3 #uncomment these according to your sound driver
5 #recommended for: anyone not using ALSA 0.5
6 SND=snd_oss.o snd_dma.o snd_mix.o snd_mem.o
8 #recommended for: anyone using ALSA 0.5
9 #SND=snd_alsa_0_5.o snd_dma.o snd_mix.o snd_mem.o
11 #recommended for: no one (this driver needs to be updated, it doesn't compile anymore)
12 #SND=snd_alsa_0_9.o snd_dma.o snd_mix.o snd_mem.o
14 #recommended for: anyone who can't use the above drivers
19 #uncomment your preference
20 #if you want CD sound in Linux
22 #if you want no CD audio
25 OBJECTS= builddate.o chase.o cl_demo.o cl_input.o cl_main.o cl_parse.o cl_tent.o cmd.o common.o console.o crc.o cvar.o fractalnoise.o gl_draw.o r_sky.o gl_rmain.o gl_rsurf.o host.o host_cmd.o image.o keys.o mathlib.o menu.o model_alias.o model_brush.o model_shared.o model_sprite.o net_bsd.o net_udp.o net_dgrm.o net_loop.o net_main.o pr_cmds.o pr_edict.o pr_exec.o r_light.o r_explosion.o sbar.o sv_main.o sv_move.o sv_phys.o sv_user.o sv_light.o sys_linux.o transform.o view.o wad.o world.o zone.o vid_shared.o palette.o r_crosshairs.o gl_textures.o gl_models.o r_sprites.o r_modules.o r_explosion.o r_lerpanim.o protocol.o quakeio.o ui.o portals.o sys_shared.o cl_light.o gl_backend.o cl_particles.o cl_screen.o cgamevm.o cgame.o filematch.o collision.o cl_collision.o matrixlib.o cl_video.o dpvsimpledecode.o wavefile.o meshqueue.o
27 #K6/athlon optimizations
29 #note: don't use -march=athlon, every gcc which has it currently (2.96-3.1)
30 #have optimizer bugs (like entities disappearing randomly - a bug with
31 #compiling BOX_ON_PLANE_SIDE in mathlib.h)
32 #CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-march=athlon
34 #CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-march=i686
38 #use this line for profiling
41 #use this line for no profiling
43 #NOPROFILEOPTIMIZATIONS=-fomit-frame-pointer
44 #use these lines for debugging without profiling
49 #the -Werror can be removed to compile even if there are warnings,
50 #this is used to ensure that all released versions are free of warnings.
53 #OPTIMIZATIONS= -O6 -fno-strict-aliasing -ffast-math -funroll-loops $(NOPROFILEOPTIMIZATIONS) -fexpensive-optimizations $(CPUOPTIMIZATIONS)
54 #CFLAGS= -MD -Wall -Werror -I/usr/X11R6/include $(OPTIMIZATIONS) $(PROFILEOPTION)
57 CFLAGS= -MD -Wall -Werror -I/usr/X11R6/include -ggdb $(OPTIMIZATIONS) $(PROFILEOPTION)
59 LDFLAGS= -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lm -lX11 -lXext -lXxf86dga -lXxf86vm -ldl $(SOUNDLIB) $(PROFILEOPTION)
61 all: builddate darkplaces-glx
69 darkplaces-glx: vid_glx.o $(CD) $(SND) $(OBJECTS)
70 gcc -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
73 -rm -f darkplaces-glx *.o *.d
75 .PHONY: clean builddate