<%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%namespace name="nav" file="nav.mako" /> <%namespace file="navlinks.mako" import="navlinks" /> <%block name="navigation"> ${nav.nav('players')} <%block name="title"> Active Players Index % if not top_players:

Sorry, no players yet. Get playing!

% else: ##### ACTIVE PLAYERS #####
##### this is to get around the actual row_number/rank of the player not being in the actual query <% i = 1 + (top_players.page-1) * 25%> % for (player_id, nick, alivetime) in top_players.items: % if player_id != '-': % else: % endif <% i = i+1 %> % endfor
# Nick Play Time

*figures are from the past 7 days

% endif ${navlinks("top_players_by_time", top_players.page, top_players.last_page)}