#include "quakedef.h" #include "hmac.h" void hmac( hashfunc_t hfunc, int hlen, int hblock, unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, int n, unsigned char *key, int k ) { static unsigned char hashbuf[32]; static unsigned char k_xor_ipad[128]; static unsigned char k_xor_opad[128]; static unsigned char catbuf[4096]; int i; if(sizeof(hashbuf) < (size_t) hlen) Host_Error("Invalid hash function used for HMAC - too long hash length"); if(sizeof(k_xor_ipad) < (size_t) hblock) Host_Error("Invalid hash function used for HMAC - too long hash block length"); if(sizeof(k_xor_ipad) < (size_t) hlen) Host_Error("Invalid hash function used for HMAC - too long hash length"); if(sizeof(catbuf) < (size_t) hblock + (size_t) hlen) Host_Error("Invalid hash function used for HMAC - too long hash block length"); if(sizeof(catbuf) < (size_t) hblock + (size_t) n) Host_Error("Invalid hash function used for HMAC - too long message length"); if(k > hblock) { // hash the key if it is too long hfunc(k_xor_opad, key, k); key = k_xor_opad; k = hlen; } if(k < hblock) { // zero pad the key if it is too short if(key != k_xor_opad) memcpy(k_xor_opad, key, k); for(i = k; i < hblock; ++i) k_xor_opad[i] = 0; key = k_xor_opad; k = hblock; } for(i = 0; i < hblock; ++i) { k_xor_ipad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36; k_xor_opad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5c; } memcpy(catbuf, k_xor_ipad, hblock); memcpy(catbuf + hblock, in, n); hfunc(hashbuf, catbuf, hblock + n); memcpy(catbuf, k_xor_opad, hblock); memcpy(catbuf + hblock, hashbuf, hlen); hfunc(out, catbuf, hblock + hlen); }