import logging import math log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # the default initial rating value MU = 1500 # the default ratings deviation value PHI = 350 # the default volatility value SIGMA = 0.06 # the default system volatility constant TAU = 0.3 # the ratio to convert from/to glicko2 GLICKO2_SCALE = 173.7178 class PlayerGlicko(object): def __init__(self, mu=MU, phi=PHI, sigma=SIGMA): = mu self.phi = phi self.sigma = sigma def to_glicko2(self): """ Convert a rating to the Glicko2 scale. """ return PlayerGlicko( mu=( - MU) / GLICKO2_SCALE, phi=self.phi / GLICKO2_SCALE, sigma=self.sigma ) def from_glicko2(self): """ Convert a rating to the original Glicko scale. """ return PlayerGlicko( * GLICKO2_SCALE + MU, phi=self.phi * GLICKO2_SCALE, sigma=self.sigma ) def g(phi): return 1 / math.sqrt(1 + (3 * phi ** 2) / (math.pi ** 2)) def e(mu, mu_j, phi_j): return 1. / (1 + math.exp(-g(phi_j) * (mu - mu_j))) def v(gs, es): """ Estimated variance of the team or player's ratings based only on game outcomes. """ total = 0.0 for i in range(len(gs)): total += (gs[i] ** 2) * es[i] * (1-es[i]) return 1. / total def delta(v, gs, es, results): """ Compute the estimated improvement in rating by comparing the pre-period rating to the performance rating based only on game outcomes. """ total = 0.0 for i in range(len(gs)): total += gs[i] * (results[i] - es[i]) return v * total