#ifndef MODEL_Q2BSP_H #define MODEL_Q2BSP_H #include "bspfile.h" #define Q2BSPMAGIC ('I' + 'B' * 256 + 'S' * 65536 + 'P' * 16777216) #define Q2BSPVERSION 38 // leaffaces, leafbrushes, planes, and verts are still bounded by // 16 bit short limits //============================================================================= #define Q2LUMP_ENTITIES 0 #define Q2LUMP_PLANES 1 #define Q2LUMP_VERTEXES 2 #define Q2LUMP_VISIBILITY 3 #define Q2LUMP_NODES 4 #define Q2LUMP_TEXINFO 5 #define Q2LUMP_FACES 6 #define Q2LUMP_LIGHTING 7 #define Q2LUMP_LEAFS 8 #define Q2LUMP_LEAFFACES 9 #define Q2LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES 10 #define Q2LUMP_EDGES 11 #define Q2LUMP_SURFEDGES 12 #define Q2LUMP_MODELS 13 #define Q2LUMP_BRUSHES 14 #define Q2LUMP_BRUSHSIDES 15 #define Q2LUMP_POP 16 #define Q2LUMP_AREAS 17 #define Q2LUMP_AREAPORTALS 18 #define Q2HEADER_LUMPS 19 typedef struct q2dheader_s { int ident; int version; lump_t lumps[Q2HEADER_LUMPS]; } q2dheader_t; typedef struct q2dmodel_s { float mins[3], maxs[3]; float origin[3]; // for sounds or lights int headnode; int firstface, numfaces; // submodels just draw faces // without walking the bsp tree } q2dmodel_t; // planes (x&~1) and (x&~1)+1 are always opposites // contents flags are seperate bits // a given brush can contribute multiple content bits // multiple brushes can be in a single leaf // these definitions also need to be in q_shared.h! // lower bits are stronger, and will eat weaker brushes completely #define Q2CONTENTS_SOLID 1 // an eye is never valid in a solid #define Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW 2 // translucent, but not watery #define Q2CONTENTS_AUX 4 #define Q2CONTENTS_LAVA 8 #define Q2CONTENTS_SLIME 16 #define Q2CONTENTS_WATER 32 #define Q2CONTENTS_MIST 64 #define Q2LAST_VISIBLE_CONTENTS 64 // remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes #define Q2CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL 0x8000 #define Q2CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP 0x10000 #define Q2CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP 0x20000 // currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 0x40000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90 0x80000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180 0x100000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270 0x200000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP 0x400000 #define Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN 0x800000 #define Q2CONTENTS_ORIGIN 0x1000000 // removed before bsping an entity #define Q2CONTENTS_MONSTER 0x2000000 // should never be on a brush, only in game #define Q2CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER 0x4000000 #define Q2CONTENTS_DETAIL 0x8000000 // brushes to be added after vis leafs #define Q2CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT 0x10000000 // auto set if any surface has trans #define Q2CONTENTS_LADDER 0x20000000 #define Q2SURF_LIGHT 0x1 // value will hold the light strength #define Q2SURF_SLICK 0x2 // effects game physics #define Q2SURF_SKY 0x4 // don't draw, but add to skybox #define Q2SURF_WARP 0x8 // turbulent water warp #define Q2SURF_TRANS33 0x10 #define Q2SURF_TRANS66 0x20 #define Q2SURF_FLOWING 0x40 // scroll towards angle #define Q2SURF_NODRAW 0x80 // don't bother referencing the texture #define Q2SURF_HINT 0x100 // make a primary bsp splitter #define Q2SURF_SKIP 0x200 // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes #define Q2SURF_ALPHATEST 0x02000000 // alpha test masking of color 255 in wal textures (supported by modded engines) /* typedef struct q2dnode_s { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes short mins[3]; // for frustom culling short maxs[3]; unsigned short firstface; unsigned short numfaces; // counting both sides } q2dnode_t; typedef struct q2texinfo_s { float vecs[2][4]; // [s/t][xyz offset] int flags; // miptex flags + overrides int value; // light emission, etc char texture[32]; // texture name (textures/something.wal) int nexttexinfo; // for animations, -1 = end of chain } q2texinfo_t; typedef struct q2dleaf_s { int contents; // OR of all brushes (not needed?) short cluster; short area; short mins[3]; // for frustum culling short maxs[3]; unsigned short firstleafface; unsigned short numleaffaces; unsigned short firstleafbrush; unsigned short numleafbrushes; } q2dleaf_t; typedef struct q2dbrushside_s { unsigned short planenum; // facing out of the leaf short texinfo; } q2dbrushside_t; typedef struct q2dbrush_s { int firstside; int numsides; int contents; } q2dbrush_t; // the visibility lump consists of a header with a count, then // byte offsets for the PVS and PHS of each cluster, then the raw // compressed bit vectors #define Q2DVIS_PVS 0 #define Q2DVIS_PHS 1 typedef struct q2dvis_s { int numclusters; int bitofs[8][2]; // bitofs[numclusters][2] } q2dvis_t; // each area has a list of portals that lead into other areas // when portals are closed, other areas may not be visible or // hearable even if the vis info says that it should be typedef struct q2dareaportal_s { int portalnum; int otherarea; } q2dareaportal_t; typedef struct q2darea_s { int numareaportals; int firstareaportal; } q2darea_t; */ #endif