/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // this file is shared by quake and qcc #ifndef PR_COMP_H #define PR_COMP_H typedef unsigned int func_t; typedef int string_t; typedef enum etype_e {ev_void, ev_string, ev_float, ev_vector, ev_entity, ev_field, ev_function, ev_pointer} etype_t; #define OFS_NULL 0 #define OFS_RETURN 1 #define OFS_PARM0 4 // leave 3 ofs for each parm to hold vectors #define OFS_PARM1 7 #define OFS_PARM2 10 #define OFS_PARM3 13 #define OFS_PARM4 16 #define OFS_PARM5 19 #define OFS_PARM6 22 #define OFS_PARM7 25 #define RESERVED_OFS 28 typedef enum opcode_e { OP_DONE, OP_MUL_F, OP_MUL_V, OP_MUL_FV, OP_MUL_VF, OP_DIV_F, OP_ADD_F, OP_ADD_V, OP_SUB_F, OP_SUB_V, OP_EQ_F, OP_EQ_V, OP_EQ_S, OP_EQ_E, OP_EQ_FNC, OP_NE_F, OP_NE_V, OP_NE_S, OP_NE_E, OP_NE_FNC, OP_LE, OP_GE, OP_LT, OP_GT, OP_LOAD_F, OP_LOAD_V, OP_LOAD_S, OP_LOAD_ENT, OP_LOAD_FLD, OP_LOAD_FNC, OP_ADDRESS, OP_STORE_F, OP_STORE_V, OP_STORE_S, OP_STORE_ENT, OP_STORE_FLD, OP_STORE_FNC, OP_STOREP_F, OP_STOREP_V, OP_STOREP_S, OP_STOREP_ENT, OP_STOREP_FLD, OP_STOREP_FNC, OP_RETURN, OP_NOT_F, OP_NOT_V, OP_NOT_S, OP_NOT_ENT, OP_NOT_FNC, OP_IF, OP_IFNOT, OP_CALL0, OP_CALL1, OP_CALL2, OP_CALL3, OP_CALL4, OP_CALL5, OP_CALL6, OP_CALL7, OP_CALL8, OP_STATE, OP_GOTO, OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_BITAND, OP_BITOR, // TODO: actually support Hexen 2? OP_MULSTORE_F, //66 redundant, for h2 compat OP_MULSTORE_VF, //67 redundant, for h2 compat OP_MULSTOREP_F, //68 OP_MULSTOREP_VF,//69 OP_DIVSTORE_F, //70 redundant, for h2 compat OP_DIVSTOREP_F, //71 OP_ADDSTORE_F, //72 redundant, for h2 compat OP_ADDSTORE_V, //73 redundant, for h2 compat OP_ADDSTOREP_F, //74 OP_ADDSTOREP_V, //75 OP_SUBSTORE_F, //76 redundant, for h2 compat OP_SUBSTORE_V, //77 redundant, for h2 compat OP_SUBSTOREP_F, //78 OP_SUBSTOREP_V, //79 OP_FETCH_GBL_F, //80 has built-in bounds check OP_FETCH_GBL_V, //81 has built-in bounds check OP_FETCH_GBL_S, //82 has built-in bounds check OP_FETCH_GBL_E, //83 has built-in bounds check OP_FETCH_GBL_FNC,//84 has built-in bounds check OP_CSTATE, //85 OP_CWSTATE, //86 OP_THINKTIME, //87 shortcut for OPA.nextthink=time+OPB OP_BITSETSTORE_F, //88 redundant, for h2 compat OP_BITSETSTOREP_F, //89 OP_BITCLRSTORE_F, //90 OP_BITCLRSTOREP_F, //91 OP_RAND0, //92 OPC = random() OP_RAND1, //93 OPC = random()*OPA OP_RAND2, //94 OPC = random()*(OPB-OPA)+OPA OP_RANDV0, //95 //3d/box versions of the above. OP_RANDV1, //96 OP_RANDV2, //97 OP_SWITCH_F, //98 switchref=OPA; PC += OPB --- the jump allows the jump table (such as it is) to be inserted after the block. OP_SWITCH_V, //99 OP_SWITCH_S, //100 OP_SWITCH_E, //101 OP_SWITCH_FNC, //102 OP_CASE, //103 if (OPA===switchref) PC += OPB OP_CASERANGE, //104 if (OPA<=switchref&&switchref<=OPB) PC += OPC //hexen2 calling convention (-TH2 requires us to remap OP_CALLX to these on load, -TFTE just uses these directly.) OP_CALL1H, //OFS_PARM0=OPB OP_CALL2H, //OFS_PARM0,1=OPB,OPC OP_CALL3H, //no extra args OP_CALL4H, OP_CALL5H, OP_CALL6H, OP_CALL7H, OP_CALL8H, OP_STORE_I, OP_STORE_IF, OP_STORE_FI, OP_ADD_I, OP_ADD_FI, OP_ADD_IF, OP_SUB_I, OP_SUB_FI, OP_SUB_IF, OP_CONV_IF, OP_CONV_FI, OP_LOADP_IF, OP_LOADP_FI, OP_LOAD_I, OP_STOREP_I, OP_STOREP_IF, OP_STOREP_FI, OP_BITAND_I, OP_BITOR_I, OP_MUL_I, OP_DIV_I, OP_EQ_I, OP_NE_I, OP_IFNOT_S, OP_IF_S, OP_NOT_I, OP_DIV_VF, OP_BITXOR_I, OP_RSHIFT_I, OP_LSHIFT_I, OP_GLOBALADDRESS, OP_ADD_PIW, OP_LOADA_F, OP_LOADA_V, OP_LOADA_S, OP_LOADA_ENT, OP_LOADA_FLD, OP_LOADA_FNC, OP_LOADA_I, OP_STORE_P, OP_LOAD_P, OP_LOADP_F, OP_LOADP_V, OP_LOADP_S, OP_LOADP_ENT, OP_LOADP_FLD, OP_LOADP_FNC, OP_LOADP_I, OP_LE_I, OP_GE_I, OP_LT_I, OP_GT_I, OP_LE_IF, OP_GE_IF, OP_LT_IF, OP_GT_IF, OP_LE_FI, OP_GE_FI, OP_LT_FI, OP_GT_FI, OP_EQ_IF, OP_EQ_FI, OP_ADD_SF, OP_SUB_S, OP_STOREP_C, OP_LOADP_C, OP_MUL_IF, OP_MUL_FI, OP_MUL_VI, OP_MUL_IV, OP_DIV_IF, OP_DIV_FI, OP_BITAND_IF, OP_BITOR_IF, OP_BITAND_FI, OP_BITOR_FI, OP_AND_I, OP_OR_I, OP_AND_IF, OP_OR_IF, OP_AND_FI, OP_OR_FI, OP_NE_IF, OP_NE_FI, OP_GSTOREP_I, OP_GSTOREP_F, OP_GSTOREP_ENT, OP_GSTOREP_FLD, OP_GSTOREP_S, OP_GSTOREP_FNC, OP_GSTOREP_V, OP_GADDRESS, OP_GLOAD_I, OP_GLOAD_F, OP_GLOAD_FLD, OP_GLOAD_ENT, OP_GLOAD_S, OP_GLOAD_FNC, OP_BOUNDCHECK, OP_UNUSED, //used to be OP_STOREP_P, which is now emulated with OP_STOREP_I, fteqcc nor fte generated it OP_PUSH, //push 4octets onto the local-stack (which is ALWAYS poped on function return). Returns a pointer. OP_POP, //pop those ones that were pushed (don't over do it). Needs assembler. OP_SWITCH_I, OP_GLOAD_V, OP_IF_F, //compares as an actual float, instead of treating -0 as positive. OP_IFNOT_F, OP_STOREF_V, //3 elements... OP_STOREF_F, //1 fpu element... OP_STOREF_S, //1 string reference OP_STOREF_I, //1 non-string reference/int } opcode_t; typedef struct statement16_s { unsigned short op; signed short a,b,c; } dstatement16_t; typedef struct statement32_s { unsigned int op; signed int a,b,c; } dstatement32_t; typedef struct ddef16_s { unsigned short type; // if DEF_SAVEGLOBAL bit is set // the variable needs to be saved in savegames unsigned short ofs; int s_name; } ddef16_t; typedef struct ddef32_s { unsigned int type; // if DEF_SAVEGLOBAL bit is set // the variable needs to be saved in savegames unsigned int ofs; int s_name; } ddef32_t, mdef_t; #define DEF_SAVEGLOBAL (1<<15) #define MAX_PARMS 8 typedef struct dfunction_s { int first_statement; // negative numbers are builtins int parm_start; int locals; // total ints of parms + locals int profile; // runtime int s_name; int s_file; // source file defined in int numparms; unsigned char parm_size[MAX_PARMS]; } dfunction_t; typedef struct mfunction_s { int first_statement; // negative numbers are builtins int parm_start; int locals; // total ints of parms + locals // these are doubles so that they can count up to 54bits or so rather than 32bit double tprofile; // realtime in this function double tbprofile; // realtime in builtins called by this function (NOTE: builtins also have a tprofile!) double profile; // runtime double builtinsprofile; // cost of builtin functions called by this function double callcount; // times the functions has been called since the last profile call double totaltime; // total execution time of this function DIRECTLY FROM THE ENGINE double tprofile_total; // runtime (NOTE: tbprofile_total makes no real sense, so not accumulating that) double profile_total; // runtime double builtinsprofile_total; // cost of builtin functions called by this function int recursion; int s_name; int s_file; // source file defined in int numparms; unsigned char parm_size[MAX_PARMS]; } mfunction_t; typedef struct mstatement_s { opcode_t op; int operand[3]; // always a global or -1 for unused int jumpabsolute; // only used by IF, IFNOT, GOTO } mstatement_t; #define PROG_VERSION 6 typedef struct dprograms_s { int version; int crc; // check of header file unsigned int ofs_statements; unsigned int numstatements; // statement 0 is an error unsigned int ofs_globaldefs; unsigned int numglobaldefs; unsigned int ofs_fielddefs; unsigned int numfielddefs; unsigned int ofs_functions; unsigned int numfunctions; // function 0 is an empty unsigned int ofs_strings; unsigned int numstrings; // first string is a null string unsigned int ofs_globals; unsigned int numglobals; unsigned int entityfields; } dprograms_t; typedef struct dprograms_v7_s { //extended header written by fteqcc. dprograms_t v6; //for easier casting. //debug / version 7 extensions unsigned int ofsfiles; //ignored. deprecated, should be 0. source files can instead be embedded by simply treating the .dat as a zip. unsigned int ofslinenums; //ignored. alternative to external .lno files. unsigned int ofsbodylessfuncs; //unsupported. function names imported from other modules. must be 0. unsigned int numbodylessfuncs; //unsupported. must be 0. unsigned int ofs_types; //unsupported+deprecated. rich type info. must be 0. unsigned int numtypes; //unsupported+deprecated. rich type info. must be 0. unsigned int blockscompressed; //unsupported. per-block compression. must be 0. int secondaryversion; //if not known then its kkqwsv's v7, qfcc's v7, or uhexen2's v7, or something. abandon all hope when not recognised. #define PROG_SECONDARYVERSION16 ((('1'<<0)|('F'<<8)|('T'<<16)|('E'<<24))^(('P'<<0)|('R'<<8)|('O'<<16)|('G'<<24))) //regular 16bit statements. #define PROG_SECONDARYVERSION32 ((('1'<<0)|('F'<<8)|('T'<<16)|('E'<<24))^(('3'<<0)|('2'<<8)|('B'<<16)|(' '<<24))) //statements+globaldefs+fielddefs extended to 32bit. } dprograms_v7_t; #endif