MSG_INFO_NOTIF(VERSION_BETA, N_CONSOLE, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s (beta)^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(VERSION_OLD, N_CHATCON, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s"), "")
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(VERSION_OUTDATED, N_CHATCON, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^F4NOTE: ^F1Xonotic %s^BG is out, and you still have ^F2Xonotic %s^BG - get the update from ^F3^BG!"), "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(VERSION_OUTDATED, N_CHATCON, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^F4NOTE: ^F1Xonotic %s^BG is out, and you still have ^F2Xonotic %s^BG - get the update from ^F3^BG!"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(WEAPON_ACCORDEON_MURDER, N_CONSOLE, 3, 2, "spree_inf s1 s2 s3loc spree_end", "s2 s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s%s^K1 died of ^BG%s^K1's great playing on the @!#%%'n Accordeon%s%s"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(WEAPON_ACCORDEON_SUICIDE, N_CONSOLE, 2, 1, "s1 s2loc spree_lost", "s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 hurt their own ears with the @!#%%'n Accordeon%s%s"), "")
line = eY * fs.y;
string l1, l2;
l1 = sprintf(_("Update to %s now!"), _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateTo);
- l2 = "";
+ l2 = "";
l2 = _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_UpdateToURL;