#ifdef WIN32 #else #include #endif /* * Include this BEFORE darkplaces.h because it breaks wrapping * _Static_assert. Cloudwalk has no idea how or why so don't ask. */ #include #include "darkplaces.h" #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma comment(lib, "sdl2.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "sdl2main.lib") #endif #endif sys_t sys; // ======================================================================= // General routines // ======================================================================= void Sys_SDL_Shutdown(void) { SDL_Quit(); } // Sys_Error early in startup might screw with automated // workflows or something if we show the dialog by default. static qbool nocrashdialog = true; void Sys_SDL_Dialog(const char *title, const char *string) { if(!nocrashdialog) SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, title, string, NULL); } char *Sys_GetClipboardData (void) { char *data = NULL; char *cliptext; cliptext = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if (cliptext != NULL) { size_t allocsize; allocsize = min(MAX_INPUTLINE, strlen(cliptext) + 1); data = (char *)Z_Malloc (allocsize); strlcpy (data, cliptext, allocsize); SDL_free(cliptext); } return data; } void Sys_SDL_Init(void) { // we don't know which systems we'll want to init, yet... if (SDL_Init(0) < 0) Sys_Error("SDL_Init failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); // COMMANDLINEOPTION: sdl: -nocrashdialog disables "Engine Error" crash dialog boxes if(!Sys_CheckParm("-nocrashdialog")) nocrashdialog = false; } qbool sys_supportsdlgetticks = true; unsigned int Sys_SDL_GetTicks (void) { return SDL_GetTicks(); } void Sys_SDL_Delay (unsigned int milliseconds) { SDL_Delay(milliseconds); }