/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // world.c -- world query functions #include "quakedef.h" /* entities never clip against themselves, or their owner line of sight checks trace->inopen and trace->inwater, but bullets don't */ void World_Init(void) { Collision_Init(); } //============================================================================ // World_ClearLink is used for new headnodes void World_ClearLink (link_t *l) { l->entitynumber = 0; l->prev = l->next = l; } void World_RemoveLink (link_t *l) { l->next->prev = l->prev; l->prev->next = l->next; } void World_InsertLinkBefore (link_t *l, link_t *before, int entitynumber) { l->entitynumber = entitynumber; l->next = before; l->prev = before->prev; l->prev->next = l; l->next->prev = l; } /* =============================================================================== ENTITY AREA CHECKING =============================================================================== */ void World_PrintAreaStats(world_t *world, const char *worldname) { Con_Printf("%s areagrid check stats: %d calls %d nodes (%f per call) %d entities (%f per call)\n", worldname, world->areagrid_stats_calls, world->areagrid_stats_nodechecks, (double) world->areagrid_stats_nodechecks / (double) world->areagrid_stats_calls, world->areagrid_stats_entitychecks, (double) world->areagrid_stats_entitychecks / (double) world->areagrid_stats_calls); world->areagrid_stats_calls = 0; world->areagrid_stats_nodechecks = 0; world->areagrid_stats_entitychecks = 0; } /* =============== World_Clear =============== */ void World_Clear(world_t *world) { int i; // the areagrid_marknumber is not allowed to be 0 if (world->areagrid_marknumber < 1) world->areagrid_marknumber = 1; // choose either the world box size, or a larger box to ensure the grid isn't too fine world->areagrid_size[0] = max(world->areagrid_maxs[0] - world->areagrid_mins[0], AREA_GRID * sv_areagrid_mingridsize.value); world->areagrid_size[1] = max(world->areagrid_maxs[1] - world->areagrid_mins[1], AREA_GRID * sv_areagrid_mingridsize.value); world->areagrid_size[2] = max(world->areagrid_maxs[2] - world->areagrid_mins[2], AREA_GRID * sv_areagrid_mingridsize.value); // figure out the corners of such a box, centered at the center of the world box world->areagrid_mins[0] = (world->areagrid_mins[0] + world->areagrid_maxs[0] - world->areagrid_size[0]) * 0.5f; world->areagrid_mins[1] = (world->areagrid_mins[1] + world->areagrid_maxs[1] - world->areagrid_size[1]) * 0.5f; world->areagrid_mins[2] = (world->areagrid_mins[2] + world->areagrid_maxs[2] - world->areagrid_size[2]) * 0.5f; world->areagrid_maxs[0] = (world->areagrid_mins[0] + world->areagrid_maxs[0] + world->areagrid_size[0]) * 0.5f; world->areagrid_maxs[1] = (world->areagrid_mins[1] + world->areagrid_maxs[1] + world->areagrid_size[1]) * 0.5f; world->areagrid_maxs[2] = (world->areagrid_mins[2] + world->areagrid_maxs[2] + world->areagrid_size[2]) * 0.5f; // now calculate the actual useful info from that VectorNegate(world->areagrid_mins, world->areagrid_bias); world->areagrid_scale[0] = AREA_GRID / world->areagrid_size[0]; world->areagrid_scale[1] = AREA_GRID / world->areagrid_size[1]; world->areagrid_scale[2] = AREA_GRID / world->areagrid_size[2]; World_ClearLink(&world->areagrid_outside); for (i = 0;i < AREA_GRIDNODES;i++) World_ClearLink(&world->areagrid[i]); Con_DPrintf("areagrid settings: divisions %ix%ix1 : box %f %f %f : %f %f %f size %f %f %f grid %f %f %f (mingrid %f)\n", AREA_GRID, AREA_GRID, world->areagrid_mins[0], world->areagrid_mins[1], world->areagrid_mins[2], world->areagrid_maxs[0], world->areagrid_maxs[1], world->areagrid_maxs[2], world->areagrid_size[0], world->areagrid_size[1], world->areagrid_size[2], 1.0f / world->areagrid_scale[0], 1.0f / world->areagrid_scale[1], 1.0f / world->areagrid_scale[2], sv_areagrid_mingridsize.value); } /* =============== =============== */ void World_UnlinkEdict(prvm_edict_t *ent) { int i; for (i = 0;i < ENTITYGRIDAREAS;i++) { if (ent->priv.server->areagrid[i].prev) { World_RemoveLink (&ent->priv.server->areagrid[i]); ent->priv.server->areagrid[i].prev = ent->priv.server->areagrid[i].next = NULL; } } } int World_EntitiesInBox(world_t *world, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int maxlist, prvm_edict_t **list) { int numlist; link_t *grid; link_t *l; prvm_edict_t *ent; int igrid[3], igridmins[3], igridmaxs[3]; // FIXME: if areagrid_marknumber wraps, all entities need their // ent->priv.server->areagridmarknumber reset world->areagrid_stats_calls++; world->areagrid_marknumber++; igridmins[0] = (int) floor((mins[0] + world->areagrid_bias[0]) * world->areagrid_scale[0]); igridmins[1] = (int) floor((mins[1] + world->areagrid_bias[1]) * world->areagrid_scale[1]); //igridmins[2] = (int) ((mins[2] + world->areagrid_bias[2]) * world->areagrid_scale[2]); igridmaxs[0] = (int) floor((maxs[0] + world->areagrid_bias[0]) * world->areagrid_scale[0]) + 1; igridmaxs[1] = (int) floor((maxs[1] + world->areagrid_bias[1]) * world->areagrid_scale[1]) + 1; //igridmaxs[2] = (int) ((maxs[2] + world->areagrid_bias[2]) * world->areagrid_scale[2]) + 1; igridmins[0] = max(0, igridmins[0]); igridmins[1] = max(0, igridmins[1]); //igridmins[2] = max(0, igridmins[2]); igridmaxs[0] = min(AREA_GRID, igridmaxs[0]); igridmaxs[1] = min(AREA_GRID, igridmaxs[1]); //igridmaxs[2] = min(AREA_GRID, igridmaxs[2]); numlist = 0; // add entities not linked into areagrid because they are too big or // outside the grid bounds if (world->areagrid_outside.next != &world->areagrid_outside) { grid = &world->areagrid_outside; for (l = grid->next;l != grid;l = l->next) { ent = PRVM_EDICT_NUM(l->entitynumber); if (ent->priv.server->areagridmarknumber != world->areagrid_marknumber) { ent->priv.server->areagridmarknumber = world->areagrid_marknumber; if (!ent->priv.server->free && BoxesOverlap(mins, maxs, ent->priv.server->areamins, ent->priv.server->areamaxs)) { if (numlist < maxlist) list[numlist] = ent; numlist++; } world->areagrid_stats_entitychecks++; } } } // add grid linked entities for (igrid[1] = igridmins[1];igrid[1] < igridmaxs[1];igrid[1]++) { grid = world->areagrid + igrid[1] * AREA_GRID + igridmins[0]; for (igrid[0] = igridmins[0];igrid[0] < igridmaxs[0];igrid[0]++, grid++) { if (grid->next != grid) { for (l = grid->next;l != grid;l = l->next) { ent = PRVM_EDICT_NUM(l->entitynumber); if (ent->priv.server->areagridmarknumber != world->areagrid_marknumber) { ent->priv.server->areagridmarknumber = world->areagrid_marknumber; if (!ent->priv.server->free && BoxesOverlap(mins, maxs, ent->priv.server->areamins, ent->priv.server->areamaxs)) { if (numlist < maxlist) list[numlist] = ent; numlist++; } //Con_Printf("%d %f %f %f %f %f %f : %d : %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", BoxesOverlap(mins, maxs, ent->priv.server->areamins, ent->priv.server->areamaxs), ent->priv.server->areamins[0], ent->priv.server->areamins[1], ent->priv.server->areamins[2], ent->priv.server->areamaxs[0], ent->priv.server->areamaxs[1], ent->priv.server->areamaxs[2], PRVM_NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent), mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2]); } world->areagrid_stats_entitychecks++; } } } } return numlist; } void World_LinkEdict_AreaGrid(world_t *world, prvm_edict_t *ent) { link_t *grid; int igrid[3], igridmins[3], igridmaxs[3], gridnum, entitynumber = PRVM_NUM_FOR_EDICT(ent); if (entitynumber <= 0 || entitynumber >= prog->max_edicts || PRVM_EDICT_NUM(entitynumber) != ent) { Con_Printf ("SV_LinkEdict_AreaGrid: invalid edict %p (edicts is %p, edict compared to prog->edicts is %i)\n", ent, prog->edicts, entitynumber); return; } igridmins[0] = (int) floor((ent->priv.server->areamins[0] + world->areagrid_bias[0]) * world->areagrid_scale[0]); igridmins[1] = (int) floor((ent->priv.server->areamins[1] + world->areagrid_bias[1]) * world->areagrid_scale[1]); //igridmins[2] = (int) floor((ent->priv.server->areamins[2] + world->areagrid_bias[2]) * world->areagrid_scale[2]); igridmaxs[0] = (int) floor((ent->priv.server->areamaxs[0] + world->areagrid_bias[0]) * world->areagrid_scale[0]) + 1; igridmaxs[1] = (int) floor((ent->priv.server->areamaxs[1] + world->areagrid_bias[1]) * world->areagrid_scale[1]) + 1; //igridmaxs[2] = (int) floor((ent->priv.server->areamaxs[2] + world->areagrid_bias[2]) * world->areagrid_scale[2]) + 1; if (igridmins[0] < 0 || igridmaxs[0] > AREA_GRID || igridmins[1] < 0 || igridmaxs[1] > AREA_GRID || ((igridmaxs[0] - igridmins[0]) * (igridmaxs[1] - igridmins[1])) > ENTITYGRIDAREAS) { // wow, something outside the grid, store it as such World_InsertLinkBefore (&ent->priv.server->areagrid[0], &world->areagrid_outside, entitynumber); return; } gridnum = 0; for (igrid[1] = igridmins[1];igrid[1] < igridmaxs[1];igrid[1]++) { grid = world->areagrid + igrid[1] * AREA_GRID + igridmins[0]; for (igrid[0] = igridmins[0];igrid[0] < igridmaxs[0];igrid[0]++, grid++, gridnum++) World_InsertLinkBefore (&ent->priv.server->areagrid[gridnum], grid, entitynumber); } } /* =============== World_LinkEdict =============== */ void World_LinkEdict(world_t *world, prvm_edict_t *ent, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { // unlink from old position first if (ent->priv.server->areagrid[0].prev) World_UnlinkEdict(ent); // don't add the world if (ent == prog->edicts) return; // don't add free entities if (ent->priv.server->free) return; VectorCopy(mins, ent->priv.server->areamins); VectorCopy(maxs, ent->priv.server->areamaxs); World_LinkEdict_AreaGrid(world, ent); }