/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2003 Ashley Rose Hale (LadyHavoc) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef NET_H #define NET_H #include #include "qtypes.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "cvar.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "lhnet.h" #include "common.h" #define NET_HEADERSIZE (2 * sizeof(unsigned int)) // NetHeader flags #define NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK 0x0000ffff #define NETFLAG_DATA 0x00010000 #define NETFLAG_ACK 0x00020000 #define NETFLAG_NAK 0x00040000 #define NETFLAG_EOM 0x00080000 #define NETFLAG_UNRELIABLE 0x00100000 #define NETFLAG_CRYPTO0 0x10000000 #define NETFLAG_CRYPTO1 0x20000000 #define NETFLAG_CRYPTO2 0x40000000 #define NETFLAG_CTL 0x80000000 #define NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION 3 #define NET_EXTRESPONSE_MAX 16 /// \page netconn The network info/connection protocol. /// It is used to find Quake /// servers, get info about them, and connect to them. Once connected, the /// Quake game protocol (documented elsewhere) is used. /// /// /// General notes:\code /// game_name is currently always "QUAKE", but is there so this same protocol /// can be used for future games as well; can you say Quake2? /// /// CCREQ_CONNECT /// string game_name "QUAKE" /// byte net_protocol_version NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION /// /// CCREQ_SERVER_INFO /// string game_name "QUAKE" /// byte net_protocol_version NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION /// /// CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO /// byte player_number /// /// CCREQ_RULE_INFO /// string rule /// /// CCREQ_RCON /// string password /// string command /// /// /// /// CCREP_ACCEPT /// long port /// /// CCREP_REJECT /// string reason /// /// CCREP_SERVER_INFO /// string server_address /// string host_name /// string level_name /// byte current_players /// byte max_players /// byte protocol_version NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION /// /// CCREP_PLAYER_INFO /// byte player_number /// string name /// long colors /// long frags /// long connect_time /// string address /// /// CCREP_RULE_INFO /// string rule /// string value /// /// CCREP_RCON /// string reply /// \endcode /// \note /// There are two address forms used above. The short form is just a /// port number. The address that goes along with the port is defined as /// "whatever address you receive this reponse from". This lets us use /// the host OS to solve the problem of multiple host addresses (possibly /// with no routing between them); the host will use the right address /// when we reply to the inbound connection request. The long from is /// a full address and port in a string. It is used for returning the /// address of a server that is not running locally. #define CCREQ_CONNECT 0x01 #define CCREQ_SERVER_INFO 0x02 #define CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO 0x03 #define CCREQ_RULE_INFO 0x04 #define CCREQ_RCON 0x05 // RocketGuy: ProQuake rcon support #define CCREP_ACCEPT 0x81 #define CCREP_REJECT 0x82 #define CCREP_SERVER_INFO 0x83 #define CCREP_PLAYER_INFO 0x84 #define CCREP_RULE_INFO 0x85 #define CCREP_RCON 0x86 // RocketGuy: ProQuake rcon support typedef struct netgraphitem_s { double time; int reliablebytes; int unreliablebytes; int ackbytes; double cleartime; } netgraphitem_t; typedef struct netconn_s { struct netconn_s *next; lhnetsocket_t *mysocket; lhnetaddress_t peeraddress; // this is mostly identical to qsocket_t from quake /// if this time is reached, kick off peer double connecttime; double timeout; double lastMessageTime; double lastSendTime; /// writing buffer to send to peer as the next reliable message /// can be added to at any time, copied into sendMessage buffer when it is /// possible to send a reliable message and then cleared /// @{ sizebuf_t message; unsigned char messagedata[NET_MAXMESSAGE]; /// @} /// reliable message that is currently sending /// (for building fragments) int sendMessageLength; unsigned char sendMessage[NET_MAXMESSAGE]; /// reliable message that is currently being received /// (for putting together fragments) int receiveMessageLength; unsigned char receiveMessage[NET_MAXMESSAGE]; /// used by both NQ and QW protocols unsigned int outgoing_unreliable_sequence; struct netconn_nq_s { unsigned int ackSequence; unsigned int sendSequence; unsigned int receiveSequence; unsigned int unreliableReceiveSequence; } nq; struct netconn_qw_s { // QW protocol qbool fatal_error; float last_received; // for timeouts // the statistics are cleared at each client begin, because // the server connecting process gives a bogus picture of the data float frame_latency; // rolling average float frame_rate; int drop_count; ///< dropped packets, cleared each level int good_count; ///< cleared each level int qport; // sequencing variables unsigned int incoming_sequence; unsigned int incoming_acknowledged; qbool incoming_reliable_acknowledged; ///< single bit qbool incoming_reliable_sequence; ///< single bit, maintained local qbool reliable_sequence; ///< single bit unsigned int last_reliable_sequence; ///< sequence number of last send } qw; // bandwidth estimator double cleartime; // if realtime > nc->cleartime, free to go double incoming_cleartime; // if realtime > nc->cleartime, free to go (netgraph cleartime simulation only) // this tracks packet loss and packet sizes on the most recent packets // used by shownetgraph feature #define NETGRAPH_PACKETS 256 #define NETGRAPH_NOPACKET 0 #define NETGRAPH_LOSTPACKET -1 #define NETGRAPH_CHOKEDPACKET -2 int incoming_packetcounter; netgraphitem_t incoming_netgraph[NETGRAPH_PACKETS]; int outgoing_packetcounter; netgraphitem_t outgoing_netgraph[NETGRAPH_PACKETS]; char address[128]; crypto_t crypto; // statistic counters int packetsSent; int packetsReSent; int packetsReceived; int receivedDuplicateCount; int droppedDatagrams; int unreliableMessagesSent; int unreliableMessagesReceived; int reliableMessagesSent; int reliableMessagesReceived; } netconn_t; extern netconn_t *netconn_list; extern mempool_t *netconn_mempool; extern cvar_t hostname; extern cvar_t developer_networking; #ifdef CONFIG_MENU #define SERVERLIST_VIEWLISTSIZE SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE typedef enum serverlist_maskop_e { // SLMO_CONTAINS is the default for strings // SLMO_GREATEREQUAL is the default for numbers (also used when OP == CONTAINS or NOTCONTAINS SLMO_CONTAINS, SLMO_NOTCONTAIN, SLMO_LESSEQUAL, SLMO_LESS, SLMO_EQUAL, SLMO_GREATER, SLMO_GREATEREQUAL, SLMO_NOTEQUAL, SLMO_STARTSWITH, SLMO_NOTSTARTSWITH } serverlist_maskop_t; /// struct with all fields that you can search for or sort by typedef struct serverlist_info_s { /// address for connecting char cname[128]; /// ping time for sorting servers int ping; /// name of the game char game[32]; /// name of the mod char mod[32]; /// name of the map char map[32]; /// name of the session char name[128]; /// qc-defined short status string char qcstatus[128]; /// frags/ping/name list (if they fit in the packet) char players[2800]; /// max client number int maxplayers; /// number of currently connected players (including bots) int numplayers; /// number of currently connected players that are bots int numbots; /// number of currently connected players that are not bots int numhumans; /// number of free slots int freeslots; /// protocol version int protocol; /// game data version /// (an integer that is used for filtering incompatible servers, /// not filterable by QC) int gameversion; // categorized sorting int category; /// favorite server flag qbool isfavorite; } serverlist_info_t; typedef enum { SLIF_CNAME, SLIF_PING, SLIF_GAME, SLIF_MOD, SLIF_MAP, SLIF_NAME, SLIF_MAXPLAYERS, SLIF_NUMPLAYERS, SLIF_PROTOCOL, SLIF_NUMBOTS, SLIF_NUMHUMANS, SLIF_FREESLOTS, SLIF_QCSTATUS, SLIF_PLAYERS, SLIF_CATEGORY, SLIF_ISFAVORITE, SLIF_COUNT } serverlist_infofield_t; typedef enum { SLSF_DESCENDING = 1, SLSF_FAVORITES = 2, SLSF_CATEGORIES = 4 } serverlist_sortflags_t; typedef enum { SQS_NONE = 0, SQS_QUERYING, SQS_QUERIED, SQS_TIMEDOUT, SQS_REFRESHING } serverlist_query_state; typedef struct serverlist_entry_s { /// used to determine whether this entry should be included into the final view serverlist_query_state query; /// used to count the number of times the host has tried to query this server already unsigned querycounter; /// used to calculate ping when update comes in double querytime; /// query protocol to use on this server, may be PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD or PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES7 int protocol; serverlist_info_t info; // legacy stuff char line1[128]; char line2[128]; } serverlist_entry_t; typedef struct serverlist_mask_s { qbool active; serverlist_maskop_t tests[SLIF_COUNT]; serverlist_info_t info; } serverlist_mask_t; #define ServerList_GetCacheEntry(x) (&serverlist_cache[(x)]) #define ServerList_GetViewEntry(x) (ServerList_GetCacheEntry(serverlist_viewlist[(x)])) extern serverlist_mask_t serverlist_andmasks[SERVERLIST_ANDMASKCOUNT]; extern serverlist_mask_t serverlist_ormasks[SERVERLIST_ORMASKCOUNT]; extern serverlist_infofield_t serverlist_sortbyfield; extern int serverlist_sortflags; // not using the enum, as it is a bitmask #if SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE > 65536 #error too many servers, change type of index array #endif extern int serverlist_viewcount; extern unsigned short serverlist_viewlist[SERVERLIST_VIEWLISTSIZE]; extern int serverlist_cachecount; extern serverlist_entry_t *serverlist_cache; extern const serverlist_entry_t *serverlist_callbackentry; extern qbool serverlist_consoleoutput; void ServerList_GetPlayerStatistics(int *numplayerspointer, int *maxplayerspointer); #endif //============================================================================ // // public network functions // //============================================================================ extern char cl_net_extresponse[NET_EXTRESPONSE_MAX][1400]; extern int cl_net_extresponse_count; extern int cl_net_extresponse_last; extern char sv_net_extresponse[NET_EXTRESPONSE_MAX][1400]; extern int sv_net_extresponse_count; extern int sv_net_extresponse_last; #ifdef CONFIG_MENU extern double masterquerytime; extern int masterquerycount; extern int masterreplycount; extern int serverquerycount; extern int serverreplycount; #endif extern sizebuf_t cl_message; extern sizebuf_t sv_message; extern char cl_readstring[MAX_INPUTLINE]; extern char sv_readstring[MAX_INPUTLINE]; extern cvar_t sv_public; extern cvar_t net_fakelag; extern cvar_t cl_netport; extern cvar_t sv_netport; extern cvar_t net_address; extern cvar_t net_address_ipv6; extern cvar_t net_usesizelimit; extern cvar_t net_burstreserve; qbool NetConn_CanSend(netconn_t *conn); int NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(netconn_t *conn, sizebuf_t *data, protocolversion_t protocol, int rate, int burstsize, qbool quakesignon_suppressreliables); qbool NetConn_HaveClientPorts(void); qbool NetConn_HaveServerPorts(void); void NetConn_CloseClientPorts(void); void NetConn_OpenClientPorts(void); void NetConn_CloseServerPorts(void); void NetConn_OpenServerPorts(int opennetports); void NetConn_UpdateSockets(void); lhnetsocket_t *NetConn_ChooseClientSocketForAddress(lhnetaddress_t *address); lhnetsocket_t *NetConn_ChooseServerSocketForAddress(lhnetaddress_t *address); void NetConn_Init(void); void NetConn_Shutdown(void); netconn_t *NetConn_Open(lhnetsocket_t *mysocket, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress); void NetConn_Close(netconn_t *conn); void NetConn_Listen(qbool state); int NetConn_Read(lhnetsocket_t *mysocket, void *data, int maxlength, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress); int NetConn_Write(lhnetsocket_t *mysocket, const void *data, int length, const lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress); int NetConn_WriteString(lhnetsocket_t *mysocket, const char *string, const lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress); int NetConn_IsLocalGame(void); void NetConn_ClientFrame(void); void NetConn_ServerFrame(void); void NetConn_SleepMicroseconds(int microseconds); void NetConn_Heartbeat(int priority); void Net_Stats_f(cmd_state_t *cmd); #ifdef CONFIG_MENU void NetConn_QueryMasters(qbool querydp, qbool queryqw); void NetConn_QueryQueueFrame(void); void Net_Slist_f(cmd_state_t *cmd); void Net_SlistQW_f(cmd_state_t *cmd); void Net_Refresh_f(cmd_state_t *cmd); /// ServerList interface (public) /// manually refresh the view set, do this after having changed the mask or any other flag void ServerList_RebuildViewList(void); void ServerList_ResetMasks(void); void ServerList_QueryList(qbool resetcache, qbool querydp, qbool queryqw, qbool consoleoutput); /// called whenever net_slist_favorites changes void NetConn_UpdateFavorites_c(cvar_t *var); #endif #define MAX_CHALLENGES 128 typedef struct challenge_s { lhnetaddress_t address; double time; char string[12]; } challenge_t; extern challenge_t challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES]; #endif