Complete list of entity keys ============================ - On all entities - **`angle`:** shorthand for just setting the yaw angle - **`angles`:** angles vector - **`origin`:** origin vector - **`targetname`:** name of the entity so it can be referenced by **`target`** keys. - On brush entities, classname **`func_group`** and classname **`misc_model`**: - **`_castShadows`, `_cs`:** sets whether the entity casts shadows - **`_celshader`:** [[CelShader]] to use - **`_lightmapsamplesize`, `_samplesize`:** sample size to use for surfaces of this entity - **`_receiveShadows`, `_rs`:** sets whether the entity receives shadows - **`_shadeangle`, `_smoothnormals`, `_sn`, `_smooth`:** largest angle between faces to allow to treat them part of the same nonplanar surface - **`lightmapscale`, `_lightmapscale`, `_ls`:** scaling factor for the lightmap resolution - On brush entities and on classname **`func_group`**: - **`_indexmap`, `alphamap`:** file name of index map image for terrain blending - **`_layers`, `layers`:** number of layers of the index map image (encoded as brightness levels) - **`_offsets`, `offsets`:** space separated list of z offsets - **`_shader`, `shader`:** shader name prefix of the index map (when this is set to `X`, the shader names that are generated will be like `textures/X_42` and `textures/X_23to42` - On brush entities - **`_clone`, `_ins`, `_instance`:** **`_clonename`** field value of a brush entity to clone brushes from (can be used to use the same brush model multiple times) - **`_clonename`:** see **`_clone`** - **`_patchMeta`, `patchMeta`:** generate a triangle soup from patches in this entity - **`_patchQuality`:** quality multiplier for patches on this surface when **`_patchMeta`** is used - **`_patchSubdivide`:** absolute quality setting for patches on this surface when **`_patchMeta`** is used - **`max`:** override the `maxs` vector of this brush entity - **`min`:** override the `mins` vector of this brush entity - On classname **`worldspawn`** - **`_ambient`, `ambient`:** amount of ambient light - **`_blocksize`, `blocksize`, `chopsize`:** block size for unconditional BSP subdivisions - **`_farplanedist`, `fogclip`, `distancecull`:** far plane distance for vis culling — this must be the shortest distance at which nothing can be seen any more due to fog - **`_floodlight`:** a quintuple of values “r g b dist intensity” to set global floodlight parameters (good defaults are 240 240 255 1024 128) - **`_fog`, `fog`:** if set, the whole map is fogged using the given shader name - **`_foghull`:** must be set to a sky shader when `_fog` is used - **`_ignoreleaks`, `ignoreleaks`:** when set, no leak test is performed - **`_keepLights`:** if set, **`light`** entities are not stripped from the `BSP` file when compiling - **`_mingridlight`:** amount of minimum grid light - **`_minlight`:** amount of minimum light - **`_minvertexlight`:** amount of minimum vertex light - **`_noshadersun`:** if set, sun light from shaders is suppressed - **`_q3map_cmdline`:** written by q3map2; contains the command line the map was compiled with - **`_q3map_version`:** written by q3map2; contains the version of q3map2 the map was compiled with - **`_style42alphagen`:** |alphaGen|-like shader definition string for light style 442 (works the same way for all style numbers) - **`_style42rgbgen`:** |rgbGen|-like shader definition string for light style 42 (works the same way for all style numbers) - **`gridsize`:** resolution of the light grid - On classname **`light`** and classname **`lightJunior`** - Note: **`lightJunior`** entities only affect the light grid. - **`_anglescale`:** scales angle attenuation - **`_color`:** color of the light - **`_deviance`, `_deviation`, `_jitter`:** position deviance of the samples of a regular light (distributes the light samples in a cube of side length 2\*\_deviance around the origin), or angle deviance of the sun light samples in radians - **`_filterradius`, `_filteradius`, `_filter`:** filter radius for this light, similar to -light -filter - **`_samples`:** number of samples to use to get soft shadows from a light - **`_sun`:** if 1, this light is an infinite sun light - **`fade`:** Fade factor of light attenuation of linear lights. Linear lights completely vanish at distance **`light`**/(**`fade`** \* 8000), so if you want the light to vanish at distance X, specify **`light`**/(8000\*X) here. - **`light`:** intensity factor (default: 300) - **`radius`:** radius of a spotlight at the target point (default: 64) - **`scale`:** intensity multiplier - **`spawnflags`:** 1 = linear attenuation (inverted in `-wolf` lighting mode) - **`spawnflags`:** 2 = no angle attenuation (inverted in `-wolf` lighting mode) - **`spawnflags`:** 32 = the light color is not normalized - **`spawnflags`:** 64 = force distance attenuation (why did vortex add this, this is always set…?) - **`target`:** target of a spotlight - **`targetname`:** when set, the light can be toggled in game by some engine provided way - On classname **`light`** - **`_flare`:** when set, this light is a flare without a specified shader - **`_flareshader`:** shader for a flare surface generated by this light - **`_style`, `style`:** light style number - **`spawnflags`:** 16 = light does not affect the grid - On classname **`advertisement`** (QuakeLive only) - Brushes/Patches: must be a single rectangular patch surface where the ad will be placed - **`cellId`:** identifier of the ad, must be used only once (??) - On classname **`_decal`** - Brushes/Patches: must be a single rectangular patch surface - **`target`:** positional target to set the projection direction of the decal - On classname **`misc_model`** - **`_castShadows`, `_cs`:** sets whether the entity casts shadows - **`_frame2`:** frame of second model to load - **`_frame`:** frame of model to load - **`_receiveShadows`, `_rs`:** sets whether the entity receives shadows - **`_remapXXX`:** `XXX` can be any string to allow multiple keys for this; contains a string of the form `from;to`, and any shader `from` in the model will be replaced by `to`; the special value `*` in `from` matches all shader names - **`model2`:** path name of second model to load - **`model`:** path name of model to load - **`modelscale`:** scaling factor for the model to include - **`modelscale_vec`:** non-uniform scaling vector for the model to include - **`spawnflags`:** 1 = in SoF2, append a `_RMG_BSP` suffix to shader names instead of `_BSP` - **`spawnflags`:** 2 = generate clipping brushes from the model - **`spawnflags`:** 4 = force this model through meta surface merging - **`spawnflags`:** 8 = when generating clipping planes, perform extrusion using the original normals from the model instead of per-triangle best axial normals - **`spawnflags`:** 16 = when generating clipping planes, perform extrusion using only up or down pointing normals (ideal for terrain) - **`spawnflags`:** 24 = when generating clipping planes, perform extrusion by distance zero (needs engine changes to support zero-volume clipping brushes) - **`spawnflags`:** 32 = turn vertex color from the model into alpha (for terrain blending) - **`spawnflags`:** 64 = do not let picomodel do surface normal smoothing - On classname **`_skybox`** - To be placed inside a small otherwise hidden room; surfaces in it are scaled up, and visible through skybox surfaces - **`_scale`:** scaling factor or vector for the portal sky (default: 64)