#include "quakedef.h" #include "protocol.h" int EntityState_DeltaBits(const entity_state_t *o, const entity_state_t *n) { unsigned int bits; // if o is not active, delta from default if (o->active != ACTIVE_NETWORK) o = &defaultstate; bits = 0; if (fabs(n->origin[0] - o->origin[0]) > (1.0f / 256.0f)) bits |= E_ORIGIN1; if (fabs(n->origin[1] - o->origin[1]) > (1.0f / 256.0f)) bits |= E_ORIGIN2; if (fabs(n->origin[2] - o->origin[2]) > (1.0f / 256.0f)) bits |= E_ORIGIN3; if ((unsigned char) (n->angles[0] * (256.0f / 360.0f)) != (unsigned char) (o->angles[0] * (256.0f / 360.0f))) bits |= E_ANGLE1; if ((unsigned char) (n->angles[1] * (256.0f / 360.0f)) != (unsigned char) (o->angles[1] * (256.0f / 360.0f))) bits |= E_ANGLE2; if ((unsigned char) (n->angles[2] * (256.0f / 360.0f)) != (unsigned char) (o->angles[2] * (256.0f / 360.0f))) bits |= E_ANGLE3; if ((n->modelindex ^ o->modelindex) & 0x00FF) bits |= E_MODEL1; if ((n->modelindex ^ o->modelindex) & 0xFF00) bits |= E_MODEL2; if ((n->frame ^ o->frame) & 0x00FF) bits |= E_FRAME1; if ((n->frame ^ o->frame) & 0xFF00) bits |= E_FRAME2; if ((n->effects ^ o->effects) & 0x00FF) bits |= E_EFFECTS1; if ((n->effects ^ o->effects) & 0xFF00) bits |= E_EFFECTS2; if (n->colormap != o->colormap) bits |= E_COLORMAP; if (n->skin != o->skin) bits |= E_SKIN; if (n->alpha != o->alpha) bits |= E_ALPHA; if (n->scale != o->scale) bits |= E_SCALE; if (n->glowsize != o->glowsize) bits |= E_GLOWSIZE; if (n->glowcolor != o->glowcolor) bits |= E_GLOWCOLOR; if (n->flags != o->flags) bits |= E_FLAGS; if (n->tagindex != o->tagindex || n->tagentity != o->tagentity) bits |= E_TAGATTACHMENT; if (n->light[0] != o->light[0] || n->light[1] != o->light[1] || n->light[2] != o->light[2] || n->light[3] != o->light[3]) bits |= E_LIGHT; if (n->lightstyle != o->lightstyle) bits |= E_LIGHTSTYLE; if (n->lightpflags != o->lightpflags) bits |= E_LIGHTPFLAGS; if (bits) { if (bits & 0xFF000000) bits |= 0x00800000; if (bits & 0x00FF0000) bits |= 0x00008000; if (bits & 0x0000FF00) bits |= 0x00000080; } return bits; } void EntityState_WriteExtendBits(sizebuf_t *msg, unsigned int bits) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, bits & 0xFF); if (bits & 0x00000080) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & 0x00008000) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 16) & 0xFF); if (bits & 0x00800000) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 24) & 0xFF); } } } void EntityState_WriteFields(const entity_state_t *ent, sizebuf_t *msg, unsigned int bits) { if (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2) { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) MSG_WriteCoord16i(msg, ent->origin[0]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) MSG_WriteCoord16i(msg, ent->origin[1]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) MSG_WriteCoord16i(msg, ent->origin[2]); } else { // LadyHavoc: have to write flags first, as they can modify protocol if (bits & E_FLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->flags); if (ent->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION) { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) MSG_WriteCoord16i(msg, ent->origin[0]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) MSG_WriteCoord16i(msg, ent->origin[1]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) MSG_WriteCoord16i(msg, ent->origin[2]); } else { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, ent->origin[0]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, ent->origin[1]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, ent->origin[2]); } } if ((sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 || sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4) && (ent->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION)) { if (bits & E_ANGLE1) MSG_WriteAngle8i(msg, ent->angles[0]); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) MSG_WriteAngle8i(msg, ent->angles[1]); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) MSG_WriteAngle8i(msg, ent->angles[2]); } else { if (bits & E_ANGLE1) MSG_WriteAngle16i(msg, ent->angles[0]); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) MSG_WriteAngle16i(msg, ent->angles[1]); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) MSG_WriteAngle16i(msg, ent->angles[2]); } if (bits & E_MODEL1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->modelindex & 0xFF); if (bits & E_MODEL2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (ent->modelindex >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E_FRAME1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->frame & 0xFF); if (bits & E_FRAME2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (ent->frame >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E_EFFECTS1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->effects & 0xFF); if (bits & E_EFFECTS2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (ent->effects >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E_COLORMAP) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->colormap); if (bits & E_SKIN) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->skin); if (bits & E_ALPHA) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->alpha); if (bits & E_SCALE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->scale); if (bits & E_GLOWSIZE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->glowsize); if (bits & E_GLOWCOLOR) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->glowcolor); if (sv.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2) if (bits & E_FLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->flags); if (bits & E_TAGATTACHMENT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->tagentity); MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->tagindex); } if (bits & E_LIGHT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[0]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[1]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[2]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[3]); } if (bits & E_LIGHTSTYLE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->lightstyle); if (bits & E_LIGHTPFLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->lightpflags); } void EntityState_WriteUpdate(const entity_state_t *ent, sizebuf_t *msg, const entity_state_t *delta) { prvm_prog_t *prog = SVVM_prog; unsigned int bits; if (ent->active == ACTIVE_NETWORK) { // entity is active, check for changes from the delta if ((bits = EntityState_DeltaBits(delta, ent))) { // write the update number, bits, and fields ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_START(msg, ent->number, bits); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->number); EntityState_WriteExtendBits(msg, bits); EntityState_WriteFields(ent, msg, bits); ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_END(msg, ent->number, bits); } } else { // entity is inactive, check if the delta was active if (delta->active == ACTIVE_NETWORK) { // write the remove number ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_START(msg, ent->number, 0); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->number | 0x8000); ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_END(msg, ent->number, 0); } } } // (server) adds a entity_frame to the database, for future reference void EntityFrame_AddFrame_Server(entityframe_database_t *d, vec3_t eye, int framenum, int numentities, const entity_state_t **entitydata) { int n, e; entity_frameinfo_t *info; VectorCopy(eye, d->eye); // figure out how many entity slots are used already if (d->numframes) { n = d->frames[d->numframes - 1].endentity - d->frames[0].firstentity; if (n + numentities > MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE || d->numframes >= MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY) { // ran out of room, dump database EntityFrame_ClearDatabase(d); } } info = &d->frames[d->numframes]; info->framenum = framenum; e = -1000; // make sure we check the newly added frame as well, but we haven't incremented numframes yet for (n = 0;n <= d->numframes;n++) { if (e >= d->frames[n].framenum) { if (e == framenum) Con_Print("EntityFrame_AddFrame: tried to add out of sequence frame to database\n"); else Con_Print("EntityFrame_AddFrame: out of sequence frames in database\n"); return; } e = d->frames[n].framenum; } // if database still has frames after that... if (d->numframes) info->firstentity = d->frames[d->numframes - 1].endentity; else info->firstentity = 0; info->endentity = info->firstentity + numentities; d->numframes++; n = info->firstentity % MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE; e = MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE - n; if (e > numentities) e = numentities; memcpy(d->entitydata + n, entitydata, sizeof(entity_state_t) * e); if (numentities > e) memcpy(d->entitydata, entitydata + e, sizeof(entity_state_t) * (numentities - e)); } // (server) writes a frame to network stream qboolean EntityFrame_WriteFrame(sizebuf_t *msg, int maxsize, entityframe_database_t *d, int numstates, const entity_state_t **states, int viewentnum) { prvm_prog_t *prog = SVVM_prog; int i, onum, number; entity_frame_t *o = &d->deltaframe; const entity_state_t *ent, *delta; vec3_t eye; d->latestframenum++; VectorClear(eye); for (i = 0;i < numstates;i++) { ent = states[i]; if (ent->number == viewentnum) { VectorSet(eye, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2] + 22); break; } } EntityFrame_AddFrame_Server(d, eye, d->latestframenum, numstates, states); EntityFrame_FetchFrame(d, d->ackframenum, o); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_entities); MSG_WriteLong (msg, o->framenum); MSG_WriteLong (msg, d->latestframenum); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, eye[0]); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, eye[1]); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, eye[2]); onum = 0; for (i = 0;i < numstates;i++) { ent = states[i]; number = ent->number; if (PRVM_serveredictfunction((&prog->edicts[number]), SendEntity)) continue; for (;onum < o->numentities && o->entitydata[onum].number < number;onum++) { // write remove message MSG_WriteShort(msg, o->entitydata[onum].number | 0x8000); } if (onum < o->numentities && (o->entitydata[onum].number == number)) { // delta from previous frame delta = o->entitydata + onum; // advance to next entity in delta frame onum++; } else { // delta from defaults delta = &defaultstate; } EntityState_WriteUpdate(ent, msg, delta); } for (;onum < o->numentities;onum++) { // write remove message MSG_WriteShort(msg, o->entitydata[onum].number | 0x8000); } MSG_WriteShort(msg, 0xFFFF); return true; }