/* PrtView plugin for GtkRadiant Copyright (C) 2001 Geoffrey Dewan, Loki software and qeradiant.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "portals.h" #include #include #ifndef __APPLE__ #include #endif #include #include "iglrender.h" #include "cullable.h" #include "prtview.h" #define LINE_BUF 1000 CPortals portals; CPortalsRender render; int compare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ){ if ( portals.portal[*( (int *)arg1 )].dist > portals.portal[*( (int *)arg2 )].dist ) { return -1; } else if ( portals.portal[*( (int *)arg1 )].dist < portals.portal[*( (int *)arg2 )].dist ) { return 1; } return 0; } CBspPortal::CBspPortal(){ memset( this, 0, sizeof( CBspPortal ) ); } CBspPortal::~CBspPortal(){ delete[] point; delete[] inner_point; } bool CBspPortal::Build( char *def ){ char *c = def; unsigned int n; int dummy1, dummy2; int res_cnt, i; if ( portals.hint_flags ) { res_cnt = sscanf( def, "%u %d %d %d", &point_count, &dummy1, &dummy2, (int *)&hint ); } else { sscanf( def, "%u", &point_count ); hint = false; } if ( point_count < 3 || ( portals.hint_flags && res_cnt < 4 ) ) { return false; } point = new CBspPoint[point_count]; inner_point = new CBspPoint[point_count]; for ( n = 0; n < point_count; n++ ) { for (; *c != 0 && *c != '('; c++ ) ; if ( *c == 0 ) { return false; } c++; sscanf( c, "%f %f %f", point[n].p, point[n].p + 1, point[n].p + 2 ); center.p[0] += point[n].p[0]; center.p[1] += point[n].p[1]; center.p[2] += point[n].p[2]; if ( n == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { min[i] = point[n].p[i]; max[i] = point[n].p[i]; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( min[i] > point[n].p[i] ) { min[i] = point[n].p[i]; } if ( max[i] < point[n].p[i] ) { max[i] = point[n].p[i]; } } } } center.p[0] /= (float)point_count; center.p[1] /= (float)point_count; center.p[2] /= (float)point_count; for ( n = 0; n < point_count; n++ ) { inner_point[n].p[0] = ( 0.01f * center.p[0] ) + ( 0.99f * point[n].p[0] ); inner_point[n].p[1] = ( 0.01f * center.p[1] ) + ( 0.99f * point[n].p[1] ); inner_point[n].p[2] = ( 0.01f * center.p[2] ) + ( 0.99f * point[n].p[2] ); } fp_color_random[0] = (float)( rand() & 0xff ) / 255.0f; fp_color_random[1] = (float)( rand() & 0xff ) / 255.0f; fp_color_random[2] = (float)( rand() & 0xff ) / 255.0f; fp_color_random[3] = 1.0f; return true; } CPortals::CPortals(){ memset( this, 0, sizeof( CPortals ) ); } CPortals::~CPortals(){ Purge(); } void CPortals::Purge(){ delete[] portal; delete[] portal_sort; portal = NULL; portal_sort = NULL; portal_count = 0; /* delete[] node; node = NULL; node_count = 0; */ } void CPortals::Load(){ char buf[LINE_BUF + 1]; memset( buf, 0, LINE_BUF + 1 ); Purge(); globalOutputStream() << MSG_PREFIX "Loading portal file " << fn << ".\n"; FILE *in; in = fopen( fn, "rt" ); if ( in == NULL ) { globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - could not open file.\n"; return; } if ( !fgets( buf, LINE_BUF, in ) ) { fclose( in ); globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - File ended prematurely.\n"; return; } if ( strncmp( "PRT1", buf, 4 ) != 0 ) { fclose( in ); globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - File header indicates wrong file type (should be \"PRT1\").\n"; return; } if ( !fgets( buf, LINE_BUF, in ) ) { fclose( in ); globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - File ended prematurely.\n"; return; } sscanf( buf, "%u", &node_count ); /* if(node_count > 0xFFFF) { fclose(in); node_count = 0; globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - Extreme number of nodes, aborting.\n"; return; } */ if ( !fgets( buf, LINE_BUF, in ) ) { fclose( in ); node_count = 0; globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - File ended prematurely.\n"; return; } sscanf( buf, "%u", &portal_count ); if ( portal_count > 0xFFFF ) { fclose( in ); portal_count = 0; node_count = 0; globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - Extreme number of portals, aborting.\n"; return; } if ( portal_count == 0 ) { fclose( in ); portal_count = 0; node_count = 0; globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - number of portals equals 0, aborting.\n"; return; } // node = new CBspNode[node_count]; portal = new CBspPortal[portal_count]; portal_sort = new int[portal_count]; unsigned int n; bool first = true; unsigned test_vals_1, test_vals_2; hint_flags = false; for ( n = 0; n < portal_count; ) { if ( !fgets( buf, LINE_BUF, in ) ) { fclose( in ); Purge(); globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - Could not find information for portal number " << n + 1 << " of " << portal_count << ".\n"; return; } if ( !portal[n].Build( buf ) ) { if ( first && sscanf( buf, "%d %d", (int *) &test_vals_1, (int *) &test_vals_2 ) == 1 ) { // skip additional counts of later data, not needed // We can count on hint flags being in the file hint_flags = true; continue; } first = false; fclose( in ); Purge(); globalOutputStream() << " ERROR - Information for portal number " << n + 1 << " of " << portal_count << " is not formatted correctly.\n"; return; } n++; } fclose( in ); globalOutputStream() << " " << node_count << " portals read in.\n"; } #include "math/matrix.h" const char* g_state_solid = "$plugins/prtview/solid"; const char* g_state_solid_outline = "$plugins/prtview/solid_outline"; const char* g_state_wireframe = "$plugins/prtview/wireframe"; Shader* g_shader_solid = 0; Shader* g_shader_solid_outline = 0; Shader* g_shader_wireframe = 0; void Portals_constructShaders(){ OpenGLState state; GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().getDefaultState( state ); state.m_state = RENDER_COLOURWRITE | RENDER_DEPTHWRITE; state.m_sort = OpenGLState::eSortOverlayFirst; state.m_linewidth = portals.width_2d * 0.5f; state.m_colour[0] = portals.fp_color_2d[0]; state.m_colour[1] = portals.fp_color_2d[1]; state.m_colour[2] = portals.fp_color_2d[2]; state.m_colour[3] = portals.fp_color_2d[3]; if ( portals.aa_2d ) { state.m_state |= RENDER_BLEND | RENDER_LINESMOOTH; } GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().insert( g_state_wireframe, state ); GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().getDefaultState( state ); state.m_state = RENDER_FILL | RENDER_BLEND | RENDER_COLOURWRITE | RENDER_COLOURCHANGE | RENDER_SMOOTH; if ( portals.aa_3d ) { state.m_state |= RENDER_POLYGONSMOOTH; } switch ( portals.zbuffer ) { case 1: state.m_state |= RENDER_DEPTHTEST; break; case 2: break; default: state.m_state |= RENDER_DEPTHTEST; state.m_state |= RENDER_DEPTHWRITE; } if ( portals.fog ) { state.m_state |= RENDER_FOG; state.m_fog.mode = GL_EXP; state.m_fog.density = 0.001f; state.m_fog.start = 10.0f; state.m_fog.end = 10000.0f; state.m_fog.index = 0; state.m_fog.colour[0] = portals.fp_color_fog[0]; state.m_fog.colour[1] = portals.fp_color_fog[1]; state.m_fog.colour[2] = portals.fp_color_fog[2]; state.m_fog.colour[3] = portals.fp_color_fog[3]; } GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().insert( g_state_solid, state ); GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().getDefaultState( state ); state.m_state = RENDER_COLOURWRITE | RENDER_DEPTHWRITE; state.m_sort = OpenGLState::eSortOverlayFirst; state.m_linewidth = portals.width_3d * 0.5f; state.m_colour[0] = portals.fp_color_3d[0]; state.m_colour[1] = portals.fp_color_3d[1]; state.m_colour[2] = portals.fp_color_3d[2]; state.m_colour[3] = portals.fp_color_3d[3]; if ( portals.aa_3d ) { state.m_state |= RENDER_LINESMOOTH; } switch ( portals.zbuffer ) { case 1: state.m_state |= RENDER_DEPTHTEST; break; case 2: break; default: state.m_state |= RENDER_DEPTHTEST; state.m_state |= RENDER_DEPTHWRITE; } if ( portals.fog ) { state.m_state |= RENDER_FOG; state.m_fog.mode = GL_EXP; state.m_fog.density = 0.001f; state.m_fog.start = 10.0f; state.m_fog.end = 10000.0f; state.m_fog.index = 0; state.m_fog.colour[0] = portals.fp_color_fog[0]; state.m_fog.colour[1] = portals.fp_color_fog[1]; state.m_fog.colour[2] = portals.fp_color_fog[2]; state.m_fog.colour[3] = portals.fp_color_fog[3]; } GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().insert( g_state_solid_outline, state ); g_shader_solid = GlobalShaderCache().capture( g_state_solid ); g_shader_solid_outline = GlobalShaderCache().capture( g_state_solid_outline ); g_shader_wireframe = GlobalShaderCache().capture( g_state_wireframe ); } void Portals_destroyShaders(){ GlobalShaderCache().release( g_state_solid ); GlobalShaderCache().release( g_state_solid_outline ); GlobalShaderCache().release( g_state_wireframe ); GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().erase( g_state_solid ); GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().erase( g_state_solid_outline ); GlobalOpenGLStateLibrary().erase( g_state_wireframe ); } void Portals_shadersChanged(){ Portals_destroyShaders(); portals.FixColors(); Portals_constructShaders(); } void CPortals::FixColors(){ fp_color_2d[0] = (float)GetRValue( color_2d ) / 255.0f; fp_color_2d[1] = (float)GetGValue( color_2d ) / 255.0f; fp_color_2d[2] = (float)GetBValue( color_2d ) / 255.0f; fp_color_2d[3] = 1.0f; fp_color_3d[0] = (float)GetRValue( color_3d ) / 255.0f; fp_color_3d[1] = (float)GetGValue( color_3d ) / 255.0f; fp_color_3d[2] = (float)GetBValue( color_3d ) / 255.0f; fp_color_3d[3] = 1.0f; fp_color_fog[0] = 0.0f; //(float)GetRValue(color_fog) / 255.0f; fp_color_fog[1] = 0.0f; //(float)GetGValue(color_fog) / 255.0f; fp_color_fog[2] = 0.0f; //(float)GetBValue(color_fog) / 255.0f; fp_color_fog[3] = 1.0f; } void CPortalsRender::renderWireframe( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const { if ( !portals.show_2d || portals.portal_count < 1 ) { return; } renderer.SetState( g_shader_wireframe, Renderer::eWireframeOnly ); renderer.addRenderable( m_drawWireframe, g_matrix4_identity ); } void CPortalsDrawWireframe::render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { unsigned int n, p; for ( n = 0; n < portals.portal_count; n++ ) { glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); for ( p = 0; p < portals.portal[n].point_count; p++ ) glVertex3fv( portals.portal[n].point[p].p ); glEnd(); } } CubicClipVolume calculateCubicClipVolume( const Matrix4& viewproj ){ CubicClipVolume clip; clip.cam = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( matrix4_full_inverse( viewproj ), Vector4( 0, 0, -1, 1 ) ) ); clip.min[0] = clip.cam[0] + ( portals.clip_range * 64.0f ); clip.min[1] = clip.cam[1] + ( portals.clip_range * 64.0f ); clip.min[2] = clip.cam[2] + ( portals.clip_range * 64.0f ); clip.max[0] = clip.cam[0] - ( portals.clip_range * 64.0f ); clip.max[1] = clip.cam[1] - ( portals.clip_range * 64.0f ); clip.max[2] = clip.cam[2] - ( portals.clip_range * 64.0f ); return clip; } void CPortalsRender::renderSolid( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const { if ( !portals.show_3d || portals.portal_count < 1 ) { return; } CubicClipVolume clip = calculateCubicClipVolume( matrix4_multiplied_by_matrix4( volume.GetProjection(), volume.GetModelview() ) ); if ( portals.polygons ) { renderer.SetState( g_shader_solid, Renderer::eWireframeOnly ); renderer.SetState( g_shader_solid, Renderer::eFullMaterials ); m_drawSolid.clip = clip; renderer.addRenderable( m_drawSolid, g_matrix4_identity ); } if ( portals.lines ) { renderer.SetState( g_shader_solid_outline, Renderer::eWireframeOnly ); renderer.SetState( g_shader_solid_outline, Renderer::eFullMaterials ); m_drawSolidOutline.clip = clip; renderer.addRenderable( m_drawSolidOutline, g_matrix4_identity ); } } void CPortalsDrawSolid::render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { float trans = ( 100.0f - portals.trans_3d ) / 100.0f; unsigned int n, p; if ( portals.zbuffer != 0 ) { float d; for ( n = 0; n < portals.portal_count; n++ ) { d = (float)clip.cam[0] - portals.portal[n].center.p[0]; portals.portal[n].dist = d * d; d = (float)clip.cam[1] - portals.portal[n].center.p[1]; portals.portal[n].dist += d * d; d = (float)clip.cam[2] - portals.portal[n].center.p[2]; portals.portal[n].dist += d * d; portals.portal_sort[n] = n; } qsort( portals.portal_sort, portals.portal_count, 4, compare ); for ( n = 0; n < portals.portal_count; n++ ) { if ( portals.polygons == 2 && !portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].hint ) { continue; } if ( portals.clip ) { if ( clip.min[0] < portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].min[0] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.min[1] < portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].min[1] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.min[2] < portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].min[2] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[0] > portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].max[0] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[1] > portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].max[1] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[2] > portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].max[2] ) { continue; } } glColor4f( portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].fp_color_random[0], portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].fp_color_random[1], portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].fp_color_random[2], trans ); glBegin( GL_POLYGON ); for ( p = 0; p < portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].point_count; p++ ) glVertex3fv( portals.portal[portals.portal_sort[n]].point[p].p ); glEnd(); } } else { for ( n = 0; n < portals.portal_count; n++ ) { if ( portals.polygons == 2 && !portals.portal[n].hint ) { continue; } if ( portals.clip ) { if ( clip.min[0] < portals.portal[n].min[0] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.min[1] < portals.portal[n].min[1] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.min[2] < portals.portal[n].min[2] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[0] > portals.portal[n].max[0] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[1] > portals.portal[n].max[1] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[2] > portals.portal[n].max[2] ) { continue; } } glColor4f( portals.portal[n].fp_color_random[0], portals.portal[n].fp_color_random[1], portals.portal[n].fp_color_random[2], trans ); glBegin( GL_POLYGON ); for ( p = 0; p < portals.portal[n].point_count; p++ ) glVertex3fv( portals.portal[n].point[p].p ); glEnd(); } } } void CPortalsDrawSolidOutline::render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { for ( int n = 0; n < portals.portal_count; n++ ) { if ( portals.lines == 2 && !portals.portal[n].hint ) { continue; } if ( portals.clip ) { if ( clip.min[0] < portals.portal[n].min[0] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.min[1] < portals.portal[n].min[1] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.min[2] < portals.portal[n].min[2] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[0] > portals.portal[n].max[0] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[1] > portals.portal[n].max[1] ) { continue; } else if ( clip.max[2] > portals.portal[n].max[2] ) { continue; } } glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); for ( int p = 0; p < portals.portal[n].point_count; p++ ) glVertex3fv( portals.portal[n].inner_point[p].p ); glEnd(); } }