float mv_num_maps; float mv_active; string mv_maps[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; string mv_pics[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; string mv_pk3[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; float mv_preview[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; float mv_votes[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; entity mv_pk3list; float mv_abstain; float mv_ownvote; float mv_detail; float mv_timeout; float mv_maps_mask; vector mv_mousepos; float mv_selection; string MapVote_FormatMapItem(float id, string map, float count, float maxwidth, vector fontsize) { string pre, post; pre = strcat(ftos(id+1), ". "); if(mv_detail) { if(count == 1) post = strcat(" (1 vote)"); else post = strcat(" (", ftos(count), " votes)"); } else post = ""; maxwidth -= stringwidth(pre, FALSE, fontsize) + stringwidth(post, FALSE, fontsize); map = textShortenToWidth(map, maxwidth, fontsize, stringwidth_nocolors); return strcat(pre, map, post); } vector MapVote_RGB(float id) { if(id == mv_ownvote) return '0 1 0'; else if (id == mv_selection) return '1 1 0'; else return '1 1 1'; } void MapVote_DrawMapItem(vector pos, float isize, float tsize, string map, string pic, float count, float id) { vector img_size; vector rgb; string label; float text_size; isize -= sbar_fontsize_y; // respect the text when calculating the image size rgb = MapVote_RGB(id); img_size_y = isize; img_size_x = isize / 0.75; // 4:3 x can be stretched easily, height is defined in isize drawfont = sbar_font; pos_y = pos_y + img_size_y; label = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, map, count, tsize, sbar_fontsize); text_size = stringwidth(label, false, sbar_fontsize); pos_x -= text_size*0.5; drawstring(pos, label, sbar_fontsize, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_x = pos_x + text_size*0.5 - img_size_x*0.5; pos_y = pos_y - img_size_y; pos += sbar_border_thickness * '1 1 0'; img_size -= (sbar_border_thickness * 2) * '1 1 0'; if(pic == "") { if(precache_pic(pic) == "") drawpic(pos, draw_UseSkinFor("nopreview_player"), img_size, '1 1 1', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(pos, pic, img_size, '1 1 1', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(pos, pic, img_size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } drawstring(pos + '2 0 0', ftos(id+1), (img_size_y / 5) * '1 1 0', '1 1 1', 0.6, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(id == mv_ownvote || pic == "") { drawborderlines(sbar_border_thickness, pos, img_size, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + '2 0 0', ftos(id+1), (img_size_y / 5) * '1 1 0', rgb, 0.6, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawborderlines(sbar_border_thickness, pos, img_size, '0 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + '2 0 0', ftos(id+1), (img_size_y / 5) * '1 1 0', '1 1 1', 0.6, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } void MapVote_DrawAbstain(vector pos, float isize, float tsize, float count, float id) { vector rgb; float text_size; string label; rgb = MapVote_RGB(id); drawfont = sbar_font; pos_y = pos_y + sbar_fontsize_y; label = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, "Don't care", count, tsize, sbar_fontsize); text_size = stringwidth(label, false, sbar_fontsize); pos_x -= text_size*0.5; drawstring(pos, label, sbar_fontsize, rgb, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } vector MapVote_GridVec(vector gridspec, float i, float m) { float r; r = mod(i, m); return '1 0 0' * (gridspec_x * r) + '0 1 0' * (gridspec_y * (i - r) / m); } float MapVote_Selection(vector topleft, vector cellsize, float rows, float columns) { float cell; float c, r; cell = -1; for (r = 0; r < rows; ++r) for (c = 0; c < columns; ++c) { if (mv_mousepos_x >= topleft_x + cellsize_x * c && mv_mousepos_x <= topleft_x + cellsize_x * (c + 1) && mv_mousepos_y >= topleft_y + cellsize_y * r && mv_mousepos_y <= topleft_y + cellsize_y * (r + 1)) { cell = r * columns + c; break; } } if (cell >= mv_num_maps) cell = -1; if (mv_abstain && cell < 0) return mv_num_maps; return cell; } void MapVote_Draw() { string map; float i, tmp; vector pos; float isize; float center; float columns, rows; float tsize; vector dist; if(!mv_active) return; mv_mousepos = mv_mousepos + getmousepos(); mv_mousepos_x = bound(0, mv_mousepos_x, vid_conwidth); mv_mousepos_y = bound(0, mv_mousepos_y, vid_conheight); center = (vid_conwidth - 1)/2; xmin = vid_conwidth*0.05; // 5% border must suffice xmax = vid_conwidth - xmin; ymin = 20; i = cvar("con_chatpos"); //*cvar("con_chatsize"); if(i < 0) ymax = vid_conheight + (i - cvar("con_chat")) * cvar("con_chatsize"); if(i >= 0 || ymax < (vid_conheight*0.5)) ymax = vid_conheight - ymin; drawfont = sbar_bigfont; sbar_fontsize = Sbar_GetFontsize("sbar_fontsize"); pos_y = ymin; pos_z = 0; //pos_x = center - stringwidth("Vote for a map", false) * 0.5 * 24; pos_x = center - stringwidth("Vote for a map", false, '12 0 0'); drawstring(pos, "Vote for a map", '24 24 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_y += 26; i = ceil(max(0, mv_timeout - time)); map = strcat(ftos(i), " seconds left"); //pos_x = center - stringwidth(map, false) * 0.5 * 16; pos_x = center - stringwidth(map, false, '8 0 0'); drawstring(pos, map, '16 16 0', '0 1 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos_y += 22; pos_x = xmin; drawfont = sbar_font; // base for multi-column stuff... ymin = pos_y; if(mv_abstain) mv_num_maps -= 1; if(mv_num_maps > 3) { columns = 3; } else { columns = mv_num_maps; } rows = ceil(mv_num_maps / columns); dist_x = (xmax - xmin) / columns; dist_y = (ymax - pos_y) / rows; tsize = dist_x - 10; isize = min(dist_y - 10, 0.75 * tsize); mv_selection = MapVote_Selection(pos, dist, rows, columns); pos_x += (xmax - xmin) / (2 * columns); pos_y += (dist_y - isize) / 2; ymax -= isize; for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i) { tmp = mv_votes[i]; // FTEQCC bug: too many array accesses in the function call screw it up if(tmp < 0) continue; map = mv_maps[i]; if(mv_preview[i]) MapVote_DrawMapItem(pos + MapVote_GridVec(dist, i, columns), isize, tsize, map, mv_pics[i], tmp, i); else MapVote_DrawMapItem(pos + MapVote_GridVec(dist, i, columns), isize, tsize, map, "", tmp, i); } if(mv_abstain) ++mv_num_maps; if(mv_abstain && i < mv_num_maps) { tmp = mv_votes[i]; pos_y = ymax + isize - sbar_fontsize_y; pos_x = (xmax+xmin)*0.5; MapVote_DrawAbstain(pos, isize, xmax - xmin, tmp, i); } drawpic(mv_mousepos, strcat("gfx/menu/", cvar_string("menu_skin"), "/cursor.tga"), '32 32 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } void Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(float argc) { float id; entity pak; if(argc != 2 || !mv_pk3list) { print("mv_mapdownload: ^3You're not supposed to use this command on your own!\n"); return; } id = stof(argv(1)); for(pak = mv_pk3list; pak; pak = pak.chain) if(pak.sv_entnum == id) break; if(!pak || pak.sv_entnum != id) { print("^1Error:^7 Couldn't find pak index.\n"); return; } //print(strcat("^3Adding: ", ftos(id), " - ", pak.message, " - ")); if(PreviewExists(pak.message)) { mv_preview[id] = true; //print("^2Found...\n"); return; } else { print("Requesting preview...\n"); localcmd(strcat("\ncmd mv_getpic ", ftos(id), "\n")); } } void MapVote_CheckPK3(string pic, string pk3, float id) { entity pak; pak = spawn(); pak.netname = pk3; pak.message = pic; pak.sv_entnum = id; pak.chain = mv_pk3list; mv_pk3list = pak; if(pk3 != "") { localcmd(strcat("\ncurl --pak ", pk3, "; wait; cl_cmd mv_download ", ftos(id), "\n")); } else { Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(tokenize_console(strcat("mv_download ", ftos(id)))); } } void MapVote_CheckPic(string pic, string pk3, float id) { // never try to retrieve a pic for the "don't care" 'map' if(mv_abstain && id == mv_num_maps - 1) return; if(PreviewExists(pic)) { mv_preview[id] = true; return; } MapVote_CheckPK3(pic, pk3, id); } #define NUM_SSDIRS 4 string ssdirs[NUM_SSDIRS]; float n_ssdirs; void MapVote_Init() { float i, j, power; string map, pk3, s; precache_sound ("misc/invshot.wav"); registercmd("+showscores"); registercmd("-showscores"); mv_active = 1; mv_mousepos = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight; mv_selection = -1; for(n_ssdirs = 0; ; ++n_ssdirs) { s = ReadString(); if(s == "") break; if(n_ssdirs < NUM_SSDIRS) ssdirs[n_ssdirs] = s; } n_ssdirs = min(n_ssdirs, NUM_SSDIRS); mv_num_maps = min(MAPVOTE_COUNT, ReadByte()); mv_abstain = ReadByte(); if(mv_abstain) mv_abstain = 1; // must be 1 for bool-true, makes stuff easier mv_detail = ReadByte(); mv_ownvote = -1; mv_timeout = ReadCoord(); if(mv_num_maps <= 8) mv_maps_mask = ReadByte(); else mv_maps_mask = ReadShort(); // Assume mv_pk3list is NULL, there should only be 1 mapvote per round mv_pk3list = NULL; // I'm still paranoid! for(i = 0, power = 1; i < mv_num_maps; ++i, power *= 2) { mv_votes[i] = 0; if(mv_maps_mask & power) { map = strzone(ReadString()); pk3 = strzone(ReadString()); j = bound(0, ReadByte(), n_ssdirs - 1); mv_maps[i] = map; mv_pk3[i] = pk3; map = strzone(strcat(ssdirs[j], "/", map)); mv_pics[i] = map; mv_preview[i] = false; //print(strcat("RECV: ", map, " in ", pk3, "\n")); MapVote_CheckPic(map, pk3, i); } else { mv_maps[i] = strzone("if-you-see-this-the-code-is-broken"); mv_pk3[i] = strzone("if-you-see-this-the-code-is-broken"); mv_pics[i] = strzone("if-you-see-this-the-code-is-broken"); mv_preview[i] = false; } } for(i = 0; i < n_ssdirs; ++i) ssdirs[n_ssdirs] = string_null; n_ssdirs = 0; } float MapVote_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary) { float imp; if (!mv_active) return false; if (bInputType != 0) return false; if ('0' <= nPrimary && nPrimary <= '9') { imp = nPrimary - '0'; if (imp == 0) imp = 10; localcmd(strcat("\nimpulse ", ftos(imp), "\n")); return true; } if (nPrimary == K_MOUSE1) if (mv_selection >= 0) { imp = min(mv_selection + 1, mv_num_maps); localcmd(strcat("\nimpulse ", ftos(imp), "\n")); return true; } return false; } void MapVote_UpdateMask() { float i, power; float oldmask; oldmask = mv_maps_mask; if(mv_num_maps <= 8) mv_maps_mask = ReadByte(); else mv_maps_mask = ReadShort(); if(oldmask & mv_maps_mask != oldmask) if(oldmask & mv_maps_mask == mv_maps_mask) sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, "misc_invshot.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); // remove votes that no longer apply for(i = 0, power = 1; i < mv_num_maps; ++i, power *= 2) if not(mv_maps_mask & power) mv_votes[i] = -1; } void MapVote_UpdateVotes() { float i, power; for(i = 0, power = 1; i < mv_num_maps; ++i, power *= 2) { if(mv_maps_mask & power) { if(mv_detail) mv_votes[i] = ReadByte(); else mv_votes[i] = 0; } else mv_votes[i] = -1; } mv_ownvote = ReadByte()-1; } void Ent_MapVote() { float sf; sf = ReadByte(); if(sf & 1) MapVote_Init(); if(sf & 2) MapVote_UpdateMask(); if(sf & 4) MapVote_UpdateVotes(); } void Net_MapVote_Picture() { float type; type = ReadByte(); mv_preview[type] = true; mv_pics[type] = strzone(ReadPicture()); }