1 // this should reset most cvars and aliases affecting gameplay to their defaults
2 // note that it doesn't reset all server cvars,
3 // some are shared with the client and so are left in xonotic-common.cfg
5 set sv_name_maxlength 64 "max player name length (not counting color codes) allowed by the server"
8 set sv_taunt 1 "allow taunts on the server"
9 set sv_autotaunt 1 "allow autotaunts on the server"
12 hostname "Xonotic $g_xonoticversion Server"
13 set sv_mapchange_delay 5 "delay by this many seconds after the match ends before showing selection screen or changing maps"
14 set minplayers 0 "fill server with bots to reach this number of players in teamless games (if bot_number is not enough)"
15 set minplayers_per_team 0 "fill server with bots to reach this number of players per team (if bot_number is not enough)"
17 // executed when the first player joins or the last player leaves
18 alias sv_hook_firstjoin
19 alias sv_hook_lastleave
21 // restart server if all players hit "ready"-button
22 set sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0 "reset players and map items after the countdown ended, instead of at the beginning of the countdown"
24 alias sv_hook_readyrestart
26 //nifreks lockonrestart feature, used in team-based game modes, if set to 1 and all players readied up no other player can then join the game anymore, useful to block spectators from joining
27 set teamplay_lockonrestart 0 "lock teams once all players readied up and the game restarted (no new players can join after restart unless using the server-command unlockteams)"
29 set g_maxplayers 0 "maximum number of players allowed to play at the same time, 0 means unlimited, -1 uses the map setting or unlimited if not set (rounded to multiple of team number)"
30 set g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime 5 "if the players voted for the \"nospectators\" command, this setting defines the number of seconds a observer/spectator has time to join the game before they get kicked"
33 set g_warmup 0 "splits the game into warmup and match stages, 1 means the match starts when g_warmup_majority_factor of players are ready OR g_warmup_limit is hit, >1 also requires at least g_warmup players (including bots) to join, -1 means that minimum player requrement is set by the map (lower bound of 2 or 2 per team)"
34 set g_warmup_limit 180 "limit warmup-stage to this time (in seconds); if set to -1 the warmup-stage is not affected by any timelimit, if set to 0 the usual timelimit also affects warmup-stage"
35 set g_warmup_allow_timeout 0 "allow calling timeouts in the warmup-stage (if sv_timeout is set to 1)"
36 set g_warmup_allguns 1 "provide more weapons on start while in warmup: 0 = normal start weapons, 1 = all guns available on the map, 2 = all normal weapons"
37 set g_warmup_majority_factor 0.8 "fraction of joined players (not including bots) sufficient to end warmup before g_warmup_limit by readying up"
39 alias sv_hook_warmupend
41 set g_chat_nospectators 0 "if 0 spec/observer chat is always visible to the player, if 1 it is never visible to players, if 2 it is only visible to players during warmup stage"
42 set sv_vote_nospectators 0 "only players can call a vote (thus spectators and observers can't call a vote): 0 = all people can vote, 1 = spectators can vote in warmup stage, 2 = only players can vote (no exceptions)."
44 alias g_tourney "g_tourney_$1"
45 alias g_tourney_1 "g_warmup 1; g_chat_nospectators 2; sv_vote_nospectators 1; sv_timeout 1"
46 alias g_tourney_0 "g_warmup 0; g_chat_nospectators 0; sv_vote_nospectators 0; sv_timeout 0"
48 set sv_timeout 0 "allow a player to call a timeout, this will pause the game for some time"
49 set sv_timeout_length 120 "how long the game will be paused at max, in seconds"
50 set sv_timeout_number 2 "how many timeouts one player is allowed to call (gets reset after a restart)"
51 set sv_timeout_leadtime 4 "how long the players will be informed that a timeout was called before it starts, in seconds"
52 set sv_timeout_resumetime 3 "how long the remaining timeout-time will be after a player called the timein command"
54 set sv_autopause 1 "Single player or listen server: pause while all clients have the menu, console or chat open. Dedicated server: pause after starting a map if the server is empty and unpause when the first player joins the empty server."
56 set g_telefrags 1 "telefragging, i.e. killing someone who stands in the way of someone who is teleporting"
57 set g_telefrags_teamplay 1 "never telefrag team mates"
58 set g_telefrags_avoid 1 "when teleporters have a random destination, avoid teleporting to locations where a telefrag would happen"
59 set g_teleport_maxspeed 0 "maximum speed that a player can keep when going through a teleporter (if a misc_teleporter_dest also has a cap the smallest one of these will be used), 0 = don't limit, -1 = keep no speed"
61 set g_respawn_ghosts 1 "if 1 dead bodies become ghosts and float away when the player respawns"
62 set g_respawn_ghosts_speed 5 "the speed with which respawn ghosts float and rotate"
63 set g_respawn_ghosts_time 4.5 "amount of time a respawn ghost lasts before it starts fading out. 0 disables and ghosts fade when the body would"
64 set g_respawn_ghosts_fadetime 1.5 "amount of time a respawn ghost takes to fade out"
65 set g_respawn_ghosts_alpha 1 "respawn ghost alpha"
67 set sv_gibhealth 100 "Minus health a dead body must have in order to get gibbed"
69 // use default physics
71 set sv_friction_on_land 0 "movement friction applied for half a second upon landing on the ground"
72 set sv_friction_slick 0.5 "movement friction while on slick surfaces"
74 set sv_slick_applygravity 0 "apply a downward force while on slick surfaces to simulate slippery slopes"
76 set sv_aircontrol_backwards 0 "apply forward aircontrol options to backward movement"
77 set sv_aircontrol_sidewards 0 "apply forward aircontrol options to sideward movement"
79 set sv_player_viewoffset "0 0 35" "view offset of the player model"
80 set sv_player_mins "-16 -16 -24" "playermodel mins"
81 set sv_player_maxs "16 16 45" "playermodel maxs"
82 set sv_player_crouch_viewoffset "0 0 20" "view offset of the player model when crouched"
83 set sv_player_crouch_mins "-16 -16 -24" "mins of a crouched playermodel"
84 set sv_player_crouch_maxs "16 16 25" "maxs of a crouched playermodel"
86 set sv_doublejump 0 "allow Quake 2-style double jumps"
87 set sv_jumpspeedcap_min "" "lower bound on the baseline velocity of a jump; final velocity will be >= (jumpheight * min + jumpheight)"
88 set sv_jumpspeedcap_max "" "upper bound on the baseline velocity of a jump; final velocity will be <= (jumpheight * max + jumpheight)"
89 set sv_jumpspeedcap_max_disable_on_ramps 0 "disable upper baseline velocity bound on ramps to preserve the old rampjump style"
90 set sv_track_canjump 0 "track if the player released the jump key between 2 jumps to decide if they are able to jump or not"
91 set sv_jumpvelocity_crouch 0 "jump height while crouching, set to 0 to use regular jump height"
93 set sv_precacheplayermodels 1 "preload all the player models at game start, to avoid delays during gameplay"
94 set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 1.5 "base movement speed factor of spectators, all movement settings scale off this"
95 set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier_min 1 "minimum movement speed factor for spectators as determined by scrolling"
96 set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier_max 5 "maximum movement speed factor for spectators as determined by scrolling"
97 set sv_spectate 1 "if set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no spectating)"
98 set sv_defaultcharacter 0 "master switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables"
99 set sv_defaultcharacterskin 0 "if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all skins is taken from the sv_defaultplayerskin variables"
100 set sv_defaultplayermodel "models/player/erebus.iqm" "default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; you may append a :<skinnumber> suffix to model names; you can specify multiple, separated by space, and a random one will be chosen"
101 set sv_defaultplayerskin 0 "each model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; can be overridden by :<skinnumber> suffix in sv_defaultplayermodel"
102 set sv_defaultplayermodel_red "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
103 set sv_defaultplayerskin_red 0 "skin to use on the red team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
104 set sv_defaultplayermodel_blue "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
105 set sv_defaultplayerskin_blue 0 "skin to use on the blue team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
106 set sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
107 set sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow 0 "skin to use on the yellow team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
108 set sv_defaultplayermodel_pink "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
109 set sv_defaultplayerskin_pink 0 "skin to use on the pink team, set to 0 to instead use sv_defaultplayerskin"
110 set sv_defaultplayercolors "" "set to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to \"\" to disable"
111 set sv_autoscreenshot 0 "if set to 1, the server forces all clients to create a local screenshot once the map ended"
112 net_messagetimeout 30
113 net_connecttimeout 30
114 sv_jumpstep 1 // step up stairs while jumping, makes it easier to reach ledges
116 set sv_shownames_cull_distance 2500 "distance after which to not send origin/health/armor of another player"
118 set bot_config_file bots.txt "Name and path of the bot configuration file"
119 set bot_number 0 "Minimum number of bots"
120 set bot_usemodelnames 0 "Use player model names for bot names"
121 set bot_nofire 0 "When set, bots never fire. Mainly for testing in g_waypointeditor mode"
122 set bot_prefix [BOT] "Prefix in front of the bot names"
123 set bot_suffix "" "Suffix behind the bot names"
125 set skill_auto 0 "when 1, \"skill\" gets adjusted to match the best player on the map"
126 set bot_debug_tracewalk 0 "Enable visual indicators for short-term navigation. Green: Goal Reached / Yellow: Obstacle found / Red: Unsolvable obstacle found"
127 set bot_debug_goalstack 0 "Visualize the current path that each bot is following. Use with as few bots as possible."
128 set bot_wander_enable 1 "Have bots wander around if they are unable to reach any useful goal. Disable only for debugging purposes."
129 set bot_typefrag 0 "Allow bots to shoot players while they're typing"
130 // general bot AI cvars
131 set bot_ai_thinkinterval 0.05 "Frame rate at which bots update their navigation and aiming, scales by skill"
132 set bot_ai_strategyinterval 7 "How often a new objective is chosen"
133 set bot_ai_strategyinterval_movingtarget 5.5 "How often a new objective is chosen when current objective can move"
134 set bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval 2 "How often bots try to pick a new target if no suitable target is found"
135 set bot_ai_enemydetectioninterval_stickingtoenemy 4 "How often bots try to pick a new target while targetting an enemy"
136 set bot_ai_enemydetectionradius 10000 "How far bots can see enemies"
137 set bot_ai_dodgeupdateinterval 0.2 "How often scan for items to dodge. Currently not in use."
138 set bot_ai_chooseweaponinterval 0.5 "How often the best weapon according to the situation will be chosen"
139 set bot_ai_dangerdetectioninterval 0.25 "How often scan for waypoints with dangers near"
140 set bot_ai_dangerdetectionupdates 64 "How many waypoints will be considered for danger detection"
141 set bot_ai_aimskill_blendrate 2 "How much correction will be applied to the aiming angle"
142 set bot_ai_aimskill_fixedrate 15 "Distance based scale from which correction will be applied to the aiming angle"
143 set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance 1 "enable fire tolerance"
144 set bot_ai_aimskill_mouse 1 "How much of the aiming filters are applied"
145 set bot_ai_keyboard_distance 250 "Keyboard emulation is disabled after this distance to the goal"
146 set bot_ai_keyboard_threshold 0.57
147 set bot_ai_aimskill_offset 1.8 "Amount of error induced to the bots aim"
148 set bot_ai_aimskill_think 1 "Aiming velocity. Use values below 1 for slower aiming"
149 set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_distances "300 850" "Define close and far distances in any order. Based on the distance to the enemy bots will choose different weapons"
150 set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_far "vaporizer oknex vortex rifle electro devastator mortar hagar hlac crylink blaster okmachinegun machinegun fireball seeker okshotgun shotgun shockwave tuba minelayer" "Desired weapons for far distances ordered by priority"
151 set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_mid "vaporizer devastator oknex vortex fireball seeker mortar electro okmachinegun machinegun arc crylink hlac hagar okshotgun shotgun shockwave blaster rifle tuba minelayer" "Desired weapons for middle distances ordered by priority"
152 set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_close "vaporizer oknex vortex okshotgun shotgun shockwave okmachinegun machinegun arc hlac tuba seeker hagar crylink mortar electro devastator blaster fireball rifle minelayer" "Desired weapons for close distances ordered by priority"
153 set bot_ai_weapon_combo 1 "Enable bots to do weapon combos"
154 set bot_ai_weapon_combo_threshold 0.4 "Try to make a combo N seconds after the last attack"
155 set bot_ai_friends_aware_pickup_radius "500" "Bots will not pickup items if a team mate is this distance near the item"
156 set bot_ai_ignoregoal_timeout 3 "Ignore goals making bots to get stuck in front of a wall for N seconds"
157 set bot_ai_bunnyhop_skilloffset 7 "Bots with skill equal or greater than this value will perform the \"bunnyhop\" technique"
158 set bot_ai_bunnyhop_dir_deviation_max 20 "bunnyhop if speed - direction deviation is <= this amount"
159 set bot_ai_bunnyhop_downward_pitch_max 30 "bunnyhop if downard pitch towards the next waypoint is <= this amount"
160 set bot_ai_bunnyhop_turn_angle_max 80 "bunnyhop if next turn angle is <= this amount at walk speed (sv_maxspeed)"
161 set bot_ai_bunnyhop_turn_angle_min 4 "bunnyhop regardless of speed if next turn angle is <= this amount"
162 set bot_ai_bunnyhop_turn_angle_reduction 40 "linearly reduce max turn angle by this amount when speed increases by sv_maxspeed"
163 set bot_god 0 "god mode for bots"
164 set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack 0 "Enable bots to navigate maps using the jetpack"
165 set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack_mindistance 3500 "Bots will try fly to objects located farther than this distance"
166 // Better don't touch these, there are hard to tweak!
167 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_1st 0.01 "Amount of the 1st filter output to apply to the aiming angle"
168 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_2nd 0.075 "Amount of the 2nd filter output to apply to the aiming angle"
169 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_3th 0.01 "Amount of the 3th filter output to apply to the aiming angle"
170 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_4th 0.0375 "Amount of the 4th filter output to apply to the aiming angle"
171 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_5th 0.01 "Amount of the 5th filter output to apply to the aiming angle"
172 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_1st 0.2 "Position filter"
173 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_2nd 0.2 "Movement filter"
174 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_3th 0.1 "Acceleration filter"
175 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_4th 0.2 "Position prediction filter. Used rarely"
176 set bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_5th 0.25 "Movement prediction filter. Used rarely"
177 set bot_ai_timeitems 1 "allow skilled bots to run to important items a little time before respawning"
178 set bot_ai_timeitems_minrespawndelay 25 "bots run to items with this minimum respawn delay before respawning"
180 // waypoint editor enable
181 set g_waypointeditor 0 "Enables display and placement of bot navigation waypoints, use g_waypointeditor_saveall when done"
182 set g_waypointeditor_auto 0 "Automatically create waypoints for bots while playing; BEWARE, this currently creates too many of them"
183 set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical 0 "Enable symmetrical editing of waypoints on symmetrical CTF maps (NOTE: it assumes that the map is perfectly symmetrical). 1: automatically determine origin of symmetry; -1: use custom origin (g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin); 2: automatically determine axis of symmetry; -2: use custom axis (g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis)"
184 set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_allowload 1 "Allow loading symmetry settings from waypoint files into g_waypointeditor_symmetrical* cvars on map start"
185 set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin "0 0" "Custom origin of symmetry (x y)"
186 set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order 0 "if >= 2 apply rotational symmetry (around origin of symmetry) of this order, otherwise apply autodetected order of symmetry"
187 set g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis "0 0" "Custom axis of symmetry (m q parameters of y = mx + q)"
188 set bot_ignore_bots 0 "When set, bots don't shoot at other bots"
189 set bot_join_empty 0 "When set, bots also play if no player has joined the server"
190 set bot_vs_human 0 "Bots and humans play in different teams when set. positive values to make an all-bot blue team, set to negative values to make an all-bot red team, the absolute value is the ratio bots vs humans (1 for equal count). Changes will be correctly applied only from the next game"
192 set g_spawnshieldtime 1 "number of seconds you are invincible after you spawned, this shield is lost after you fire"
193 set g_spawnshield_blockdamage 1 "how much spawn shield protects you from damage (1 = full protection)"
194 set g_antilag 2 "AntiLag (0 = no AntiLag, 1 = verified client side hit scan, 2 = server side hit scan in the past)"
195 set g_antilag_nudge 0 "don't touch"
196 set g_shootfromeye 1 "shots are fired from your eye/crosshair; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2"
197 set g_shootfromcenter 0 "weapon gets moved to the center, shots still come from the barrel of your weapon; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2"
198 set g_shootfromfixedorigin "" "if set to a string like 0 y z, the gun is moved to the given y and z coordinates. If set to a string like x y z, the whole shot origin is used"
199 set g_weapon_stay 0 "1: ghost weapons can be picked up but give no ammo, thrown guns have ammo 2: ghost weapons can be picked up and refill ammo to one pickup size, thrown guns have no ammo (to prevent infinite ammo abuse)"
200 set g_weapon_throwable 1 "if set to 1, weapons can be dropped"
201 set g_powerups -1 "if set to 0 no powerups will spawn, if 1 they will spawn in all game modes, -1 is game mode default"
202 set g_powerups_drop 0 "allow dropping powerups (1 = timer continues, 2 = timer freezes until picked up)"
203 set g_powerups_drop_ondeath 1 "players will drop their powerups on death (1 = timer continues, 2 = timer freezes until picked up)"
204 set g_powerups_stack 0 "enables stacking of powerup timers when picking up a powerup you already have; otherwise timer is reset to the time granted by the item, if greater than the time you currently have"
205 set g_powerups_strength 1 "allow strength powerups to spawn"
206 set g_powerups_shield 1 "allow shield powerups to spawn"
207 set g_powerups_speed 1 "allow speed powerups to spawn"
208 set g_powerups_invisibility 1 "allow invisibility powerups to spawn"
209 set g_use_ammunition 1 "if set to 0 all weapons have unlimited ammo"
210 set g_pickup_items -1 "if set to 0 all items (health, armor, ammo, weapons...) are removed from the map, if 1 they are forced to spawn"
211 set g_pickup_respawntime_scaling_reciprocal 0 "Multiply respawn time by `reciprocal / (p + offset) + linear` where `p` is the current number of players, takes effect with 2 or more players present, `reciprocal` (with `offset` and `linear` set to 0) can be used to achieve a constant number of items spawned *per player*"
212 set g_pickup_respawntime_scaling_offset 0 "Multiply respawn time by `reciprocal / (p + offset) + linear` where `p` is the current number of players, takes effect with 2 or more players present, `offset` offsets the curve left or right - the results are not intuitive and I recommend plotting the respawn time and the number of items per player to see what's happening"
213 set g_pickup_respawntime_scaling_linear 1 "Multiply respawn time by `reciprocal / (p + offset) + linear` where `p` is the current number of players, takes effect with 2 or more players present, `linear` can be used to simply scale the respawn time linearly"
214 set g_weaponarena "0" "put in a list of weapons to enable a weapon arena mode, or try \"all\", \"most\", \"all_available\" or \"most_available\" (available only gives the weapon if the map normally has it as a pickup item)"
215 set g_weaponarena_random "0" "if set to a number, only that weapon count is given on every spawn (randomly)"
216 set g_weaponarena_random_with_blaster "1" "additionally, always provide the blaster in random weapon arena games"
217 set g_spawnpoints_auto_move_out_of_solid 1 "show a warning if a spawn point was placed inside a solid, disabling this setting causes such spawn points to be removed and produce a more verbose error message"
218 set g_forced_respawn 0 "if set to 1 and a player died, that player gets automatically respawned once <g_respawn_delay> seconds are over"
219 set g_fullbrightplayers 0 "brightens up player models (note that the color, skin or model of the players does not change!)"
220 set g_fullbrightitems 0 "disables lighting effects on items, making them appear bright for visibility"
221 set g_nodepthtestplayers 0 "disables depth testing on players"
222 set g_nodepthtestitems 0 "disables depth testing on items"
223 set g_casings 2 "specifies which casings (0: none, 1: only shotgun casings, 2: shotgun and machine gun casings) are sent to the client"
224 set g_norecoil 1 "if set to 1 shooting weapons won't make you crosshair to move upwards (recoil)"
225 set g_maplist_mostrecent "" "contains the name of the maps that were most recently played"
226 set g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 "number of most recent maps that are blocked from being played again"
227 set g_maplist_index 0 "this is used internally for saving position in maplist cycle"
228 set g_maplist_selectrandom 0 "if 1, a random map will be chosen as next map - DEPRECATED in favor of g_maplist_shuffle"
229 set g_maplist_shuffle 1 "1: shuffling method which avoids playing the same maps in short succession by taking out the first element and inserting it into g_maplist with a bias to the end of the list. -1: a simpler shuffling method which should be adequate if g_maplist_mostrecent_count is large enough."
230 set g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 "when 1, maps are skipped if there currently are bots, but the map has no waypoints"
231 set g_maplist_ignore_sizes 0 "when 1, all maps are shown in the map list regardless of player count"
232 set g_maplist_sizes_count_maxplayers 1 "check the player limit when getting the player count so forced spectators don't affect the size restrictions"
233 set g_maplist_sizes_count_bots 1 "include the number of bots currently in the server when counting the number of players for size restrictions"
234 set g_maplist_sizes_specparty 0 "this fraction of people are expected to only spectate, reduces player count used to select voting GUI maps"
236 set g_items_maxdist 4500 "maximum distance at which an item can be viewed, after which it will be invisible"
237 set g_items_dropped_lifetime 20 "default lifetime for dropped items unless explicitly overriden (ie. flags)"
239 set g_grab_range 200 "distance at which dragable objects can be grabbed"
241 set g_player_alpha 1 "default opacity of players"
242 set g_player_brightness 0 "set to 2 for brighter players"
244 set g_player_damageforcescale 2 "push multiplier of attacks against players"
246 set g_player_damageplayercenter 1 "0: always calculate knockback force direction from player's eyes instead of bbox center. 1: use bbox center point for others, shot origin for attacker's self-damage"
248 set g_playerclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
249 set g_botclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against botclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
251 set g_spawn_alloweffects 1 "allow clients to enable spawn point and event effects such as particles and sounds, see cl_spawn_ cvars for more info"
252 set g_spawn_furthest 0.5 "this amount of the spawns shall be far away from any players"
253 set g_spawn_useallspawns 0 "use all spawns, e.g. also team spawns in non-teamplay, and all spawns, even enemy spawns, in teamplay"
255 set g_respawn_delay_small 2 "small game number of seconds you have to wait before you can respawn again"
256 set g_respawn_delay_small_count 0 "Player count per team for g_respawn_delay_small. <=0 values mean the minimum amount of players to have gameplay (typically 2 in FFA, 1 in teamplay)."
257 set g_respawn_delay_large 2 "large game number of seconds you have to wait before you can respawn again"
258 set g_respawn_delay_large_count 8 "Player count per team for g_respawn_delay_large. <=0 values mean the minimum amount of players to have gameplay (typically 2 in FFA, 1 in teamplay)."
259 set g_respawn_delay_max 5 "number of seconds you can wait before you're forced to respawn (only effective with g_forced_respawn 1)"
260 set g_respawn_delay_forced 0 "enforce regular respawn delay (prevent gamemode specific respawn delays)"
261 set g_respawn_waves 0 "respawn in waves (every n seconds), intended to decrease overwhelming base attacks"
264 set timelimit_overtime 2 "duration in minutes of one added overtime, added to the timelimit"
265 set timelimit_overtimes 0 "how many overtimes to add at max"
266 set timelimit_suddendeath 5 "number of minutes suddendeath mode lasts after all overtimes were added and still no winner was found"
268 // common team values
270 set teamplay_mode 4 "default teamplay setting in team games. 1 = no friendly fire, self damage. 2 = friendly fire and self damage enabled. 3 = no friendly fire, but self damage enabled. 4 = obey the cvars g_mirrordamage*, g_friendlyfire* and g_teamdamage*"
271 set g_mirrordamage 0.7 "for teamplay_mode 4: mirror damage factor"
272 set g_mirrordamage_virtual 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: do not actually apply mirror damage, just show graphics effect for it"
273 set g_mirrordamage_onlyweapons 0 "for teamplay_mode 4: only apply mirror damage if the attack was from a weapon"
274 set g_friendlyfire 0.5 "for teamplay_mode 4: friendly fire factor"
275 set g_friendlyfire_virtual 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: do not actually apply friendly fire, just show graphics effect for it"
276 set g_friendlyfire_virtual_force 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: apply force even though damage was made virtual only"
277 set g_teamdamage_threshold 40 "for teamplay_mode 4: threshold over which to apply mirror damage"
278 set g_teamdamage_resetspeed 20 "for teamplay_mode 4: how fast player's teamdamage count decreases"
280 set g_balance_teams 1 "automatically balance out players entering instead of asking them for their preferred team"
281 set g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 1 "prevent players from changing to larger teams"
282 set g_changeteam_banned 0 "not allowed to change team"
284 set sv_teamnagger 1 "enable a nag message when the teams are unbalanced"
286 set g_bloodloss 0 "amount of health below which blood loss occurs"
288 set g_footsteps 1 "serverside footstep sounds"
290 set g_throughfloor_debug 0 "enable debugging messages for throughfloor calculations"
291 set g_throughfloor_damage_max_stddev 2 "Maximum standard deviation for splash damage"
292 set g_throughfloor_force_max_stddev 10 "Maximum standard deviation for splash force"
293 set g_throughfloor_min_steps_player 1 "Minimum number of steps for splash damage"
294 set g_throughfloor_min_steps_other 1 "Minimum number of steps for splash damage"
295 set g_throughfloor_max_steps_player 100 "Maximum number of steps for splash damage"
296 set g_throughfloor_max_steps_other 10 "Maximum number of steps for splash damage"
297 // note: for damage X, 0.25 * ((1-g_throughfloor_damage)*X / g_throughfloor_damage_max_stddev)^2 steps are used
298 // for these numbers:
307 sv_maxvelocity 1000000000
309 sv_sound_watersplash ""
311 // startmap_dm is used when running with the -listen or -dedicated commandline options
312 set serverconfig server.cfg
313 alias loadconfig "cvar_resettodefaults_saveonly; exec ${* !}"
315 alias startmap_dm "set _sv_init 0; map _init/_init; exec $serverconfig; set _sv_init 1"
318 set sv_logscores_console 0 "print scores to server console"
319 set sv_logscores_file 0 "print scores to file"
320 set sv_logscores_filename scores.log "filename"
321 set sv_logscores_bots 0 "exclude bots by default"
323 // spam (frag/capture) log
324 set sv_eventlog 0 "enable event logging"
325 set sv_eventlog_console 1 "print event log entries to the dedicated console as well"
326 set sv_eventlog_files 0 "save the event log to individual files"
327 set sv_eventlog_files_timestamps 1 "include timestamps in the log file names"
328 set sv_eventlog_files_counter 0 "internal counter cvar, do not modify"
329 set sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix xonotic "prefix of individual log file names"
330 set sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix .log "suffix of individual log file names"
331 set sv_eventlog_ipv6_delimiter 0 "use a _ delimiter for IPV6 IPs, so that they can be easily detected in scripts"
333 set nextmap "" "override the maplist when switching to the next map"
334 set lastlevel "" "for singleplayer use, shows the menu once the match has ended"
335 set quit_when_empty 0 "set to 1, then the server exits when the next level would start but is empty"
336 set quit_and_redirect "" "set to an IP to redirect all players at the end of the match to another server. Set to \"self\" to let all players reconnect at the end of the match (use it to make seamless engine updates)"
337 set quit_and_redirect_timer 1.5 "set to number of seconds after quit before performing the connect operation of quit_and_redirect"
339 // Green's fullbright skins, updated by Samual
340 alias sv_fbskin_unique "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors \"\""
341 alias sv_fbskin_green "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 51"
342 alias sv_fbskin_red "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 68"
343 alias sv_fbskin_orange "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 238"
344 alias sv_fbskin_rainbow "sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 95"
346 alias sv_fbskin_off "sv_defaultcharacter 0; sv_defaultplayerskin 0; sv_defaultplayercolors \"\""
348 set sv_servermodelsonly 1 "enable to prevent players from using playermodels that don't exist on the server"
350 sv_curl_defaulturl "http://www.xonotic.org/contentdownload/getmap.php?file="
351 set sv_curl_serverpackages_auto 1 "automatically add packs with *.serverpackage files to sv_curl_serverpackages"
353 set sv_motd "" "additional information to show on the welcome screen that greets joining players"
354 set sv_termsofservice_url "" "URL from which Server specific Terms of Service should be downloaded"
356 set g_waypoints_for_items 0 "make waypoints out of items, values: 0 = never, 1 = unless the mapper prevents it by worldspawn.spawnflags & 1, 2 = always"
358 set g_maplist_votable 6 "number of maps that are shown in the map voting at the end of a match, 0 to disable"
359 set g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime 15 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during map vote screen"
360 set g_maplist_votable_timeout 30 "timeout for the map voting; must be below 50 seconds!"
361 set g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2 "number of maps a player is allowed to suggest for the map voting screen using 'suggestmap'"
362 set g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent 0 "allow players to suggest maps that have been played recently"
363 set g_maplist_votable_nodetail 0 "hide per-map vote counts (to avoid influential first votes)"
364 set g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 "offer a \"don't care\" option on the voting screen"
365 set g_maplist_votable_screenshot_dir "maps levelshots" "where to look for map screenshots"
367 set sv_vote_gametype 0 "show a vote screen for gametypes before map vote screen"
368 set sv_vote_gametype_keeptwotime 10 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during gametype vote screen"
369 set sv_vote_gametype_options "dm tdm ca ctf" "identifiers of gamemodes on the voting screen, can be custom (max 9 chars) - see example in server/server.cfg"
370 set sv_vote_gametype_timeout 20 "how long the gametype vote screen lasts"
371 set sv_vote_gametype_default_current 1 "Keep the current gametype if no one votes"
373 set g_chat_flood_spl 3 "normal chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding"
374 set g_chat_flood_lmax 2 "normal chat: maximum number of lines per chat message at once"
375 set g_chat_flood_burst 2 "normal chat: allow bursts of so many chat lines"
376 set g_chat_flood_spl_team 1 "team chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding"
377 set g_chat_flood_lmax_team 2 "team chat: maximum number of lines per chat message at once"
378 set g_chat_flood_burst_team 2 "team chat: allow bursts of so many chat lines"
379 set g_chat_flood_spl_tell 1 "private chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding"
380 set g_chat_flood_lmax_tell 2 "private chat: maximum number of lines per chat message at once"
381 set g_chat_flood_burst_tell 2 "private chat: allow bursts of so many chat lines"
382 set g_chat_flood_notify_flooder 1 "when disabled, the flooder still can see their own message"
383 set g_chat_allowed 1 "allow players to communicate via in-game chat"
384 set g_chat_private_allowed 1 "allow players to communicate via in-game private chat"
385 set g_chat_spectator_allowed 1 "allow spectators to communicate via in-game chat"
386 set g_chat_team_allowed 1 "allow players to communicate via in-game team chat"
387 set g_chat_teamcolors 0 "colorize nicknames in team color for chat"
388 set g_chat_tellprivacy 1 "when disabled, tell messages are also sent to the server console log... otherwise they're kept private between players."
389 set g_nick_flood_timeout 120 "time after which nick flood protection resets (set to 0 to disable nick flood checking)"
390 set g_nick_flood_penalty 0.5 "duration of the nick flood penalty"
391 set g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow 3 "number of changes to allow before warning and movement blocking"
392 set g_nick_flood_penalty_red 30 "number of changes to allow before totally disorienting the player"
394 set sv_waypointsprite_deployed_lifetime 10 "default lifetime of temporary waypoints"
395 set sv_waypointsprite_deadlifetime 1 "fade out lifetime of waypoints being removed"
396 set sv_waypointsprite_limitedrange 5120 "default maximum viewing distance of waypoints (if set by the waypoint)"
398 set sv_itemstime 1 "enable networking of time left until respawn for items such as mega health/armor and powerups"
401 set g_ban_default_bantime 5400 "default ban time in seconds"
402 set g_ban_default_masksize 3 "masksize 0 means banning by UID only, 1 means banning by /8 (IPv6: /32) network, 2 means banning by /16 (IPv6: /48) network, 3 means banning by /24 (IPv6: /56) network, 4 means banning by single IP (IPv6: /64 network)"
403 set g_ban_sync_uri "" "sync using this ban list provider (empty string to disable)"
404 set g_ban_sync_interval 5 "sync interval in minutes"
405 set g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" "request ban lists from these Xonotic servers (do not include your own server there, or unbanning may fail)"
406 set g_ban_sync_timeout 45 "time out in seconds for the ban sync requests"
407 set g_ban_sync_trusted_servers_verify 0 "ignore additional bans sent by the servers, and use only bans for the requested IP"
408 set g_ban_telluser 1 "notify the banned player they are banned when they try to join"
409 set g_banned_list "" "list of banned players; player format: IP remainingtime"
410 set g_banned_list_idmode "1" "when set, the IP banning system always uses the ID over the IP address (so a user in a banned IP range can connect if they have a valid signed ID)"
411 set g_chatban_list "" "list of banned players from chat; player format: IP or playerkey"
412 set g_playban_list "" "list of banned players from playing (forced to spectate); player format: IP or playerkey"
413 set g_playban_minigames 0 "disallow playbanned players (who are forced to spectate) from playing minigames"
414 set g_voteban_list "" "list of banned players from voting; player format: IP or playerkey"
416 // useful vote aliases
417 set timelimit_increment 5 "number of minutes added to the timer when voting for extendmatchtime"
418 set timelimit_decrement 5 "number of minutes removed from the timer when voting for reducematchtime"
419 set timelimit_min 5 "shortest match time achieveable with reducematchtime and timelimit votes"
420 set timelimit_max 60 "maximum match time achieveable with extendmatchtime and timelimit votes"
422 sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0
423 sv_gameplayfix_q2airaccelerate 1
424 sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes 1
425 sv_gameplayfix_stepdown 2
426 // only available in qc physics
427 set sv_gameplayfix_stepdown_maxspeed 0 "maximum speed walking entities can be moving for stepping down to apply"
429 // delay for "kill" to prevent abuse
430 set g_balance_kill_delay 2 "timer before death when using the kill command"
431 set g_balance_kill_antispam 5 "additional time added to the kill delay if used repeatedly"
433 // this feature is currently buggy in the engine (it appears to PREVENT any dropping in lots of maps, leading to weirdly aligned entities, and in some cases even CAUSES them to drop through solid, like in facing worlds nex)
434 sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0
436 set sv_foginterval 1 "force enable fog in regular intervals"
438 set sv_maxidle 0 "kick players idle for more than this amount of time in seconds"
439 set sv_maxidle_alsokickspectators 1 "when sv_maxidle is > 0, kick idle spectators as well as players"
440 set sv_maxidle_slots 0 "when not 0, only kick idlers when this many or less player slots are available"
441 set sv_maxidle_slots_countbots 1 "count bots as player slots"
442 set sv_maxidle_minplayers 2 "check for idlers only when there are at least this many players (only in dedicated servers)"
443 set sv_maxidle_playertospectator 60 "move players idle for more than this amount of time in seconds to spectators (sv_maxidle timer starts again after sv_maxidle_playertospectator has moved a player to spectators)"
445 sv_allowdownloads_inarchive 1 // for csprogs.dat
446 sv_allowdownloads 0 // download protocol is evil
448 set g_jump_grunt 0 "Do you make a grunting noise every time you jump? Is it the same grunting noise every time?"
450 set g_maplist_allow_hidden 0 "allow hidden maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist"
451 set g_maplist_allow_frustrating 0 "allow impossible maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist (if set to 2, ONLY impossible maps are allowed)"
453 set sv_clones 0 "number of clones a player may make (reset by the \"kill\" command)"
455 set g_showweaponspawns 1 "1: display waypoints for weapon spawns found on the map when a weapon key is pressed and the weapon is not owned; 2: for dropped weapons too; 3: for all the weapons sharing the same impulse"
457 set g_ballistics_mindistance 2 "when shooting through walls thinner than this, treat them as this thick (useful because patches (curved surfaces) have no thickness)"
458 set g_ballistics_density_player 0.50 "how hard players are to shoot through compared to walls"
459 set g_ballistics_density_corpse 0.10 "how hard corpses are to shoot through compared to walls"
460 set g_ballistics_penetrate_clips 1 "allow ballistics to pass through weapon clips"
461 set g_ballistics_solidpenetration_exponent 1 "how fast damage falls off when bullets pass through walls - 1 means linear, lower values mean slower initial falloff but faster once there's little solidpenetration left (damage_fraction = solidpen_fraction^exp for solidpen_fraction between 0 and 1)"
463 sv_status_show_qcstatus 1 "Xonotic uses this field instead of frags"
464 set g_full_getstatus_responses 0 "this currently breaks qstat"
466 // "Gentle mode": show no blood
467 set sv_gentle 0 "force gentle mode for everyone, also remove references to acts of killing from the messages"
469 set g_jetpack 0 "Jetpack mutator"
471 set g_hitplots 0 "when set to 1, hitplots are stored by the server to provide a means of proving that a triggerbot was used"
472 set g_hitplots_individuals "" "the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded"
474 // set it to 1 to "fix bot moveto command and routing... now all bots can get to their seats" (Nexuiz repo, commit 2c9873e6)
475 set bot_navigation_ignoreplayers 0 // FIXME remove this once the issue is solved
476 set bot_sound_monopoly 0 "when enabled, only bots can make any noise"
478 set g_mapinfo_settemp_acl "+*" "ACL for mapinfo setting cvars"
480 set g_triggerimpulse_accel_power 1 "trigger_impulse accelerator power (applied BEFORE the multiplier)"
481 set g_triggerimpulse_accel_multiplier 1 "trigger_impulse accelerator multiplier (applied AFTER the power)"
482 set g_triggerimpulse_directional_multiplier 1 "trigger_impulse directional field multiplier"
483 set g_triggerimpulse_radial_multiplier 1 "trigger_impulse radial field multiplier"
485 set sv_weaponstats_file "" "when set to a file name, per-weapon stats get written to that file"
487 set rescan_pending 0 "set to 1 to schedule a fs_rescan at the end of this match"
489 set g_mapinfo_allow_unsupported_modes_and_let_stuff_break "0" "set to 1 to be able to force game types using g_ cvars even if the map does not support them"
490 set g_mutatormsg "" "mutator message"
492 set spawn_debug 0 "use all spawns one by one, then abort, to verify all spawnpoints"
493 set loddebug 0 "force this LOD level"
494 set speedmeter 0 "print landing speeds"
495 set waypoint_benchmark 0 "quit after waypoint loading to benchmark bot navigation code"
496 set g_debug_bot_commands 0 "print scripted bot commands before executing"
498 // weapon accuracy stats
499 set sv_accuracy_data_share 1 "1 send weapon accuracy data statistics to spectating clients, depends on cl_accuracy_data_share"
500 set sv_accuracy_data_send 1 "1 send weapon accuracy data statistics and improved score info to all the clients at the end of the match, depends on cl_accuracy_data_receive, 0 send the current 'player has won' to all the clients"
503 set _independent_players 0 "DO NOT TOUCH"
504 set _notarget 0 "NO, REALLY, DON'T"
506 set debug_text_3d_default_align 0 "Default text alignment for debug_text_3d()"
507 set debug_text_3d_default_duration 10 "Default duration for debug_text_3d()"
508 set debug_text_3d_default_velocity "0 -10 0" "Default velocity for debug_text_3d() in screen coords (X and Y from top left)"
510 ///////// qc debugger shortcuts /////////
512 alias ps_b "prvm_breakpoint server ${* ?}"
513 alias pc_b "prvm_breakpoint client ${* ?}"
514 alias pm_b "prvm_breakpoint menu ${* ?}"
517 alias ps_e "prvm_edict server ${* ?}"
518 alias pc_e "prvm_edict client ${* ?}"
519 alias pm_e "prvm_edict menu ${* ?}"
522 alias ps_fg "prvm_edictget server ${* ?}"
523 alias pc_fg "prvm_edictget client ${* ?}"
524 alias pm_fg "prvm_edictget menu ${* ?}"
526 alias ps_fs "prvm_edictset server ${* ?}"
527 alias pc_fs "prvm_edictset client ${* ?}"
528 alias pm_fs "prvm_edictset menu ${* ?}"
530 alias ps_fw "prvm_edictwatchpoint server ${* ?}"
531 alias pc_fw "prvm_edictwatchpoint client ${* ?}"
532 alias pm_fw "prvm_edictwatchpoint menu ${* ?}"
535 alias ps_gg "prvm_globalget server ${* ?}"
536 alias pc_gg "prvm_globalget client ${* ?}"
537 alias pm_gg "prvm_globalget menu ${* ?}"
539 alias ps_gs "prvm_globalset server ${* ?}"
540 alias pc_gs "prvm_globalset client ${* ?}"
541 alias pm_gs "prvm_globalset menu ${* ?}"
543 alias ps_gw "prvm_globalwatchpoint server ${* ?}"
544 alias pc_gw "prvm_globalwatchpoint client ${* ?}"
545 alias pm_gw "prvm_globalwatchpoint menu ${* ?}"
546 ///////// qc debugger shortcuts END /////////
548 // otherwise, antilag breaks
549 sv_gameplayfix_consistentplayerprethink 1
551 // Xonotic's QC physics still depend on this cvar (feature deprecated in DP master)
552 sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers 1
554 // improve some minor details
555 sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate 1
556 sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground 1
558 set sv_q3compat_changehitbox 0 "use Q3 player hitbox dimensions and camera height on Q3 maps (maps with an entry in a .arena or .defi file)"
560 set g_movement_highspeed 1 "multiplier scale for movement speed (applies to sv_maxspeed and sv_maxairspeed, also applies to air acceleration when g_movement_highspeed_q3_compat is set to 0)"
561 set g_movement_highspeed_q3_compat 0 "apply speed modifiers to air movement in a more Q3-compatible way (only apply speed buffs and g_movement_highspeed to max air speed, not to acceleration)"
563 set g_maxspeed 0 "player speed limit, faster players are killed (0 for unlimited speed)"
565 // sv_cullentities_trace is 1, so the client doesn't have to
566 sv_cullentities_trace 1
567 // support pings up to 400 for eye position prediction
568 sv_cullentities_trace_prediction_time 0.4
569 // due to a bug in the engine, the default setting of this (16) spams the network with item updates
570 sv_cullentities_trace_eyejitter 0
572 // less "lagging" of other players, but also less PL tolerant... let's try this
573 sv_clmovement_inputtimeout 0.066 // slightly less than 2 frames, so only one frame can be compensated
575 // strength sound settings
576 set sv_strengthsound_antispam_time 0.1 "minimum distance of strength sounds"
577 set sv_strengthsound_antispam_refire_threshold 0.04 "apply minimum distance only if refire of the gun is smaller than this"
579 // database management
580 set sv_db_saveasdump 0 "write server.db in dump format (loads slower, easier to read/parse)"
583 set sv_allow_fullbright 1 "when set, clients may use r_fullbright on this server without getting a night vision effect overlay"
585 // forbid pickup timer
586 set sv_forbid_pickuptimer 0 "when set, clients won't be able to see the time they picked up an item"
588 // auto-teams (team selection by player ID)
589 // any player not listed is forced to spectate
590 set g_forced_team_red "" "list of player IDs for red team"
591 set g_forced_team_blue "" "list of player IDs for blue team"
592 set g_forced_team_yellow "" "list of player IDs for yellow team"
593 set g_forced_team_pink "" "list of player IDs for pink team"
594 set g_forced_team_otherwise "default" "action if a non listed player joins (can be default for default action, spectate for forcing to spectate, or red, blue, yellow, pink)"
596 // nice alias to set up a match
597 // example: g_forced_team_matchsetup stormkeep "mzDo0nO2y3XpFPNbQAyeUucyaejZ9xpiXLYMGU2x3qM=" "BRLOGENSHFEGLE/+Mq3x2UGMYLXipx9ZjeaycuUeyAQ="
598 // will set up a match on stormkeep where mzDo0nO2y3XpFPNbQAyeUucyaejZ9xpiXLYMGU2x3qM= and BRLOGENSHFEGLE/+Mq3x2UGMYLXipx9ZjeaycuUeyAQ= play against each other
599 alias g_forced_team_matchsetup "map $1; settemp g_forced_team_red \"$2\"; settemp g_forced_team_blue \"$3\"; settemp g_forced_team_yellow \"$4\"; settemp g_forced_team_pink \"$5\"; settemp g_forced_team_otherwise spectate"
602 set g_frozen_revive_falldamage 0 "Enable reviving from this amount of fall damage"
603 set g_frozen_revive_falldamage_health 40 "Amount of health player has if they revived from falling"
604 set g_frozen_damage_trigger 1 "if 1, frozen players falling into the void/lava/slime will die instead of teleporting to spawn"
605 set g_frozen_force 0.6 "How much to multiply the force on a frozen player with"
608 set g_playerstats_gamereport_uri "https://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit" "Output player statistics information to either: URL (with ://), console (with a dash like this: -), or supply a filename to output to data directory."
609 set g_playerstats_gamereport_ladder ""
610 set g_playerstats_playerbasic_uri "https://stats.xonotic.org"
611 set g_playerstats_playerdetail_uri "https://stats.xonotic.org/player/me"
612 set g_playerstats_playerdetail_autoupdatetime 1800 // automatically update every 30 minutes anyway
615 set g_max_info_autoscreenshot 3 "how many info_autoscreenshot entities are allowed"
618 // commands for saving and reloading the current posistion and view, even after a map restart
619 // useful for taking screenshots and comparing things
620 alias posview_load "_posview_set \"$_posview_pos\" \"$_posview_angles\""
621 alias posview_save "_posview_save_to_cvars _posview_pos _posview_angles; _posview_save_$posview_verbose"
622 alias _posview_save_0 ""
623 alias _posview_save_1 "posview_info"
625 // NOTE without ^7 the quote mark wouldn't be printed
626 alias posview_info "echo saved player posview:; echo _posview_pos ^7\"$_posview_pos\"; echo _posview_angles ^7\"$_posview_angles\""
627 seta posview_verbose 1 "also print posview on save so that a previously saved posview can be restored by copying it from the OS console log and pasted to the Xonotic console"
629 // internal commands:
630 // _posview_set <position> <view angles>: sets the specified position and view angles ("x y z" "pitch yaw roll")
631 // _posview_save_to_cvars <pos_cvar> <angles_cvar>: saves current position and view angles to the specified cvars
632 alias _posview_set "prvm_edictset server 1 origin \"$1\"; prvm_edictset server 1 fixangle 1; prvm_edictset server 1 angles \"$2\""
633 alias _posview_save_to_cvars "prvm_edictget server 1 origin ${1 ?}; prvm_edictget server 1 v_angle ${2 ?}"
634 seta _posview_pos "0 0 0"
635 seta _posview_angles "0 0 0"
638 // mod names for server browser
639 // note: the lowest of these that mismatches default is used
640 set g_mod_physics "" "Current physics config name"
641 set g_mod_balance "" "Current balance config name"
642 set g_mod_config "" "Current config mod name"
644 // other config files
646 exec balance-xonotic.cfg // depends on testing.cfg
650 exec gamemodes-server.cfg
655 if_dedicated exec help-xonotic.cfg
657 set sv_join_notices "" "special alerts to show joining players"
658 set sv_join_notices_time 15 "how long the alert is shown on the player's screen"
660 set sv_simple_items 1 "allow or forbid client use of simple items"
662 set sv_showspectators 1 "Show who's spectating who in the player info panel when client has cl_showspectators on. 1: shouldn't be used on competitive servers, or when watching a suspected cheater. 2: only spectators can see the spectators list"
664 set sv_damagetext 2 "<= 0: disabled, >= 1: visible to spectators, >= 2: visible to attacker, >= 3: all players see everyone's damage"
666 set sv_show_entnum 0 "Show the number and some info of the entity you're aiming at"
668 set sv_showfps 0 "Show player's FPS counters in the scoreboard. This setting acts as a delay in seconds between updates. NOTE: this feature gathers performance telemetry, it may require consent from players on the server depending on your legislation"
669 set sv_doors_always_open 0 "If set to 1 don't close doors which after they were open"
671 set sv_warpzone_allow_selftarget 0 "do not touch"
673 // don't notify cvar changes in the chat
676 set sv_quickmenu_file "" "filename of a custom server's quickmenu that will be selectable from the default client's quickmenu. This file must be sent in a pk3 archive and should have an unique name (e.g. quickmenu-servername.txt) to prevent overriding existing quickmenus"
678 // Avoid perf problems near '0 0 0'; `set` without a description is because only current DP has this engine cvar
679 set sv_areagrid_link_SOLID_NOT 0