Complete list of command line parameters ======================================== Common options -------------- - **`-connect` address:** Talk to a NetRadiant instance using a specific XML based protocol - **`-force`:** Allow reading some broken/unsupported BSP files e.g. when decompiling, may also crash - **`-fs_basepath` path:** Sets the given path as main directory of the game (can be used more than once to look in multiple paths) - **`-fs_game` gamename:** Sets a different game directory name (default for Q3A: baseq3) - **`-fs_homebase` dir:** Specifies where the user home directory name is on Linux (default for Q3A: .q3a) - **`-game` gamename:** Load settings for the given game (default: quake3) - **`-subdivisions` F:** multiplier for patch subdivisions quality - **`-threads` N:** number of threads to use - **`-v`:** Verbose mode BSP stage --------- - **`-bsp` ...** Switch that enters this stage - **`-altsplit`:** Alternate BSP tree splitting weights (should give more fps) - **`-celshader` shadername:** Sets a global cel shader name - **`-custinfoparms`:** Read scripts/custinfoparms.txt - **`-debuginset`:** Push all triangle vertexes towards the triangle center - **`-debugportals`:** Make BSP portals visible in the map - **`-debugsurfaces`:** Color the vertexes according to the index of the surface - **`-deep`:** Use detail brushes in the BSP tree, but at lowest priority (should give more fps) - **`-de` F:** Distance epsilon for plane snapping etc. - **`-fakemap`:** Write containing all world brushes - **`-flares`:** Turn on support for flares (TEST?) - **`-flat`:** Enable flat shading (good for combining with -celshader) - **`-fulldetail`:** Treat detail brushes as structural ones - **`-leaktest`:** Abort if a leak was found - **`-meta`:** Combine adjacent triangles of the same texture to surfaces (ALWAYS USE THIS) - **`-minsamplesize` N:** Sets minimum lightmap resolution in luxels/qu - **`-mi` N:** Sets the maximum number of indexes per surface - **`-mv` N:** Sets the maximum number of vertices of a lightmapped surface - **`-ne` F:** Normal epsilon for plane snapping etc. - **`-nocurves`:** Turn off support for patches - **`-nodetail`:** Leave out detail brushes - **`-noflares`:** Turn off support for flares - **`-nofog`:** Turn off support for fog volumes - **`-nohint`:** Turn off support for hint brushes - **`-nosubdivide`:** Turn off support for `q3map_tessSize` (breaks water vertex deforms) - **`-notjunc`:** Do not fix T-junctions (causes cracks between triangles, do not use) - **`-nowater`:** Turn off support for water, slime or lava (Stef, this is for you) - **`-np` A:** Force all surfaces to be nonplanar with a given shade angle - **`-onlyents`:** Only update entities in the BSP - **`-patchmeta`:** Turn patches into triangle meshes for display - **`-rename`:** Append "bsp" suffix to miscmodel shaders (needed for SoF2) - **`-samplesize` N:** Sets default lightmap resolution in luxels/qu - **`-skyfix`:** Turn sky box into six surfaces to work around ATI problems - **`-snap` N:** Snap brush bevel planes to the given number of units - **`-tempname`** Read the MAP file from the given file name - **`-texrange` N:** Limit per-surface texture range to the given number of units, and subdivide surfaces like with `q3map_tessSize` if this is not met - **`-tmpout`:** Write the BSP file to /tmp - **`-verboseentities`:** Enable `-v` only for map entities, not for the world VIS stage --------- - **`-vis` ...** Switch that enters this stage - **`-fast`:** Very fast and crude vis calculation - **`-mergeportals`:** The less crude half of `-merge`, makes vis sometimes much faster but doesn't hurt fps usually - **`-merge`:** Faster but still okay vis calculation - **`-nopassage`:** Just use PortalFlow vis (usually less fps) - **`-nosort`:** Do not sort the portals before calculating vis (usually slower) - **`-passageOnly`:** Just use PassageFlow vis (usually less fps) - **`-saveprt`:** Keep the PRT file after running vis (so you can run vis again) - **`-tmpin`:** Use /tmp folder for input - **`-tmpout`:** Use /tmp folder for output LIGHT stage ----------- - **`-light` ...** Switch that enters this stage - **`-vlight` ...** Deprecated alias for `-light -fast` ... - **`-approx` N:** Vertex light approximation tolerance (never use in conjunction with deluxemapping) - **`-areascale` F, `-area` F:** Scaling factor for area lights (surfacelight) - **`-border`:** Add a red border to lightmaps for debugging - **`-bouncegrid`:** Also compute radiosity on the light grid - **`-bounceonly`:** Only compute radiosity - **`-bouncescale` F:** Scaling factor for radiosity - **`-bounce` N:** Number of bounces for radiosity - **`-cheapgrid`:** Use `-cheap` style lighting for radiosity - **`-cheap`:** Abort vertex light calculations when white is reached - **`-compensate` F:** Lightmap compensate (darkening factor applied after everything else) - **`-cpma`:** CPMA vertex lighting mode - **`-custinfoparms`:** Read scripts/custinfoparms.txt - **`-dark`:** Darken lightmap seams - **`-debugaxis`:** Color the lightmaps according to the lightmap axis - **`-debugcluster`:** Color the lightmaps according to the index of the cluster - **`-debugdeluxe`:** Show deluxemaps on the lightmap - **`-debugnormals`:** Color the lightmaps according to the direction of the surface normal - **`-debugorigin`:** Color the lightmaps according to the origin of the luxels - **`-debugsurfaces`, `-debugsurface`:** Color the lightmaps according to the index of the surface - **`-debugunused`:** This option does nothing - **`-debug`:** Mark the lightmaps according to the cluster: unmapped clusters get yellow, occluded ones get pink, flooded ones get blue overlay color, otherwise red - **`-deluxemode 0`:** Use modelspace deluxemaps (DarkPlaces) - **`-deluxemode 1`:** Use tangentspace deluxemaps - **`-deluxe`, `-deluxemap`:** Enable deluxemapping (light direction maps) - **`-dirtdebug`, `-debugdirt`:** Store the dirtmaps as lightmaps for debugging - **`-dirtdepth`:** Dirtmapping depth - **`-dirtgain`:** Dirtmapping exponent - **`-dirtmode 0`:** Ordered direction dirtmapping - **`-dirtmode 1`:** Randomized direction dirtmapping - **`-dirtscale`:** Dirtmapping scaling factor - **`-dirty`:** Enable dirtmapping - **`-dump`:** Dump radiosity from `-bounce` into numbered MAP file prefabs - **`-export`:** Export lightmaps when compile finished (like `-export` mode) - **`-exposure` F:** Lightmap exposure to better support overbright spots - **`-external`:** Force external lightmaps even if at size of internal lightmaps - **`-extravisnudge`:** Broken feature to nudge the luxel origin to a better vis cluster - **`-extrawide`:** Deprecated alias for `-super 2 -filter` - **`-extra`:** Deprecated alias for `-super 2` - **`-fastbounce`:** Use `-fast` style lighting for radiosity - **`-faster`:** Use a faster falloff curve for lighting; also implies `-fast` - **`-fastgrid`:** Use `-fast` style lighting for the light grid - **`-fast`:** Ignore tiny light contributions - **`-filter`:** Lightmap filtering - **`-floodlight`:** Enable floodlight (zero-effort somewhat decent lighting) - **`-gamma` F:** Lightmap gamma - **`-gridambientscale` F:** Scaling factor for the light grid ambient components only - **`-gridscale` F:** Scaling factor for the light grid only - **`-keeplights`:** Keep light entities in the BSP file after compile - **`-lightmapdir` directory:** Directory to store external lightmaps (default: same as map name without extension) - **`-lightmapsize` N:** Size of lightmaps to generate (must be a power of two) - **`-lomem`:** Low memory but slower lighting mode - **`-lowquality`:** Low quality floodlight (appears to currently break floodlight) - **`-minsamplesize` N:** Sets minimum lightmap resolution in luxels/qu - **`-nocollapse`:** Do not collapse identical lightmaps - **`-nodeluxe`, `-nodeluxemap`:** Disable deluxemapping - **`-nogrid`:** Disable grid light calculation (makes all entities fullbright) - **`-nolightmapsearch`:** Do not optimize lightmap packing for GPU memory usage (as doing so costs fps) - **`-normalmap`:** Color the lightmaps according to the direction of the surface normal (TODO is this identical to `-debugnormals`?) - **`-nostyle`, `-nostyles`:** Disable support for light styles - **`-nosurf`:** Disable tracing against surfaces (only uses BSP nodes then) - **`-notrace`:** Disable shadow occlusion - **`-novertex`:** Disable vertex lighting - **`-patchshadows`:** Cast shadows from patches - **`-pointscale` F, `-point` F:** Scaling factor for point lights (light entities) - **`-q3`:** Use nonlinear falloff curve by default (like Q3A) - **`-samplescale` F:** Scales all lightmap resolutions - **`-samplesize` N:** Sets default lightmap resolution in luxels/qu - **`-samples` N:** Adaptive supersampling quality - **`-scale` F:** Scaling factor for all light types - **`-shadeangle` A:** Angle for phong shading - **`-shade`:** Enable phong shading at default shade angle - **`-skyscale` F, `-sky` F:** Scaling factor for sky and sun light - **`-smooth`:** Deprecated alias for `-samples 2` - **`-style`, `-styles`:** Enable support for light styles - **`-sunonly`:** Only compute sun light - **`-super` N, `-supersample` N:** Ordered grid supersampling quality - **`-thresh` F:** Triangle subdivision threshold - **`-trianglecheck`:** Broken check that should ensure luxels apply to the right triangle - **`-trisoup`:** Convert brush faces to triangle soup - **`-wolf`:** Use linear falloff curve by default (like W:ET) Analyzing BSP-like file structure --------------------------------- - **`-analyze` ... filename.bsp:** Switch that enters this mode - **`-lumpswap`:** Swap byte order in the lumps Converting & Decompiling ------------------------ - **`-convert` ... filename.bsp:** Switch that enters this mode - **`-de` number:** Distance epsilon for the conversion - **`-format` converter:** Select the converter (available: map, ase, or game names) - **`-ne` F:** Normal epsilon for the conversion - **`-shadersasbitmap`:** (only for ase) use the shader names as **BITMAP key so they work as prefabs h2. Exporting lightmaps ** **`-export` filename.bsp:** Copies lightmaps from the BSP to filename/lightmap\_0000.tga ff Fixing AAS checksum ------------------- - **`-fixaas` filename.bsp:** Switch that enters this mode Get info about BSP file ----------------------- - **`-info` filename.bsp:** Switch that enters this mode Importing lightmaps ------------------- - **`-import` filename.bsp:** Copies lightmaps from filename/lightmap\_0000.tga ff into the BSP MiniMap ------- - **`-minimap` ... filename.bsp:** Creates a minimap of the BSP, by default writes to `../gfx/filename_mini.tga` - **`-black`:** Write the minimap as a black-on-transparency RGBA32 image - **`-boost` F:** Sets the contrast boost value (higher values make a brighter image); contrast boost is somewhat similar to gamma, but continuous even at zero - **`-border` F:** Sets the amount of border pixels relative to the total image size - **`-gray`:** Write the minimap as a white-on-black GRAY8 image - **`-keepaspect`:** Ensure the aspect ratio is kept (the minimap is then letterboxed to keep aspect) - **`-minmax` xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax:** Forces specific map dimensions (note: the minimap actually uses these dimensions, scaled to the target size while keeping aspect with centering, and 1/64 of border appended to all sides) - **`-nokeepaspect`:** Do not ensure the aspect ratio is kept (makes it easier to use the image in your code, but looks bad together with sharpening) - **`-o` filename.tga:** Sets the output file name - **`-random` N:** Sets the randomized supersampling count (cannot be combined with `-samples`) - **`-samples` N:** Sets the ordered supersampling count (cannot be combined with `-random`) - **`-sharpen` F:** Sets the sharpening coefficient - **`-size` N:** Sets the width and height of the output image - **`-white`:** Write the minimap as a white-on-transparency RGBA32 image Scaling ------- - **`-scale` S filename.bsp:** Scale uniformly - **`-scale` SX SY SZ filename.bsp:** Scale non-uniformly - **`-scale -tex` S filename.bsp:** Scale uniformly without texture lock - **`-scale -tex` SX SY SZ filename.bsp:** Scale non-uniformly without texture lock