- 1.0: Create documentation - 0.9: Before releasing 1.0, disable all extra important features (eg: healthsize) and test without them, to make sure there are no errors. - ?: When LordHavoc implements custom bounding box sizes, make healthsize changing bounding box scale as well - +0.8: Bots must learn to use the Grabber gun. The weapon code of havocbot is still there, but doesn't know how to shoot the Grabber - +0.8: ONS bot AI: Teach bots to use grabber alt fire to damage control points and generators when near them. - +0.8: Teach bots to run away from large players they see around them - 0.8: Don't allow throwing weapons for infinite ammo with Weapon Stay - +0.8: Add a prey / predator stats in accuracy - +0.8: Make Grabber icon on HUD be red yellow or green based on accuracy - +0.8: Use new grabber model, I likely know which - 0.8: Do something with killing spree messages, to make them more obvious and possibly rename them - 0.8: Make a real NPC entity, instead of using misc_gamemodel with triggers - +0.8: Allow players to eat predators (stack) up to a cvared amount - +0.8: Eventually, instead of a swallow model, give the vixen model a real interior and somehow keyframe the camera on model tags to follow it - 0.8: Make it possible to look around freely in the swallow model - 0.8: Part of the above ideas: Combine the swallow model and stomach model - 0.8 | 0.9: Improve most dialogues in tutorial map again - +0.8: Add a feature to the HUD to show your air level when underwater - 0.8: Make a new area in the Vore Temple map, I know where and how - 0.8 BUG: There is still an issue with the weapon model attempting to be attached to the stomach model, fix it - +0.8: Port some player models from Xonotic when they are properly done - +0.8: Arrange data in pk3dir's - 0.8 BUG: Respawn ghosts don't fade SMOOTHLY - 0.8: Add support for save and load. What I need to do really, is regurgitate and clear all eaten players on savegame load - 0.8: Make a balancing settings menu - 0.8 | 0.9: Sort the credits better, before 1.0 - 0.8: Vore roles mutator, or gametype - 0.8: New player color symbols for scoreboard? Also new ones for armor / health / fuel - 0.8: Make new bots in bots.txt, using characters with names? - 0.8: Add new artwork to various maps. Ask artists for more if they're willing to GPL - 0.8: Port that "into the vixen" map in some form - 0.8: Add some saliva to the regurgitate particle effects (both constant and one-time effects) - 0.8: Remake helper voices - 0.8: Loading screens with messages - +0.8: Refraction effect for damage when you have armor (using a model) - 0.8: Lower glow color on weapon when shooting and reloading? - 0.8 | 0.9 BUG: Fix remaining divisions by zero, look for backtrace in the console - 0.8: Change g_vore_reversescoring to support pred, pred & prey, and prey only scoring (might work with my vore roles idea) - 0.8: bot_nomove cvar, and add it in Xonotic too - +0.8: Add info about consumable items to tutorial map - +0.8: Add icons to indicate live prey + dead prey + items - 0.8: Make sure the new blood leaves stains - 0.8: Add cubemap reflections for eX and trak5 - 0.8: Maybe find better footstep sounds? - 0.8 BUG: Gibbed dead bodies seem to keep throwing gibs infinitely sometimes. - 0.8: Allow player colors in chat portraits. - 0.8: Show portraits for all taunts types, but without spamming them unnecessarily. - +0.8: Fix flying spectators not going through teleporters and warpzones. Very hard, since they're FLY_WORLDONLY and can't touch triggers - 0.8: HUD icon when stunned. - 0.8: Better portrait images. - 0.8 BUG: Swallow model gets bumped outside of the view at times. This is likely due to the change to offset the original weapon viewmodel. - 0.8: Port all other maps I had in mind from Nexuiz. - +0.8: Some sort of bullet time feature in single player, by setting the slowmo cvar - 0.8: Don't apply weight in vore.qc, since it's not a more general component - 0.8 BUG: Stomach load appeared 101 while my health was 100 - 0.8: Give weapons a weight, which affects the player based on size? - 0.8: How do teamed items work? - 0.8: Does item alpha break any game modes, now that slow swallowing items are implemented? - 0.8: Why does the consumable cvar of each health item duplicate the health value? Shouldn't it be 0 or 1? - 0.8: Test items without g_vore - 0.8: Should items always be swallowed by standing over them only? - 0.8: Don't allow macros in the tutorial map (use health rot), since their weight makes it impossible to pass some parts - 0.8: Make some g_healthsize cvars g_balance_healthsize, and move them to balanceVT.cfg - 0.8: Make player fatness depend on frags, using a trick I heard about with shaders - 0.8: The stomach gurgle sound duration does not match the pitch properly - 0.8: Make menu song depend on the menu skin? - 0.8: Distributed digestion: Also account the health of each item / player when distributing, not only the count - 0.8 BUG: When you get stomach kicked, weapon reloading resets. Is this a bug, or does it actually work better? - 0.8: Move source branch to mediasource like Xonotic - 0.8 BUG: Bots can still select no weapon when they have the grabber - 0.8: Maybe allow damage gained from digestion to go up to 250, as well as team healing - +0.8: Maybe turn health items into creatures that run around? - 0.8: Maybe give a swallow progress to items as well, but by standing on them - 0.8: Swallow animation when eating items (goes together with the above feature) - 0.8: Add an ambient idlescale for the view? If so, base it on damage amount too - 0.8: Make normal slime and lava like the slime on gasolinepowered (reflection + refraction)? - 0.8: Water on Arahia is too bright - +0.8: Create a recommended bot number for maps in mapinfo - 0.8: Maybe turn the HEAL teammate into a sign, not part of shownames - 0.8: Turn the Grabber into an organic weapon, but keep metal parts like the fuel cases and weapon display - 0.8: Colormod gibs when regurgitating them, although they are client side and the color cvars are server - 0.8: Scoreboard doesn't show when HUD is disabled (sbar_hudselector is 0) - 0.8: Weapons menu: Center setting for the gun? - 0.8: Maybe make self a different color on the radar (possibly just change brightness) - !: Arrange this TODO better in order of importance and target version - 0.8: Allow somewhat moving in the belly with the arrow keys - 0.8: Allow free camera rotation in the belly (no pitch bounds) - 0.8: Bot AI: Stop moving if someone is trying to teamheal us (if we can detact who's swallowing) - 0.8: Fonic helper for speed: Account healthsize in danger detection - 0.8: Players cry for help when being swallowed by a team mate, not good (and predators might taunt when doing that) - +0.8: In Race and RaceCTS, having a big belly should give you some boost or bonus - 0.8: Why am I not seeing frags and death in the scoreboard in Team Deathmatch? - 0.8: If we eat a team mate, then a consumable item, then the tea mate gets out, autodigest won't start digesting the consumable item - 0.8: Add warmup stage to the menu - 0.8: Make male foxes, even by using the same model but with new voices - 0.8: When darkplaces will have ODE by default, make dropped items physical, as well as gibs and casings, but cvar the usage of these both client and server side - 0.8: Campaign - Use Bloodprison and BloodprisonCTF instead of Basement? - 0.8 BUG (reported): The biggest bug that I've noticed so far would be the fact that there's a horrible lag in the single-player campaign starting at level 4 (Gas Station). The maps themselves work fine when running through Instant Action, so it must have to do with something unique to the campaign mode itself - quite possible the Story dialogue that loops across the top of the screen. I don't know the cause, but it certainly needs to be fixed.