MinstaGib Mutator: ================== Overview -------- Typically known as “instagib” in most other arena shooters, MinstaGib replaces all weaponry with the [MinstaNex](Weapons#minstanex). It is a powerful hitscan weapon that will immediately kill the target player in one shot. MinstaGib is a popular mutator that mixes well with almost all gamemodes and may be included in many Xonotic servers. When participating in a MinstaGib match, one must have particularly good aim and conserve shots whenever possible. Mutator Details --------------- - MinstaNex weapon information: - *Primary fire*: Instant-kill beam; has a **\~1 second** recharge time, so aim wisely. - *Secondary fire*: [Laser](Weapons#laser). Can be used for laserjumping or pushing other players off the map. - *Ammunition*: [Cells](Items#cells) - Power cell ammunition may be difficult to find on some maps, but can be picked up readily from a downed player. - *Never* run out of ammunition during a match! You will die and lose 1 point from your score should you go without ammo for **10 seconds**.