1 #include "shockwave.qh"
6 METHOD(Shockwave, m_spawnfunc_hookreplace, Weapon(Shockwave this, entity e))
8 //if(autocvar_sv_q3acompat_machineshockwaveswap) // WEAPONTODO
9 if (autocvar_sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap && !Item_IsLoot(e))
16 const float MAX_SHOCKWAVE_HITS = 10;
17 //#define DEBUG_SHOCKWAVE
20 .entity swing_alreadyhit;
21 .float shockwave_blasttime;
22 entity shockwave_hit[MAX_SHOCKWAVE_HITS];
23 float shockwave_hit_damage[MAX_SHOCKWAVE_HITS];
24 vector shockwave_hit_force[MAX_SHOCKWAVE_HITS];
27 void W_Shockwave_Melee_Think(entity this)
30 float i, f, swing, swing_factor, swing_damage, meleetime, is_player;
34 // check to see if we can still continue, otherwise give up now
35 if(IS_DEAD(this.realowner) && WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_no_doubleslap))
41 // set start time of melee
45 W_PlayStrengthSound(this.realowner);
48 // update values for v_* vectors
49 makevectors(this.realowner.v_angle);
51 // calculate swing percentage based on time
52 meleetime = WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_time) * W_WeaponRateFactor(this.realowner);
53 swing = bound(0, (this.cnt + meleetime - time) / meleetime, 10);
54 f = ((1 - swing) * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_traces));
56 // perform the traces needed for this frame
57 for(i=this.swing_prev; i < f; ++i)
59 swing_factor = ((1 - (i / WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_traces))) * 2 - 1);
61 targpos = (this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs
62 + (v_forward * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_range))
63 + (v_up * swing_factor * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_swing_up))
64 + (v_right * swing_factor * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_swing_side)));
66 WarpZone_traceline_antilag(
68 (this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs),
72 ANTILAG_LATENCY(this.realowner)
75 // draw lightning beams for debugging
77 te_lightning2(NULL, targpos, this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs + v_forward * 5 - v_up * 5);
78 te_customflash(targpos, 40, 2, '1 1 1');
81 is_player = (IS_PLAYER(trace_ent) || trace_ent.classname == "body" || IS_MONSTER(trace_ent));
83 if((trace_fraction < 1) // if trace is good, apply the damage and remove this if necessary
84 && (trace_ent.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM)
85 && (trace_ent != this.swing_alreadyhit)
86 && (is_player || WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_nonplayerdamage)))
88 target_victim = trace_ent; // so it persists through other calls
90 if(is_player) // this allows us to be able to nerf the non-player damage done in e.g. assault or onslaught
91 swing_damage = (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_damage) * min(1, swing_factor + 1));
93 swing_damage = (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_nonplayerdamage) * min(1, swing_factor + 1));
95 // trigger damage with this calculated info
102 (this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs),
103 (v_forward * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_force))
107 if(accuracy_isgooddamage(this.realowner, target_victim))
108 { accuracy_add(this.realowner, WEP_SHOCKWAVE.m_id, 0, swing_damage); }
112 "MELEE: %s hitting %s with %f damage (factor: %f) at %f time.",
113 this.realowner.netname,
114 target_victim.netname,
121 // allow multiple hits with one swing, but not against the same player twice
122 if(WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_multihit))
124 this.swing_alreadyhit = target_victim;
125 continue; // move along to next trace
135 if(time >= this.cnt + meleetime)
145 this.nextthink = time;
149 void W_Shockwave_Melee(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire)
152 weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_animtime), w_ready);
154 entity meleetemp = new_pure(meleetemp);
155 meleetemp.owner = meleetemp.realowner = actor;
156 setthink(meleetemp, W_Shockwave_Melee_Think);
157 meleetemp.nextthink = time + WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_delay) * W_WeaponRateFactor(actor);
158 W_SetupShot_Range(actor, weaponentity, true, 0, SND_Null, 0, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_damage), WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_range));
162 float W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckSpread(
164 vector nearest_on_line,
166 vector attack_endpos)
169 float distance_of_attack = vlen(sw_shotorg - attack_endpos);
170 float distance_from_line = vlen(targetorg - nearest_on_line);
172 spreadlimit = (distance_of_attack ? min(1, (vlen(sw_shotorg - nearest_on_line) / distance_of_attack)) : 1);
175 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_spread_min) * (1 - spreadlimit))
177 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_spread_max) * spreadlimit)
181 (spreadlimit && (distance_from_line <= spreadlimit))
183 ((vlen(normalize(targetorg - sw_shotorg) - normalize(attack_endpos - sw_shotorg)) * RAD2DEG) <= 90)
185 { return bound(0, (distance_from_line / spreadlimit), 1); }
190 float W_Shockwave_Attack_IsVisible(
193 vector nearest_on_line,
195 vector attack_endpos)
197 vector nearest_to_attacker = head.WarpZone_findradius_nearest;
198 vector center = (head.origin + (head.mins + head.maxs) * 0.5);
202 // STEP ONE: Check if the nearest point is clear
203 if(W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckSpread(nearest_to_attacker, nearest_on_line, sw_shotorg, attack_endpos))
205 WarpZone_TraceLine(sw_shotorg, nearest_to_attacker, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, actor);
206 if(trace_fraction == 1) { return true; } // yes, the nearest point is clear and we can allow the damage
209 // STEP TWO: Check if shotorg to center point is clear
210 if(W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckSpread(center, nearest_on_line, sw_shotorg, attack_endpos))
212 WarpZone_TraceLine(sw_shotorg, center, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, actor);
213 if(trace_fraction == 1) { return true; } // yes, the center point is clear and we can allow the damage
216 // STEP THREE: Check each corner to see if they are clear
219 corner = get_corner_position(head, i);
220 if(W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckSpread(corner, nearest_on_line, sw_shotorg, attack_endpos))
222 WarpZone_TraceLine(sw_shotorg, corner, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, actor);
223 if(trace_fraction == 1) { return true; } // yes, this corner is clear and we can allow the damage
230 float W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckHit(
236 if(!head) { return false; }
239 for(i = 0; i <= queue; ++i)
241 if(shockwave_hit[i] == head)
243 if(vlen2(final_force) > vlen2(shockwave_hit_force[i])) { shockwave_hit_force[i] = final_force; }
244 if(final_damage > shockwave_hit_damage[i]) { shockwave_hit_damage[i] = final_damage; }
249 shockwave_hit[queue] = head;
250 shockwave_hit_force[queue] = final_force;
251 shockwave_hit_damage[queue] = final_damage;
255 void W_Shockwave_Send(entity actor)
258 WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotorg.x);
259 WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotorg.y);
260 WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotorg.z);
261 WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotdir.x);
262 WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotdir.y);
263 WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotdir.z);
264 WriteShort(MSG_BROADCAST, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_distance));
265 WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, bound(0, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_spread_max), 255));
266 WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, bound(0, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_spread_min), 255));
267 WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, etof(actor));
270 void W_Shockwave_Attack(entity actor, .entity weaponentity)
273 float multiplier, multiplier_from_accuracy, multiplier_from_distance;
275 vector final_force, center, vel;
280 // set up the shot direction
281 W_SetupShot(actor, weaponentity, true, 3, SND_LASERGUN_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_B, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_damage));
282 vector attack_endpos = (w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_distance)));
283 WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, attack_endpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, actor);
284 vector attack_hitpos = trace_endpos;
285 float distance_to_end = vlen(w_shotorg - attack_endpos);
286 float distance_to_hit = vlen(w_shotorg - attack_hitpos);
287 //entity transform = WarpZone_trace_transform;
289 // do the firing effect now
290 W_Shockwave_Send(actor);
293 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_damage),
294 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_edgedamage),
295 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_radius),
296 w_shotdir * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_force),
302 // splash damage/jumping trace
303 head = WarpZone_FindRadius(
306 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_radius),
307 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_radius)
312 float lag = ((IS_REAL_CLIENT(actor)) ? ANTILAG_LATENCY(actor) : 0);
313 bool noantilag = ((IS_CLIENT(actor)) ? CS(actor).cvar_cl_noantilag : false);
316 if(autocvar_g_antilag == 0 || noantilag)
317 lag = 0; // only do hitscan, but no antilag
319 antilag_takeback_all(actor, lag);
325 float distance_to_head = vlen(attack_hitpos - head.WarpZone_findradius_nearest);
327 if((head == actor) && (distance_to_head <= WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_radius)))
329 // ========================
331 // ========================
333 // calculate importance of distance and accuracy for this attack
334 multiplier_from_accuracy = (1 -
336 min(1, (distance_to_head / WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_radius)))
341 multiplier_from_distance = (1 -
343 min(1, (distance_to_hit / distance_to_end))
350 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_multiplier_min),
352 (multiplier_from_accuracy * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_multiplier_accuracy))
354 (multiplier_from_distance * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_multiplier_distance))
358 // calculate damage from multiplier: 1 = "highest" damage, 0 = "lowest" edgedamage
361 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_damage) * multiplier)
363 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_edgedamage) * (1 - multiplier))
366 // figure out the direction of force
367 vel = normalize(vec2(head.velocity));
370 bound(0, (vlen(vel) / autocvar_sv_maxspeed), 1)
372 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_force_velocitybias)
374 final_force = normalize((CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(head) - attack_hitpos) + vel);
376 // now multiply the direction by force units
377 final_force *= (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_force) * multiplier);
378 final_force.z *= WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_jump_force_zscale);
380 // trigger damage with this calculated info
393 "SELF HIT: multiplier = %f, damage = %f, force = %f... "
394 "multiplier_from_accuracy = %f, multiplier_from_distance = %f.",
398 multiplier_from_accuracy,
399 multiplier_from_distance
403 else if(distance_to_head <= WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_radius))
405 // ==========================
407 // ==========================
409 // calculate importance of distance and accuracy for this attack
410 multiplier_from_accuracy = (1 -
412 min(1, (distance_to_head / WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_radius)))
417 multiplier_from_distance = (1 -
419 min(1, (distance_to_hit / distance_to_end))
426 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_multiplier_min),
428 (multiplier_from_accuracy * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_multiplier_accuracy))
430 (multiplier_from_distance * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_multiplier_distance))
434 // calculate damage from multiplier: 1 = "highest" damage, 0 = "lowest" edgedamage
437 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_damage) * multiplier)
439 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_edgedamage) * (1 - multiplier))
442 // figure out the direction of force
443 final_force = (w_shotdir * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_force_forwardbias));
444 final_force = normalize(CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(head) - (attack_hitpos - final_force));
445 //te_lightning2(NULL, attack_hitpos, (attack_hitpos + (final_force * 200)));
447 // now multiply the direction by force units
448 final_force *= (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_splash_force) * multiplier);
449 final_force.z *= WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_force_zscale);
451 // queue damage with this calculated info
452 if(W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckHit(queue, head, final_force, final_damage)) { queue = min(queue + 1, MAX_SHOCKWAVE_HITS); }
456 "SPLASH HIT: multiplier = %f, damage = %f, force = %f... "
457 "multiplier_from_accuracy = %f, multiplier_from_distance = %f.",
461 multiplier_from_accuracy,
462 multiplier_from_distance
471 head = WarpZone_FindRadius(w_shotorg, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_distance), false);
474 if((head != actor) && head.takedamage)
476 // ========================
478 // ========================
480 // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference (stolen from RadiusDamage functions in g_damage.qc)
481 center = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(head);
483 // find the closest point on the enemy to the center of the attack
484 float h; // hypotenuse, which is the distance between attacker to head
485 float a; // adjacent side, which is the distance between attacker and the point on w_shotdir that is closest to head.origin
487 h = vlen(center - actor.origin);
488 a = h * (normalize(center - actor.origin) * w_shotdir);
489 // WEAPONTODO: replace with simpler method
491 vector nearest_on_line = (w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir);
492 vector nearest_to_attacker = WarpZoneLib_NearestPointOnBox(center + head.mins, center + head.maxs, nearest_on_line);
494 if((vdist(head.WarpZone_findradius_dist, <=, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_distance)))
495 && (W_Shockwave_Attack_IsVisible(actor, head, nearest_on_line, w_shotorg, attack_endpos)))
497 // calculate importance of distance and accuracy for this attack
498 multiplier_from_accuracy = (1 -
499 W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckSpread(
506 multiplier_from_distance = (1 -
508 min(1, (vlen(head.WarpZone_findradius_dist) / distance_to_end))
515 WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_multiplier_min),
517 (multiplier_from_accuracy * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_multiplier_accuracy))
519 (multiplier_from_distance * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_multiplier_distance))
523 // calculate damage from multiplier: 1 = "highest" damage, 0 = "lowest" edgedamage
526 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_damage) * multiplier)
528 (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_edgedamage) * (1 - multiplier))
531 // figure out the direction of force
532 final_force = (w_shotdir * WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_force_forwardbias));
533 final_force = normalize(center - (nearest_on_line - final_force));
534 //te_lightning2(NULL, nearest_on_line, (attack_hitpos + (final_force * 200)));
536 // now multiply the direction by force units
537 final_force *= (WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_force) * multiplier);
538 final_force.z *= WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_force_zscale);
540 // queue damage with this calculated info
541 if(W_Shockwave_Attack_CheckHit(queue, head, final_force, final_damage)) { queue = min(queue + 1, MAX_SHOCKWAVE_HITS); }
545 "BLAST HIT: multiplier = %f, damage = %f, force = %f... "
546 "multiplier_from_accuracy = %f, multiplier_from_distance = %f.",
550 multiplier_from_accuracy,
551 multiplier_from_distance
559 for(i = 1; i <= queue; ++i)
561 head = shockwave_hit[i-1];
562 final_force = shockwave_hit_force[i-1];
563 final_damage = shockwave_hit_damage[i-1];
575 if(accuracy_isgooddamage(actor, head))
576 accuracy_add(actor, WEP_SHOCKWAVE.m_id, 0, final_damage);
580 "SHOCKWAVE by %s: damage = %f, force = %f.",
587 shockwave_hit[i-1] = NULL;
588 shockwave_hit_force[i-1] = '0 0 0';
589 shockwave_hit_damage[i-1] = 0;
593 antilag_restore_all(actor);
596 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
598 if(vdist(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin, <=, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_range)))
599 { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false); }
601 { PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, weaponentity, 1000000, 0, 0.001, false); }
603 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire))
607 if(time >= actor.(weaponentity).shockwave_blasttime) // handle refire separately so the secondary can be fired straight after a primary
609 if(weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_animtime)))
611 W_Shockwave_Attack(actor, weaponentity);
612 actor.(weaponentity).shockwave_blasttime = time + WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_refire) * W_WeaponRateFactor(actor);
613 weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, blast_animtime), w_ready);
619 //if(actor.clip_load >= 0) // we are not currently reloading
620 if(weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, true, WEP_CVAR(shockwave, melee_refire)))
622 // attempt forcing playback of the anim by switching to another anim (that we never play) here...
623 weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE1, 0, W_Shockwave_Melee);
627 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_checkammo1, bool(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
629 return true; // infinite ammo
631 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_checkammo2, bool(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity))
633 // shockwave has infinite ammo
636 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_suicidemessage, Notification(entity thiswep))
640 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_killmessage, Notification(entity thiswep))
642 if(w_deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
650 // WEAPONTODO: add client side settings for these
651 const float SW_MAXALPHA = 0.5;
652 const float SW_FADETIME = 0.4;
653 const float SW_DISTTOMIN = 200;
654 void Draw_Shockwave(entity this)
656 // fading/removal control
657 float a = bound(0, (SW_MAXALPHA - ((time - this.sw_time) / SW_FADETIME)), SW_MAXALPHA);
658 if(a < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE) { delete(this); }
660 // WEAPONTODO: save this only once when creating the entity
661 vector sw_color = entcs_GetColor(this.sv_entnum - 1); // GetTeamRGB(entcs_GetTeam(this.sv_entnum));
663 // WEAPONTODO: trace to find what we actually hit
664 vector endpos = (this.sw_shotorg + (this.sw_shotdir * this.sw_distance));
666 vectorvectors(this.sw_shotdir);
667 vector right = v_right; // save this for when we do makevectors later
668 vector up = v_up; // save this for when we do makevectors later
670 // WEAPONTODO: combine and simplify these calculations
671 vector min_end = ((this.sw_shotorg + (this.sw_shotdir * SW_DISTTOMIN)) + (up * this.sw_spread_min));
672 vector max_end = (endpos + (up * this.sw_spread_max));
673 float spread_to_min = vlen(normalize(min_end - this.sw_shotorg) - this.sw_shotdir);
674 float spread_to_max = vlen(normalize(max_end - min_end) - this.sw_shotdir);
676 vector first_min_end = '0 0 0', prev_min_end = '0 0 0', new_min_end = '0 0 0';
677 vector first_max_end = '0 0 0', prev_max_end = '0 0 0', new_max_end = '0 0 0';
678 float new_max_dist, new_min_dist;
680 vector deviation, angle = '0 0 0';
681 float counter, divisions = 20;
682 for(counter = 0; counter < divisions; ++counter)
684 // perfect circle effect lines
685 makevectors('0 360 0' * (0.75 + (counter - 0.5) / divisions));
686 angle.y = v_forward.x;
687 angle.z = v_forward.y;
689 // first do the spread_to_min effect
690 deviation = angle * spread_to_min;
691 deviation = ((this.sw_shotdir + (right * deviation.y) + (up * deviation.z)));
692 new_min_dist = SW_DISTTOMIN;
693 new_min_end = (this.sw_shotorg + (deviation * new_min_dist));
694 //te_lightning2(NULL, new_min_end, this.sw_shotorg);
696 // then calculate spread_to_max effect
697 deviation = angle * spread_to_max;
698 deviation = ((this.sw_shotdir + (right * deviation.y) + (up * deviation.z)));
699 new_max_dist = vlen(new_min_end - endpos);
700 new_max_end = (new_min_end + (deviation * new_max_dist));
701 //te_lightning2(NULL, new_end, prev_min_end);
706 first_min_end = new_min_end;
707 first_max_end = new_max_end;
712 // draw from shot origin to min spread radius
713 R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
714 R_PolygonVertex(prev_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
715 R_PolygonVertex(new_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
716 R_PolygonVertex(this.sw_shotorg, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
719 // draw from min spread radius to max spread radius
720 R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
721 R_PolygonVertex(new_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
722 R_PolygonVertex(prev_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
723 R_PolygonVertex(prev_max_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
724 R_PolygonVertex(new_max_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
728 prev_min_end = new_min_end;
729 prev_max_end = new_max_end;
731 // last division only
732 if((counter + 1) == divisions)
734 // draw from shot origin to min spread radius
735 R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
736 R_PolygonVertex(prev_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
737 R_PolygonVertex(first_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
738 R_PolygonVertex(this.sw_shotorg, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
741 // draw from min spread radius to max spread radius
742 R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
743 R_PolygonVertex(first_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
744 R_PolygonVertex(prev_min_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
745 R_PolygonVertex(prev_max_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
746 R_PolygonVertex(first_max_end, '0 0 0', sw_color, a);
754 Net_ReadShockwaveParticle();
758 void Net_ReadShockwaveParticle()
762 shockwave.draw = Draw_Shockwave;
763 IL_PUSH(g_drawables, shockwave);
765 shockwave.sw_shotorg_x = ReadCoord(); shockwave.sw_shotorg_y = ReadCoord(); shockwave.sw_shotorg_z = ReadCoord();
766 shockwave.sw_shotdir_x = ReadCoord(); shockwave.sw_shotdir_y = ReadCoord(); shockwave.sw_shotdir_z = ReadCoord();
768 shockwave.sw_distance = ReadShort();
769 shockwave.sw_spread_max = ReadByte();
770 shockwave.sw_spread_min = ReadByte();
772 shockwave.sv_entnum = ReadByte();
774 shockwave.sw_time = time;
777 METHOD(Shockwave, wr_impacteffect, void(entity thiswep, entity actor))
779 // handled by Net_ReadShockwaveParticle
781 //org2 = w_org + w_backoff * 2;
782 //pointparticles(EFFECT_BLASTER_IMPACT, org2, w_backoff * 1000, 1);