#pragma once // special spawn flags const int MONSTER_RESPAWN_DEATHPOINT = BIT(4); // re-spawn where we died const int MONSTER_TYPE_FLY = BIT(5); const int MONSTER_TYPE_SWIM = BIT(6); const int MONSTER_SIZE_BROKEN = BIT(7); // TODO: remove when bad models are replaced const int MON_FLAG_SUPERMONSTER = BIT(8); // incredibly powerful monster const int MON_FLAG_RANGED = BIT(9); // monster shoots projectiles const int MON_FLAG_MELEE = BIT(10); const int MON_FLAG_CRUSH = BIT(11); // monster can be stomped in special modes const int MON_FLAG_RIDE = BIT(12); // monster can be ridden in special modes const int MONSTER_SIZE_QUAKE = BIT(13); const int MONSTER_TYPE_PASSIVE = BIT(14); // doesn't target or chase enemies // entity properties of monsterinfo: .bool(int, entity actor, entity targ) monster_attackfunc; // animations .vector anim_blockend; .vector anim_blockstart; .vector anim_melee1; .vector anim_melee2; .vector anim_melee3; .vector anim_pain3; .vector anim_pain4; .vector anim_pain5; .vector anim_walk; .vector anim_spawn; CLASS(Monster, Object) ATTRIB(Monster, monsterid, int, 0); /** attributes */ ATTRIB(Monster, spawnflags, int, 0); /** human readable name */ ATTRIB(Monster, monster_name, string, "Monster"); /** short name */ ATTRIB(Monster, netname, string, ""); /** model */ ATTRIB(Monster, m_model, entity); /** hitbox size */ ATTRIB(Monster, mins, vector, '-0 -0 -0'); /** hitbox size */ ATTRIB(Monster, maxs, vector, '0 0 0'); /** (SERVER) setup monster data */ METHOD(Monster, mr_setup, bool(Monster this, entity actor)) { TC(Monster, this); return false; } /** (SERVER) logic to run every frame */ METHOD(Monster, mr_think, bool(Monster this, entity actor)) { TC(Monster, this); return false; } /** (SERVER) called when monster dies */ METHOD(Monster, mr_death, bool(Monster this, entity actor)) { TC(Monster, this); return false; } /** (BOTH) precaches models/sounds used by this monster */ METHOD(Monster, mr_precache, bool(Monster this)) { TC(Monster, this); return false; } /** (SERVER) called when monster is damaged */ METHOD(Monster, mr_pain, float(Monster this, entity actor, float damage_take, entity attacker, float deathtype)) { TC(Monster, this); return damage_take; } /** (BOTH?) sets animations for monster */ METHOD(Monster, mr_anim, bool(Monster this, entity actor)) { TC(Monster, this); return false; } ENDCLASS(Monster) #ifdef SVQC #include "sv_monsters.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef GAMEQC #include "../animdecide.qh" #include "../anim.qh" vector animfixfps(entity e, vector a, vector b); #endif