#! /usr/bin/env bash # This script is meant to be kept small and simple # If you think about adding features, it's probably a bad idea set -e # exit if a command fails set -o pipefail # Will return the exit status of make if it fails project_source_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" build_dir="${project_source_dir}/build${SUBDIR:+/${SUBDIR}}" install_dir="${project_source_dir}/install${SUBDIR:+/${SUBDIR}}" install_target='install/strip' build_type='Release' declare -a cmake_opts case "$(uname -s)" in 'Linux') nproc='egrep "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l' ;; 'FreeBSD') nproc='sysctl -n hw.ncpu' if [ -f "$(ls '/usr/local/bin/g++'* | sort | tail -n1)" ] then gcc_version="$(ls '/usr/local/bin/g++'* | sort | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/.*[^0-9]\([0-9][0-9]*\)$/\1/')" cmake_opts[${#cmake_opts[@]}]="-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc${gcc_version}" cmake_opts[${#cmake_opts[@]}]="-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++${gcc_version}" else printf "WARNING: GCC is recommended: if build fails, install GCC and retry\n" >&2 fi ;; 'Darwin') nproc='sysctl -n hw.ncpu' if [ -f "$(ls '/usr/local/bin/g++-'* | sort | tail -n1)" ] then gcc_version="$(ls '/usr/local/bin/g++-'* | sort | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/.*[^0-9]\([0-9][0-9]*\)$/\1/')" cmake_opts[${#cmake_opts[@]}]="-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc-${gcc_version}" cmake_opts[${#cmake_opts[@]}]="-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++-${gcc_version}" else printf "WARNING: GCC is recommended: if build fails, install GCC and retry\n" >&2 fi ;; 'MSYS_NT-'*) nproc='echo "${NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}"' ;; 'CYGWIN_NT-'*|'MINGW'*'_NT-'*) nproc='echo "${NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}"' printf "WARNING: system is not tested: if build fails, use MSYS2 instead\n" >&2 ;; *) nproc='true' printf "WARNING: system is not tested\n" >&2 ;; esac if command -v 'nproc' >/dev/null then job_count="$(nproc)" else job_count="$(sh -c "${nproc}")" fi job_count="${job_count:-4}" declare -a cmake_user_opts while [ ! -z "${1}" ] do case "${1}" in '-j'*) job_count="${1:2}" shift ;; '--debug') install_target='install' build_type='Debug' shift ;; *) cmake_user_opts[${#cmake_user_opts[@]}]="${1}" shift ;; esac done declare -a fetch_submodules_cmd for submodule_file in 'libs/crunch/inc/crn_decomp.h' \ 'tools/unvanquished/daemonmap/tools/quake3/q3map2/main.c' do if ! [ -f "${project_source_dir}/${submodule_file}" ] then fetch_submodules_cmd=(git -C "${project_source_dir}" submodule update --init --recursive) fi done set -x "${fetch_submodules_cmd[@]}" cmake \ -G'Unix Makefiles' \ -S"${project_source_dir}" \ -B"${build_dir}" \ -D'CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX'="${install_dir}" \ -D'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE'="${build_type}" \ "${cmake_opts[@]}" \ "${cmake_user_opts[@]}" \ "${project_source_dir}" cmake \ --build "${build_dir}" \ -- \ -j"${job_count}" \ "${install_target}"