#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 # This script creates / updates the _mod.qc / _mod.qh / _mod.inc files based on # the qc / qh files present in the qcsrc folder. cd ${0%/*} cd .. ROOT=$PWD/ MOD=_mod function hash() { git hash-object $1 } function genmod() { # use context to work around cmake issue #12619 CTX="${PWD#$ROOT}/" if [ -f ${MOD}.inc ]; then oldHashC=$(hash ${MOD}.inc) oldTimeC=$(stat -c "%Y" ${MOD}.inc) fi if [ -f ${MOD}.qh ]; then oldHashH=$(hash ${MOD}.qh) oldTimeH=$(stat -c "%Y" ${MOD}.qh) fi echo '// generated file; do not modify' > ${MOD}.inc echo '// generated file; do not modify' > ${MOD}.qh for f in $(ls | sed -e "s/^cl_//" -e "s/^sv_//" -e "s/^ui_//" | sort -u); do if [[ "$f" != *.qc ]]; then continue; fi if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then echo -e "#include <${CTX}$f>" >> ${MOD}.inc; fi if [[ -f "${f%.qc}.qh" ]]; then echo -e "#include <${CTX}${f%.qc}.qh>" >> ${MOD}.qh; fi if [[ -f "cl_$f" ]]; then echo -e "#ifdef CSQC\n #include <${CTX}cl_$f>\n#endif" >> ${MOD}.inc; fi if [[ -f "cl_${f%.qc}.qh" ]]; then echo -e "#ifdef CSQC\n #include <${CTX}cl_${f%.qc}.qh>\n#endif" >> ${MOD}.qh; fi if [[ -f "sv_$f" ]]; then echo -e "#ifdef SVQC\n #include <${CTX}sv_$f>\n#endif" >> ${MOD}.inc; fi if [[ -f "sv_${f%.qc}.qh" ]]; then echo -e "#ifdef SVQC\n #include <${CTX}sv_${f%.qc}.qh>\n#endif" >> ${MOD}.qh; fi if [[ -f "ui_$f" ]]; then echo -e "#ifdef MENUQC\n #include <${CTX}ui_$f>\n#endif" >> ${MOD}.inc; fi if [[ -f "ui_${f%.qc}.qh" ]]; then echo -e "#ifdef MENUQC\n #include <${CTX}ui_${f%.qc}.qh>\n#endif" >> ${MOD}.qh; fi done declare -l rec=1 if [[ -f "_all.inc" ]]; then rec=0; fi for f in *; do if [ -d "$f" ]; then (cd -- "$f" && genmod) if [[ $rec == 1 ]]; then rec=2 echo >> ${MOD}.inc echo >> ${MOD}.qh fi if [[ $rec != 0 ]]; then declare -l mod=_mod if [[ -f "$f/_all.inc" ]]; then mod=_all; fi echo "#include <${CTX}$f/${mod}.inc>" >> ${MOD}.inc echo "#include <${CTX}$f/${mod}.qh>" >> ${MOD}.qh fi fi; done newHashC=$(hash ${MOD}.inc) if [[ $newHashC == $oldHashC ]]; then touch -d @$oldTimeC ${MOD}.inc; fi newHashH=$(hash ${MOD}.qh) if [[ $newHashH == $oldHashH ]]; then touch -d @$oldTimeH ${MOD}.qh; fi } (cd lib; genmod) (cd common; genmod) (cd ecs; genmod) (cd client; genmod) (cd server; genmod) (cd menu; genmod)