/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cvar.c -- dynamic variable tracking #include "quakedef.h" char *cvar_dummy_description = "custom cvar"; cvar_t *cvar_vars = NULL; cvar_t *cvar_hashtable[65536]; char *cvar_null_string = ""; /* ============ Cvar_FindVar ============ */ cvar_t *Cvar_FindVar (const char *var_name) { int hashindex; cvar_t *var; // use hash lookup to minimize search time hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *)var_name, strlen(var_name)); for (var = cvar_hashtable[hashindex];var;var = var->nextonhashchain) if (!strcmp (var_name, var->name)) return var; return NULL; } cvar_t *Cvar_FindVarAfter (const char *prev_var_name, int neededflags) { cvar_t *var; if (*prev_var_name) { var = Cvar_FindVar (prev_var_name); if (!var) return NULL; var = var->next; } else var = cvar_vars; // search for the next cvar matching the needed flags while (var) { if ((var->flags & neededflags) || !neededflags) break; var = var->next; } return var; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableValue ============ */ float Cvar_VariableValue (const char *var_name) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return 0; return atof (var->string); } /* ============ Cvar_VariableString ============ */ const char *Cvar_VariableString (const char *var_name) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return cvar_null_string; return var->string; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableDefString ============ */ const char *Cvar_VariableDefString (const char *var_name) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return cvar_null_string; return var->defstring; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableDescription ============ */ const char *Cvar_VariableDescription (const char *var_name) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return cvar_null_string; return var->description; } /* ============ Cvar_CompleteVariable ============ */ const char *Cvar_CompleteVariable (const char *partial) { cvar_t *cvar; size_t len; len = strlen(partial); if (!len) return NULL; // check functions for (cvar=cvar_vars ; cvar ; cvar=cvar->next) if (!strncasecmp (partial,cvar->name, len)) return cvar->name; return NULL; } /* CVar_CompleteCountPossible New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com */ int Cvar_CompleteCountPossible (const char *partial) { cvar_t *cvar; size_t len; int h; h = 0; len = strlen(partial); if (!len) return 0; // Loop through the cvars and count all possible matches for (cvar = cvar_vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, cvar->name, len)) h++; return h; } /* CVar_CompleteBuildList New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com Thanks to taniwha */ const char **Cvar_CompleteBuildList (const char *partial) { const cvar_t *cvar; size_t len = 0; size_t bpos = 0; size_t sizeofbuf = (Cvar_CompleteCountPossible (partial) + 1) * sizeof (const char *); const char **buf; len = strlen(partial); buf = (const char **)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeofbuf + sizeof (const char *)); // Loop through the alias list and print all matches for (cvar = cvar_vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, cvar->name, len)) buf[bpos++] = cvar->name; buf[bpos] = NULL; return buf; } // written by LordHavoc void Cvar_CompleteCvarPrint (const char *partial) { cvar_t *cvar; size_t len = strlen(partial); // Loop through the command list and print all matches for (cvar = cvar_vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, cvar->name, len)) Con_Printf ("%c3%s%s : \"%s\" (\"%s\") : %s\n", STRING_COLOR_TAG, cvar->name, STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT_STR, cvar->string, cvar->defstring, cvar->description); } /* ============ Cvar_Set ============ */ void Cvar_SetQuick_Internal (cvar_t *var, const char *value) { qboolean changed; size_t valuelen; changed = strcmp(var->string, value); // LordHavoc: don't reallocate when there is no change if (!changed) return; // LordHavoc: don't reallocate when the buffer is the same size valuelen = strlen(value); if (!var->string || strlen(var->string) != valuelen) { Z_Free (var->string); // free the old value string var->string = (char *)Z_Malloc (valuelen + 1); } memcpy (var->string, value, valuelen + 1); var->value = atof (var->string); var->integer = (int) var->value; if ((var->flags & CVAR_NOTIFY) && changed && sv.active) SV_BroadcastPrintf("\"%s\" changed to \"%s\"\n", var->name, var->string); #if 0 // TODO: add infostring support to the server? if ((var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO) && changed && sv.active) { InfoString_SetValue(svs.serverinfo, sizeof(svs.serverinfo), var->name, var->string); if (sv.active) { MSG_WriteByte (&sv.reliable_datagram, svc_serverinfostring); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, var->name); MSG_WriteString (&sv.reliable_datagram, var->string); } } #endif if ((var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO) && cls.state != ca_dedicated) CL_SetInfo(var->name, var->string, true, false, false, false); else if ((var->flags & CVAR_NQUSERINFOHACK) && cls.state != ca_dedicated) { // update the cls.userinfo to have proper values for the // silly nq config variables. // // this is done when these variables are changed rather than at // connect time because if the user or code checks the userinfo and it // holds weird values it may cause confusion... if (!strcmp(var->name, "_cl_color")) { int top = (var->integer >> 4) & 15, bottom = var->integer & 15; CL_SetInfo("topcolor", va("%i", top), true, false, false, false); CL_SetInfo("bottomcolor", va("%i", bottom), true, false, false, false); if (cls.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD && cls.netcon) { MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString(&cls.netcon->message, va("color %i %i", top, bottom)); } } else if (!strcmp(var->name, "_cl_rate")) CL_SetInfo("rate", va("%i", var->integer), true, false, false, false); else if (!strcmp(var->name, "_cl_playerskin")) CL_SetInfo("playerskin", var->string, true, false, false, false); else if (!strcmp(var->name, "_cl_playermodel")) CL_SetInfo("playermodel", var->string, true, false, false, false); else if (!strcmp(var->name, "_cl_name")) CL_SetInfo("name", var->string, true, false, false, false); else if (!strcmp(var->name, "rcon_secure")) { // whenever rcon_secure is changed to 0, clear rcon_password for // security reasons (prevents a send-rcon-password-as-plaintext // attack based on NQ protocol session takeover and svc_stufftext) if(!var->integer) Cvar_Set("rcon_password", ""); } else if (!strcmp(var->name, "net_slist_favorites")) NetConn_UpdateFavorites(); } } void Cvar_SetQuick (cvar_t *var, const char *value) { if (var == NULL) { Con_Print("Cvar_SetQuick: var == NULL\n"); return; } if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_Printf("Cvar_SetQuick({\"%s\", \"%s\", %i, \"%s\"}, \"%s\");\n", var->name, var->string, var->flags, var->defstring, value); Cvar_SetQuick_Internal(var, value); } void Cvar_Set (const char *var_name, const char *value) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (var == NULL) { Con_Printf("Cvar_Set: variable %s not found\n", var_name); return; } Cvar_SetQuick(var, value); } /* ============ Cvar_SetValue ============ */ void Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvar_t *var, float value) { char val[MAX_INPUTLINE]; if ((float)((int)value) == value) dpsnprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%i", (int)value); else dpsnprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%f", value); Cvar_SetQuick(var, val); } void Cvar_SetValue(const char *var_name, float value) { char val[MAX_INPUTLINE]; if ((float)((int)value) == value) dpsnprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%i", (int)value); else dpsnprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%f", value); Cvar_Set(var_name, val); } /* ============ Cvar_RegisterVariable Adds a freestanding variable to the variable list. ============ */ void Cvar_RegisterVariable (cvar_t *variable) { int hashindex; cvar_t *current, *next, *cvar; char *oldstr; size_t alloclen; if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_Printf("Cvar_RegisterVariable({\"%s\", \"%s\", %i});\n", variable->name, variable->string, variable->flags); // first check to see if it has already been defined cvar = Cvar_FindVar (variable->name); if (cvar) { if (cvar->flags & CVAR_ALLOCATED) { if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_Printf("... replacing existing allocated cvar {\"%s\", \"%s\", %i}\n", cvar->name, cvar->string, cvar->flags); // fixed variables replace allocated ones // (because the engine directly accesses fixed variables) // NOTE: this isn't actually used currently // (all cvars are registered before config parsing) variable->flags |= (cvar->flags & ~CVAR_ALLOCATED); // cvar->string is now owned by variable instead variable->string = cvar->string; variable->defstring = cvar->defstring; variable->value = atof (variable->string); variable->integer = (int) variable->value; // replace cvar with this one... variable->next = cvar->next; if (cvar_vars == cvar) { // head of the list is easy to change cvar_vars = variable; } else { // otherwise find it somewhere in the list for (current = cvar_vars;current->next != cvar;current = current->next) ; current->next = variable; } // get rid of old allocated cvar // (but not cvar->string and cvar->defstring, because we kept those) Z_Free(cvar->name); Z_Free(cvar); } else Con_Printf("Can't register variable %s, already defined\n", variable->name); return; } // check for overlap with a command if (Cmd_Exists (variable->name)) { Con_Printf("Cvar_RegisterVariable: %s is a command\n", variable->name); return; } // copy the value off, because future sets will Z_Free it oldstr = variable->string; alloclen = strlen(variable->string) + 1; variable->string = (char *)Z_Malloc (alloclen); memcpy (variable->string, oldstr, alloclen); variable->defstring = (char *)Z_Malloc (alloclen); memcpy (variable->defstring, oldstr, alloclen); variable->value = atof (variable->string); variable->integer = (int) variable->value; // link the variable in // alphanumerical order for( current = NULL, next = cvar_vars ; next && strcmp( next->name, variable->name ) < 0 ; current = next, next = next->next ) ; if( current ) { current->next = variable; } else { cvar_vars = variable; } variable->next = next; // link to head of list in this hash table index hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *)variable->name, strlen(variable->name)); variable->nextonhashchain = cvar_hashtable[hashindex]; cvar_hashtable[hashindex] = variable; } /* ============ Cvar_Get Adds a newly allocated variable to the variable list or sets its value. ============ */ cvar_t *Cvar_Get (const char *name, const char *value, int flags, const char *newdescription) { int hashindex; cvar_t *current, *next, *cvar; size_t alloclen; if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_Printf("Cvar_Get(\"%s\", \"%s\", %i);\n", name, value, flags); // first check to see if it has already been defined cvar = Cvar_FindVar (name); if (cvar) { cvar->flags |= flags; Cvar_SetQuick_Internal (cvar, value); if(newdescription && (cvar->flags & CVAR_ALLOCATED)) { if(cvar->description != cvar_dummy_description) Z_Free(cvar->description); if(*newdescription) { alloclen = strlen(newdescription) + 1; cvar->description = (char *)Z_Malloc(alloclen); memcpy(cvar->description, newdescription, alloclen); } else cvar->description = cvar_dummy_description; } return cvar; } // check for overlap with a command if (Cmd_Exists (name)) { Con_Printf("Cvar_Get: %s is a command\n", name); return NULL; } // allocate a new cvar, cvar name, and cvar string // TODO: factorize the following code with the one at the end of Cvar_RegisterVariable() // FIXME: these never get Z_Free'd cvar = (cvar_t *)Z_Malloc(sizeof(cvar_t)); cvar->flags = flags | CVAR_ALLOCATED; alloclen = strlen(name) + 1; cvar->name = (char *)Z_Malloc(alloclen); memcpy(cvar->name, name, alloclen); alloclen = strlen(value) + 1; cvar->string = (char *)Z_Malloc(alloclen); memcpy(cvar->string, value, alloclen); cvar->defstring = (char *)Z_Malloc(alloclen); memcpy(cvar->defstring, value, alloclen); cvar->value = atof (cvar->string); cvar->integer = (int) cvar->value; if(newdescription && *newdescription) { alloclen = strlen(newdescription) + 1; cvar->description = (char *)Z_Malloc(alloclen); memcpy(cvar->description, newdescription, alloclen); } else cvar->description = cvar_dummy_description; // actually checked by VM_cvar_type // link the variable in // alphanumerical order for( current = NULL, next = cvar_vars ; next && strcmp( next->name, cvar->name ) < 0 ; current = next, next = next->next ) ; if( current ) current->next = cvar; else cvar_vars = cvar; cvar->next = next; // link to head of list in this hash table index hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *)cvar->name, strlen(cvar->name)); cvar->nextonhashchain = cvar_hashtable[hashindex]; cvar_hashtable[hashindex] = cvar; return cvar; } /* ============ Cvar_Command Handles variable inspection and changing from the console ============ */ qboolean Cvar_Command (void) { cvar_t *v; // check variables v = Cvar_FindVar (Cmd_Argv(0)); if (!v) return false; // perform a variable print or set if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { Con_Printf("\"%s\" is \"%s\" [\"%s\"]\n", v->name, v->string, v->defstring); return true; } if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_DPrint("Cvar_Command: "); if (v->flags & CVAR_READONLY) { Con_Printf("%s is read-only\n", v->name); return true; } Cvar_Set (v->name, Cmd_Argv(1)); if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_DPrint("\n"); return true; } void Cvar_UnlockDefaults (void) { cvar_t *var; // unlock the default values of all cvars for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) var->flags &= ~CVAR_DEFAULTSET; } void Cvar_LockDefaults_f (void) { cvar_t *var; // lock in the default values of all cvars for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) { if (!(var->flags & CVAR_DEFAULTSET)) { size_t alloclen; //Con_Printf("locking cvar %s (%s -> %s)\n", var->name, var->string, var->defstring); var->flags |= CVAR_DEFAULTSET; Z_Free(var->defstring); alloclen = strlen(var->string) + 1; var->defstring = (char *)Z_Malloc(alloclen); memcpy(var->defstring, var->string, alloclen); } } } void Cvar_ResetToDefaults_All_f (void) { cvar_t *var; // restore the default values of all cvars for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) Cvar_SetQuick(var, var->defstring); } void Cvar_ResetToDefaults_NoSaveOnly_f (void) { cvar_t *var; // restore the default values of all cvars for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) if (!(var->flags & CVAR_SAVE)) Cvar_SetQuick(var, var->defstring); } void Cvar_ResetToDefaults_SaveOnly_f (void) { cvar_t *var; // restore the default values of all cvars for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) if (var->flags & CVAR_SAVE) Cvar_SetQuick(var, var->defstring); } /* ============ Cvar_WriteVariables Writes lines containing "set variable value" for all variables with the archive flag set to true. ============ */ void Cvar_WriteVariables (qfile_t *f) { cvar_t *var; // don't save cvars that match their default value for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) if ((var->flags & CVAR_SAVE) && (strcmp(var->string, var->defstring) || (var->flags & CVAR_ALLOCATED))) FS_Printf(f, "%s%s \"%s\"\n", var->flags & CVAR_ALLOCATED ? "seta " : "", var->name, var->string); } // Added by EvilTypeGuy eviltypeguy@qeradiant.com // 2000-01-09 CvarList command By Matthias "Maddes" Buecher, http://www.inside3d.com/qip/ /* ========= Cvar_List ========= */ void Cvar_List_f (void) { cvar_t *cvar; const char *partial; size_t len; int count; qboolean ispattern; if (Cmd_Argc() > 1) { partial = Cmd_Argv (1); len = strlen(partial); } else { partial = NULL; len = 0; } ispattern = partial && (strchr(partial, '*') || strchr(partial, '?')); count = 0; for (cvar = cvar_vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next) { if (len && (ispattern ? !matchpattern_with_separator(cvar->name, partial, false, "", false) : strncmp (partial,cvar->name,len))) continue; Con_Printf("%s is \"%s\" [\"%s\"] %s\n", cvar->name, cvar->string, cvar->defstring, cvar->description); count++; } if (len) { if(ispattern) Con_Printf("%i cvar%s matching \"%s\"\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial); else Con_Printf("%i cvar%s beginning with \"%s\"\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial); } else Con_Printf("%i cvar(s)\n", count); } // 2000-01-09 CvarList command by Maddes void Cvar_Set_f (void) { cvar_t *cvar; // make sure it's the right number of parameters if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) { Con_Printf("Set: wrong number of parameters, usage: set []\n"); return; } // check if it's read-only cvar = Cvar_FindVar(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (cvar && cvar->flags & CVAR_READONLY) { Con_Printf("Set: %s is read-only\n", cvar->name); return; } if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_DPrint("Set: "); // all looks ok, create/modify the cvar Cvar_Get(Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2), 0, Cmd_Argc() > 3 ? Cmd_Argv(3) : NULL); } void Cvar_SetA_f (void) { cvar_t *cvar; // make sure it's the right number of parameters if (Cmd_Argc() < 3) { Con_Printf("SetA: wrong number of parameters, usage: seta []\n"); return; } // check if it's read-only cvar = Cvar_FindVar(Cmd_Argv(1)); if (cvar && cvar->flags & CVAR_READONLY) { Con_Printf("SetA: %s is read-only\n", cvar->name); return; } if (developer.integer >= 100) Con_DPrint("SetA: "); // all looks ok, create/modify the cvar Cvar_Get(Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2), CVAR_SAVE, Cmd_Argc() > 3 ? Cmd_Argv(3) : NULL); }