t r_drawviewmodel = {0, "r_drawviewmodel","1"}; cvar_t r_shadows = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadows", "0"}; cvar_t r_shadow_staticworldlights = {0, "r_shadow_staticworldlights", "1"}; cvar_t r_speeds = {0, "r_speeds","0"}; cvar_t r_fullbright = {0, "r_fullbright","0"}; cvar_t r_wateralpha = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_wateralpha","1"}; cvar_t r_dynamic = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_dynamic","1"}; cvar_t r_fullbrights = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_fullbrights", "1"}; cvar_t r_shadow_cull = {0, "r_shadow_cull", "1"}; cvar_t gl_fogenable = {0, "gl_fogenable", "0"}; cvar_t gl_fogdensity = {0, "gl_fogdensity", "0.25"}; cvar_t gl_fogred = {0, "gl_fogred","0.3"}; cvar_t gl_foggreen = {0, "gl_foggreen","0.3"}; cvar_t gl_fogblue = {0, "gl_fogblue","0.3"}; cvar_t gl_fogstart = {0, "gl_fogstart", "0"}; cvar_t gl_fogend = {0, "gl_fogend","0"}; cvar_t r_textureunits = {0, "r_textureunits", "32"}; void R_ModulateColors(float *in, float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b) { int i; for (i = 0;i < verts;i++) { out[0] = in[0] * r; out[1] = in[1] * g; out[2] = in[2] * b; out[3] = in[3]; in += 4; out += 4; } } void R_FillColors(float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b, float a) { int i; for (i = 0;i < verts;i++) { out[0] = r; out[1] = g; out[2] = b; out[3] = a; out += 4; } } /* ==================== R_TimeRefresh_f For program optimization ==================== */ qboolean intimerefresh = 0; static void R_TimeRefresh_f (void) { int i; float start, stop, time; intimerefresh = 1; start = Sys_DoubleTime (); for (i = 0;i < 128;i++) { r_refdef.viewangles[0] = 0; r_refdef.viewangles[1] = i/128.0*360.0; r_refdef.viewangles[2] = 0; CL_UpdateScreen(); } stop = Sys_DoubleTime (); intimerefresh = 0; time = stop-start; Con_Printf ("%f seconds (%f fps)\n", time, 128/time); } vec3_t fogcolor; vec_t fogdensity; float fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue; qboolean fogenabled; qboolean oldgl_fogenable; void R_SetupFog(void) { if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { if (gl_fogenable.integer) { oldgl_fogenable = true; fog_density = gl_fogdensity.value; fog_red = gl_fogred.value; fog_green = gl_foggreen.value; fog_blue = gl_fogblue.value; } else if (oldgl_fogenable) { oldgl_fogenable = false; fog_density = 0; fog_red = 0; fog_green = 0; fog_blue = 0; } } if (fog_density) { fogcolor[0] = fog_red = bound(0.0f, fog_red , 1.0f); fogcolor[1] = fog_green = bound(0.0f, fog_green, 1.0f); fogcolor[2] = fog_blue = bound(0.0f, fog_blue , 1.0f); } if (fog_density) { fogenabled = true; fogdensity = -4000.0f / (fog_density * fog_density); // fog color was already set } else fogenabled = false; } // FIXME: move this to client? void FOG_clear(void) { if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { Cvar_Set("gl_fogenable", "0"); Cvar_Set("gl_fogdensity", "0.2"); Cvar_Set("gl_fogred", "0.3"); Cvar_Set("gl_foggreen", "0.3"); Cvar_Set("gl_fogblue", "0.3"); } fog_density = fog_red = fog_green = fog_blue = 0.0f; } // FIXME: move this to client? void FOG_registercvars(void) { if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogenable); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogdensity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogred); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_foggreen); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogblue); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogstart); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogend); } } void gl_main_start(void) { } void gl_main_shutdown(void) { } extern void CL_ParseEntityLump(char *entitystring); void gl_main_newmap(void) { if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->entities) CL_ParseEntityLump(cl.worldmodel->entities); r_framecount = 1; } void GL_Main_Init(void) { Matrix4x4_CreateIdentity(&r_identitymatrix); // FIXME: move this to client? FOG_registercvars(); Cmd_AddCommand ("timerefresh", R_TimeRefresh_f); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_drawentities); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_drawviewmodel); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_shadows); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_shadow_staticworldlights); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_speeds); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_fullbrights); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_wateralpha); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_dynamic); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_fullbright); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_textureunits); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&r_shadow_cull); if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA || gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ) Cvar_SetValue("r_fullbrights", 0); R_RegisterModule("GL_Main", gl_main_start, gl_main_shutdown, gl_main_newmap); } vec3_t r_farclip_origin; vec3_t r_farclip_direction; vec_t r_farclip_directiondist; vec_t r_farclip_meshfarclip; int r_farclip_directionbit0; int r_farclip_directionbit1; int r_farclip_directionbit2; // start a farclip measuring session void R_FarClip_Start(vec3_t origin, vec3_t direction, vec_t startfarclip) { VectorCopy(origin, r_farclip_origin); VectorCopy(direction, r_farclip_direction); r_farclip_directiondist = DotProduct(r_farclip_origin, r_farclip_direction); r_farclip_directionbit0 = r_farclip_direction[0] < 0; r_farclip_directionbit1 = r_farclip_direction[1] < 0; r_farclip_directionbit2 = r_farclip_direction[2] < 0; r_farclip_meshfarclip = r_farclip_directiondist + startfarclip; } // enlarge farclip to accomodate box void R_FarClip_Box(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { float d; d = (r_farclip_directionbit0 ? mins[0] : maxs[0]) * r_farclip_direction[0] + (r_farclip_directionbit1 ? mins[1] : maxs[1]) * r_farclip_direction[1] + (r_farclip_directionbit2 ? mins[2] : maxs[2]) * r_farclip_direction[2]; if (r_farclip_meshfarclip < d) r_farclip_meshfarclip = d; } // return farclip value float R_FarClip_Finish(void) { return r_farclip_meshfarclip - r_farclip_directiondist; } extern void R_Textures_Init(void); extern void Mod_RenderInit(void); extern void GL_Draw_Init(void); extern void GL_Main_Init(void); extern void R_Shadow_Init(void); extern void GL_Models_Init(void); extern void R_Sky_Init(void); extern void GL_Surf_Init(void); extern void R_Crosshairs_Init(void); extern void R_Light_Init(void); extern void R_Particles_Init(void); extern void R_Explosion_Init(void); extern void ui_init(void); extern void gl_backend_init(void); extern void Sbar_Init(void); void Render_Init(void) { R_Textures_Init(); Mod_RenderInit(); gl_backend_init(); R_MeshQueue_Init(); GL_Draw_Init(); GL_Main_Init(); R_Shadow_Init(); GL_Models_Init(); R_Sky_Init(); GL_Surf_Init(); R_Crosshairs_Init(); R_Light_Init(); R_Particles_Init(); R_Explosion_Init(); ui_init(); Sbar_Init(); } /* =============== GL_Init =============== */ extern char *ENGINE_EXTENSIONS; void GL_Init (void) { VID_CheckExtensions(); // LordHavoc: report supported extensions Con_Printf ("\nengine extensions: %s\n", ENGINE_EXTENSIONS); } int R_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int i; mplane_t *p; for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) { p = frustum + i; switch(p->signbits) { default: case 0: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 1: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 2: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 3: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 4: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 5: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 6: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 7: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; } } return false; } int PVS_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int stackpos, sides; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->pvsframe == cl.worldmodel->pvsframecount) return false; } else { sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(mins, maxs, node->plane); if (sides & 2 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (sides & 1 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } int VIS_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int stackpos, sides; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; if (R_CullBox(mins, maxs)) return true; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->visframe == r_framecount) return false; } else { sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(mins, maxs, node->plane); if (sides & 2 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (sides & 1 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } int R_CullSphere(const vec3_t origin, vec_t radius) { return (DotProduct(frustum[0].normal, origin) + radius < frustum[0].dist || DotProduct(frustum[1].normal, origin) + radius < frustum[1].dist || DotProduct(frustum[2].normal, origin) + radius < frustum[2].dist || DotProduct(frustum[3].normal, origin) + radius < frustum[3].dist); } int PVS_CullSphere(const vec3_t origin, vec_t radius) { int stackpos; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; float dist; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->pvsframe == cl.worldmodel->pvsframecount) return false; } else { dist = PlaneDiff(origin, node->plane); if (dist <= radius) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (dist >= -radius) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } int VIS_CullSphere(const vec3_t origin, vec_t radius) { int stackpos; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; float dist; if (R_CullSphere(origin, radius)) return true; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->visframe == r_framecount) return false; } else { dist = PlaneDiff(origin, node->plane); if (dist <= radius) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (dist >= -radius) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } //================================================================================== static void R_MarkEntities (void) { int i; entity_render_t *ent; ent = &cl_entities[0].render; Matrix4x4_CreateIdentity(&ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_CreateIdentity(&ent->inversematrix); if (cl.worldmodel) R_FarClip_Box(cl.worldmodel->normalmins, cl.worldmodel->normalmaxs); if (!r_drawentities.integer) return; for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; Mod_CheckLoaded(ent->model); // some of the renderer still relies on origin... Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, ent->origin); // some of the renderer still relies on scale... ent->scale = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&ent->matrix); R_LerpAnimation(ent); R_UpdateEntLights(ent); if ((chase_active.integer || !(ent->flags & RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL)) && !VIS_CullSphere(ent->origin, (ent->model != NULL ? ent->model->radius : 16) * ent->scale) && !VIS_CullBox(ent->mins, ent->maxs)) { ent->visframe = r_framecount; R_FarClip_Box(ent->mins, ent->maxs); } } } // only used if skyrendermasked, and normally returns false int R_DrawBrushModelsSky (void) { int i, sky; entity_render_t *ent; if (!r_drawentities.integer) return false; sky = false; for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent->visframe == r_framecount && ent->model && ent->model->DrawSky) { ent->model->DrawSky(ent); sky = true; } } return sky; } /* ============= R_DrawViewModel ============= */ /* void R_DrawViewModel (void) { entity_render_t *ent; // FIXME: move these checks to client if (!r_drawviewmodel.integer || chase_active.integer || envmap || !r_drawentities.integer || cl.items & IT_INVISIBILITY || cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 || !cl.viewent.render.model) return; ent = &cl.viewent.render; Mod_CheckLoaded(ent->model); R_LerpAnimation(ent); Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&ent->matrix, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2], -ent->angles[0], ent->angles[1], ent->angles[2], ent->scale); Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&ent->inversematrix, &ent->matrix); R_UpdateEntLights(ent); ent->model->Draw(ent); } */ void R_DrawNoModel(entity_render_t *ent); void R_DrawModels () { int i; entity_render_t *ent; if (!r_drawentities.integer) return; for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent->visframe == r_framecount) { if (ent->model && ent->model->Draw != NULL) ent->model->Draw(ent); else R_DrawNoModel(ent); } } } void R_DrawFakeShadows (void) { int i; entity_render_t *ent; ent = &cl_entities[0].render; if (ent->model && ent->model->DrawFakeShadow) ent->model->DrawFakeShadow(ent); if (!r_drawentities.integer) return; for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if ((ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) && ent->model && ent->model->DrawFakeShadow) ent->model->DrawFakeShadow(ent); } } #include "r_shadow.h" int shadowframecount = 0; int Light_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int stackpos, sides; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->worldnodeframe == shadowframecount) return false; } else { sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(mins, maxs, node->plane); if (sides & 2 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (sides & 1 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } int LightAndVis_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int stackpos, sides; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; if (R_CullBox(mins, maxs)) return true; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->visframe == r_framecount && ((mleaf_t *)node)->worldnodeframe == shadowframecount) return false; } else { sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(mins, maxs, node->plane); if (sides & 2 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (sides & 1 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } int LightAndVis_CullPointCloud(int numpoints, const float *points) { int i; const float *p; int stackpos, sides; mnode_t *node, *stack[4096]; //if (R_CullBox(mins, maxs)) // return true; if (cl.worldmodel == NULL) return false; stackpos = 0; stack[stackpos++] = cl.worldmodel->nodes; while (stackpos) { node = stack[--stackpos]; if (node->contents < 0) { if (((mleaf_t *)node)->visframe == r_framecount && ((mleaf_t *)node)->worldnodeframe == shadowframecount) return false; } else { sides = 0; for (i = 0, p = points;i < numpoints && sides != 3;i++, p += 3) { if (DotProduct(p, node->plane->normal) < node->plane->dist) sides |= 1; else sides |= 2; } if (sides & 2 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[1]; if (sides & 1 && stackpos < 4096) stack[stackpos++] = node->children[0]; } } return true; } void R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t lightorigin, float cullradius, float lightradius, vec3_t lightmins, vec3_t lightmaxs, vec3_t clipmins, vec3_t clipmaxs, int lightmarked) { vec3_t relativelightorigin; #if 0 int i; vec3_t temp; float dist, projectdistance; float points[16][3]; #endif // rough checks if (!(ent->flags & RENDER_SHADOW) || ent->model == NULL || ent->model->DrawShadowVolume == NULL) return; if (r_shadow_cull.integer) { if (ent->maxs[0] < lightmins[0] || ent->mins[0] > lightmaxs[0] || ent->maxs[1] < lightmins[1] || ent->mins[1] > lightmaxs[1] || ent->maxs[2] < lightmins[2] || ent->mins[2] > lightmaxs[2] || (lightmarked && Light_CullBox(ent->mins, ent->maxs))) return; } #if 0 if (r_shadow_cull.integer) { projectdistance = cullradius; // calculate projected bounding box and decide if it is on-screen for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { temp[0] = i & 1 ? ent->model->normalmaxs[0] : ent->model->normalmins[0]; temp[1] = i & 2 ? ent->model->normalmaxs[1] : ent->model->normalmins[1]; temp[2] = i & 4 ? ent->model->normalmaxs[2] : ent->model->normalmins[2]; Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->matrix, temp, points[i]); VectorSubtract(points[i], lightorigin, temp); dist = projectdistance / sqrt(DotProduct(temp, temp)); VectorMA(lightorigin, dist, temp, points[i+8]); } if (LightAndVis_CullPointCloud(16, points[0])) return; /* for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { p2[0] = i & 1 ? ent->model->normalmaxs[0] : ent->model->normalmins[0]; p2[1] = i & 2 ? ent->model->normalmaxs[1] : ent->model->normalmins[1]; p2[2] = i & 4 ? ent->model->normalmaxs[2] : ent->model->normalmins[2]; Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->matrix, p2, p); VectorSubtract(p, lightorigin, temp); dist = projectdistance / sqrt(DotProduct(temp, temp)); VectorMA(p, dist, temp, p2); if (i) { if (mins[0] > p[0]) mins[0] = p[0];if (maxs[0] < p[0]) maxs[0] = p[0]; if (mins[1] > p[1]) mins[1] = p[1];if (maxs[1] < p[1]) maxs[1] = p[1]; if (mins[2] > p[2]) mins[2] = p[2];if (maxs[2] < p[2]) maxs[2] = p[2]; } else { VectorCopy(p, mins); VectorCopy(p, maxs); } if (mins[0] > p2[0]) mins[0] = p2[0];if (maxs[0] < p2[0]) maxs[0] = p2[0]; if (mins[1] > p2[1]) mins[1] = p2[1];if (maxs[1] < p2[1]) maxs[1] = p2[1]; if (mins[2] > p2[2]) mins[2] = p2[2];if (maxs[2] < p2[2]) maxs[2] = p2[2]; } if (mins[0] >= clipmaxs[0] || maxs[0] <= clipmins[0] || mins[1] >= clipmaxs[1] || maxs[1] <= clipmins[1] || mins[2] >= clipmaxs[2] || maxs[2] <= clipmins[2] || LightAndVis_CullBox(mins, maxs)) return; */ } #endif Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, lightorigin, relativelightorigin); ent->model->DrawShadowVolume (ent, relativelightorigin, lightradius); } void R_Shadow_DrawWorldLightShadowVolume(matrix4x4_t *matrix, worldlight_t *light); extern void R_Model_Brush_DrawLightForSurfaceList(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, msurface_t **surflist, int numsurfaces, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltofilter, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz); void R_ShadowVolumeLighting (int visiblevolumes) { int i; entity_render_t *ent; int lnum; float f, lightradius, cullradius; vec3_t relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightcolor, clipmins, clipmaxs; worldlight_t *wl; rdlight_t *rd; rmeshstate_t m; mleaf_t *leaf; matrix4x4_t matrix; matrix4x4_t matrix_worldtofilter, matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, matrix_worldtoattenuationz; matrix4x4_t matrix_modeltofilter, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz; if (visiblevolumes) { memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.blendfunc1 = GL_ONE; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; if (r_shadow_visiblevolumes.integer >= 2) m.depthdisable = true; R_Mesh_State(&m); qglDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); GL_Color(0.0 * r_colorscale, 0.0125 * r_colorscale, 0.1 * r_colorscale, 1); } else R_Shadow_Stage_Begin(); shadowframecount++; if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer) { R_Shadow_LoadWorldLightsIfNeeded(); for (lnum = 0, wl = r_shadow_worldlightchain;wl;wl = wl->next, lnum++) { if (d_lightstylevalue[wl->style] <= 0) continue; if (R_CullBox(wl->mins, wl->maxs)) //if (R_CullSphere(wl->origin, cullradius)) continue; //if (R_CullBox(wl->mins, wl->maxs) || R_CullSphere(wl->origin, lightradius)) // continue; //if (VIS_CullBox(wl->mins, wl->maxs) || VIS_CullSphere(wl->origin, lightradius)) // continue; if (r_shadow_debuglight.integer >= 0 && lnum != r_shadow_debuglight.integer) continue; cullradius = wl->cullradius; lightradius = wl->lightradius; if (cl.worldmodel != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < wl->numleafs;i++) if (wl->leafs[i]->visframe == r_framecount) break; if (i == wl->numleafs) continue; leaf = wl->leafs[i++]; VectorCopy(leaf->mins, clipmins); VectorCopy(leaf->maxs, clipmaxs); for (;i < wl->numleafs;i++) { leaf = wl->leafs[i]; if (leaf->visframe == r_framecount) { if (clipmins[0] > leaf->mins[0]) clipmins[0] = leaf->mins[0]; if (clipmaxs[0] < leaf->maxs[0]) clipmaxs[0] = leaf->maxs[0]; if (clipmins[1] > leaf->mins[1]) clipmins[1] = leaf->mins[1]; if (clipmaxs[1] < leaf->maxs[1]) clipmaxs[1] = leaf->maxs[1]; if (clipmins[2] > leaf->mins[2]) clipmins[2] = leaf->mins[2]; if (clipmaxs[2] < leaf->maxs[2]) clipmaxs[2] = leaf->maxs[2]; } } if (clipmins[0] < wl->mins[0]) clipmins[0] = wl->mins[0]; if (clipmaxs[0] > wl->maxs[0]) clipmaxs[0] = wl->maxs[0]; if (clipmins[1] < wl->mins[1]) clipmins[1] = wl->mins[1]; if (clipmaxs[1] > wl->maxs[1]) clipmaxs[1] = wl->maxs[1]; if (clipmins[2] < wl->mins[2]) clipmins[2] = wl->mins[2]; if (clipmaxs[2] > wl->maxs[2]) clipmaxs[2] = wl->maxs[2]; } else { VectorCopy(wl->mins, clipmins); VectorCopy(wl->maxs, clipmaxs); } //if (R_Shadow_ScissorForBBoxAndSphere(clipmins, clipmaxs, wl->origin, wl->cullradius)) if (R_CullBox(clipmins, clipmaxs) || R_Shadow_ScissorForBBox(clipmins, clipmaxs)) continue; // mark the leafs we care about so only things in those leafs will matter if (cl.worldmodel != NULL) for (i = 0;i < wl->numleafs;i++) wl->leafs[i]->worldnodeframe = shadowframecount; f = d_lightstylevalue[wl->style] * (1.0f / 256.0f); VectorScale(wl->light, f, lightcolor); if (wl->selected) { f = 2 + sin(realtime * M_PI * 4.0); VectorScale(lightcolor, f, lightcolor); } if (wl->castshadows && (gl_stencil || visiblevolumes)) { if (!visiblevolumes) R_Shadow_Stage_ShadowVolumes(); ent = &cl_entities[0].render; if (wl->shadowvolume && r_shadow_staticworldlights.integer) R_Shadow_DrawWorldLightShadowVolume(&ent->matrix, wl); else R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(ent, wl->origin, cullradius, lightradius, wl->mins, wl->maxs, clipmins, clipmaxs, true); if (r_drawentities.integer) for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(r_refdef.entities[i], wl->origin, cullradius, lightradius, wl->mins, wl->maxs, clipmins, clipmaxs, true); } if (!visiblevolumes) { if (wl->castshadows && gl_stencil) R_Shadow_Stage_LightWithShadows(); else R_Shadow_Stage_LightWithoutShadows(); // calculate world to filter matrix Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, wl->origin[0], wl->origin[1], wl->origin[2], wl->angles[0], wl->angles[1], wl->angles[2], lightradius); Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&matrix_worldtofilter, &matrix); // calculate world to attenuationxyz/xy matrix Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &matrix, &matrix_worldtofilter); // calculate world to attenuationz matrix matrix.m[0][0] = 0;matrix.m[0][1] = 0;matrix.m[0][2] = 0.5;matrix.m[0][3] = 0.5; matrix.m[1][0] = 0;matrix.m[1][1] = 0;matrix.m[1][2] = 0 ;matrix.m[1][3] = 0.5; matrix.m[2][0] = 0;matrix.m[2][1] = 0;matrix.m[2][2] = 0 ;matrix.m[2][3] = 0.5; matrix.m[3][0] = 0;matrix.m[3][1] = 0;matrix.m[3][2] = 0 ;matrix.m[3][3] = 1; Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &matrix, &matrix_worldtofilter); ent = &cl_entities[0].render; if (ent->model && ent->model->DrawLight) { Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, wl->origin, relativelightorigin); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_origin, relativeeyeorigin); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_worldtofilter, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &ent->matrix); if (wl->numsurfaces) R_Model_Brush_DrawLightForSurfaceList(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius, lightcolor, wl->surfaces, wl->numsurfaces, &matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz); else ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius / ent->scale, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz); } if (r_drawentities.integer) { for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent->visframe == r_framecount && ent->model && ent->model->DrawLight && BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, clipmins, clipmaxs) && !(ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) && ent->alpha == 1) { Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, wl->origin, relativelightorigin); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_origin, relativeeyeorigin); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_worldtofilter, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &ent->matrix); ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius / ent->scale, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz); } } } } } } if (r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer) { for (lnum = 0, rd = r_dlight;lnum < r_numdlights;lnum++, rd++) { lightradius = rd->cullradius; clipmins[0] = rd->origin[0] - lightradius; clipmins[1] = rd->origin[1] - lightradius; clipmins[2] = rd->origin[2] - lightradius; clipmaxs[0] = rd->origin[0] + lightradius; clipmaxs[1] = rd->origin[1] + lightradius; clipmaxs[2] = rd->origin[2] + lightradius; if (VIS_CullBox(clipmins, clipmaxs) || R_Shadow_ScissorForBBox(clipmins, clipmaxs)) continue; cullradius = RadiusFromBoundsAndOrigin(clipmins, clipmaxs, rd->origin); VectorScale(rd->light, (1.0f / 4096.0f), lightcolor); if (gl_stencil || visiblevolumes) { if (!visiblevolumes) R_Shadow_Stage_ShadowVolumes(); ent = &cl_entities[0].render; R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(ent, rd->origin, cullradius, lightradius, clipmins, clipmaxs, clipmins, clipmaxs, false); if (r_drawentities.integer) { for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent != rd->ent) R_TestAndDrawShadowVolume(ent, rd->origin, cullradius, lightradius, clipmins, clipmaxs, clipmins, clipmaxs, false); } } } if (!visiblevolumes) { if (gl_stencil) R_Shadow_Stage_LightWithShadows(); else R_Shadow_Stage_LightWithoutShadows(); // calculate world to filter matrix Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, rd->origin[0], rd->origin[1], rd->origin[2], 0, 0, 0, lightradius); Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&matrix_worldtofilter, &matrix); // calculate world to attenuationxyz/xy matrix Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &matrix, &matrix_worldtofilter); // calculate world to attenuationz matrix matrix.m[0][0] = 0;matrix.m[0][1] = 0;matrix.m[0][2] = 0.5;matrix.m[0][3] = 0.5; matrix.m[1][0] = 0;matrix.m[1][1] = 0;matrix.m[1][2] = 0 ;matrix.m[1][3] = 0.5; matrix.m[2][0] = 0;matrix.m[2][1] = 0;matrix.m[2][2] = 0 ;matrix.m[2][3] = 0.5; matrix.m[3][0] = 0;matrix.m[3][1] = 0;matrix.m[3][2] = 0 ;matrix.m[3][3] = 1; Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &matrix, &matrix_worldtofilter); ent = &cl_entities[0].render; if (ent->model && ent->model->DrawLight) { Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rd->origin, relativelightorigin); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_origin, relativeeyeorigin); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_worldtofilter, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &ent->matrix); ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius / ent->scale, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz); } if (r_drawentities.integer) { for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent->visframe == r_framecount && ent->model && ent->model->DrawLight && BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, clipmins, clipmaxs) && !(ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) && ent->alpha == 1) { Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rd->origin, relativelightorigin); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_origin, relativeeyeorigin); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_worldtofilter, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationxyz, &ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Concat(&matrix_modeltoattenuationz, &matrix_worldtoattenuationz, &ent->matrix); ent->model->DrawLight(ent, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius / ent->scale, lightcolor, &matrix_modeltofilter, &matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, &matrix_modeltoattenuationz); } } } } } } if (!visiblevolumes) R_Shadow_Stage_End(); qglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); qglDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } static void R_SetFrustum (void) { // LordHavoc: note to all quake engine coders, the special case for 90 // degrees assumed a square view (wrong), so I removed it, Quake2 has it // disabled as well. // rotate VPN right by FOV_X/2 degrees RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[0].normal, vup, vpn, -(90-r_refdef.fov_x / 2 ) ); frustum[0].dist = DotProduct (r_origin, frustum[0].normal); PlaneClassify(&frustum[0]); // rotate VPN left by FOV_X/2 degrees RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[1].normal, vup, vpn, 90-r_refdef.fov_x / 2 ); frustum[1].dist = DotProduct (r_origin, frustum[1].normal); PlaneClassify(&frustum[1]); // rotate VPN up by FOV_X/2 degrees RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[2].normal, vright, vpn, 90-r_refdef.fov_y / 2 ); frustum[2].dist = DotProduct (r_origin, frustum[2].normal); PlaneClassify(&frustum[2]); // rotate VPN down by FOV_X/2 degrees RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[3].normal, vright, vpn, -( 90 - r_refdef.fov_y / 2 ) ); frustum[3].dist = DotProduct (r_origin, frustum[3].normal); PlaneClassify(&frustum[3]); } /* =============== R_SetupFrame =============== */ static void R_SetupFrame (void) { // don't allow cheats in multiplayer if (cl.maxclients > 1) { if (r_fullbright.integer != 0) Cvar_Set ("r_fullbright", "0"); if (r_ambient.value != 0) Cvar_Set ("r_ambient", "0"); } r_framecount++; // build the transformation matrix for the given view angles VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin); AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup); R_AnimateLight (); } static void R_BlendView(void) { rmeshstate_t m; float r; if (r_refdef.viewblend[3] < 0.01f) return; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; m.depthdisable = true; // magic R_Mesh_Matrix(&r_identitymatrix); R_Mesh_State(&m); R_Mesh_GetSpace(3); r = 64000; varray_vertex3f[0] = r_origin[0] + vpn[0] * 1.5 - vright[0] * r - vup[0] * r; varray_vertex3f[1] = r_origin[1] + vpn[1] * 1.5 - vright[1] * r - vup[1] * r; varray_vertex3f[2] = r_origin[2] + vpn[2] * 1.5 - vright[2] * r - vup[2] * r; varray_vertex3f[3] = r_origin[0] + vpn[0] * 1.5 - vright[0] * r + vup[0] * r * 3; varray_vertex3f[4] = r_origin[1] + vpn[1] * 1.5 - vright[1] * r + vup[1] * r * 3; varray_vertex3f[5] = r_origin[2] + vpn[2] * 1.5 - vright[2] * r + vup[2] * r * 3; varray_vertex3f[6] = r_origin[0] + vpn[0] * 1.5 + vright[0] * r * 3 - vup[0] * r; varray_vertex3f[7] = r_origin[1] + vpn[1] * 1.5 + vright[1] * r * 3 - vup[1] * r; varray_vertex3f[8] = r_origin[2] + vpn[2] * 1.5 + vright[2] * r * 3 - vup[2] * r; GL_Color(r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]); R_Mesh_Draw(3, 1, polygonelements); } /* ================ R_RenderView r_refdef must be set before the first call ================ */ extern void R_DrawLightningBeams (void); void R_RenderView (void) { entity_render_t *world; if (!r_refdef.entities/* || !cl.worldmodel*/) return; //Host_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel"); if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer) { if (!gl_stencil) { Con_Printf("Stencil not enabled, turning off r_shadow_realtime_world, please type vid_stencil 1;vid_bitsperpixel 32;vid_restart and try again\n"); Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_shadow_realtime_world, 0); } } world = &cl_entities[0].render; // FIXME: move to client R_MoveExplosions(); R_TimeReport("mexplosion"); R_Textures_Frame(); R_SetupFrame(); R_SetFrustum(); R_SetupFog(); R_SkyStartFrame(); R_BuildLightList(); R_TimeReport("setup"); R_WorldVisibility(world); R_TimeReport("worldvis"); R_FarClip_Start(r_origin, vpn, 768.0f); R_MarkEntities(); r_farclip = R_FarClip_Finish() + 256.0f; R_TimeReport("markentity"); GL_SetupView_ViewPort(r_refdef.x, r_refdef.y, r_refdef.width, r_refdef.height); if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer || gl_stencil) GL_SetupView_Mode_PerspectiveInfiniteFarClip(r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y, 1.0f); else GL_SetupView_Mode_Perspective(r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.fov_y, 1.0f, r_farclip); GL_SetupView_Orientation_FromEntity (r_refdef.vieworg, r_refdef.viewangles); qglDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); R_Mesh_Start(); R_MeshQueue_BeginScene(); R_Shadow_UpdateWorldLightSelection(); if (R_DrawBrushModelsSky()) R_TimeReport("bmodelsky"); // must occur early because it can draw sky R_DrawWorld(world); R_TimeReport("world"); // don't let sound skip if going slow if (!intimerefresh && !r_speeds.integer) S_ExtraUpdate (); R_DrawModels(r_shadow_realtime_world.integer); R_TimeReport("models"); if (r_shadows.integer == 1 && !r_shadow_realtime_world.integer) { R_DrawFakeShadows(); R_TimeReport("fakeshadow"); } if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer || r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer) { R_ShadowVolumeLighting(false); R_TimeReport("dynlight"); } R_DrawLightningBeams(); R_TimeReport("lightning"); R_DrawParticles(); R_TimeReport("particles"); R_DrawExplosions(); R_TimeReport("explosions"); R_MeshQueue_RenderTransparent(); R_TimeReport("drawtrans"); R_DrawCoronas(); R_TimeReport("coronas"); R_DrawWorldCrosshair(); R_TimeReport("crosshair"); R_BlendView(); R_TimeReport("blendview"); R_MeshQueue_Render(); R_MeshQueue_EndScene(); if (r_shadow_visiblevolumes.integer) { R_ShadowVolumeLighting(true); R_TimeReport("shadowvolume"); } R_Mesh_Finish(); R_TimeReport("meshfinish"); } /* void R_DrawBBoxMesh(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca) { int i; float *v, *c, f1, f2, diff[3]; rmeshstate_t m; m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; R_Mesh_Matrix(&r_identitymatrix); R_Mesh_State(&m); R_Mesh_GetSpace(8); varray_vertex[ 0] = mins[0];varray_vertex[ 1] = mins[1];varray_vertex[ 2] = mins[2]; varray_vertex[ 4] = maxs[0];varray_vertex[ 5] = mins[1];varray_vertex[ 6] = mins[2]; varray_vertex[ 8] = mins[0];varray_vertex[ 9] = maxs[1];varray_vertex[10] = mins[2]; varray_vertex[12] = maxs[0];varray_vertex[13] = maxs[1];varray_vertex[14] = mins[2]; varray_vertex[16] = mins[0];varray_vertex[17] = mins[1];varray_vertex[18] = maxs[2]; varray_vertex[20] = maxs[0];varray_vertex[21] = mins[1];varray_vertex[22] = maxs[2]; varray_vertex[24] = mins[0];varray_vertex[25] = maxs[1];varray_vertex[26] = maxs[2]; varray_vertex[28] = maxs[0];varray_vertex[29] = maxs[1];varray_vertex[30] = maxs[2]; R_FillColors(varray_color, 8, cr * r_colorscale, cg * r_colorscale, cb * r_colorscale, ca); if (fogenabled) { for (i = 0, v = varray_vertex, c = varray_color;i < 8;i++, v += 4, c += 4) { VectorSubtract(v, r_origin, diff); f2 = exp(fogdensity/DotProduct(diff, diff)); f1 = 1 - f2; f2 *= r_colorscale; c[0] = c[0] * f1 + fogcolor[0] * f2; c[1] = c[1] * f1 + fogcolor[1] * f2; c[2] = c[2] * f1 + fogcolor[2] * f2; } } GL_UseColorArray(); R_Mesh_Draw(8, 12); } */ int nomodelelements[24] = { 5, 2, 0, 5, 1, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 3, 1, 0, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3, 0, 4, 1, 3, 4 }; void R_DrawNoModelCallback(const void *calldata1, int calldata2) { const entity_render_t *ent = calldata1; int i; float f1, f2, *c, diff[3]; rmeshstate_t m; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); if (ent->flags & EF_ADDITIVE) { m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; } else if (ent->alpha < 1) { m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } else { m.blendfunc1 = GL_ONE; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ZERO; } R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_UseColorArray(); R_Mesh_GetSpace(6); varray_vertex3f[ 0] = -16;varray_vertex3f[ 1] = 0;varray_vertex3f[ 2] = 0; varray_vertex3f[ 3] = 16;varray_vertex3f[ 4] = 0;varray_vertex3f[ 5] = 0; varray_vertex3f[ 6] = 0;varray_vertex3f[ 7] = -16;varray_vertex3f[ 8] = 0; varray_vertex3f[ 9] = 0;varray_vertex3f[10] = 16;varray_vertex3f[11] = 0; varray_vertex3f[12] = 0;varray_vertex3f[13] = 0;varray_vertex3f[14] = -16; varray_vertex3f[15] = 0;varray_vertex3f[16] = 0;varray_vertex3f[17] = 16; varray_color4f[ 0] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 1] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 2] = 0.50f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 3] = ent->alpha; varray_color4f[ 4] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 5] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 6] = 0.50f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 7] = ent->alpha; varray_color4f[ 8] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[ 9] = 0.50f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[10] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[11] = ent->alpha; varray_color4f[12] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[13] = 0.50f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[14] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[15] = ent->alpha; varray_color4f[16] = 0.50f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[17] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[18] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[19] = ent->alpha; varray_color4f[20] = 0.50f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[21] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[22] = 0.00f * r_colorscale;varray_color4f[23] = ent->alpha; if (fogenabled) { VectorSubtract(ent->origin, r_origin, diff); f2 = exp(fogdensity/DotProduct(diff, diff)); f1 = 1 - f2; for (i = 0, c = varray_color4f;i < 6;i++, c += 4) { c[0] = (c[0] * f1 + fogcolor[0] * f2) * r_colorscale; c[1] = (c[1] * f1 + fogcolor[1] * f2) * r_colorscale; c[2] = (c[2] * f1 + fogcolor[2] * f2) * r_colorscale; } } else { for (i = 0, c = varray_color4f;i < 6;i++, c += 4) { c[0] *= r_colorscale; c[1] *= r_colorscale; c[2] *= r_colorscale; } } R_Mesh_Draw(6, 8, nomodelelements); } void R_DrawNoModel(entity_render_t *ent) { //if ((ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) || (ent->alpha < 1)) R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(ent->origin, R_DrawNoModelCallback, ent, 0); //else // R_DrawNoModelCallback(ent, 0); } void R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f (float *vert, const vec3_t org1, const vec3_t org2, float width) { vec3_t right1, right2, diff, normal; VectorSubtract (org2, org1, normal); VectorNormalizeFast (normal); // calculate 'right' vector for start VectorSubtract (r_origin, org1, diff); VectorNormalizeFast (diff); CrossProduct (normal, diff, right1); // calculate 'right' vector for end VectorSubtract (r_origin, org2, diff); VectorNormalizeFast (diff); CrossProduct (normal, diff, right2); vert[ 0] = org1[0] + width * right1[0]; vert[ 1] = org1[1] + width * right1[1]; vert[ 2] = org1[2] + width * right1[2]; vert[ 3] = org1[0] - width * right1[0]; vert[ 4] = org1[1] - width * right1[1]; vert[ 5] = org1[2] - width * right1[2]; vert[ 6] = org2[0] - width * right2[0]; vert[ 7] = org2[1] - width * right2[1]; vert[ 8] = org2[2] - width * right2[2]; vert[ 9] = org2[0] + width * right2[0]; vert[10] = org2[1] + width * right2[1]; vert[11] = org2[2] + width * right2[2]; } void R_DrawSpriteMesh(const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t left, const vec3_t up, float scalex1, float scalex2, float scaley1, float scaley2) { R_Mesh_GetSpace(4); varray_texcoord2f[0][0] = 0;varray_texcoord2f[0][1] = 1; varray_texcoord2f[0][2] = 0;varray_texcoord2f[0][3] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[0][4] = 1;varray_texcoord2f[0][5] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[0][6] = 1;varray_texcoord2f[0][7] = 1; varray_vertex3f[ 0] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex2 + up[0] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[ 1] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex2 + up[1] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[ 2] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex2 + up[2] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[ 3] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex2 + up[0] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 4] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex2 + up[1] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 5] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex2 + up[2] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 6] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex1 + up[0] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 7] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex1 + up[1] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 8] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex1 + up[2] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 9] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex1 + up[0] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[10] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex1 + up[1] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[11] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex1 + up[2] * scaley1; R_Mesh_Draw(4, 2, polygonelements); }