#include "quakedef.h" # include #ifndef WIN32 # include # include # include #endif static char sys_timestring[128]; char *Sys_TimeString(const char *timeformat) { time_t mytime = time(NULL); strftime(sys_timestring, sizeof(sys_timestring), timeformat, localtime(&mytime)); return sys_timestring; } extern qboolean host_shuttingdown; void Sys_Quit (void) { host_shuttingdown = true; Host_Shutdown(); exit(0); } /* =============================================================================== DLL MANAGEMENT =============================================================================== */ qboolean Sys_LoadLibrary (const char** dllnames, dllhandle_t* handle, const dllfunction_t *fcts) { const dllfunction_t *func; dllhandle_t dllhandle = 0; unsigned int i; if (handle == NULL) return false; // Initializations for (func = fcts; func && func->name != NULL; func++) *func->funcvariable = NULL; // Try every possible name for (i = 0; dllnames[i] != NULL; i++) { #ifdef WIN32 dllhandle = LoadLibrary (dllnames[i]); #else dllhandle = dlopen (dllnames[i], RTLD_LAZY); #endif if (dllhandle) break; Con_Printf ("Can't load \"%s\".\n", dllnames[i]); } // No DLL found if (! dllhandle) { // see if the names can be loaded relative to the executable path // (this is for Mac OSX which does not check next to the executable) if (strrchr(com_argv[0], '/')) { char path[MAX_OSPATH]; strlcpy(path, com_argv[0], sizeof(path)); strrchr(com_argv[0], '/')[1] = 0; for (i = 0; dllnames[i] != NULL; i++) { char temp[MAX_OSPATH]; strlcpy(temp, path, sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, dllnames[i], sizeof(temp)); #ifdef WIN32 dllhandle = LoadLibrary (temp); #else dllhandle = dlopen (temp, RTLD_LAZY); #endif if (dllhandle) break; Con_Printf ("Can't load \"%s\".\n", temp); } if (! dllhandle) return false; } else return false; } Con_Printf("\"%s\" loaded.\n", dllnames[i]); // Get the function adresses for (func = fcts; func && func->name != NULL; func++) if (!(*func->funcvariable = (void *) Sys_GetProcAddress (dllhandle, func->name))) { Con_Printf ("Missing function \"%s\" - broken library!\n", func->name); Sys_UnloadLibrary (&dllhandle); return false; } *handle = dllhandle; return true; } void Sys_UnloadLibrary (dllhandle_t* handle) { if (handle == NULL || *handle == NULL) return; #ifdef WIN32 FreeLibrary (*handle); #else dlclose (*handle); #endif *handle = NULL; } void* Sys_GetProcAddress (dllhandle_t handle, const char* name) { #ifdef WIN32 return (void *)GetProcAddress (handle, name); #else return (void *)dlsym (handle, name); #endif }