h1. Organizational Structure This organizational structure of this project is based on distributed power to avoid any single person making a decision without consulting the community. Major decisions will be made by the 3-6 appointed leaders who have expertise in a specific area of the game but can also discuss all areas of the game/community. Below the leaders serves a committee who exist to act as a liaison to project leaders on specific areas to make sure the leaders are getting the fullest picture they can. Please bare with us while we continue to define the team and review nominees. h2. Leaders * divVerent [ Lead Developer ] * Dokujisan [ Lead Community Director ] * -z- [ Lead Web Architect ] * tZork [ ... ] * merlijn [ Server admin ] * mand1nga [ Developer ] * Morphed [ ... ] h2. Committee Key contributors within the community With good amount of knowledge about the game Perhaps 30-40 members h2. Process of elections needs explanation (both of the leaders and community members). How long do board members serve? h2. Ownership of contributions Maybe we should have some explicit definition stating that any community contributions belong to those who contributed it, not by the project leaders. The only thing is that this may lead to problems when making decisions that effect the whole project (eg license change or something). THIS PAGE IS IN PROGRESS