3 #include "clprogdefs.h"
5 #include "cl_collision.h"
9 //============================================================================
10 // Client prog handling
11 //[515]: omg !!! optimize it ! a lot of hacks here and there also :P
13 #define CSQC_RETURNVAL prog->globals.generic[OFS_RETURN]
14 #define CSQC_BEGIN csqc_tmpprog=prog;prog=0;PRVM_SetProg(PRVM_CLIENTPROG);
15 #define CSQC_END prog=csqc_tmpprog;
17 static prvm_prog_t *csqc_tmpprog;
19 //[515]: these are required funcs
20 static char *cl_required_func[] =
25 "CSQC_ConsoleCommand",
28 static int cl_numrequiredfunc = sizeof(cl_required_func) / sizeof(char*);
30 void CL_VM_Error (const char *format, ...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1);
31 void CL_VM_Error (const char *format, ...) //[515]: hope it will be never executed =)
33 char errorstring[4096];
36 va_start (argptr, format);
37 dpvsnprintf (errorstring, sizeof(errorstring), format, argptr);
39 // Con_Printf( "CL_VM_Error: %s\n", errorstring );
42 cl.csqc_loaded = false;
44 Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progcrc, -1);
45 Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progsize, -1);
47 // Host_AbortCurrentFrame(); //[515]: hmmm... if server says it needs csqc then client MUST disconnect
48 Host_Error("CL_VM_Error: %s", errorstring);
50 void CL_VM_UpdateDmgGlobals (int dmg_take, int dmg_save, vec3_t dmg_origin)
56 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.dmg_take);
58 val->_float = dmg_take;
59 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.dmg_save);
61 val->_float = dmg_save;
62 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.dmg_origin);
65 val->vector[0] = dmg_origin[0];
66 val->vector[1] = dmg_origin[1];
67 val->vector[2] = dmg_origin[2];
73 void CSQC_UpdateNetworkTimes(double newtime, double oldtime)
79 if ((val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.servertime)))
80 val->_float = newtime;
81 if ((val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.serverprevtime)))
82 val->_float = oldtime;
83 if ((val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.serverdeltatime)))
84 val->_float = newtime - oldtime;
88 //[515]: set globals before calling R_UpdateView, WEIRD CRAP
89 static void CSQC_SetGlobals (void)
93 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
94 prog->globals.client->frametime = max(0, cl.time - cl.oldtime);
95 prog->globals.client->servercommandframe = cls.servermovesequence;
96 prog->globals.client->clientcommandframe = cl.movecmd[0].sequence;
97 VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, prog->globals.client->input_angles);
98 VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, cl.csqc_angles);
99 // // FIXME: this actually belongs into getinputstate().. [12/17/2007 Black]
100 prog->globals.client->input_buttons = cl.movecmd[0].buttons;
101 VectorSet(prog->globals.client->input_movevalues, cl.movecmd[0].forwardmove, cl.movecmd[0].sidemove, cl.movecmd[0].upmove);
102 //VectorCopy(cl.movement_origin, cl.csqc_origin);
103 Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&cl.entities[cl.viewentity].render.matrix, cl.csqc_origin);
105 // LordHavoc: Spike says not to do this, but without pmove_org the
106 // CSQC is useless as it can't alter the view origin without
107 // completely replacing it
108 VectorCopy(cl.csqc_origin, prog->globals.client->pmove_org);
109 VectorCopy(cl.velocity, prog->globals.client->pmove_vel);
111 if ((val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.view_angles)))
112 VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, val->vector);
113 prog->globals.client->maxclients = cl.maxclients;
117 void CSQC_Predraw (prvm_edict_t *ed)
120 if(!ed->fields.client->predraw)
122 b = prog->globals.client->self;
123 prog->globals.client->self = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ed);
124 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(ed->fields.client->predraw, "CSQC_Predraw: NULL function\n");
125 prog->globals.client->self = b;
128 void CSQC_Think (prvm_edict_t *ed)
131 if(ed->fields.client->think)
132 if(ed->fields.client->nextthink && ed->fields.client->nextthink <= prog->globals.client->time)
134 ed->fields.client->nextthink = 0;
135 b = prog->globals.client->self;
136 prog->globals.client->self = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ed);
137 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(ed->fields.client->think, "CSQC_Think: NULL function\n");
138 prog->globals.client->self = b;
142 extern cvar_t cl_noplayershadow;
143 qboolean CSQC_AddRenderEdict(prvm_edict_t *ed)
149 entity_render_t *entrender;
151 matrix4x4_t tagmatrix, matrix2;
153 model = CL_GetModelFromEdict(ed);
157 entrender = CL_NewTempEntity();
161 entrender->model = model;
162 entrender->skinnum = (int)ed->fields.client->skin;
163 entrender->effects |= entrender->model->effects;
166 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.renderflags)) && val->_float) renderflags = (int)val->_float;
167 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.alpha)) && val->_float) entrender->alpha = val->_float;
168 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.scale)) && val->_float) entrender->scale = scale = val->_float;
169 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.colormod)) && VectorLength2(val->vector)) VectorCopy(val->vector, entrender->colormod);
170 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.effects)) && val->_float) entrender->effects |= (int)val->_float;
171 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.tag_entity)) && val->edict)
175 tagentity = val->edict;
176 if((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.tag_index)) && val->_float)
177 tagindex = (int)val->_float;
178 CL_GetTagMatrix (&tagmatrix, PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(tagentity), tagindex);
181 Matrix4x4_CreateIdentity(&tagmatrix);
183 if (renderflags & RF_USEAXIS)
186 VectorNegate(prog->globals.client->v_right, left);
187 Matrix4x4_FromVectors(&matrix2, prog->globals.client->v_forward, left, prog->globals.client->v_up, ed->fields.client->origin);
188 Matrix4x4_Scale(&matrix2, scale, 1);
193 VectorCopy(ed->fields.client->angles, angles);
194 // if model is alias, reverse pitch direction
195 if (entrender->model->type == mod_alias)
196 angles[0] = -angles[0];
198 // set up the render matrix
199 Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&matrix2, ed->fields.client->origin[0], ed->fields.client->origin[1], ed->fields.client->origin[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], scale);
202 // set up the animation data
203 // self.frame is the interpolation target (new frame)
204 // self.frame1time is the animation base time for the interpolation target
205 // self.frame2 is the interpolation start (previous frame)
206 // self.frame2time is the animation base time for the interpolation start
207 entrender->frame1 = entrender->frame2 = (int) ed->fields.client->frame;
208 if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.frame2))) entrender->frame2 = (int) val->_float;
209 if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.frame1time))) entrender->frame2time = val->_float;
210 if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.frame2time))) entrender->frame1time = val->_float;
211 if ((val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(ed, prog->fieldoffsets.lerpfrac))) entrender->framelerp = val->_float;
213 // concat the matrices to make the entity relative to its tag
214 Matrix4x4_Concat(&entrender->matrix, &tagmatrix, &matrix2);
218 if(renderflags & RF_VIEWMODEL) entrender->flags |= RENDER_VIEWMODEL;
219 if(renderflags & RF_EXTERNALMODEL)entrender->flags |= RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL;
220 if(renderflags & RF_DEPTHHACK) entrender->effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST;
221 if(renderflags & RF_ADDITIVE) entrender->effects |= EF_ADDITIVE;
224 c = (int)ed->fields.client->colormap;
226 CL_SetEntityColormapColors(entrender, -1);
227 else if (c <= cl.maxclients && cl.scores != NULL)
228 CL_SetEntityColormapColors(entrender, cl.scores[c-1].colors);
230 CL_SetEntityColormapColors(entrender, c);
233 // either fullbright or lit
234 if (!(entrender->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) && !r_fullbright.integer)
235 entrender->flags |= RENDER_LIGHT;
236 // hide player shadow during intermission or nehahra movie
237 if (!(entrender->effects & (EF_NOSHADOW | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_NODEPTHTEST))
238 && (entrender->alpha >= 1)
239 && !(entrender->flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)
240 && (!(entrender->flags & RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL) || (!cl.intermission && cls.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE && !cl_noplayershadow.integer)))
241 entrender->flags |= RENDER_SHADOW;
242 if (entrender->flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL)
243 entrender->flags |= RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW;
244 if (entrender->effects & EF_NOSELFSHADOW)
245 entrender->flags |= RENDER_NOSELFSHADOW;
247 // make the other useful stuff
248 CL_UpdateRenderEntity(entrender);
253 qboolean CL_VM_InputEvent (qboolean down, int key, int ascii)
261 if (!prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_InputEvent)
265 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
266 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
267 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = !down; // 0 is down, 1 is up
268 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = key;
269 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM2) = ascii;
270 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_InputEvent, "QC function CSQC_InputEvent is missing");
277 qboolean CL_VM_UpdateView (void)
287 //VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, oldangles);
288 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
289 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
291 // clear renderable entity and light lists to prevent crashes if the
292 // CSQC_UpdateView function does not call R_ClearScene as it should
293 r_refdef.scene.numentities = 0;
294 r_refdef.scene.numlights = 0;
295 // pass in width and height as parameters (EXT_CSQC_1)
296 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = vid.width;
297 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = vid.height;
298 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_UpdateView, "QC function CSQC_UpdateView is missing");
299 //VectorCopy(oldangles, cl.viewangles);
300 // Dresk : Reset Dmg Globals Here
301 CL_VM_UpdateDmgGlobals(0, 0, emptyvector);
306 extern sizebuf_t vm_tempstringsbuf;
307 qboolean CL_VM_ConsoleCommand (const char *cmd)
309 int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
314 if (prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_ConsoleCommand)
316 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
317 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
318 restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize;
319 PRVM_G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PRVM_SetTempString(cmd);
320 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_ConsoleCommand, "QC function CSQC_ConsoleCommand is missing");
321 vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
328 qboolean CL_VM_Parse_TempEntity (void)
335 if(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_TempEntity)
338 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
339 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
340 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_TempEntity, "QC function CSQC_Parse_TempEntity is missing");
352 void CL_VM_Parse_StuffCmd (const char *msg)
354 int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
360 // if this is setting a csqc variable, deprotect csqc_progcrc
361 // temporarily so that it can be set by the cvar command,
362 // and then reprotect it afterwards
363 int crcflags = csqc_progcrc.flags;
364 int sizeflags = csqc_progcrc.flags;
365 csqc_progcrc.flags &= ~CVAR_READONLY;
366 csqc_progsize.flags &= ~CVAR_READONLY;
367 Cmd_ExecuteString (msg, src_command);
368 csqc_progcrc.flags = crcflags;
369 csqc_progsize.flags = sizeflags;
374 if(!strncmp(msg, "curl --clear_autodownload\ncurl --pak --forthismap --as ", 55))
376 // special handling for map download commands
377 // run these commands IMMEDIATELY, instead of waiting for a client frame
378 // that way, there is no black screen when playing back demos
379 // I know this is a really ugly hack, but I can't think of any better way
380 // FIXME find the actual CAUSE of this, and make demo playback WAIT
381 // until all maps are loaded, then remove this hack
383 char buf[MAX_INPUTLINE];
396 if(l > sizeof(buf) - 1)
398 strlcpy(buf, p, l + 1); // strlcpy needs a + 1 as it includes the newline!
400 Cmd_ExecuteString(buf, src_command);
404 ++p; // skip the newline and continue
406 break; // end of string or overflow
408 Cmd_ExecuteString("curl --clear_autodownload", src_command); // don't inhibit CSQC loading
418 if(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd)
420 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
421 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
422 restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize;
423 PRVM_G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PRVM_SetTempString(msg);
424 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd, "QC function CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd is missing");
425 vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
432 static void CL_VM_Parse_Print (const char *msg)
434 int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
435 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
436 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
437 restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize;
438 PRVM_G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PRVM_SetTempString(msg);
439 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_Print, "QC function CSQC_Parse_Print is missing");
440 vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
443 void CSQC_AddPrintText (const char *msg)
452 if(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_Print)
454 // FIXME: is this bugged?
456 if(msg[i] != '\n' && msg[i] != '\r')
458 if(strlen(cl.csqc_printtextbuf)+i >= MAX_INPUTLINE)
460 CL_VM_Parse_Print(cl.csqc_printtextbuf);
461 cl.csqc_printtextbuf[0] = 0;
464 strlcat(cl.csqc_printtextbuf, msg, MAX_INPUTLINE);
467 strlcat(cl.csqc_printtextbuf, msg, MAX_INPUTLINE);
468 CL_VM_Parse_Print(cl.csqc_printtextbuf);
469 cl.csqc_printtextbuf[0] = 0;
476 void CL_VM_Parse_CenterPrint (const char *msg)
478 int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
481 SCR_CenterPrint(msg);
485 if(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint)
487 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
488 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
489 restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize;
490 PRVM_G_INT(OFS_PARM0) = PRVM_SetTempString(msg);
491 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint, "QC function CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint is missing");
492 vm_tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize;
495 SCR_CenterPrint(msg);
499 void CL_VM_UpdateIntermissionState (int intermission)
505 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.intermission);
507 val->_float = intermission;
511 void CL_VM_UpdateShowingScoresState (int showingscores)
517 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.sb_showscores);
519 val->_float = showingscores;
523 qboolean CL_VM_Event_Sound(int sound_num, float volume, int channel, float attenuation, int ent, vec3_t pos)
529 if(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Event_Sound)
531 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
532 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
533 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = ent;
534 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1) = channel;
535 PRVM_G_INT(OFS_PARM2) = PRVM_SetTempString(cl.sound_name[sound_num] );
536 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM3) = volume;
537 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM4) = attenuation;
538 VectorCopy(pos, PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM5) );
539 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Event_Sound, "QC function CSQC_Event_Sound is missing");
547 void CL_VM_UpdateCoopDeathmatchGlobals (int gametype)
549 // Avoid global names for clean(er) coding
556 if(gametype == GAME_COOP)
562 if(gametype == GAME_DEATHMATCH)
569 // How did the ServerInfo send an unknown gametype?
570 // Better just assign the globals as 0...
575 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.coop);
577 val->_float = localcoop;
578 val = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->globaloffsets.deathmatch);
580 val->_float = localdeathmatch;
584 float CL_VM_Event (float event) //[515]: needed ? I'd say "YES", but don't know for what :D
590 if(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Event)
592 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
593 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[cl.playerentity];
594 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = event;
595 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Event, "QC function CSQC_Event is missing");
602 void CSQC_ReadEntities (void)
604 unsigned short entnum, oldself, realentnum;
607 Host_Error ("CSQC_ReadEntities: CSQC is not loaded");
612 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
613 oldself = prog->globals.client->self;
616 entnum = MSG_ReadShort();
617 if(!entnum || msg_badread)
619 realentnum = entnum & 0x7FFF;
620 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[realentnum];
623 if(prog->globals.client->self)
625 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Ent_Remove, "QC function CSQC_Ent_Remove is missing");
626 cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[realentnum] = 0;
630 // LordHavoc: removing an entity that is already gone on
631 // the csqc side is possible for legitimate reasons (such
632 // as a repeat of the remove message), so no warning is
634 //Con_Printf("Bad csqc_server2csqcentitynumber map\n"); //[515]: never happens ?
639 if(!prog->globals.client->self)
641 if(!prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Ent_Spawn)
644 ed = PRVM_ED_Alloc();
645 ed->fields.client->entnum = realentnum;
646 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[realentnum] = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(ed);
650 // entity( float entnum ) CSQC_Ent_Spawn;
651 // the qc function should set entnum, too (this way it also can return world [2/1/2008 Andreas]
652 PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0) = (float) realentnum;
653 // make sure no one gets wrong ideas
654 prog->globals.client->self = 0;
655 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Ent_Spawn, "QC function CSQC_Ent_Spawn is missing");
656 prog->globals.client->self = cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[realentnum] = PRVM_EDICT( PRVM_G_INT( OFS_RETURN ) );
659 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Ent_Update, "QC function CSQC_Ent_Update is missing");
663 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Ent_Update, "QC function CSQC_Ent_Update is missing");
667 prog->globals.client->self = oldself;
671 void CL_VM_CB_BeginIncreaseEdicts(void)
673 // links don't survive the transition, so unlink everything
674 World_UnlinkAll(&cl.world);
677 void CL_VM_CB_EndIncreaseEdicts(void)
682 // link every entity except world
683 for (i = 1, ent = prog->edicts;i < prog->max_edicts;i++, ent++)
684 if (!ent->priv.server->free)
688 void CL_VM_CB_InitEdict(prvm_edict_t *e)
690 e->priv.server->move = false; // don't move on first frame
693 void CL_VM_CB_FreeEdict(prvm_edict_t *ed)
695 World_UnlinkEdict(ed);
696 memset(ed->fields.client, 0, sizeof(*ed->fields.client));
699 void CL_VM_CB_CountEdicts(void)
703 int active = 0, models = 0, solid = 0;
705 for (i=0 ; i<prog->num_edicts ; i++)
707 ent = PRVM_EDICT_NUM(i);
708 if (ent->priv.server->free)
711 if (ent->fields.client->solid)
713 if (ent->fields.client->model)
717 Con_Printf("num_edicts:%3i\n", prog->num_edicts);
718 Con_Printf("active :%3i\n", active);
719 Con_Printf("view :%3i\n", models);
720 Con_Printf("touch :%3i\n", solid);
723 qboolean CL_VM_CB_LoadEdict(prvm_edict_t *ent)
728 void Cmd_ClearCsqcFuncs (void);
730 // returns true if the packet is valid, false if end of file is reached
731 // used for dumping the CSQC download into demo files
732 qboolean MakeDownloadPacket(const char *filename, unsigned char *data, unsigned long len, int crc, int cnt, sizebuf_t *buf, int protocol)
734 int packetsize = buf->maxsize - 7; // byte short long
735 int npackets = (len + packetsize - 1) / (packetsize);
737 if(protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD)
738 return false; // CSQC can't run in QW anyway
743 MSG_WriteByte(buf, svc_stufftext);
744 MSG_WriteString(buf, va("\ncl_downloadbegin %lu %s\n", len, filename));
747 else if(cnt >= 1 && cnt <= npackets)
749 unsigned long thispacketoffset = (cnt - 1) * packetsize;
750 int thispacketsize = len - thispacketoffset;
751 if(thispacketsize > packetsize)
752 thispacketsize = packetsize;
754 MSG_WriteByte(buf, svc_downloaddata);
755 MSG_WriteLong(buf, thispacketoffset);
756 MSG_WriteShort(buf, thispacketsize);
757 SZ_Write(buf, data + thispacketoffset, thispacketsize);
761 else if(cnt == npackets + 1)
763 MSG_WriteByte(buf, svc_stufftext);
764 MSG_WriteString(buf, va("\ncl_downloadfinished %lu %d\n", len, crc));
770 void CL_VM_Init (void)
772 const char* csprogsfn;
773 unsigned char *csprogsdata;
774 fs_offset_t csprogsdatasize;
775 int csprogsdatacrc, requiredcrc;
779 // reset csqc_progcrc after reading it, so that changing servers doesn't
780 // expect csqc on the next server
781 requiredcrc = csqc_progcrc.integer;
782 requiredsize = csqc_progsize.integer;
783 Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progcrc, -1);
784 Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progsize, -1);
786 // if the server is not requesting a csprogs, then we're done here
790 // see if the requested csprogs.dat file matches the requested crc
792 csprogsfn = va("dlcache/%s.%i.%i", csqc_progname.string, requiredsize, requiredcrc);
793 csprogsdata = FS_LoadFile(csprogsfn, tempmempool, true, &csprogsdatasize);
796 csprogsfn = csqc_progname.string;
797 csprogsdata = FS_LoadFile(csprogsfn, tempmempool, true, &csprogsdatasize);
801 csprogsdatacrc = CRC_Block(csprogsdata, csprogsdatasize);
802 if (csprogsdatacrc != requiredcrc || csprogsdatasize != requiredsize)
804 if (cls.demoplayback)
806 Con_Printf("^1Warning: Your %s is not the same version as the demo was recorded with (CRC/size are %i/%i but should be %i/%i)\n", csqc_progname.string, csprogsdatacrc, (int)csprogsdatasize, requiredcrc, requiredsize);
807 // Mem_Free(csprogsdata);
809 // We WANT to continue here, and play the demo with different csprogs!
810 // After all, this is just a warning. Sure things may go wrong from here.
814 Mem_Free(csprogsdata);
815 Con_Printf("^1Your %s is not the same version as the server (CRC is %i/%i but should be %i/%i)\n", csqc_progname.string, csprogsdatacrc, (int)csprogsdatasize, requiredcrc, requiredsize);
823 if (requiredcrc >= 0)
825 if (cls.demoplayback)
826 Con_Printf("CL_VM_Init: demo requires CSQC, but \"%s\" wasn't found\n", csqc_progname.string);
828 Con_Printf("CL_VM_Init: server requires CSQC, but \"%s\" wasn't found\n", csqc_progname.string);
837 // allocate the mempools
838 prog->progs_mempool = Mem_AllocPool(csqc_progname.string, 0, NULL);
839 prog->headercrc = CL_PROGHEADER_CRC;
840 prog->edictprivate_size = 0; // no private struct used
841 prog->name = CL_NAME;
842 prog->num_edicts = 1;
843 prog->max_edicts = 512;
844 prog->limit_edicts = CL_MAX_EDICTS;
845 prog->reserved_edicts = 0;
846 prog->edictprivate_size = sizeof(edict_engineprivate_t);
847 // TODO: add a shared extension string #define and add real support for csqc extension strings [12/5/2007 Black]
848 prog->extensionstring = vm_sv_extensions;
849 prog->builtins = vm_cl_builtins;
850 prog->numbuiltins = vm_cl_numbuiltins;
851 prog->begin_increase_edicts = CL_VM_CB_BeginIncreaseEdicts;
852 prog->end_increase_edicts = CL_VM_CB_EndIncreaseEdicts;
853 prog->init_edict = CL_VM_CB_InitEdict;
854 prog->free_edict = CL_VM_CB_FreeEdict;
855 prog->count_edicts = CL_VM_CB_CountEdicts;
856 prog->load_edict = CL_VM_CB_LoadEdict;
857 prog->init_cmd = VM_CL_Cmd_Init;
858 prog->reset_cmd = VM_CL_Cmd_Reset;
859 prog->error_cmd = CL_VM_Error;
861 PRVM_LoadProgs(csprogsfn, cl_numrequiredfunc, cl_required_func, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
865 CL_VM_Error("CSQC %s ^2failed to load\n", csprogsfn);
868 Mem_Free(csprogsdata);
872 Con_Printf("CSQC %s ^5loaded (crc=%i, size=%i)\n", csprogsfn, csprogsdatacrc, (int)csprogsdatasize);
874 if(cls.demorecording)
876 if(cls.demo_lastcsprogssize != csprogsdatasize || cls.demo_lastcsprogscrc != csprogsdatacrc)
879 char buf[NET_MAXMESSAGE];
881 unsigned char *demobuf; fs_offset_t demofilesize;
883 sb.data = (unsigned char *) buf;
884 sb.maxsize = sizeof(buf);
887 CL_CutDemo(&demobuf, &demofilesize);
888 while(MakeDownloadPacket(csqc_progname.string, csprogsdata, csprogsdatasize, csprogsdatacrc, i++, &sb, cls.protocol))
889 CL_WriteDemoMessage(&sb);
890 CL_PasteDemo(&demobuf, &demofilesize);
892 cls.demo_lastcsprogssize = csprogsdatasize;
893 cls.demo_lastcsprogscrc = csprogsdatacrc;
896 Mem_Free(csprogsdata);
898 // check if OP_STATE animation is possible in this dat file
899 if (prog->fieldoffsets.nextthink >= 0 && prog->fieldoffsets.frame >= 0 && prog->fieldoffsets.think >= 0 && prog->globaloffsets.self >= 0)
900 prog->flag |= PRVM_OP_STATE;
903 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
904 prog->globals.client->self = 0;
906 prog->globals.client->mapname = cl.worldmodel ? PRVM_SetEngineString(cl.worldmodel->name) : PRVM_SetEngineString("");
907 prog->globals.client->player_localentnum = cl.playerentity;
909 // set map description (use world entity 0)
910 val = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(prog->edicts, prog->fieldoffsets.message);
912 val->string = PRVM_SetEngineString(cl.levelname);
913 VectorCopy(cl.world.mins, prog->edicts->fields.client->mins);
914 VectorCopy(cl.world.maxs, prog->edicts->fields.client->maxs);
916 // call the prog init
917 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Init, "QC function CSQC_Init is missing");
920 cl.csqc_loaded = true;
922 cl.csqc_vidvars.drawcrosshair = false;
923 cl.csqc_vidvars.drawenginesbar = false;
925 // Update Coop and Deathmatch Globals (at this point the client knows them from ServerInfo)
926 CL_VM_UpdateCoopDeathmatchGlobals(cl.gametype);
929 void CL_VM_ShutDown (void)
931 Cmd_ClearCsqcFuncs();
932 //Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progcrc, -1);
933 //Cvar_SetValueQuick(&csqc_progsize, -1);
937 prog->globals.client->time = cl.time;
938 prog->globals.client->self = 0;
939 if (prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Shutdown)
940 PRVM_ExecuteProgram(prog->funcoffsets.CSQC_Shutdown, "QC function CSQC_Shutdown is missing");
943 Con_Print("CSQC ^1unloaded\n");
944 cl.csqc_loaded = false;
947 qboolean CL_VM_GetEntitySoundOrigin(int entnum, vec3_t out)
955 ed = PRVM_EDICT_NUM(entnum - 32768);
957 if(!ed->priv.required->free)
959 mod = CL_GetModelFromEdict(ed);
960 VectorCopy(ed->fields.client->origin, out);
961 if (mod && mod->soundfromcenter)
962 VectorMAMAM(1.0f, out, 0.5f, mod->normalmins, 0.5f, mod->normalmaxs, out);