/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "md5.h" #include "iscriplib.h" #include "imodel.h" #include "archivelib.h" #include "stringio.h" #include "model.h" #define MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL(expression) do { if (!(expression)) { globalErrorStream() << "md5 parse failed: " #expression "\n"; return false; } } while (0) bool MD5_parseToken( Tokeniser& tokeniser, const char* string ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( token != 0 ); return string_equal( token, string ); } bool MD5_parseFloat( Tokeniser& tokeniser, float& f ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( token != 0 ); return string_parse_float( token, f ); } bool MD5_parseString( Tokeniser& tokeniser, const char*& s ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( token != 0 ); s = token; return true; } bool MD5_parseInteger( Tokeniser& tokeniser, int& i ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( token != 0 ); return string_parse_int( token, i ); } bool MD5_parseSize( Tokeniser& tokeniser, std::size_t& i ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( token != 0 ); return string_parse_size( token, i ); } bool MD5_parseVector3( Tokeniser& tokeniser, Vector3& v ){ MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "(" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, v.x() ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, v.y() ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, v.z() ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, ")" ) ); return true; } template inline Element float_squared( const Element& f ){ return f * f; } class MD5Joint { public: int parent; Vector3 position; Vector4 rotation; }; typedef Array MD5Joints; class MD5Vert { public: std::size_t index; float u; float v; std::size_t weight_index; std::size_t weight_count; }; typedef Array MD5Verts; class MD5Tri { public: std::size_t index; std::size_t a; std::size_t b; std::size_t c; }; typedef Array MD5Tris; class MD5Weight { public: std::size_t index; std::size_t joint; float t; Vector3 v; }; typedef Array MD5Weights; typedef float MD5Component; typedef Array MD5Components; class MD5Frame { public: MD5Components m_components; }; typedef Array MD5Weights; bool MD5_parseVersion( Tokeniser& tokeniser ){ { const char* versionKey = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( versionKey == 0 || !string_equal( versionKey, "MD5Version" ) ) { globalErrorStream() << "not a valid md5 file\n"; return false; } } { const char* versionValue = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( versionValue == 0 || !string_equal( versionValue, "10" ) ) { globalErrorStream() << "only md5 version 10 supported\n"; return false; } } return true; } bool MD5Anim_parse( Tokeniser& tokeniser ){ MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVersion( tokeniser ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "commandline" ) ); const char* commandline; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseString( tokeniser, commandline ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numFrames" ) ); std::size_t numFrames; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numFrames ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numJoints" ) ); std::size_t numJoints; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numJoints ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "frameRate" ) ); std::size_t frameRate; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, frameRate ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numAnimatedComponents" ) ); std::size_t numAnimatedComponents; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numAnimatedComponents ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); // parse heirarchy MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "hierarchy" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i ) { const char* name; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseString( tokeniser, name ) ); int parent; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseInteger( tokeniser, parent ) ); std::size_t flags; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, flags ) ); std::size_t index; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, index ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "}" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); // parse bounds MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "bounds" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; ++i ) { Vector3 mins; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, mins ) ); Vector3 maxs; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, maxs ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "}" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); // parse baseframe MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "baseframe" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i ) { Vector3 position; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, position ) ); Vector3 rotation; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, rotation ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "}" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); // parse frames for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; ++i ) { MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "frame" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < numAnimatedComponents; ++i ) { float component; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, component ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "}" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } return true; } bool MD5Model_parse( Model& model, Tokeniser& tokeniser ){ MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVersion( tokeniser ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "commandline" ) ); const char* commandline; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseString( tokeniser, commandline ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numJoints" ) ); std::size_t numJoints; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numJoints ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numMeshes" ) ); std::size_t numMeshes; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numMeshes ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5Joints joints( numJoints ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "joints" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( MD5Joints::iterator i = joints.begin(); i != joints.end(); ++i ) { const char* jointName; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseString( tokeniser, jointName ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseInteger( tokeniser, ( *i ).parent ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, ( *i ).position ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, vector4_to_vector3( ( *i ).rotation ) ) ); ( *i ).rotation.w() = -static_cast( sqrt( 1.0f - ( float_squared( ( *i ).rotation.x() ) + float_squared( ( *i ).rotation.y() ) + float_squared( ( *i ).rotation.z() ) ) ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "}" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i ) { Surface& surface = model.newSurface(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "mesh" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "shader" ) ); const char* shader; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseString( tokeniser, shader ) ); surface.setShader( shader ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numverts" ) ); std::size_t numVerts; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numVerts ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5Verts verts( numVerts ); for ( MD5Verts::iterator j = verts.begin(); j != verts.end(); ++j ) { MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "vert" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).index ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( ( *j ).index == std::size_t( j - verts.begin() ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "(" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, ( *j ).u ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, ( *j ).v ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, ")" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).weight_index ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).weight_count ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numtris" ) ); std::size_t numTris; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numTris ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5Tris tris( numTris ); for ( MD5Tris::iterator j = tris.begin(); j != tris.end(); ++j ) { MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "tri" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).index ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( ( *j ).index == std::size_t( j - tris.begin() ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).a ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).b ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).c ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "numweights" ) ); std::size_t numWeights; MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, numWeights ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); MD5Weights weights( numWeights ); for ( MD5Weights::iterator j = weights.begin(); j != weights.end(); ++j ) { MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "weight" ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).index ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( ( *j ).index == std::size_t( j - weights.begin() ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseSize( tokeniser, ( *j ).joint ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseFloat( tokeniser, ( *j ).t ) ); MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseVector3( tokeniser, ( *j ).v ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); } MD5_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( MD5_parseToken( tokeniser, "}" ) ); tokeniser.nextLine(); for ( MD5Verts::iterator j = verts.begin(); j != verts.end(); ++j ) { MD5Vert& vert = ( *j ); Vector3 skinned( 0, 0, 0 ); for ( std::size_t k = 0; k != vert.weight_count; ++k ) { MD5Weight& weight = weights[vert.weight_index + k]; MD5Joint& joint = joints[weight.joint]; skinned += ( quaternion_transformed_point( joint.rotation, weight.v ) + joint.position ) * weight.t; } surface.vertices().push_back( ArbitraryMeshVertex( vertex3f_for_vector3( skinned ), Normal3f( 0, 0, 0 ), TexCoord2f( vert.u, vert.v ) ) ); } for ( MD5Tris::iterator j = tris.begin(); j != tris.end(); ++j ) { MD5Tri& tri = ( *j ); surface.indices().insert( RenderIndex( tri.a ) ); surface.indices().insert( RenderIndex( tri.b ) ); surface.indices().insert( RenderIndex( tri.c ) ); } for ( Surface::indices_t::iterator j = surface.indices().begin(); j != surface.indices().end(); j += 3 ) { ArbitraryMeshVertex& a = surface.vertices()[*( j + 0 )]; ArbitraryMeshVertex& b = surface.vertices()[*( j + 1 )]; ArbitraryMeshVertex& c = surface.vertices()[*( j + 2 )]; Vector3 weightedNormal( vector3_cross( reinterpret_cast( c.vertex ) - reinterpret_cast( a.vertex ), reinterpret_cast( b.vertex ) - reinterpret_cast( a.vertex ) ) ); reinterpret_cast( a.normal ) += weightedNormal; reinterpret_cast( b.normal ) += weightedNormal; reinterpret_cast( c.normal ) += weightedNormal; } for ( Surface::vertices_t::iterator j = surface.vertices().begin(); j != surface.vertices().end(); ++j ) { vector3_normalise( reinterpret_cast( ( *j ).normal ) ); } surface.updateAABB(); } model.updateAABB(); return true; } void MD5Model_construct( Model& model, TextInputStream& inputStream ){ Tokeniser& tokeniser = GlobalScriptLibrary().m_pfnNewSimpleTokeniser( inputStream ); MD5Model_parse( model, tokeniser ); tokeniser.release(); } scene::Node& MD5Model_new( TextInputStream& inputStream ){ ModelNode* modelNode = new ModelNode(); MD5Model_construct( modelNode->model(), inputStream ); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node& loadMD5Model( ArchiveFile& file ){ BinaryToTextInputStream inputStream( file.getInputStream() ); return MD5Model_new( inputStream ); }