h1. Blender to IQM h2. Blender when exporting to IQM h3. Needed/Example files * Bounding Box for Stand and Crouch: http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/download/33/bbox_crouch_stand.zip * Erebus example blend: http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/download/166/erebus.blend * Erebus example framegroups: http://dev.xonotic.org/attachments/download/167/erebus.iqm.framegroups * Link to exporter: http://lee.fov120.com/iqm/ h3. Before You Start * use the bbox.blend in order to see the size that your model should be. Iqm exporter scale function untested. * use the duck_bbox.blend in order to see the size that your model should be when crouching. * for more information on bbox size refer to div0's model specs [[Player_Model_Spec]] * naming conventions for textures and model go as follow assuming the example is the umbra model: modelname: umbra.iqm, framegroups: umbra.iqm.framegroups, textures: umbra.tga or (jpg), umbra_norm.tga, umbra_gloss.tga, (need to add more) h3. Exporting # Select both mesh and armature in object mode. # Go to scripts > export > inter-quake-model. # Now make sure bounding boxes and meshes are both highlighted in the script window. # Export to a file path of your choosing, /path/to/umbra.iqm. Put the names of all the animations in the animations box, using commas for multiple anims. Then hit the export button and hopefully it will work without any errors. # Your model will need a .framegroups file to be used in Xonotic, look at the example file at the beginning of this article or check the [[Framegroups]] section of this wiki. h3. Notes As of 06/21/2011, Xonotic uses these animations: