]> git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git/blob - qcsrc/menu/xonotic/charmap.c
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[xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git] / qcsrc / menu / xonotic / charmap.c
1 #ifdef INTERFACE
2 CLASS(XonoticCharmap) EXTENDS(Image)
3         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, configureXonoticCharmap, void(entity, entity))
4         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, mousePress, float(entity, vector))
5         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, mouseRelease, float(entity, vector))
6         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, mouseMove, float(entity, vector))
7         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, mouseDrag, float(entity, vector))
8         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float))
9         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, focusLeave, void(entity))
10         METHOD(XonoticCharmap, draw, void(entity))
11         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, controlledTextbox, entity, NULL)
12         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, image, string, SKINGFX_CHARMAP)
13         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, image2, string, SKINGFX_CHARMAP_SELECTED)
14         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, focusable, float, 1)
15         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, previouslySelectedCharacterCell, float, -1)
16         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, selectedCharacterCell, float, 0)
17         ATTRIB(XonoticCharmap, mouseSelectedCharacterCell, float, -1)
18 ENDCLASS(XonoticCharmap)
19 entity makeXonoticCharmap(entity theTextbox);
20 #endif
23 entity makeXonoticCharmap(entity theTextbox)
24 {
25         entity me;
26         me = spawnXonoticCharmap();
27         me.configureXonoticCharmap(me, theTextbox);
28         return me;
29 }
31 string CharMap_CellToChar(float c)
32 {
33         if (cvar("utf8_enable")) {
34                 if(c == 13)
35                         return chr(0xE000 + 127);
36                 else if(c < 32)
37                         return chr(0xE000 + c);
38                 else
39                         return chr(0xE000 + c + 96);
40         } else {
41                 if(c == 13)
42                         return chr(127);
43                 else if(c < 32)
44                         return chr(c);
45                 else
46                         return chr(c + 96);
47         }
48 }
50 void XonoticCharmap_configureXonoticCharmap(entity me, entity theTextbox)
51 {
52         me.controlledTextbox = theTextbox;
53         me.configureImage(me, me.image);
54 }
56 float XonoticCharmap_mouseMove(entity me, vector coords)
57 {
58         float x, y, c;
59         x = floor(coords_x * 16);
60         y = floor(coords_y * 10);
61         if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 16 || y >= 10)
62         {
63                 me.mouseSelectedCharacterCell = -1;
64                 return 0;
65         }
66         c = y * 16 + x;
67         if(c != me.mouseSelectedCharacterCell || me.mouseSelectedCharacterCell != me.selectedCharacterCell)
68                 me.mouseSelectedCharacterCell = me.selectedCharacterCell = c;
69         return 1;
70 }
71 float XonoticCharmap_mouseDrag(entity me, vector coords)
72 {
73         return me.mouseMove(me, coords);
74 }
75 float XonoticCharmap_mousePress(entity me, vector coords)
76 {
77         me.mouseMove(me, coords);
78         if(me.mouseSelectedCharacterCell >= 0)
79         {
80                 me.pressed = 1;
81                 me.previouslySelectedCharacterCell = me.selectedCharacterCell;
82         }
83         return 1;
84 }
85 float XonoticCharmap_mouseRelease(entity me, vector coords)
86 {
87         if(!me.pressed)
88                 return 0;
89         me.mouseMove(me, coords);
90         if(me.selectedCharacterCell == me.previouslySelectedCharacterCell)
91                 me.controlledTextbox.enterText(me.controlledTextbox, CharMap_CellToChar(me.selectedCharacterCell));
92         me.pressed = 0;
93         return 1;
94 }
95 float XonoticCharmap_keyDown(entity me, float key, float ascii, float shift)
96 {
97         switch(key)
98         {
99                 case K_LEFTARROW:
100                 case K_KP_LEFTARROW:
101                         me.selectedCharacterCell = mod(me.selectedCharacterCell + 159, 160);
102                         return 1;
103                 case K_RIGHTARROW:
104                 case K_KP_RIGHTARROW:
105                         me.selectedCharacterCell = mod(me.selectedCharacterCell + 1, 160);
106                         return 1;
107                 case K_UPARROW:
108                 case K_KP_UPARROW:
109                         me.selectedCharacterCell = mod(me.selectedCharacterCell + 144, 160);
110                         return 1;
111                 case K_DOWNARROW:
112                 case K_KP_DOWNARROW:
113                         me.selectedCharacterCell = mod(me.selectedCharacterCell + 16, 160);
114                         return 1;
115                 case K_HOME:
116                 case K_KP_HOME:
117                         me.selectedCharacterCell = 0;
118                         return 1;
119                 case K_END:
120                 case K_KP_END:
121                         me.selectedCharacterCell = 159;
122                         return 1;
123                 case K_SPACE:
124                 case K_ENTER:
125                 case K_KP_ENTER:
126                 case K_INS:
127                 case K_KP_INS:
128                         me.controlledTextbox.enterText(me.controlledTextbox, CharMap_CellToChar(me.selectedCharacterCell));
129                         return 1;
130                 default:
131                         return me.controlledTextbox.keyDown(me.controlledTextbox, key, ascii, shift);
132         }
133 }
134 void XonoticCharmap_focusLeave(entity me)
135 {
136         me.controlledTextbox.saveCvars(me.controlledTextbox);
137 }
138 void XonoticCharmap_draw(entity me)
139 {
140         if(me.focused)
141         {
142                 if(!me.pressed || (me.selectedCharacterCell == me.previouslySelectedCharacterCell))
143                 {
144                         vector c;
145                         c = eX * (mod(me.selectedCharacterCell, 16) / 16.0);
146                         c += eY * (floor(me.selectedCharacterCell / 16.0) / 10.0);
147                         draw_Picture(c, me.image2, '0.0625 0.1 0', '1 1 1', 1);
148                 }
149         }
150         SUPER(XonoticCharmap).draw(me);
151 }
152 #endif