This is the source for xonstatdb, the Xonotic Statistics database. All code herein is intended for the PostgreSQL database management server. To build, first create the user that will own all of the objects in the database. You must run this as an administrator user in your cluster. See your operating system's guidelines for how this is set up on your system: create user xonstat with password 'xonstat'; *Note: please change this password Next, create the database itself: CREATE DATABASE xonstatdb WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER=xonstat CONNECTION LIMIT=-1; Next, log into the newly created database using the user account you just created: psql -U xonstat xonstatdb Create the schema in which all of the xonstat tables will reside: CREATE SCHEMA xonstat AUTHORIZATION xonstat; Create the pgplsql language: CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; Back in the command shell, navigate to the 'build' directory. Log into the database as the admin user created above and issue the following to build the initial tables: \i build/build_full.sql *Note: You will see a lot of NOTICE messages. This is normal.