]> git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/netradiant.git/shortlog
2010-11-18 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' into divVerent/pangofix-public
2010-11-18 Rudolf Polzerxywindow: draw the x/y/z border properly
2010-11-18 Rudolf Polzerpango font stuff: remove reference to a deprectaed...
2010-11-18 Rudolf Polzer::zerowing-base=336
2010-11-16 Rudolf Polzerglfont.cpp: add an internal class that uses Pango
2010-11-16 Rudolf Polzermakefile: make verbose dep check more verbose
2010-11-16 Rudolf Polzersimplify font drawing a bit so we only have to move...
2010-11-15 Rudolf Polzerbobtools patch width/height fix from OSXNetRadiant...
2010-11-13 Rudolf Polzernew args -meta and -patchmeta to -convert with .map...
2010-11-13 Rudolf Polzeroption -forcereadbsp for -convert to allow forcing...
2010-11-04 Rudolf Polzerchange texture lock default to true; remove weird user...
2010-11-01 Rudolf Polzerapparently calling FindOrInsertWorldspawn during tree...
2010-10-31 Rudolf PolzerWarsowPack download URL doesn't respond... so I have...
2010-10-31 Rudolf Polzernew light option -fill to improve lossy compression...
2010-10-30 Rudolf Polzerlocal variables ALSO work better when declared
2010-10-30 Rudolf Polzeradd a floodlightDirectionScale value to the _floodlight...
2010-10-30 Rudolf Polzerno half lambert for xonotic please, it sucks ;)
2010-10-30 Rudolf Polzerno need to artificially limit lightmap position for...
2010-10-30 Rudolf Polzerdirtmapping: PROPERLY prevent hitting sky
2010-10-22 Rudolf Polzerbetter override lightSamplesInsist (-samples +1, +2...
2010-10-22 Rudolf Polzerbe more verbose about randomsamples presets
2010-10-22 Rudolf Polzersupport search box size in randomsamples too (although...
2010-10-21 Rudolf Polzer-randomsamples: special handling of -samples 1, 2,...
2010-10-21 Rudolf Polzernew .gitattributes file, remove comments from a .map...
2010-10-14 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of ssh://icculus.org/netradiant
2010-10-13 jalIgnore transparent surfaces when floodlighting
2010-10-11 Rudolf Polzerlast workaround did not work. Try a really simple one...
2010-10-11 Rudolf Polzerreinit OpenGL state on redraw properly
2010-10-10 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote branch 'origin/divVerent/convert-from...
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerupdate surface dialog when moving a brush
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerautomatically run the decompiler when specifying a...
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerallow different file type selections for open/import...
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerclean up the reload-if-failed code
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerrename to toggleFormat
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerclean up toggleProjection code
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzersomewhat unclean code, sorry... but it allows opening...
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerallow changing the "Alternate texture projection" mode...
2010-10-10 Rudolf Polzerdetect the wrong type Q3 format by a different error...
2010-10-09 Rudolf Polzerwarn on wrong -convert use, always allow .map input
2010-10-09 Rudolf Polzerdon't write the bsp twice when pseudo compiling
2010-10-09 Rudolf PolzerEXPERIMENTAL: make the pseudo compiler able to output...
2010-10-09 Rudolf Polzeradd missing EndBSPFile() call
2010-10-09 Rudolf Polzer.ase also works from .map!
2010-10-09 Rudolf Polzerthe decompiler now can convert .map files too
2010-10-09 Rudolf Polzerinitial code for converting .map to .map
2010-10-08 Rudolf Polzerfix issues with embedded models
2010-10-08 Rudolf Polzerproperly export texdef origin brushes
2010-10-08 Rudolf Polzerfix "bad texdef"
2010-10-07 Rudolf Polzerdecompiler now outputs somewhat correct texdef
2010-10-07 Rudolf Polzerbreak break break ;)
2010-10-07 Rudolf Polzerfix compile errors
2010-10-07 Rudolf Polzerexperimental non-BrushPrimit map decompiling (probably...
2010-10-05 Rudolf PolzerYEAH! I think this fixes the lightmaps-of-patches bug!
2010-10-05 Rudolf Polzermore warnings
2010-10-05 Rudolf Polzerfix some more warnings
2010-10-05 Rudolf Polzerfix "ExpandPath called without qdir set" as qdir is...
2010-10-05 rpolzermake radiant compile again
2010-10-05 rpolzerq3map2 is now waring free
2010-10-04 rpolzeradd a missing VectorClear
2010-10-03 Rudolf Polzeruse a Gaussian-like random distribution for random...
2010-10-03 Rudolf Polzeralso subsample the deluxemap (this was forgotten all...
2010-10-03 Rudolf Polzeroption -randomsamples: makes -samples use adaptive...
2010-10-01 Rudolf Polzerfix bugs in skin load code
2010-10-01 Rudolf Polzerfix segfault
2010-10-01 Rudolf Polzerskinfiles: use the VFS
2010-10-01 Rudolf Polzerfix warnings
2010-10-01 Rudolf Polzersupport .skin files for models (modelname_<n>.skin...
2010-09-27 Rudolf Polzertemporarily disable WarsowPack as its download fails
2010-09-27 Rudolf PolzerMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.xonotic.org/netradiant
2010-09-27 Rudolf Polzerremove some unused code
2010-09-27 Rudolf Polzerremove some debug code that is potentially dangerous
2010-09-23 Rudolf Polzermore deluxemap+surfacelight fixes
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzerforce subsampling only where REALLY needed
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzerfix compile error
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzerforce going all the way down when subsampling grates
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzerforce the first stage of subsampling on luxels that...
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzertry to help subsampling with grates
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzerdeluxemapping: ignore light contribution from the other...
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzernew funny option: -samplessearchboxsize, tunes the...
2010-09-22 Rudolf Polzerfix the maths REALLY
2010-09-21 Rudolf Polzerfix a small math error in -samples causing it to only...
2010-09-04 Rudolf Polzerfix cloning (don't clone the worldspam)
2010-09-01 Rudolf PolzerMerge remote branch 'origin/merlijn/osx-compile'
2010-09-01 Rudolf Polzerdo not break tjunctions :P
2010-09-01 Rudolf Polzeranother debug print
2010-09-01 Rudolf Polzerimprove area calculation by a shift width to simulate...
2010-09-01 Rudolf Polzerfavor blocky triangles over thin triangles a bit
2010-08-31 Rudolf Polzerbsp: new option -maxarea, selects more GPU friendly...
2010-08-29 merlijnUpdate documentation
2010-08-29 merlijnUpdate these files as well
2010-08-29 merlijnOSX build stuff - default to using MacPorts instead...
2010-08-23 Rudolf Polzerfix gamedetect NULL pointer
2010-08-17 Rudolf Polzerfix a CP_R command
2010-08-11 Rudolf Polzerremove some stupid debug prints
2010-08-09 Rudolf Polzeralso hide _reflect and _alpha texture files
2010-08-08 Rudolf Polzerdo not REPEATEDLY blow up _skybox surfaces
2010-08-08 Rudolf Polzerwe can move the <glib.h> include a bit more then
2010-08-08 merlijninclude glib.h instead of limits.h
2010-08-07 merlijnfix PATH_MAX error, thanks CU|CUdyin
2010-08-07 Rudolf Polzervfspk3 in q3map2: also support -fs_forbiddenpath