.TH "SDL_UserEvent" "3" "Tue 11 Sep 2001, 23:00" "SDL" "SDL API Reference" .SH "NAME" SDL_UserEvent \- A user-defined event type .SH "STRUCTURE DEFINITION" .PP .nf \f(CWtypedef struct{ Uint8 type; int code; void *data1; void *data2; } SDL_UserEvent;\fR .fi .PP .SH "STRUCTURE DATA" .TP 20 \fBtype\fR \fBSDL_USEREVENT\fP through to \fBSDL_NUMEVENTS-1\fP .TP 20 \fBcode\fR User defined event code .TP 20 \fBdata1\fR User defined data pointer .TP 20 \fBdata2\fR User defined data pointer .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBSDL_UserEvent\fR is in the \fBuser\fR member of the structure \fI\fBSDL_Event\fR\fR\&. This event is unique, it is never created by SDL but only by the user\&. The event can be pushed onto the event queue using \fI\fBSDL_PushEvent\fP\fR\&. The contents of the structure members or completely up to the programmer, the only requirement is that \fBtype\fR is a value from \fBSDL_USEREVENT\fP to \fBSDL_NUMEVENTS-1\fP (inclusive)\&. .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP .PP .nf \f(CWSDL_Event event; event\&.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event\&.user\&.code = my_event_code; event\&.user\&.data1 = significant_data; event\&.user\&.data2 = 0; SDL_PushEvent(&event);\fR .fi .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fI\fBSDL_Event\fR\fR, \fI\fBSDL_PushEvent\fP\fR .\" created by instant / docbook-to-man, Tue 11 Sep 2001, 23:00