**[SMB modpack](https://github.com/MarioSMB/modpack)** project developed by **[Mario](https://github.com/MarioSMB)**. The modpack build works using a submodule from '_xonotic-data.pk3dir_' from the official gamelogic development repository. Uses **update.sh** and **build.sh** shell script files. # How submodule works, update.sh and build.sh Uses '_update.sh_' to obtain the content of '_gmqcc_', '_xonotic-data.pk3dir_' in '_xonotic_' folder and '_csprogs_' in '_.cache_' folder. Clearly, needs gmqcc to be able to compile, this means that '_build.sh_' calls gmqcc to compile the code. ## Submodule and update.sh The submodule of this modpack was created using: `git submodule add https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir xonotic` The submodule in the repository is used when need to update the code from '_xonotic-data.pk3dir_', to do this if you've a fork or a copy of SMB modpack repository, you'll have to update using (note: in your local computer, you should have used '_update.sh_' to download fully the content of '_xonotic-data.pk3dir_' in '_xonotic_' folder): `git submodule update --remote --merge` It'll update the content where is in the official gamelogic development repository in your modpack repository. Inside '_update.sh_', there is a line: `git submodule update --init --depth 100` Means that when you use '_update.sh_' with this line, the submodule content will be downloaded in your local computer where you've cloned the modpack repository. To run '_update.sh_' script, execute: `./update.sh` *Note:* you can execute via absolute path. ### Commit with submodule Additionally, after done `git submodule update --remote --merge`, if you want to commit: `git status` `git add xonotic` `git commit -m "Update submodule xonotic test"` `git push origin master #depends what origin and what branch of repository you're using to do your commits` ## build.sh '_build.sh_' compiles all repository code using gmqcc if already downloaded from '_update.sh_', looks inside '_mod_' folder the similar contents of '_xonotic-data.pk3dir/qcsrc_' where there are: '_client_', '_common_', '_menu_' and '_server_' folders. What this does is relate the directory path to the submodule '_xonotic_' directory inside the '_qcsrc_' folder. Thanks to this, makes possible to look at the '_mod_' folder having to relate the submodule directory '_xonotic/qcsrc_'. To run '_build.sh_' script, execute: `./build.sh` *Note:* you can run via absolute path.