Key Hunt (KH) ============= ![]( ![]( Object of the Game ------------------ In KH there are 3 teams (red; blue & yellow) and always one player of a team holds a key (Red key; blue key & yellow key). The goal is to collect the keys of the other teams and gather up to score. Get 1000 points to win a map (100 points for each capture). Tricky: Everyone that holds a key (Note: you can hold more than 1 of course) has a waypoint over his head (“Key carrier”), which shows his position. How To: - Collect a key? Frag a player which holds a key and grab it (walk over it) after he died. - Score? Your team needs to collect all keys. If, for example, Player A, B and C of 1 team hold a team they have to meet a one place (can be anywhere) and be close enough together. That’s enough to score. Its possible that one player gets every key and he scores immediately then. Map Entities ------------ Helpful Hints and Tips ---------------------- - Some maps can contain powerups like “[Strength](Strength)” or “[Shield](Shield)” (which usually spawn every 2 minutes). They can be useful tools to win a match! - [Binds](Binds) are very useful again to coordinate the team. List of Demos and Videos ------------------------ - Demo: - Players: - Key Points: