/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Main Window for Q3Radiant // // Leonardo Zide (leo@lokigames.com) // #include "mainframe.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "iundo.h" #include "editable.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "ishaders.h" #include "igl.h" #include "moduleobserver.h" #include #include #include "cmdlib.h" #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "signal/isignal.h" #include "os/path.h" #include "os/file.h" #include "eclasslib.h" #include "moduleobservers.h" #include "gtkutil/clipboard.h" #include "gtkutil/frame.h" #include "gtkutil/glwidget.h" #include "gtkutil/image.h" #include "gtkutil/menu.h" #include "gtkutil/paned.h" #include "autosave.h" #include "build.h" #include "brushmanip.h" #include "brushmodule.h" #include "camwindow.h" #include "csg.h" #include "commands.h" #include "console.h" #include "entity.h" #include "entityinspector.h" #include "entitylist.h" #include "filters.h" #include "findtexturedialog.h" #include "grid.h" #include "groupdialog.h" #include "gtkdlgs.h" #include "gtkmisc.h" #include "help.h" #include "map.h" #include "mru.h" #include "multimon.h" #include "patchdialog.h" #include "patchmanip.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "pluginmanager.h" #include "pluginmenu.h" #include "plugintoolbar.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "qe3.h" #include "qgl.h" #include "select.h" #include "server.h" #include "surfacedialog.h" #include "textures.h" #include "texwindow.h" #include "url.h" #include "xywindow.h" #include "windowobservers.h" #include "renderstate.h" #include "feedback.h" #include "referencecache.h" #include "texwindow.h" #include "filterbar.h" #define GARUX_DISABLE_GTKTHEME #ifndef GARUX_DISABLE_GTKTHEME #include "gtktheme.h" #endif struct layout_globals_t { WindowPosition m_position; int nXYHeight; int nXYWidth; int nCamWidth; int nCamHeight; int nState; layout_globals_t() : m_position( -1, -1, 640, 480 ), nXYHeight( 350 ), nXYWidth( 600 ), nCamWidth( 300 ), nCamHeight( 210 ), nState( 0 ){ } }; layout_globals_t g_layout_globals; //glwindow_globals_t g_glwindow_globals; // VFS bool g_vfsInitialized = false; void VFS_Init(){ if ( g_vfsInitialized ) return; QE_InitVFS(); GlobalFileSystem().initialise(); g_vfsInitialized = true; } void VFS_Shutdown(){ if ( !g_vfsInitialized ) return; GlobalFileSystem().shutdown(); g_vfsInitialized = false; } void VFS_Refresh(){ if ( !g_vfsInitialized ) return; GlobalFileSystem().clear(); QE_InitVFS(); GlobalFileSystem().refresh(); g_vfsInitialized = true; // also refresh models RefreshReferences(); // also refresh texture browser TextureBrowser_RefreshShaders(); } void VFS_Restart(){ VFS_Shutdown(); VFS_Init(); } class VFSModuleObserver : public ModuleObserver { public: void realise(){ VFS_Init(); } void unrealise(){ VFS_Shutdown(); } }; VFSModuleObserver g_VFSModuleObserver; void VFS_Construct(){ Radiant_attachHomePathsObserver( g_VFSModuleObserver ); } void VFS_Destroy(){ Radiant_detachHomePathsObserver( g_VFSModuleObserver ); } // Home Paths #if GDEF_OS_WINDOWS #include #include const GUID qFOLDERID_SavedGames = {0x4C5C32FF, 0xBB9D, 0x43b0, {0xB5, 0xB4, 0x2D, 0x72, 0xE5, 0x4E, 0xAA, 0xA4}}; #define qREFKNOWNFOLDERID GUID #define qKF_FLAG_CREATE 0x8000 #define qKF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS 0x1000 typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI qSHGetKnownFolderPath_t )( qREFKNOWNFOLDERID rfid, DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hToken, PWSTR *ppszPath ); static qSHGetKnownFolderPath_t *qSHGetKnownFolderPath; #endif void HomePaths_Realise(){ do { const char* prefix = g_pGameDescription->getKeyValue( "prefix" ); if ( !string_empty( prefix ) ) { StringOutputStream path( 256 ); #if GDEF_OS_MACOS path.clear(); path << DirectoryCleaned( g_get_home_dir() ) << "Library/Application Support" << ( prefix + 1 ) << "/"; if ( file_is_directory( path.c_str() ) ) { g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath = path.c_str(); break; } path.clear(); path << DirectoryCleaned( g_get_home_dir() ) << prefix << "/"; #endif #if GDEF_OS_WINDOWS TCHAR mydocsdir[MAX_PATH + 1]; wchar_t *mydocsdirw; HMODULE shfolder = LoadLibrary( "shfolder.dll" ); if ( shfolder ) { qSHGetKnownFolderPath = (qSHGetKnownFolderPath_t *) GetProcAddress( shfolder, "SHGetKnownFolderPath" ); } else{ qSHGetKnownFolderPath = NULL; } CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if ( qSHGetKnownFolderPath && qSHGetKnownFolderPath( qFOLDERID_SavedGames, qKF_FLAG_CREATE | qKF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS, NULL, &mydocsdirw ) == S_OK ) { memset( mydocsdir, 0, sizeof( mydocsdir ) ); wcstombs( mydocsdir, mydocsdirw, sizeof( mydocsdir ) - 1 ); CoTaskMemFree( mydocsdirw ); path.clear(); path << DirectoryCleaned( mydocsdir ) << ( prefix + 1 ) << "/"; if ( file_is_directory( path.c_str() ) ) { g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath = path.c_str(); CoUninitialize(); FreeLibrary( shfolder ); break; } } CoUninitialize(); if ( shfolder ) { FreeLibrary( shfolder ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, 0, mydocsdir ) ) ) { path.clear(); path << DirectoryCleaned( mydocsdir ) << "My Games/" << ( prefix + 1 ) << "/"; // win32: only add it if it already exists if ( file_is_directory( path.c_str() ) ) { g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath = path.c_str(); break; } } #endif #if GDEF_OS_POSIX path.clear(); path << DirectoryCleaned( g_get_home_dir() ) << prefix << "/"; g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath = path.c_str(); break; #endif } g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath = EnginePath_get(); } while ( 0 ); Q_mkdir( g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath.c_str() ); { StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << g_qeglobals.m_userEnginePath.c_str() << gamename_get() << '/'; g_qeglobals.m_userGamePath = path.c_str(); } ASSERT_MESSAGE( !string_empty( g_qeglobals.m_userGamePath.c_str() ), "HomePaths_Realise: user-game-path is empty" ); Q_mkdir( g_qeglobals.m_userGamePath.c_str() ); } ModuleObservers g_homePathObservers; void Radiant_attachHomePathsObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_homePathObservers.attach( observer ); } void Radiant_detachHomePathsObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_homePathObservers.detach( observer ); } class HomePathsModuleObserver : public ModuleObserver { std::size_t m_unrealised; public: HomePathsModuleObserver() : m_unrealised( 1 ){ } void realise(){ if ( --m_unrealised == 0 ) { HomePaths_Realise(); g_homePathObservers.realise(); } } void unrealise(){ if ( ++m_unrealised == 1 ) { g_homePathObservers.unrealise(); } } }; HomePathsModuleObserver g_HomePathsModuleObserver; void HomePaths_Construct(){ Radiant_attachEnginePathObserver( g_HomePathsModuleObserver ); } void HomePaths_Destroy(){ Radiant_detachEnginePathObserver( g_HomePathsModuleObserver ); } // Engine Path CopiedString g_strEnginePath; ModuleObservers g_enginePathObservers; std::size_t g_enginepath_unrealised = 1; void Radiant_attachEnginePathObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_enginePathObservers.attach( observer ); } void Radiant_detachEnginePathObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_enginePathObservers.detach( observer ); } void EnginePath_Realise(){ if ( --g_enginepath_unrealised == 0 ) { g_enginePathObservers.realise(); } } const char* EnginePath_get(){ ASSERT_MESSAGE( g_enginepath_unrealised == 0, "EnginePath_get: engine path not realised" ); return g_strEnginePath.c_str(); } void EnginePath_Unrealise(){ if ( ++g_enginepath_unrealised == 1 ) { g_enginePathObservers.unrealise(); } } void setEnginePath( const char* path ){ StringOutputStream buffer( 256 ); buffer << DirectoryCleaned( path ); if ( !path_equal( buffer.c_str(), g_strEnginePath.c_str() ) ) { #if 0 while ( !ConfirmModified( "Paths Changed" ) ) { if ( Map_Unnamed( g_map ) ) { Map_SaveAs(); } else { Map_Save(); } } Map_RegionOff(); #endif ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates( "Processing...", "Changing Engine Path" ); EnginePath_Unrealise(); g_strEnginePath = buffer.c_str(); EnginePath_Realise(); } } // Pak Path CopiedString g_strPakPath[g_pakPathCount] = { "", "", "", "", "" }; ModuleObservers g_pakPathObservers[g_pakPathCount]; std::size_t g_pakpath_unrealised[g_pakPathCount] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; void Radiant_attachPakPathObserver( int num, ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_pakPathObservers[num].attach( observer ); } void Radiant_detachPakPathObserver( int num, ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_pakPathObservers[num].detach( observer ); } void PakPath_Realise( int num ){ if ( --g_pakpath_unrealised[num] == 0 ) { g_pakPathObservers[num].realise(); } } const char* PakPath_get( int num ){ std::string message = "PakPath_get: pak path " + std::to_string(num) + " not realised"; ASSERT_MESSAGE( g_pakpath_unrealised[num] == 0, message.c_str() ); return g_strPakPath[num].c_str(); } void PakPath_Unrealise( int num ){ if ( ++g_pakpath_unrealised[num] == 1 ) { g_pakPathObservers[num].unrealise(); } } void setPakPath( int num, const char* path ){ if (!g_strcmp0( path, "")) { g_strPakPath[num] = ""; return; } StringOutputStream buffer( 256 ); buffer << DirectoryCleaned( path ); if ( !path_equal( buffer.c_str(), g_strPakPath[num].c_str() ) ) { std::string message = "Changing Pak Path " + std::to_string(num); ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates( "Processing...", message.c_str() ); PakPath_Unrealise(num); g_strPakPath[num] = buffer.c_str(); PakPath_Realise(num); } } // App Path CopiedString g_strAppPath; ///< holds the full path of the executable const char* AppPath_get(){ return g_strAppPath.c_str(); } /// the path to the local rc-dir const char* LocalRcPath_get( void ){ static CopiedString rc_path; if ( rc_path.empty() ) { StringOutputStream stream( 256 ); stream << GlobalRadiant().getSettingsPath() << g_pGameDescription->mGameFile.c_str() << "/"; rc_path = stream.c_str(); } return rc_path.c_str(); } /// directory for temp files /// NOTE: on *nix this is were we check for .pid CopiedString g_strSettingsPath; const char* SettingsPath_get(){ return g_strSettingsPath.c_str(); } /*! points to the game tools directory, for instance C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/GtkRadiant (or other games) this is one of the main variables that are configured by the game selection on startup [GameToolsPath]/plugins [GameToolsPath]/modules and also q3map, bspc */ CopiedString g_strGameToolsPath; ///< this is set by g_GamesDialog const char* GameToolsPath_get(){ return g_strGameToolsPath.c_str(); } struct EnginePath { static void Export(const CopiedString &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(self.c_str()); } static void Import(CopiedString &self, const char *value) { setEnginePath( value ); } }; struct PakPath0 { static void Export( const CopiedString &self, const Callback &returnz ) { returnz( self.c_str() ); } static void Import( CopiedString &self, const char *value ) { setPakPath( 0, value ); } }; struct PakPath1 { static void Export( const CopiedString &self, const Callback &returnz ) { returnz( self.c_str() ); } static void Import( CopiedString &self, const char *value ) { setPakPath( 1, value ); } }; struct PakPath2 { static void Export( const CopiedString &self, const Callback &returnz ) { returnz( self.c_str() ); } static void Import( CopiedString &self, const char *value ) { setPakPath( 2, value ); } }; struct PakPath3 { static void Export( const CopiedString &self, const Callback &returnz ) { returnz( self.c_str() ); } static void Import( CopiedString &self, const char *value ) { setPakPath( 3, value ); } }; struct PakPath4 { static void Export( const CopiedString &self, const Callback &returnz ) { returnz( self.c_str() ); } static void Import( CopiedString &self, const char *value ) { setPakPath( 4, value ); } }; bool g_disableEnginePath = false; bool g_disableHomePath = false; void Paths_constructPreferences( PreferencesPage& page ){ page.appendPathEntry( "Engine Path", true, make_property(g_strEnginePath) ); page.appendCheckBox( "", "Do not use Engine Path", g_disableEnginePath ); page.appendCheckBox( "", "Do not use Home Path", g_disableHomePath ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_pakPathCount; i++ ) { std::string label = "Pak Path " + std::to_string(i); switch (i) { case 0: page.appendPathEntry( label.c_str(), true, make_property( g_strPakPath[i] ) ); break; case 1: page.appendPathEntry( label.c_str(), true, make_property( g_strPakPath[i] ) ); break; case 2: page.appendPathEntry( label.c_str(), true, make_property( g_strPakPath[i] ) ); break; case 3: page.appendPathEntry( label.c_str(), true, make_property( g_strPakPath[i] ) ); break; case 4: page.appendPathEntry( label.c_str(), true, make_property( g_strPakPath[i] ) ); break; } } } void Paths_constructPage( PreferenceGroup& group ){ PreferencesPage page( group.createPage( "Paths", "Path Settings" ) ); Paths_constructPreferences( page ); } void Paths_registerPreferencesPage(){ PreferencesDialog_addSettingsPage( makeCallbackF(Paths_constructPage) ); } class PathsDialog : public Dialog { public: ui::Window BuildDialog(){ auto frame = create_dialog_frame( "Path settings", ui::Shadow::ETCHED_IN ); auto vbox2 = create_dialog_vbox( 0, 4 ); frame.add(vbox2); { PreferencesPage preferencesPage( *this, vbox2 ); Paths_constructPreferences( preferencesPage ); } return ui::Window(create_simple_modal_dialog_window( "Engine Path Not Found", m_modal, frame )); } }; PathsDialog g_PathsDialog; bool g_strEnginePath_was_empty_1st_start = false; void EnginePath_verify(){ if ( !file_exists( g_strEnginePath.c_str() ) || g_strEnginePath_was_empty_1st_start ) { g_PathsDialog.Create(); g_PathsDialog.DoModal(); g_PathsDialog.Destroy(); } } namespace { CopiedString g_gamename; CopiedString g_gamemode; ModuleObservers g_gameNameObservers; ModuleObservers g_gameModeObservers; } void Radiant_attachGameNameObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_gameNameObservers.attach( observer ); } void Radiant_detachGameNameObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_gameNameObservers.detach( observer ); } const char* basegame_get(){ return g_pGameDescription->getRequiredKeyValue( "basegame" ); } const char* gamename_get(){ const char* gamename = g_gamename.c_str(); if ( string_empty( gamename ) ) { return basegame_get(); } return gamename; } void gamename_set( const char* gamename ){ if ( !string_equal( gamename, g_gamename.c_str() ) ) { g_gameNameObservers.unrealise(); g_gamename = gamename; g_gameNameObservers.realise(); } } void Radiant_attachGameModeObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_gameModeObservers.attach( observer ); } void Radiant_detachGameModeObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_gameModeObservers.detach( observer ); } const char* gamemode_get(){ return g_gamemode.c_str(); } void gamemode_set( const char* gamemode ){ if ( !string_equal( gamemode, g_gamemode.c_str() ) ) { g_gameModeObservers.unrealise(); g_gamemode = gamemode; g_gameModeObservers.realise(); } } #include "os/dir.h" const char* const c_library_extension = #if defined( CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX ) CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX #elif GDEF_OS_WINDOWS "dll" #elif GDEF_OS_MACOS "dylib" #elif GDEF_OS_LINUX || GDEF_OS_BSD "so" #endif ; void Radiant_loadModules( const char* path ){ Directory_forEach(path, matchFileExtension(c_library_extension, [&](const char *name) { char fullname[1024]; ASSERT_MESSAGE(strlen(path) + strlen(name) < 1024, ""); strcpy(fullname, path); strcat(fullname, name); globalOutputStream() << "Found '" << fullname << "'\n"; GlobalModuleServer_loadModule(fullname); })); } void Radiant_loadModulesFromRoot( const char* directory ){ { StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << directory << g_pluginsDir; Radiant_loadModules( path.c_str() ); } if ( !string_equal( g_pluginsDir, g_modulesDir ) ) { StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << directory << g_modulesDir; Radiant_loadModules( path.c_str() ); } } //! Make COLOR_BRUSHES override worldspawn eclass colour. void SetWorldspawnColour( const Vector3& colour ){ EntityClass* worldspawn = GlobalEntityClassManager().findOrInsert( "worldspawn", true ); eclass_release_state( worldspawn ); worldspawn->color = colour; eclass_capture_state( worldspawn ); } class WorldspawnColourEntityClassObserver : public ModuleObserver { std::size_t m_unrealised; public: WorldspawnColourEntityClassObserver() : m_unrealised( 1 ){ } void realise(){ if ( --m_unrealised == 0 ) { SetWorldspawnColour( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ); } } void unrealise(){ if ( ++m_unrealised == 1 ) { } } }; WorldspawnColourEntityClassObserver g_WorldspawnColourEntityClassObserver; ModuleObservers g_gameToolsPathObservers; void Radiant_attachGameToolsPathObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_gameToolsPathObservers.attach( observer ); } void Radiant_detachGameToolsPathObserver( ModuleObserver& observer ){ g_gameToolsPathObservers.detach( observer ); } void Radiant_Initialise(){ GlobalModuleServer_Initialise(); Radiant_loadModulesFromRoot( AppPath_get() ); Preferences_Load(); bool success = Radiant_Construct( GlobalModuleServer_get() ); ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "module system failed to initialise - see radiant.log for error messages" ); g_gameToolsPathObservers.realise(); g_gameModeObservers.realise(); g_gameNameObservers.realise(); } void Radiant_Shutdown(){ g_gameNameObservers.unrealise(); g_gameModeObservers.unrealise(); g_gameToolsPathObservers.unrealise(); if ( !g_preferences_globals.disable_ini ) { globalOutputStream() << "Start writing prefs\n"; Preferences_Save(); globalOutputStream() << "Done prefs\n"; } Radiant_Destroy(); GlobalModuleServer_Shutdown(); } void Exit(){ if ( ConfirmModified( "Exit Radiant" ) ) { gtk_main_quit(); } } void Undo(){ GlobalUndoSystem().undo(); SceneChangeNotify(); } void Redo(){ GlobalUndoSystem().redo(); SceneChangeNotify(); } void deleteSelection(){ UndoableCommand undo( "deleteSelected" ); Select_Delete(); } void Map_ExportSelected( TextOutputStream& ostream ){ Map_ExportSelected( ostream, Map_getFormat( g_map ) ); } void Map_ImportSelected( TextInputStream& istream ){ Map_ImportSelected( istream, Map_getFormat( g_map ) ); } void Selection_Copy(){ clipboard_copy( Map_ExportSelected ); } void Selection_Paste(){ clipboard_paste( Map_ImportSelected ); } void Copy(){ if ( SelectedFaces_empty() ) { Selection_Copy(); } else { SelectedFaces_copyTexture(); } } void Paste(){ if ( SelectedFaces_empty() ) { UndoableCommand undo( "paste" ); GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAll( false ); Selection_Paste(); } else { SelectedFaces_pasteTexture(); } } void PasteToCamera(){ CamWnd& camwnd = *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd(); GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAll( false ); UndoableCommand undo( "pasteToCamera" ); Selection_Paste(); // Work out the delta Vector3 mid; Select_GetMid( mid ); Vector3 delta = vector3_subtracted( vector3_snapped( Camera_getOrigin( camwnd ), GetSnapGridSize() ), mid ); // Move to camera GlobalSelectionSystem().translateSelected( delta ); } void ColorScheme_Original(){ TextureBrowser_setBackgroundColour( GlobalTextureBrowser(), Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ) ); g_camwindow_globals.color_selbrushes3d = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_camwindow_globals.color_cameraback = Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ); CamWnd_Update( *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd() ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback = Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor = Vector3( 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor = Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); SetWorldspawnColour( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ); g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname = Vector3( 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.75f ); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } void ColorScheme_QER(){ TextureBrowser_setBackgroundColour( GlobalTextureBrowser(), Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ) ); g_camwindow_globals.color_cameraback = Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ); g_camwindow_globals.color_selbrushes3d = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); CamWnd_Update( *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd() ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback = Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor = Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor = Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); SetWorldspawnColour( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ); g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname = Vector3( 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.75f ); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } void ColorScheme_Black(){ TextureBrowser_setBackgroundColour( GlobalTextureBrowser(), Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ) ); g_camwindow_globals.color_cameraback = Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ); g_camwindow_globals.color_selbrushes3d = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); CamWnd_Update( *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd() ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor = Vector3( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor = Vector3( 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.5f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext = Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes = Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); SetWorldspawnColour( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ); g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname = Vector3( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.0f ); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } /* ydnar: to emulate maya/max/lightwave color schemes */ void ColorScheme_Ydnar(){ TextureBrowser_setBackgroundColour( GlobalTextureBrowser(), Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ) ); g_camwindow_globals.color_cameraback = Vector3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ); g_camwindow_globals.color_selbrushes3d = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); CamWnd_Update( *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd() ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback = Vector3( 0.77f, 0.77f, 0.77f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor = Vector3( 0.83f, 0.83f, 0.83f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor = Vector3( 0.89f, 0.89f, 0.89f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock = Vector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes = Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); SetWorldspawnColour( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ); g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname = Vector3( 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.75f ); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } typedef Callback GetColourCallback; typedef Callback SetColourCallback; class ChooseColour { GetColourCallback m_get; SetColourCallback m_set; public: ChooseColour( const GetColourCallback& get, const SetColourCallback& set ) : m_get( get ), m_set( set ){ } void operator()(){ Vector3 colour; m_get( colour ); color_dialog( MainFrame_getWindow(), colour ); m_set( colour ); } }; void Colour_get( const Vector3& colour, Vector3& other ){ other = colour; } typedef ConstReferenceCaller ColourGetCaller; void Colour_set( Vector3& colour, const Vector3& other ){ colour = other; SceneChangeNotify(); } typedef ReferenceCaller ColourSetCaller; void BrushColour_set( const Vector3& other ){ g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes = other; SetWorldspawnColour( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ); SceneChangeNotify(); } typedef FreeCaller BrushColourSetCaller; void ClipperColour_set( const Vector3& other ){ g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper = other; Brush_clipperColourChanged(); SceneChangeNotify(); } typedef FreeCaller ClipperColourSetCaller; void TextureBrowserColour_get( Vector3& other ){ other = TextureBrowser_getBackgroundColour( GlobalTextureBrowser() ); } typedef FreeCaller TextureBrowserColourGetCaller; void TextureBrowserColour_set( const Vector3& other ){ TextureBrowser_setBackgroundColour( GlobalTextureBrowser(), other ); } typedef FreeCaller TextureBrowserColourSetCaller; class ColoursMenu { public: ChooseColour m_textureback; ChooseColour m_xyback; ChooseColour m_gridmajor; ChooseColour m_gridminor; ChooseColour m_gridtext; ChooseColour m_gridblock; ChooseColour m_cameraback; ChooseColour m_brush; ChooseColour m_selectedbrush; ChooseColour m_selectedbrush3d; ChooseColour m_clipper; ChooseColour m_viewname; ColoursMenu() : m_textureback( TextureBrowserColourGetCaller(), TextureBrowserColourSetCaller() ), m_xyback( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridback ) ), m_gridmajor( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridmajor ) ), m_gridminor( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridminor ) ), m_gridtext( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridtext ) ), m_gridblock( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_gridblock ) ), m_cameraback( ColourGetCaller( g_camwindow_globals.color_cameraback ), ColourSetCaller( g_camwindow_globals.color_cameraback ) ), m_brush( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_brushes ), BrushColourSetCaller() ), m_selectedbrush( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_selbrushes ) ), m_selectedbrush3d( ColourGetCaller( g_camwindow_globals.color_selbrushes3d ), ColourSetCaller( g_camwindow_globals.color_selbrushes3d ) ), m_clipper( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_clipper ), ClipperColourSetCaller() ), m_viewname( ColourGetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname ), ColourSetCaller( g_xywindow_globals.color_viewname ) ){ } }; ColoursMenu g_ColoursMenu; ui::MenuItem create_colours_menu(){ auto colours_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "Colors" ); auto menu_in_menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( colours_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } auto menu_3 = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Themes" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_3 ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_3, "QE4 Original", "ColorSchemeOriginal" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_3, "Q3Radiant Original", "ColorSchemeQER" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_3, "Black and Green", "ColorSchemeBlackAndGreen" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_3, "Maya/Max/Lightwave Emulation", "ColorSchemeYdnar" ); #ifndef GARUX_DISABLE_GTKTHEME create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "GTK Theme...", "gtkThemeDlg" ); #endif menu_separator( menu_in_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "_Texture Background...", "ChooseTextureBackgroundColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Camera Background...", "ChooseCameraBackgroundColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Grid Background...", "ChooseGridBackgroundColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Grid Major...", "ChooseGridMajorColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Grid Minor...", "ChooseGridMinorColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Grid Text...", "ChooseGridTextColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Grid Block...", "ChooseGridBlockColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Default Brush (2D)...", "ChooseBrushColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Selected Brush and Sizing (2D)...", "ChooseSelectedBrushColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Selected Brush (Camera)...", "ChooseCameraSelectedBrushColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Clipper...", "ChooseClipperColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Active View Name and Outline...", "ChooseOrthoViewNameColor" ); return colours_menu_item; } void Restart(){ PluginsMenu_clear(); PluginToolbar_clear(); Radiant_Shutdown(); Radiant_Initialise(); PluginsMenu_populate(); PluginToolbar_populate(); } void thunk_OnSleep(){ g_pParentWnd->OnSleep(); } void OpenHelpURL(){ OpenURL( "https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/wikis/Mapping" ); } void OpenBugReportURL(){ OpenURL( "https://gitlab.com/xonotic/netradiant/issues" ); } ui::Widget g_page_console{ui::null}; void Console_ToggleShow(){ GroupDialog_showPage( g_page_console ); } ui::Widget g_page_entity{ui::null}; void EntityInspector_ToggleShow(){ GroupDialog_showPage( g_page_entity ); } void SetClipMode( bool enable ); void ModeChangeNotify(); typedef void ( *ToolMode )(); ToolMode g_currentToolMode = 0; bool g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing = false; ToolMode g_defaultToolMode = 0; void SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(){ GlobalSelectionSystem().SetMode( SelectionSystem::ePrimitive ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetComponentMode( SelectionSystem::eDefault ); ModeChangeNotify(); } bool EdgeMode(){ return GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent && GlobalSelectionSystem().ComponentMode() == SelectionSystem::eEdge; } bool VertexMode(){ return GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent && GlobalSelectionSystem().ComponentMode() == SelectionSystem::eVertex; } bool FaceMode(){ return GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent && GlobalSelectionSystem().ComponentMode() == SelectionSystem::eFace; } template class BoolFunctionExport { public: static void apply( const Callback & importCallback ){ importCallback( BoolFunction() ); } }; typedef FreeCaller &), &BoolFunctionExport::apply> EdgeModeApplyCaller; EdgeModeApplyCaller g_edgeMode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_edgeMode_button_callback( g_edgeMode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_edgeMode_button( g_edgeMode_button_callback ); typedef FreeCaller &), &BoolFunctionExport::apply> VertexModeApplyCaller; VertexModeApplyCaller g_vertexMode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_vertexMode_button_callback( g_vertexMode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_vertexMode_button( g_vertexMode_button_callback ); typedef FreeCaller &), &BoolFunctionExport::apply> FaceModeApplyCaller; FaceModeApplyCaller g_faceMode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_faceMode_button_callback( g_faceMode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_faceMode_button( g_faceMode_button_callback ); void ComponentModeChanged(){ g_edgeMode_button.update(); g_vertexMode_button.update(); g_faceMode_button.update(); } void ComponentMode_SelectionChanged( const Selectable& selectable ){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent && GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() == 0 ) { SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(); ComponentModeChanged(); } } void SelectEdgeMode(){ #if 0 if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent ) { GlobalSelectionSystem().Select( false ); } #endif if ( EdgeMode() ) { SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(); } else if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0 ) { if ( !g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } GlobalSelectionSystem().SetMode( SelectionSystem::eComponent ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetComponentMode( SelectionSystem::eEdge ); } ComponentModeChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } void SelectVertexMode(){ #if 0 if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent ) { GlobalSelectionSystem().Select( false ); } #endif if ( VertexMode() ) { SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(); } else if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0 ) { if ( !g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } GlobalSelectionSystem().SetMode( SelectionSystem::eComponent ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetComponentMode( SelectionSystem::eVertex ); } ComponentModeChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } void SelectFaceMode(){ #if 0 if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent ) { GlobalSelectionSystem().Select( false ); } #endif if ( FaceMode() ) { SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(); } else if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0 ) { if ( !g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } GlobalSelectionSystem().SetMode( SelectionSystem::eComponent ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetComponentMode( SelectionSystem::eFace ); } ComponentModeChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } class CloneSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { bool doMakeUnique; NodeSmartReference worldspawn; public: CloneSelected( bool d ) : doMakeUnique( d ), worldspawn( Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn( g_map ) ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.size() == 1 ) { return true; } // ignore worldspawn, but keep checking children NodeSmartReference me( path.top().get() ); if ( me == worldspawn ) { return true; } if ( !path.top().get().isRoot() ) { Selectable* selectable = Instance_getSelectable( instance ); if ( selectable != 0 && selectable->isSelected() ) { return false; } } return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.size() == 1 ) { return; } // ignore worldspawn, but keep checking children NodeSmartReference me( path.top().get() ); if ( me == worldspawn ) { return; } if ( !path.top().get().isRoot() ) { Selectable* selectable = Instance_getSelectable( instance ); if ( selectable != 0 && selectable->isSelected() ) { NodeSmartReference clone( Node_Clone( path.top() ) ); if ( doMakeUnique ) { Map_gatherNamespaced( clone ); } Node_getTraversable( path.parent().get() )->insert( clone ); } } } }; void Scene_Clone_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, bool doMakeUnique ){ graph.traverse( CloneSelected( doMakeUnique ) ); Map_mergeClonedNames(); } enum ENudgeDirection { eNudgeUp = 1, eNudgeDown = 3, eNudgeLeft = 0, eNudgeRight = 2, }; struct AxisBase { Vector3 x; Vector3 y; Vector3 z; AxisBase( const Vector3& x_, const Vector3& y_, const Vector3& z_ ) : x( x_ ), y( y_ ), z( z_ ){ } }; AxisBase AxisBase_forViewType( VIEWTYPE viewtype ){ switch ( viewtype ) { case XY: return AxisBase( g_vector3_axis_x, g_vector3_axis_y, g_vector3_axis_z ); case XZ: return AxisBase( g_vector3_axis_x, g_vector3_axis_z, g_vector3_axis_y ); case YZ: return AxisBase( g_vector3_axis_y, g_vector3_axis_z, g_vector3_axis_x ); } ERROR_MESSAGE( "invalid viewtype" ); return AxisBase( Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ) ); } Vector3 AxisBase_axisForDirection( const AxisBase& axes, ENudgeDirection direction ){ switch ( direction ) { case eNudgeLeft: return vector3_negated( axes.x ); case eNudgeUp: return axes.y; case eNudgeRight: return axes.x; case eNudgeDown: return vector3_negated( axes.y ); } ERROR_MESSAGE( "invalid direction" ); return Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ); } void NudgeSelection( ENudgeDirection direction, float fAmount, VIEWTYPE viewtype ){ AxisBase axes( AxisBase_forViewType( viewtype ) ); Vector3 view_direction( vector3_negated( axes.z ) ); Vector3 nudge( vector3_scaled( AxisBase_axisForDirection( axes, direction ), fAmount ) ); GlobalSelectionSystem().NudgeManipulator( nudge, view_direction ); } void Selection_Clone(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::ePrimitive ) { UndoableCommand undo( "cloneSelected" ); Scene_Clone_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), false ); //NudgeSelection(eNudgeRight, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType()); //NudgeSelection(eNudgeDown, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType()); } } void Selection_Clone_MakeUnique(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::ePrimitive ) { UndoableCommand undo( "cloneSelectedMakeUnique" ); Scene_Clone_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), true ); //NudgeSelection(eNudgeRight, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType()); //NudgeSelection(eNudgeDown, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType()); } } // called when the escape key is used (either on the main window or on an inspector) void Selection_Deselect(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent ) { if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelectedComponents() != 0 ) { GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAllComponents( false ); } else { SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(); ComponentModeChanged(); } } else { if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelectedComponents() != 0 ) { GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAllComponents( false ); } else { GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAll( false ); } } } void Selection_NudgeUp(){ UndoableCommand undo( "nudgeSelectedUp" ); NudgeSelection( eNudgeUp, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() ); } void Selection_NudgeDown(){ UndoableCommand undo( "nudgeSelectedDown" ); NudgeSelection( eNudgeDown, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() ); } void Selection_NudgeLeft(){ UndoableCommand undo( "nudgeSelectedLeft" ); NudgeSelection( eNudgeLeft, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() ); } void Selection_NudgeRight(){ UndoableCommand undo( "nudgeSelectedRight" ); NudgeSelection( eNudgeRight, GetGridSize(), GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() ); } void TranslateToolExport( const Callback & importCallback ){ importCallback( GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eTranslate ); } void RotateToolExport( const Callback & importCallback ){ importCallback( GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eRotate ); } void ScaleToolExport( const Callback & importCallback ){ importCallback( GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eScale ); } void DragToolExport( const Callback & importCallback ){ importCallback( GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eDrag ); } void ClipperToolExport( const Callback & importCallback ){ importCallback( GlobalSelectionSystem().ManipulatorMode() == SelectionSystem::eClip ); } FreeCaller &), TranslateToolExport> g_translatemode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_translatemode_button_callback( g_translatemode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_translatemode_button( g_translatemode_button_callback ); FreeCaller &), RotateToolExport> g_rotatemode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_rotatemode_button_callback( g_rotatemode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_rotatemode_button( g_rotatemode_button_callback ); FreeCaller &), ScaleToolExport> g_scalemode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_scalemode_button_callback( g_scalemode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_scalemode_button( g_scalemode_button_callback ); FreeCaller &), DragToolExport> g_dragmode_button_caller; Callback &)> g_dragmode_button_callback( g_dragmode_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_dragmode_button( g_dragmode_button_callback ); FreeCaller &), ClipperToolExport> g_clipper_button_caller; Callback &)> g_clipper_button_callback( g_clipper_button_caller ); ToggleItem g_clipper_button( g_clipper_button_callback ); void ToolChanged(){ g_translatemode_button.update(); g_rotatemode_button.update(); g_scalemode_button.update(); g_dragmode_button.update(); g_clipper_button.update(); } const char* const c_ResizeMode_status = "QE4 Drag Tool: move and resize objects"; void DragMode(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == DragMode && g_defaultToolMode != DragMode ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } else { g_currentToolMode = DragMode; g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing = true; OnClipMode( false ); Sys_Status( c_ResizeMode_status ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetManipulatorMode( SelectionSystem::eDrag ); ToolChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } } const char* const c_TranslateMode_status = "Translate Tool: translate objects and components"; void TranslateMode(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == TranslateMode && g_defaultToolMode != TranslateMode ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } else { g_currentToolMode = TranslateMode; g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing = true; OnClipMode( false ); Sys_Status( c_TranslateMode_status ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetManipulatorMode( SelectionSystem::eTranslate ); ToolChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } } const char* const c_RotateMode_status = "Rotate Tool: rotate objects and components"; void RotateMode(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == RotateMode && g_defaultToolMode != RotateMode ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } else { g_currentToolMode = RotateMode; g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing = true; OnClipMode( false ); Sys_Status( c_RotateMode_status ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetManipulatorMode( SelectionSystem::eRotate ); ToolChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } } const char* const c_ScaleMode_status = "Scale Tool: scale objects and components"; void ScaleMode(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == ScaleMode && g_defaultToolMode != ScaleMode ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } else { g_currentToolMode = ScaleMode; g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing = true; OnClipMode( false ); Sys_Status( c_ScaleMode_status ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetManipulatorMode( SelectionSystem::eScale ); ToolChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } } const char* const c_ClipperMode_status = "Clipper Tool: apply clip planes to objects"; void ClipperMode(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == ClipperMode && g_defaultToolMode != ClipperMode ) { g_defaultToolMode(); } else { g_currentToolMode = ClipperMode; g_currentToolModeSupportsComponentEditing = false; SelectionSystem_DefaultMode(); OnClipMode( true ); Sys_Status( c_ClipperMode_status ); GlobalSelectionSystem().SetManipulatorMode( SelectionSystem::eClip ); ToolChanged(); ModeChangeNotify(); } } void ToggleRotateScaleModes(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == RotateMode ) { ScaleMode(); } else { RotateMode(); } } void ToggleDragScaleModes(){ if ( g_currentToolMode == DragMode ) { ScaleMode(); } else { DragMode(); } } void Texdef_Rotate( float angle ){ StringOutputStream command; command << "brushRotateTexture -angle " << angle; UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() ); Select_RotateTexture( angle ); } void Texdef_RotateClockwise(){ Texdef_Rotate( static_cast( fabs( g_si_globals.rotate ) ) ); } void Texdef_RotateAntiClockwise(){ Texdef_Rotate( static_cast( -fabs( g_si_globals.rotate ) ) ); } void Texdef_Scale( float x, float y ){ StringOutputStream command; command << "brushScaleTexture -x " << x << " -y " << y; UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() ); Select_ScaleTexture( x, y ); } void Texdef_ScaleUp(){ Texdef_Scale( 0, g_si_globals.scale[1] ); } void Texdef_ScaleDown(){ Texdef_Scale( 0, -g_si_globals.scale[1] ); } void Texdef_ScaleLeft(){ Texdef_Scale( -g_si_globals.scale[0],0 ); } void Texdef_ScaleRight(){ Texdef_Scale( g_si_globals.scale[0],0 ); } void Texdef_Shift( float x, float y ){ StringOutputStream command; command << "brushShiftTexture -x " << x << " -y " << y; UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() ); Select_ShiftTexture( x, y ); } void Texdef_ShiftLeft(){ Texdef_Shift( -g_si_globals.shift[0], 0 ); } void Texdef_ShiftRight(){ Texdef_Shift( g_si_globals.shift[0], 0 ); } void Texdef_ShiftUp(){ Texdef_Shift( 0, g_si_globals.shift[1] ); } void Texdef_ShiftDown(){ Texdef_Shift( 0, -g_si_globals.shift[1] ); } class SnappableSnapToGridSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { float m_snap; public: SnappableSnapToGridSelected( float snap ) : m_snap( snap ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Snappable* snappable = Node_getSnappable( path.top() ); if ( snappable != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) { snappable->snapto( m_snap ); } } return true; } }; void Scene_SnapToGrid_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, float snap ){ graph.traverse( SnappableSnapToGridSelected( snap ) ); } class ComponentSnappableSnapToGridSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { float m_snap; public: ComponentSnappableSnapToGridSelected( float snap ) : m_snap( snap ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { ComponentSnappable* componentSnappable = Instance_getComponentSnappable( instance ); if ( componentSnappable != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) { componentSnappable->snapComponents( m_snap ); } } return true; } }; void Scene_SnapToGrid_Component_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, float snap ){ graph.traverse( ComponentSnappableSnapToGridSelected( snap ) ); } void Selection_SnapToGrid(){ StringOutputStream command; command << "snapSelected -grid " << GetGridSize(); UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() ); if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() == SelectionSystem::eComponent ) { Scene_SnapToGrid_Component_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), GetGridSize() ); } else { Scene_SnapToGrid_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), GetGridSize() ); } } static gint qe_every_second( gpointer data ){ GdkModifierType mask; gdk_window_get_pointer( 0, 0, 0, &mask ); if ( ( mask & ( GDK_BUTTON1_MASK | GDK_BUTTON2_MASK | GDK_BUTTON3_MASK ) ) == 0 ) { QE_CheckAutoSave(); } return TRUE; } guint s_qe_every_second_id = 0; void EverySecondTimer_enable(){ if ( s_qe_every_second_id == 0 ) { s_qe_every_second_id = g_timeout_add( 1000, qe_every_second, 0 ); } } void EverySecondTimer_disable(){ if ( s_qe_every_second_id != 0 ) { g_source_remove( s_qe_every_second_id ); s_qe_every_second_id = 0; } } gint window_realize_remove_decoration( ui::Widget widget, gpointer data ){ gdk_window_set_decorations( gtk_widget_get_window(widget), (GdkWMDecoration)( GDK_DECOR_ALL | GDK_DECOR_MENU | GDK_DECOR_MINIMIZE | GDK_DECOR_MAXIMIZE ) ); return FALSE; } class WaitDialog { public: ui::Window m_window{ui::null}; ui::Label m_label{ui::null}; }; WaitDialog create_wait_dialog( const char* title, const char* text ){ WaitDialog dialog; dialog.m_window = MainFrame_getWindow().create_floating_window(title); gtk_window_set_resizable( dialog.m_window, FALSE ); gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( dialog.m_window ), 0 ); gtk_window_set_position( dialog.m_window, GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT ); dialog.m_window.connect( "realize", G_CALLBACK( window_realize_remove_decoration ), 0 ); { dialog.m_label = ui::Label( text ); gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC( dialog.m_label ), 0.0, 0.5 ); gtk_label_set_justify( dialog.m_label, GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT ); dialog.m_label.show(); dialog.m_label.dimensions(200, -1); dialog.m_window.add(dialog.m_label); } return dialog; } namespace { clock_t g_lastRedrawTime = 0; const clock_t c_redrawInterval = clock_t( CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10 ); bool redrawRequired(){ clock_t currentTime = std::clock(); if ( currentTime - g_lastRedrawTime >= c_redrawInterval ) { g_lastRedrawTime = currentTime; return true; } return false; } } bool MainFrame_isActiveApp(){ //globalOutputStream() << "listing\n"; GList* list = gtk_window_list_toplevels(); for ( GList* i = list; i != 0; i = g_list_next( i ) ) { //globalOutputStream() << "toplevel.. "; if ( gtk_window_is_active( ui::Window::from( i->data ) ) ) { //globalOutputStream() << "is active\n"; return true; } //globalOutputStream() << "not active\n"; } return false; } typedef std::list StringStack; StringStack g_wait_stack; WaitDialog g_wait; bool ScreenUpdates_Enabled(){ return g_wait_stack.empty(); } void ScreenUpdates_process(){ if ( redrawRequired() && g_wait.m_window.visible() ) { ui::process(); } } void ScreenUpdates_Disable( const char* message, const char* title ){ if ( g_wait_stack.empty() ) { EverySecondTimer_disable(); ui::process(); bool isActiveApp = MainFrame_isActiveApp(); g_wait = create_wait_dialog( title, message ); gtk_grab_add( g_wait.m_window ); if ( isActiveApp ) { g_wait.m_window.show(); ScreenUpdates_process(); } } else if ( g_wait.m_window.visible() ) { g_wait.m_label.text(message); ScreenUpdates_process(); } g_wait_stack.push_back( message ); } void ScreenUpdates_Enable(){ ASSERT_MESSAGE( !ScreenUpdates_Enabled(), "screen updates already enabled" ); g_wait_stack.pop_back(); if ( g_wait_stack.empty() ) { EverySecondTimer_enable(); //gtk_widget_set_sensitive(MainFrame_getWindow(), TRUE); gtk_grab_remove( g_wait.m_window ); destroy_floating_window( g_wait.m_window ); g_wait.m_window = ui::Window{ui::null}; //gtk_window_present(MainFrame_getWindow()); } else if ( g_wait.m_window.visible() ) { g_wait.m_label.text(g_wait_stack.back().c_str()); ScreenUpdates_process(); } } void GlobalCamera_UpdateWindow(){ if ( g_pParentWnd != 0 ) { CamWnd_Update( *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd() ); } } void XY_UpdateWindow( MainFrame& mainframe ){ if ( mainframe.GetXYWnd() != 0 ) { XYWnd_Update( *mainframe.GetXYWnd() ); } } void XZ_UpdateWindow( MainFrame& mainframe ){ if ( mainframe.GetXZWnd() != 0 ) { XYWnd_Update( *mainframe.GetXZWnd() ); } } void YZ_UpdateWindow( MainFrame& mainframe ){ if ( mainframe.GetYZWnd() != 0 ) { XYWnd_Update( *mainframe.GetYZWnd() ); } } void XY_UpdateAllWindows( MainFrame& mainframe ){ XY_UpdateWindow( mainframe ); XZ_UpdateWindow( mainframe ); YZ_UpdateWindow( mainframe ); } void XY_UpdateAllWindows(){ if ( g_pParentWnd != 0 ) { XY_UpdateAllWindows( *g_pParentWnd ); } } void UpdateAllWindows(){ GlobalCamera_UpdateWindow(); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } void ModeChangeNotify(){ SceneChangeNotify(); } void ClipperChangeNotify(){ GlobalCamera_UpdateWindow(); XY_UpdateAllWindows(); } LatchedValue g_Layout_viewStyle( 0, "Window Layout" ); LatchedValue g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus( true, "Detachable Menus" ); LatchedValue g_Layout_enableMainToolbar( true, "Main Toolbar" ); LatchedValue g_Layout_enablePatchToolbar( true, "Patch Toolbar" ); LatchedValue g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar( true, "Plugin Toolbar" ); LatchedValue g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar( true, "Filter Toolbar" ); ui::MenuItem create_file_menu(){ // File menu auto file_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "_File" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( file_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_New Map", "NewMap" ); menu_separator( menu ); #if 0 //++timo temporary experimental stuff for sleep mode.. create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Sleep", "Sleep" ); menu_separator( menu ); // end experimental #endif create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Open...", "OpenMap" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Import...", "ImportMap" ); menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Save", "SaveMap" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Save _as...", "SaveMapAs" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Export selected...", "ExportSelected" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Save re_gion...", "SaveRegion" ); menu_separator( menu ); // menu_separator( menu ); // create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Refresh models", "RefreshReferences" ); // menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Pro_ject settings...", "ProjectSettings" ); //menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Pointfile...", "TogglePointfile" ); menu_separator( menu ); MRU_constructMenu( menu ); menu_separator( menu ); // create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Check for NetRadiant update (web)", "CheckForUpdate" ); // FIXME create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "E_xit", "Exit" ); return file_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_edit_menu(){ // Edit menu auto edit_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "_Edit" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( edit_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Undo", "Undo" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Redo", "Redo" ); menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Copy", "Copy" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Paste", "Paste" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "P_aste To Camera", "PasteToCamera" ); menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Duplicate", "CloneSelection" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Duplicate, make uni_que", "CloneSelectionAndMakeUnique" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "D_elete", "DeleteSelection" ); //create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Pa_rent", "ParentSelection" ); menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "C_lear Selection", "UnSelectSelection" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Invert Selection", "InvertSelection" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Select i_nside", "SelectInside" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Select _touching", "SelectTouching" ); menu_separator( menu ); // auto convert_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "E_xpand Selection" ); // if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { // menu_tearoff( convert_menu ); // } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Select All Of Type", "SelectAllOfType" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Expand Selection To Entities", "ExpandSelectionToEntities" ); menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Pre_ferences...", "Preferences" ); return edit_menu_item; } ui::Widget g_toggle_z_item{ui::null}; ui::Widget g_toggle_console_item{ui::null}; ui::Widget g_toggle_entity_item{ui::null}; ui::Widget g_toggle_entitylist_item{ui::null}; ui::MenuItem create_view_menu( MainFrame::EViewStyle style ){ // View menu auto view_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "Vie_w" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( view_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } if ( style == MainFrame::eFloating ) { create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Camera View", "ToggleCamera" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "XY (Top) View", "ToggleView" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "XZ (Front) View", "ToggleFrontView" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "YZ (Side) View", "ToggleSideView" ); } if ( style == MainFrame::eFloating || style == MainFrame::eSplit ) { create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Console", "ToggleConsole" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Texture Browser", "ToggleTextures" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Entity Inspector", "ToggleEntityInspector" ); } else { create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Entity Inspector", "ViewEntityInfo" ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Surface Inspector", "SurfaceInspector" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Patch Inspector", "PatchInspector" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Entity List", "EntityList" ); menu_separator( menu ); { auto camera_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Camera" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( camera_menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Focus on Selected", "CameraFocusOnSelected" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "_Center", "CenterView" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "_Up Floor", "UpFloor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "_Down Floor", "DownFloor" ); menu_separator( camera_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Far Clip Plane In", "CubicClipZoomIn" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Far Clip Plane Out", "CubicClipZoomOut" ); menu_separator( camera_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Next leak spot", "NextLeakSpot" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Previous leak spot", "PrevLeakSpot" ); //cameramodel is not implemented in instances, thus useless // menu_separator( camera_menu ); // create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Look Through Selected", "LookThroughSelected" ); // create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( camera_menu, "Look Through Camera", "LookThroughCamera" ); } menu_separator( menu ); { auto orthographic_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Orthographic" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( orthographic_menu ); } if ( style == MainFrame::eRegular || style == MainFrame::eRegularLeft || style == MainFrame::eFloating ) { create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "_Next (XY, YZ, XY)", "NextView" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "XY (Top)", "ViewTop" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "XZ (Front)", "ViewFront" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "YZ (Side)", "ViewSide" ); menu_separator( orthographic_menu ); } else{ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "Center on Selected", "NextView" ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "Center on Selected", "CenterXYView" ); menu_separator( orthographic_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "_XY 100%", "Zoom100" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "XY Zoom _In", "ZoomIn" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( orthographic_menu, "XY Zoom _Out", "ZoomOut" ); } menu_separator( menu ); { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Show" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Entity _Angles", "ShowAngles" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Entity _Names", "ShowNames" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Light Radiuses", "ShowLightRadiuses" ); menu_separator( menu_in_menu ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Size Info", "ToggleSizePaint" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Crosshair", "ToggleCrosshairs" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Grid", "ToggleGrid" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Blocks", "ShowBlocks" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show C_oordinates", "ShowCoordinates" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Window Outline", "ShowWindowOutline" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Axes", "ShowAxes" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Workzone", "ShowWorkzone" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Show Camera Stats", "ShowStats" ); } { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Filter" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } Filters_constructMenu( menu_in_menu ); } menu_separator( menu ); { create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Hide Selected", "HideSelected" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Show Hidden", "ShowHidden" ); } menu_separator( menu ); { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Region" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "_Off", "RegionOff" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "_Set XY", "RegionSetXY" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Set _Brush", "RegionSetBrush" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Set Se_lected Brushes", "RegionSetSelection" ); } //command_connect_accelerator( "CenterXYView" ); return view_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_selection_menu(){ // Selection menu auto selection_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "M_odify" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( selection_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Components" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "_Edges", "DragEdges" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "_Vertices", "DragVertices" ); create_check_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "_Faces", "DragFaces" ); } menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Snap To Grid", "SnapToGrid" ); menu_separator( menu ); { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Nudge" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Nudge Left", "SelectNudgeLeft" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Nudge Right", "SelectNudgeRight" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Nudge Up", "SelectNudgeUp" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Nudge Down", "SelectNudgeDown" ); menu_separator( menu_in_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Nudge +Z", "MoveSelectionUP" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Nudge -Z", "MoveSelectionDOWN" ); } { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Rotate" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate X", "RotateSelectionX" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Y", "RotateSelectionY" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Z", "RotateSelectionZ" ); menu_separator( menu_in_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Clockwise", "RotateSelectionClockwise" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Anticlockwise", "RotateSelectionAnticlockwise" ); } { auto menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Flip" ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu_in_menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip _X", "MirrorSelectionX" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip _Y", "MirrorSelectionY" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip _Z", "MirrorSelectionZ" ); menu_separator( menu_in_menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip Horizontally", "MirrorSelectionHorizontally" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip Vertically", "MirrorSelectionVertically" ); } menu_separator( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Arbitrary rotation...", "ArbitraryRotation" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Arbitrary scale...", "ArbitraryScale" ); return selection_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_bsp_menu(){ // BSP menu auto bsp_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "_Build" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( bsp_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Customize...", "BuildMenuCustomize" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Run recent build", "Build_runRecentExecutedBuild" ); menu_separator( menu ); Build_constructMenu( menu ); g_bsp_menu = menu; return bsp_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_grid_menu(){ // Grid menu auto grid_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "_Grid" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( grid_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } Grid_constructMenu( menu ); return grid_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_misc_menu(){ // Misc menu auto misc_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "M_isc" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( misc_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } #if 0 create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Benchmark", makeCallbackF(GlobalCamera_Benchmark) ); #endif menu.add(create_colours_menu()); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Find brush...", "FindBrush" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Map Info...", "MapInfo" ); // http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=394 // create_menu_item_with_mnemonic(menu, "_Print XY View", makeCallbackF( WXY_Print )); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Background image...", makeCallbackF(WXY_BackgroundSelect) ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Fullscreen", "Fullscreen" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Maximize view", "MaximizeView" ); return misc_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_entity_menu(){ // Brush menu auto entity_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "E_ntity" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( entity_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } Entity_constructMenu( menu ); return entity_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_brush_menu(){ // Brush menu auto brush_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "B_rush" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( brush_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } Brush_constructMenu( menu ); return brush_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_patch_menu(){ // Curve menu auto patch_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "_Curve" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( patch_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } Patch_constructMenu( menu ); return patch_menu_item; } ui::MenuItem create_help_menu(){ // Help menu auto help_menu_item = new_sub_menu_item_with_mnemonic( "_Help" ); auto menu = ui::Menu::from( gtk_menu_item_get_submenu( help_menu_item ) ); if ( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_value ) { menu_tearoff( menu ); } // create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Manual", "OpenManual" ); // this creates all the per-game drop downs for the game pack helps // it will take care of hooking the Sys_OpenURL calls etc. create_game_help_menu( menu ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Bug report", makeCallbackF(OpenBugReportURL) ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Shortcuts", makeCallbackF(DoCommandListDlg) ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_About", makeCallbackF(DoAbout) ); return help_menu_item; } ui::MenuBar create_main_menu( MainFrame::EViewStyle style ){ auto menu_bar = ui::MenuBar::from( gtk_menu_bar_new() ); menu_bar.show(); menu_bar.add(create_file_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_edit_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_view_menu(style)); menu_bar.add(create_selection_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_bsp_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_grid_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_misc_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_entity_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_brush_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_patch_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_plugins_menu()); menu_bar.add(create_help_menu()); return menu_bar; } void PatchInspector_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "PatchInspector" ); } void Patch_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "InvertCurveTextureX" ); command_connect_accelerator( "InvertCurveTextureY" ); command_connect_accelerator( "PatchInsertInsertColumn" ); command_connect_accelerator( "PatchInsertInsertRow" ); command_connect_accelerator( "PatchDeleteLastColumn" ); command_connect_accelerator( "PatchDeleteLastRow" ); command_connect_accelerator( "NaturalizePatch" ); command_connect_accelerator( "CapCurrentCurve"); } void Manipulators_registerShortcuts(){ toggle_add_accelerator( "MouseRotate" ); toggle_add_accelerator( "MouseTranslate" ); toggle_add_accelerator( "MouseScale" ); toggle_add_accelerator( "MouseDrag" ); toggle_add_accelerator( "ToggleClipper" ); } void TexdefNudge_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "TexRotateClock" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexRotateCounter" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexScaleUp" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexScaleDown" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexScaleLeft" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexScaleRight" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexShiftUp" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexShiftDown" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexShiftLeft" ); command_connect_accelerator( "TexShiftRight" ); } void SelectNudge_registerShortcuts(){ //command_connect_accelerator( "MoveSelectionDOWN" ); //command_connect_accelerator( "MoveSelectionUP" ); //command_connect_accelerator("SelectNudgeLeft"); //command_connect_accelerator("SelectNudgeRight"); //command_connect_accelerator("SelectNudgeUp"); //command_connect_accelerator("SelectNudgeDown"); command_connect_accelerator( "UnSelectSelection2" ); command_connect_accelerator( "DeleteSelection2" ); } void SnapToGrid_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "SnapToGrid" ); } void SelectByType_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "SelectAllOfType" ); } void SurfaceInspector_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "FitTexture" ); } void TexBro_registerShortcuts(){ command_connect_accelerator( "FindReplaceTextures" ); command_connect_accelerator( "RefreshShaders" ); } void Misc_registerShortcuts(){ //refresh models command_connect_accelerator( "RefreshReferences" ); command_connect_accelerator( "MouseRotateOrScale" ); command_connect_accelerator( "MouseDragOrScale" ); } void register_shortcuts(){ // PatchInspector_registerShortcuts(); //Patch_registerShortcuts(); Grid_registerShortcuts(); // XYWnd_registerShortcuts(); CamWnd_registerShortcuts(); Manipulators_registerShortcuts(); SurfaceInspector_registerShortcuts(); TexdefNudge_registerShortcuts(); SelectNudge_registerShortcuts(); // SnapToGrid_registerShortcuts(); // SelectByType_registerShortcuts(); TexBro_registerShortcuts(); Misc_registerShortcuts(); } void File_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Open an existing map (CTRL + O)", "file_open.png", "OpenMap" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Save the active map (CTRL + S)", "file_save.png", "SaveMap" ); } void UndoRedo_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Undo (CTRL + Z)", "undo.png", "Undo" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Redo (CTRL + Y)", "redo.png", "Redo" ); } void RotateFlip_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ // toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "x-axis Flip", "brush_flipx.png", "MirrorSelectionX" ); // toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "x-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatex.png", "RotateSelectionX" ); // toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "y-axis Flip", "brush_flipy.png", "MirrorSelectionY" ); // toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "y-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatey.png", "RotateSelectionY" ); // toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "z-axis Flip", "brush_flipz.png", "MirrorSelectionZ" ); // toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "z-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatez.png", "RotateSelectionZ" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Flip Horizontally", "brush_flip_hor.png", "MirrorSelectionHorizontally" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Flip Vertically", "brush_flip_vert.png", "MirrorSelectionVertically" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Rotate Clockwise", "brush_rotate_clock.png", "RotateSelectionClockwise" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Rotate Anticlockwise", "brush_rotate_anti.png", "RotateSelectionAnticlockwise" ); } void Select_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Select touching", "selection_selecttouching.png", "SelectTouching" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Select inside", "selection_selectinside.png", "SelectInside" ); } void CSG_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "CSG Subtract (SHIFT + U)", "selection_csgsubtract.png", "CSGSubtract" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "CSG Merge (CTRL + U)", "selection_csgmerge.png", "CSGMerge" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Make Room", "selection_makeroom.png", "CSGRoom" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "CSG Tool", "ellipsis.png", "CSGTool" ); } void ComponentModes_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Select Vertices (V)", "modify_vertices.png", "DragVertices" ); toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Select Edges (E)", "modify_edges.png", "DragEdges" ); toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Select Faces (F)", "modify_faces.png", "DragFaces" ); } void Clipper_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Clipper (X)", "view_clipper.png", "ToggleClipper" ); } void XYWnd_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Change views (CTRL + TAB)", "view_change.png", "NextView" ); } void Manipulators_constructToolbar( ui::Toolbar toolbar ){ toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Translate (W)", "select_mousetranslate.png", "MouseTranslate" ); toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Rotate (R)", "select_mouserotate.png", "MouseRotate" ); toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Scale (Q)", "select_mousescale.png", "MouseScale" ); toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Resize (Q)", "select_mouseresize.png", "MouseDrag" ); Clipper_constructToolbar( toolbar ); } ui::Toolbar create_main_toolbar( MainFrame::EViewStyle style ){ auto toolbar = ui::Toolbar::from( gtk_toolbar_new() ); gtk_orientable_set_orientation( GTK_ORIENTABLE(toolbar), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ); gtk_toolbar_set_style( toolbar, GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS ); // gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow( toolbar, TRUE ); //gtk_orientable_set_orientation( GTK_ORIENTABLE( toolbar ), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ); //toolbar_append_space( toolbar ); toolbar.show(); auto space = [&]() { auto btn = ui::ToolItem::from(gtk_separator_tool_item_new()); btn.show(); toolbar.add(btn); }; File_constructToolbar( toolbar ); space(); UndoRedo_constructToolbar( toolbar ); space(); RotateFlip_constructToolbar( toolbar ); space(); Select_constructToolbar( toolbar ); space(); CSG_constructToolbar( toolbar ); space(); ComponentModes_constructToolbar( toolbar ); if ( style != MainFrame::eSplit ) { space(); XYWnd_constructToolbar( toolbar ); } space(); CamWnd_constructToolbar( toolbar ); space(); Manipulators_constructToolbar( toolbar ); if ( g_Layout_enablePatchToolbar.m_value ) { space(); Patch_constructToolbar( toolbar ); } space(); toolbar_append_toggle_button( toolbar, "Texture Lock (SHIFT + T)", "texture_lock.png", "TogTexLock" ); space(); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Entities (N)", "entities.png", "ToggleEntityInspector" ); // disable the console and texture button in the regular layouts if ( style != MainFrame::eRegular && style != MainFrame::eRegularLeft ) { toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Console (O)", "console.png", "ToggleConsole" ); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Texture Browser (T)", "texture_browser.png", "ToggleTextures" ); } // TODO: call light inspector //GtkButton* g_view_lightinspector_button = toolbar_append_button(toolbar, "Light Inspector", "lightinspector.png", "ToggleLightInspector"); space(); toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Refresh Models", "refresh_models.png", "RefreshReferences" ); return toolbar; } ui::Widget create_main_statusbar( ui::Widget pStatusLabel[c_count_status] ){ auto table = ui::Table( 1, c_count_status, FALSE ); table.show(); { auto label = ui::Label( "Label" ); gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC( label ), 0, 0.5 ); gtk_misc_set_padding( GTK_MISC( label ), 4, 2 ); label.show(); table.attach(label, {0, 1, 0, 1}); pStatusLabel[c_command_status] = ui::Widget(label ); } for (unsigned int i = 1; (int) i < c_count_status; ++i) { auto frame = ui::Frame(); frame.show(); table.attach(frame, {i, i + 1, 0, 1}); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type( frame, GTK_SHADOW_IN ); auto label = ui::Label( "Label" ); gtk_label_set_ellipsize( label, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END ); gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC( label ), 0, 0.5 ); gtk_misc_set_padding( GTK_MISC( label ), 4, 2 ); label.show(); frame.add(label); pStatusLabel[i] = ui::Widget(label ); } return ui::Widget(table ); } #if 0 WidgetFocusPrinter g_mainframeWidgetFocusPrinter( "mainframe" ); class WindowFocusPrinter { const char* m_name; static gboolean frame_event( ui::Widget widget, GdkEvent* event, WindowFocusPrinter* self ){ globalOutputStream() << self->m_name << " frame_event\n"; return FALSE; } static gboolean keys_changed( ui::Widget widget, WindowFocusPrinter* self ){ globalOutputStream() << self->m_name << " keys_changed\n"; return FALSE; } static gboolean notify( ui::Window window, gpointer dummy, WindowFocusPrinter* self ){ if ( gtk_window_is_active( window ) ) { globalOutputStream() << self->m_name << " takes toplevel focus\n"; } else { globalOutputStream() << self->m_name << " loses toplevel focus\n"; } return FALSE; } public: WindowFocusPrinter( const char* name ) : m_name( name ){ } void connect( ui::Window toplevel_window ){ toplevel_window.connect( "notify::has_toplevel_focus", G_CALLBACK( notify ), this ); toplevel_window.connect( "notify::is_active", G_CALLBACK( notify ), this ); toplevel_window.connect( "keys_changed", G_CALLBACK( keys_changed ), this ); toplevel_window.connect( "frame_event", G_CALLBACK( frame_event ), this ); } }; WindowFocusPrinter g_mainframeFocusPrinter( "mainframe" ); #endif class MainWindowActive { static gboolean notify( ui::Window window, gpointer dummy, MainWindowActive* self ){ if ( g_wait.m_window && gtk_window_is_active( window ) && !g_wait.m_window.visible() ) { g_wait.m_window.show(); } return FALSE; } public: void connect( ui::Window toplevel_window ){ toplevel_window.connect( "notify::is-active", G_CALLBACK( notify ), this ); } }; MainWindowActive g_MainWindowActive; SignalHandlerId XYWindowDestroyed_connect( const SignalHandler& handler ){ return g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->onDestroyed.connectFirst( handler ); } void XYWindowDestroyed_disconnect( SignalHandlerId id ){ g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->onDestroyed.disconnect( id ); } MouseEventHandlerId XYWindowMouseDown_connect( const MouseEventHandler& handler ){ return g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->onMouseDown.connectFirst( handler ); } void XYWindowMouseDown_disconnect( MouseEventHandlerId id ){ g_pParentWnd->GetXYWnd()->onMouseDown.disconnect( id ); } // ============================================================================= // MainFrame class MainFrame* g_pParentWnd = 0; ui::Window MainFrame_getWindow() { return g_pParentWnd ? g_pParentWnd->m_window : ui::Window{ui::null}; } std::vector g_floating_windows; MainFrame::MainFrame() : m_idleRedrawStatusText( RedrawStatusTextCaller( *this ) ){ m_pXYWnd = 0; m_pCamWnd = 0; m_pZWnd = 0; m_pYZWnd = 0; m_pXZWnd = 0; m_pActiveXY = 0; for (auto &n : m_pStatusLabel) { n = NULL; } m_bSleeping = false; Create(); } MainFrame::~MainFrame(){ SaveWindowInfo(); m_window.hide(); Shutdown(); for ( std::vector::iterator i = g_floating_windows.begin(); i != g_floating_windows.end(); ++i ) { i->destroy(); } m_window.destroy(); } void MainFrame::SetActiveXY( XYWnd* p ){ if ( m_pActiveXY ) { m_pActiveXY->SetActive( false ); } m_pActiveXY = p; if ( m_pActiveXY ) { m_pActiveXY->SetActive( true ); } } void MainFrame::ReleaseContexts(){ #if 0 if ( m_pXYWnd ) { m_pXYWnd->DestroyContext(); } if ( m_pYZWnd ) { m_pYZWnd->DestroyContext(); } if ( m_pXZWnd ) { m_pXZWnd->DestroyContext(); } if ( m_pCamWnd ) { m_pCamWnd->DestroyContext(); } if ( m_pTexWnd ) { m_pTexWnd->DestroyContext(); } if ( m_pZWnd ) { m_pZWnd->DestroyContext(); } #endif } void MainFrame::CreateContexts(){ #if 0 if ( m_pCamWnd ) { m_pCamWnd->CreateContext(); } if ( m_pXYWnd ) { m_pXYWnd->CreateContext(); } if ( m_pYZWnd ) { m_pYZWnd->CreateContext(); } if ( m_pXZWnd ) { m_pXZWnd->CreateContext(); } if ( m_pTexWnd ) { m_pTexWnd->CreateContext(); } if ( m_pZWnd ) { m_pZWnd->CreateContext(); } #endif } #if GDEF_DEBUG //#define DBG_SLEEP #endif void MainFrame::OnSleep(){ #if 0 m_bSleeping ^= 1; if ( m_bSleeping ) { // useful when trying to debug crashes in the sleep code globalOutputStream() << "Going into sleep mode..\n"; globalOutputStream() << "Dispatching sleep msg..."; DispatchRadiantMsg( RADIANT_SLEEP ); globalOutputStream() << "Done.\n"; gtk_window_iconify( m_window ); GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAll( false ); GlobalShaderCache().unrealise(); Shaders_Free(); GlobalOpenGL_debugAssertNoErrors(); ScreenUpdates_Disable(); // release contexts globalOutputStream() << "Releasing contexts..."; ReleaseContexts(); globalOutputStream() << "Done.\n"; } else { globalOutputStream() << "Waking up\n"; gtk_window_deiconify( m_window ); // create contexts globalOutputStream() << "Creating contexts..."; CreateContexts(); globalOutputStream() << "Done.\n"; globalOutputStream() << "Making current on camera..."; m_pCamWnd->MakeCurrent(); globalOutputStream() << "Done.\n"; globalOutputStream() << "Reloading shaders..."; Shaders_Load(); GlobalShaderCache().realise(); globalOutputStream() << "Done.\n"; ScreenUpdates_Enable(); globalOutputStream() << "Dispatching wake msg..."; DispatchRadiantMsg( RADIANT_WAKEUP ); globalOutputStream() << "Done\n"; } #endif } ui::Window create_splash(){ auto window = ui::Window( ui::window_type::TOP ); gtk_window_set_decorated(window, false); gtk_window_set_resizable(window, false); gtk_window_set_modal(window, true); gtk_window_set_default_size( window, -1, -1 ); gtk_window_set_position( window, GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER ); gtk_container_set_border_width(window, 0); auto image = new_local_image( "splash.png" ); image.show(); window.add(image); if( gtk_image_get_storage_type( image ) == GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF ){ GdkBitmap* mask; GdkPixbuf* pix = gtk_image_get_pixbuf( image ); gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask( pix, NULL, &mask, 255 ); gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask ( GTK_WIDGET( window ), mask, 0, 0 ); } window.dimensions(-1, -1); window.show(); return window; } static ui::Window splash_screen{ui::null}; void show_splash(){ splash_screen = create_splash(); ui::process(); } void hide_splash(){ splash_screen.destroy(); } WindowPositionTracker g_posCamWnd; WindowPositionTracker g_posXYWnd; WindowPositionTracker g_posXZWnd; WindowPositionTracker g_posYZWnd; static gint mainframe_delete( ui::Widget widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data ){ if ( ConfirmModified( "Exit Radiant" ) ) { gtk_main_quit(); } return TRUE; } void MainFrame::Create(){ ui::Window window = ui::Window( ui::window_type::TOP ); GlobalWindowObservers_connectTopLevel( window ); gtk_window_set_transient_for( splash_screen, window ); #if !GDEF_OS_WINDOWS { GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = pixbuf_new_from_file_with_mask( "bitmaps/icon.png" ); if ( pixbuf != 0 ) { gtk_window_set_icon( window, pixbuf ); g_object_unref( pixbuf ); } } #endif gtk_widget_add_events( window , GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK | GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK ); window.connect( "delete_event", G_CALLBACK( mainframe_delete ), this ); m_position_tracker.connect( window ); #if 0 g_mainframeWidgetFocusPrinter.connect( window ); g_mainframeFocusPrinter.connect( window ); #endif g_MainWindowActive.connect( window ); GetPlugInMgr().Init( window ); auto vbox = ui::VBox( FALSE, 0 ); window.add(vbox); vbox.show(); gtk_container_set_focus_chain( GTK_CONTAINER( vbox ), NULL ); global_accel_connect_window( window ); m_nCurrentStyle = (EViewStyle)g_Layout_viewStyle.m_value; register_shortcuts(); auto main_menu = create_main_menu( CurrentStyle() ); vbox.pack_start( main_menu, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); if( g_Layout_enableMainToolbar.m_value ){ GtkToolbar* main_toolbar = create_main_toolbar( CurrentStyle() ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( vbox ), GTK_WIDGET( main_toolbar ), FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); } if ( g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar.m_value || g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar.m_value ){ auto PFbox = ui::HBox( FALSE, 3 ); vbox.pack_start( PFbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); PFbox.show(); if ( g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar.m_value ){ auto plugin_toolbar = create_plugin_toolbar(); if ( g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar.m_value ){ PFbox.pack_start( plugin_toolbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); } else{ PFbox.pack_start( plugin_toolbar, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); } } if ( g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar.m_value ){ ui::Toolbar filter_toolbar = create_filter_toolbar(); PFbox.pack_start( filter_toolbar, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); } } /*GtkToolbar* plugin_toolbar = create_plugin_toolbar(); if ( !g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar.m_value ) { gtk_widget_hide( GTK_WIDGET( plugin_toolbar ) ); }*/ ui::Widget main_statusbar = create_main_statusbar(reinterpret_cast(m_pStatusLabel)); vbox.pack_end(main_statusbar, FALSE, TRUE, 2); GroupDialog_constructWindow( window ); /* want to realize it immediately; otherwise gtk paned splits positions wont be set correctly for floating group dlg */ gtk_widget_realize ( GTK_WIDGET( GroupDialog_getWindow() ) ); g_page_entity = GroupDialog_addPage( "Entities", EntityInspector_constructWindow( GroupDialog_getWindow() ), RawStringExportCaller( "Entities" ) ); if ( FloatingGroupDialog() ) { g_page_console = GroupDialog_addPage( "Console", Console_constructWindow( GroupDialog_getWindow() ), RawStringExportCaller( "Console" ) ); } #if GDEF_OS_WINDOWS if ( g_multimon_globals.m_bStartOnPrimMon ) { PositionWindowOnPrimaryScreen( g_layout_globals.m_position ); } #endif window_set_position( window, g_layout_globals.m_position ); m_window = window; window.show(); if ( CurrentStyle() == eRegular || CurrentStyle() == eRegularLeft ) { { ui::Widget hsplit = ui::HPaned(ui::New); m_hSplit = hsplit; vbox.pack_start( hsplit, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); hsplit.show(); { ui::Widget vsplit = ui::VPaned(ui::New); vsplit.show(); m_vSplit = vsplit; ui::Widget vsplit2 = ui::VPaned(ui::New); vsplit2.show(); m_vSplit2 = vsplit2; if ( CurrentStyle() == eRegular ){ gtk_paned_pack1( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit, TRUE, TRUE ); gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit2, TRUE, TRUE ); } else{ gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit, TRUE, TRUE ); gtk_paned_pack1( GTK_PANED( hsplit ), vsplit2, TRUE, TRUE ); } // console ui::Widget console_window = Console_constructWindow( window ); gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( vsplit ), console_window, TRUE, TRUE ); // xy m_pXYWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pXYWnd->SetViewType( XY ); ui::Widget xy_window = ui::Widget(create_framed_widget( m_pXYWnd->GetWidget( ) )); gtk_paned_pack1( GTK_PANED( vsplit ), xy_window, TRUE, TRUE ); { // camera m_pCamWnd = NewCamWnd(); GlobalCamera_setCamWnd( *m_pCamWnd ); CamWnd_setParent( *m_pCamWnd, window ); auto camera_window = create_framed_widget( CamWnd_getWidget( *m_pCamWnd ) ); gtk_paned_pack1( GTK_PANED( vsplit2 ), GTK_WIDGET( camera_window ) , TRUE, TRUE); // textures auto texture_window = create_framed_widget( TextureBrowser_constructWindow( window ) ); gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( vsplit2 ), GTK_WIDGET( texture_window ), TRUE, TRUE ); } } } } else if ( CurrentStyle() == eFloating ) { { ui::Window window = ui::Window(create_persistent_floating_window( "Camera", m_window )); global_accel_connect_window( window ); g_posCamWnd.connect( window ); window.show(); m_pCamWnd = NewCamWnd(); GlobalCamera_setCamWnd( *m_pCamWnd ); { auto frame = create_framed_widget( CamWnd_getWidget( *m_pCamWnd ) ); window.add(frame); } CamWnd_setParent( *m_pCamWnd, window ); #define GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND #ifndef GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND /* workaround for gtk 2.24 issue: not displayed glwidget after toggle */ g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "glwidget", CamWnd_getWidget( *m_pCamWnd ) ); #endif g_floating_windows.push_back( window ); } { ui::Window window = ui::Window(create_persistent_floating_window( ViewType_getTitle( XY ), m_window )); global_accel_connect_window( window ); g_posXYWnd.connect( window ); m_pXYWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pXYWnd->m_parent = window; m_pXYWnd->SetViewType( XY ); { auto frame = create_framed_widget( m_pXYWnd->GetWidget() ); window.add(frame); } XY_Top_Shown_Construct( window ); #ifndef GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND /* workaround for gtk 2.24 issue: not displayed glwidget after toggle */ g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "glwidget", m_pXYWnd->GetWidget() ); #endif g_floating_windows.push_back( window ); } { ui::Window window = ui::Window(create_persistent_floating_window( ViewType_getTitle( XZ ), m_window )); global_accel_connect_window( window ); g_posXZWnd.connect( window ); m_pXZWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pXZWnd->m_parent = window; m_pXZWnd->SetViewType( XZ ); { auto frame = create_framed_widget( m_pXZWnd->GetWidget() ); window.add(frame); } XZ_Front_Shown_Construct( window ); #ifndef GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND /* workaround for gtk 2.24 issue: not displayed glwidget after toggle */ g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "glwidget", m_pXZWnd->GetWidget() ); #endif g_floating_windows.push_back( window ); } { ui::Window window = ui::Window(create_persistent_floating_window( ViewType_getTitle( YZ ), m_window )); global_accel_connect_window( window ); g_posYZWnd.connect( window ); m_pYZWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pYZWnd->m_parent = window; m_pYZWnd->SetViewType( YZ ); { auto frame = create_framed_widget( m_pYZWnd->GetWidget() ); window.add(frame); } YZ_Side_Shown_Construct( window ); #ifndef GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND /* workaround for gtk 2.24 issue: not displayed glwidget after toggle */ g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "glwidget", m_pYZWnd->GetWidget() ); #endif g_floating_windows.push_back( window ); } { auto frame = create_framed_widget( TextureBrowser_constructWindow( GroupDialog_getWindow() ) ); g_page_textures = GroupDialog_addPage( "Textures", frame, TextureBrowserExportTitleCaller() ); #ifndef GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND /* workaround for gtk 2.24 issue: not displayed glwidget after toggle */ g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( GroupDialog_getWindow() ), "glwidget", TextureBrowser_getGLWidget() ); #endif } // FIXME: find a way to do it with newer syntax // m_vSplit = 0; // m_hSplit = 0; // m_vSplit2 = 0; GroupDialog_show(); } else // 4 way { m_pCamWnd = NewCamWnd(); GlobalCamera_setCamWnd( *m_pCamWnd ); CamWnd_setParent( *m_pCamWnd, window ); ui::Widget camera = CamWnd_getWidget( *m_pCamWnd ); m_pYZWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pYZWnd->SetViewType( YZ ); ui::Widget yz = m_pYZWnd->GetWidget(); m_pXYWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pXYWnd->SetViewType( XY ); ui::Widget xy = m_pXYWnd->GetWidget(); m_pXZWnd = new XYWnd(); m_pXZWnd->SetViewType( XZ ); ui::Widget xz = m_pXZWnd->GetWidget(); m_hSplit = create_split_views( camera, yz, xy, xz, m_vSplit, m_vSplit2 ); vbox.pack_start( m_hSplit, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); { auto frame = create_framed_widget( TextureBrowser_constructWindow( GroupDialog_getWindow() ) ); g_page_textures = GroupDialog_addPage( "Textures", frame, TextureBrowserExportTitleCaller() ); #ifndef GARUX_GTK_WORKAROUND /* workaround for gtk 2.24 issue: not displayed glwidget after toggle */ g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( GroupDialog_getWindow() ), "glwidget", TextureBrowser_getGLWidget() ); #endif } } EntityList_constructWindow( window ); PreferencesDialog_constructWindow( window ); FindTextureDialog_constructWindow( window ); SurfaceInspector_constructWindow( window ); PatchInspector_constructWindow( window ); SetActiveXY( m_pXYWnd ); AddGridChangeCallback( SetGridStatusCaller( *this ) ); AddGridChangeCallback( ReferenceCaller( *this ) ); g_defaultToolMode = DragMode; g_defaultToolMode(); SetStatusText( m_command_status, c_TranslateMode_status ); EverySecondTimer_enable(); if ( g_layout_globals.nState & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED ) { gtk_window_maximize( window ); } if ( g_layout_globals.nState & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN ) { gtk_window_fullscreen( window ); } if ( !FloatingGroupDialog() ) { gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( m_vSplit ), g_layout_globals.nXYHeight ); if ( CurrentStyle() == eRegular ) { gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( m_hSplit ), g_layout_globals.nXYWidth ); } else { gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( m_hSplit ), g_layout_globals.nCamWidth ); } gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( m_vSplit2 ), g_layout_globals.nCamHeight ); } //GlobalShortcuts_reportUnregistered(); } void MainFrame::SaveWindowInfo(){ if ( !FloatingGroupDialog() ) { g_layout_globals.nXYHeight = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( m_vSplit ) ); if ( CurrentStyle() != eRegular ) { g_layout_globals.nCamWidth = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( m_hSplit ) ); } else { g_layout_globals.nXYWidth = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( m_hSplit ) ); } g_layout_globals.nCamHeight = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( m_vSplit2 ) ); } if( gdk_window_get_state( GTK_WIDGET( m_window )->window ) == 0 ){ g_layout_globals.m_position = m_position_tracker.getPosition(); } g_layout_globals.nState = gdk_window_get_state( gtk_widget_get_window(m_window ) ); } void MainFrame::Shutdown(){ EverySecondTimer_disable(); EntityList_destroyWindow(); delete m_pXYWnd; m_pXYWnd = 0; delete m_pYZWnd; m_pYZWnd = 0; delete m_pXZWnd; m_pXZWnd = 0; TextureBrowser_destroyWindow(); DeleteCamWnd( m_pCamWnd ); m_pCamWnd = 0; PreferencesDialog_destroyWindow(); SurfaceInspector_destroyWindow(); FindTextureDialog_destroyWindow(); PatchInspector_destroyWindow(); g_DbgDlg.destroyWindow(); // destroying group-dialog last because it may contain texture-browser GroupDialog_destroyWindow(); } void MainFrame::RedrawStatusText(){ ui::Label::from(m_pStatusLabel[c_command_status]).text(m_command_status.c_str()); ui::Label::from(m_pStatusLabel[c_position_status]).text(m_position_status.c_str()); ui::Label::from(m_pStatusLabel[c_brushcount_status]).text(m_brushcount_status.c_str()); ui::Label::from(m_pStatusLabel[c_texture_status]).text(m_texture_status.c_str()); ui::Label::from(m_pStatusLabel[c_grid_status]).text(m_grid_status.c_str()); } void MainFrame::UpdateStatusText(){ m_idleRedrawStatusText.queueDraw(); } void MainFrame::SetStatusText( CopiedString& status_text, const char* pText ){ status_text = pText; UpdateStatusText(); } void Sys_Status( const char* status ){ if ( g_pParentWnd != 0 ) { g_pParentWnd->SetStatusText( g_pParentWnd->m_command_status, status ); } } int getRotateIncrement(){ return static_cast( g_si_globals.rotate ); } int getFarClipDistance(){ return g_camwindow_globals.m_nCubicScale; } float ( *GridStatus_getGridSize )() = GetGridSize; int ( *GridStatus_getRotateIncrement )() = getRotateIncrement; int ( *GridStatus_getFarClipDistance )() = getFarClipDistance; bool ( *GridStatus_getTextureLockEnabled )(); void MainFrame::SetGridStatus(){ StringOutputStream status( 64 ); const char* lock = ( GridStatus_getTextureLockEnabled() ) ? "ON" : "OFF"; status << ( GetSnapGridSize() > 0 ? "G:" : "g:" ) << GridStatus_getGridSize() << " R:" << GridStatus_getRotateIncrement() << " C:" << GridStatus_getFarClipDistance() << " L:" << lock; SetStatusText( m_grid_status, status.c_str() ); } void GridStatus_onTextureLockEnabledChanged(){ if ( g_pParentWnd != 0 ) { g_pParentWnd->SetGridStatus(); } } void GlobalGL_sharedContextCreated(){ GLFont *g_font = NULL; // report OpenGL information globalOutputStream() << "GL_VENDOR: " << reinterpret_cast( glGetString( GL_VENDOR ) ) << "\n"; globalOutputStream() << "GL_RENDERER: " << reinterpret_cast( glGetString( GL_RENDERER ) ) << "\n"; globalOutputStream() << "GL_VERSION: " << reinterpret_cast( glGetString( GL_VERSION ) ) << "\n"; const auto extensions = reinterpret_cast( glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS ) ); globalOutputStream() << "GL_EXTENSIONS: " << (extensions ? extensions : "") << "\n"; QGL_sharedContextCreated( GlobalOpenGL() ); ShaderCache_extensionsInitialised(); GlobalShaderCache().realise(); Textures_Realise(); #if GDEF_OS_WINDOWS /* win32 is dodgy here, just use courier new then */ g_font = glfont_create( "arial 9" ); #else auto settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); gchar *fontname; g_object_get( settings, "gtk-font-name", &fontname, NULL ); g_font = glfont_create( fontname ); #endif GlobalOpenGL().m_font = g_font; } void GlobalGL_sharedContextDestroyed(){ Textures_Unrealise(); GlobalShaderCache().unrealise(); QGL_sharedContextDestroyed( GlobalOpenGL() ); } void Layout_constructPreferences( PreferencesPage& page ){ { const char* layouts[] = { "window1.png", "window2.png", "window3.png", "window4.png" }; page.appendRadioIcons( "Window Layout", STRING_ARRAY_RANGE( layouts ), make_property( g_Layout_viewStyle ) ); } page.appendCheckBox( "", "Detachable Menus", make_property( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus ) ); page.appendCheckBox( "", "Main Toolbar", make_property( g_Layout_enableMainToolbar ) ); if ( !string_empty( g_pGameDescription->getKeyValue( "no_patch" ) ) ) { page.appendCheckBox( "", "Patch Toolbar", make_property( g_Layout_enablePatchToolbar ) ); } page.appendCheckBox( "", "Plugin Toolbar", make_property( g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar ) ); page.appendCheckBox( "", "Filter Toolbar", make_property( g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar ) ); } void Layout_constructPage( PreferenceGroup& group ){ PreferencesPage page( group.createPage( "Layout", "Layout Preferences" ) ); Layout_constructPreferences( page ); } void Layout_registerPreferencesPage(){ PreferencesDialog_addInterfacePage( makeCallbackF(Layout_constructPage) ); } void MainFrame_toggleFullscreen(){ GtkWindow* wnd = MainFrame_getWindow(); if( gdk_window_get_state( GTK_WIDGET( wnd )->window ) & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN ){ //some portion of buttsex, because gtk_window_unfullscreen doesn't work correctly after calling some modal window bool maximize = ( gdk_window_get_state( GTK_WIDGET( wnd )->window ) & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED ); gtk_window_unfullscreen( wnd ); if( maximize ){ gtk_window_unmaximize( wnd ); gtk_window_maximize( wnd ); } else{ gtk_window_move( wnd, g_layout_globals.m_position.x, g_layout_globals.m_position.y ); gtk_window_resize( wnd, g_layout_globals.m_position.w, g_layout_globals.m_position.h ); } } else{ gtk_window_fullscreen( wnd ); } } class MaximizeView { public: MaximizeView(): m_maximized( false ){ } void toggle(){ return m_maximized ? restore() : maximize(); } private: bool m_maximized; int m_vSplitPos; int m_vSplit2Pos; int m_hSplitPos; void restore(){ m_maximized = false; gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit ), m_vSplitPos ); gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit2 ), m_vSplit2Pos ); gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_hSplit ), m_hSplitPos ); } void maximize(){ m_maximized = true; m_vSplitPos = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit ) ); m_vSplit2Pos = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit2 ) ); m_hSplitPos = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_hSplit ) ); int vSplitX, vSplitY, vSplit2X, vSplit2Y, hSplitX, hSplitY; gdk_window_get_origin( GTK_WIDGET( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit )->window, &vSplitX, &vSplitY ); gdk_window_get_origin( GTK_WIDGET( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit2 )->window, &vSplit2X, &vSplit2Y ); gdk_window_get_origin( GTK_WIDGET( g_pParentWnd->m_hSplit )->window, &hSplitX, &hSplitY ); vSplitY += m_vSplitPos; vSplit2Y += m_vSplit2Pos; hSplitX += m_hSplitPos; int cur_x, cur_y; Sys_GetCursorPos( MainFrame_getWindow(), &cur_x, &cur_y ); if( cur_x > hSplitX ){ gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_hSplit ), 0 ); } else{ gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_hSplit ), 9999 ); } if( cur_y > vSplitY ){ gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit ), 0 ); } else{ gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit ), 9999 ); } if( cur_y > vSplit2Y ){ gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit2 ), 0 ); } else{ gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit2 ), 9999 ); } } }; MaximizeView g_maximizeview; void Maximize_View(){ if( g_pParentWnd != 0 && g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit != 0 && g_pParentWnd->m_vSplit2 != 0 && g_pParentWnd->m_hSplit != 0 ) g_maximizeview.toggle(); } #include "preferencesystem.h" #include "stringio.h" void MainFrame_Construct(){ GlobalCommands_insert( "OpenManual", makeCallbackF(OpenHelpURL), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_F1 ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Sleep", makeCallbackF(thunk_OnSleep), Accelerator( 'P', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "NewMap", makeCallbackF(NewMap) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "OpenMap", makeCallbackF(OpenMap), Accelerator( 'O', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ImportMap", makeCallbackF(ImportMap) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveMap", makeCallbackF(SaveMap), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveMapAs", makeCallbackF(SaveMapAs) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ExportSelected", makeCallbackF(ExportMap) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SaveRegion", makeCallbackF(SaveRegion) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "RefreshReferences", makeCallbackF(VFS_Refresh) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ProjectSettings", makeCallbackF(DoProjectSettings) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Exit", makeCallbackF(Exit) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Undo", makeCallbackF(Undo), Accelerator( 'Z', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Redo", makeCallbackF(Redo), Accelerator( 'Y', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Copy", makeCallbackF(Copy), Accelerator( 'C', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Paste", makeCallbackF(Paste), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "PasteToCamera", makeCallbackF(PasteToCamera), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelection", makeCallbackF(Selection_Clone), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_space ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelectionAndMakeUnique", makeCallbackF(Selection_Clone_MakeUnique), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_space, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); // GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", makeCallbackF(deleteSelection), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_BackSpace ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection2", makeCallbackF(deleteSelection), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_BackSpace ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", makeCallbackF(deleteSelection), Accelerator( 'Z' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ParentSelection", makeCallbackF(Scene_parentSelected) ); // GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", makeCallbackF(Selection_Deselect), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Escape ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection2", makeCallbackF(Selection_Deselect), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Escape ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", makeCallbackF(Selection_Deselect), Accelerator( 'C' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "InvertSelection", makeCallbackF(Select_Invert), Accelerator( 'I' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectInside", makeCallbackF(Select_Inside) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectTouching", makeCallbackF(Select_Touching) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ExpandSelectionToEntities", makeCallbackF(Scene_ExpandSelectionToEntities), Accelerator( 'E', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_MOD1_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Preferences", makeCallbackF(PreferencesDialog_showDialog), Accelerator( 'P' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleConsole", makeCallbackF(Console_ToggleShow), Accelerator( 'O' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleEntityInspector", makeCallbackF(EntityInspector_ToggleShow), Accelerator( 'N' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "EntityList", makeCallbackF(EntityList_toggleShown), Accelerator( 'L' ) ); // GlobalCommands_insert( "ShowHidden", makeCallbackF( Select_ShowAllHidden ), Accelerator( 'H', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); // GlobalCommands_insert( "HideSelected", makeCallbackF( HideSelected ), Accelerator( 'H' ) ); Select_registerCommands(); GlobalToggles_insert( "DragVertices", makeCallbackF(SelectVertexMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_vertexMode_button ), Accelerator( 'V' ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "DragEdges", makeCallbackF(SelectEdgeMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_edgeMode_button ), Accelerator( 'E' ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "DragFaces", makeCallbackF(SelectFaceMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_faceMode_button ), Accelerator( 'F' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryRotation", makeCallbackF(DoRotateDlg), Accelerator( 'R', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryScale", makeCallbackF(DoScaleDlg), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "BuildMenuCustomize", makeCallbackF(DoBuildMenu) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Build_runRecentExecutedBuild", makeCallbackF(Build_runRecentExecutedBuild), Accelerator( GDK_F5 ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "FindBrush", makeCallbackF(DoFind) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "MapInfo", makeCallbackF(DoMapInfo), Accelerator( 'M' ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "ToggleClipper", makeCallbackF(ClipperMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_clipper_button ), Accelerator( 'X' ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseTranslate", makeCallbackF(TranslateMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_translatemode_button ), Accelerator( 'W' ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseRotate", makeCallbackF(RotateMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_rotatemode_button ), Accelerator( 'R' ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseScale", makeCallbackF(ScaleMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_scalemode_button ) ); GlobalToggles_insert( "MouseDrag", makeCallbackF(DragMode), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_dragmode_button ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "MouseRotateOrScale", makeCallbackF(ToggleRotateScaleModes) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "MouseDragOrScale", makeCallbackF(ToggleDragScaleModes), Accelerator( 'Q' ) ); #ifndef GARUX_DISABLE_GTKTHEME GlobalCommands_insert( "gtkThemeDlg", makeCallbackF(gtkThemeDlg) ); #endif GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeOriginal", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_Original) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeQER", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_QER) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeBlackAndGreen", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_Black) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ColorSchemeYdnar", makeCallbackF(ColorScheme_Ydnar) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseTextureBackgroundColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_textureback ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridBackgroundColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_xyback ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridMajorColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_gridmajor ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridMinorColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_gridminor ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridTextColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_gridtext ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseGridBlockColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_gridblock ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseBrushColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_brush ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseCameraBackgroundColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_cameraback ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseSelectedBrushColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_selectedbrush ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseCameraSelectedBrushColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_selectedbrush3d ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseClipperColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_clipper ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ChooseOrthoViewNameColor", makeCallback( g_ColoursMenu.m_viewname ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "Fullscreen", makeCallbackF( MainFrame_toggleFullscreen ), Accelerator( GDK_F11 ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "MaximizeView", makeCallbackF( Maximize_View ), Accelerator( GDK_F12 ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGSubtract", makeCallbackF(CSG_Subtract), Accelerator( 'U', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGMerge", makeCallbackF(CSG_Merge), Accelerator( 'U', (GdkModifierType) GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGRoom", makeCallbackF(CSG_MakeRoom) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "CSGTool", makeCallbackF(CSG_Tool) ); Grid_registerCommands(); GlobalCommands_insert( "SnapToGrid", makeCallbackF(Selection_SnapToGrid), Accelerator( 'G', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectAllOfType", makeCallbackF(Select_AllOfType), Accelerator( 'A', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexRotateClock", makeCallbackF(Texdef_RotateClockwise), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Next, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexRotateCounter", makeCallbackF(Texdef_RotateAntiClockwise), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Prior, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexScaleUp", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ScaleUp), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Up, (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexScaleDown", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ScaleDown), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Down, (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexScaleLeft", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ScaleLeft), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Left, (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexScaleRight", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ScaleRight), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Right, (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexShiftUp", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ShiftUp), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Up, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexShiftDown", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ShiftDown), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Down, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexShiftLeft", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ShiftLeft), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Left, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "TexShiftRight", makeCallbackF(Texdef_ShiftRight), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Right, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "MoveSelectionDOWN", makeCallbackF(Selection_MoveDown), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_KP_Subtract ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "MoveSelectionUP", makeCallbackF(Selection_MoveUp), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_KP_Add ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectNudgeLeft", makeCallbackF(Selection_NudgeLeft), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Left, (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectNudgeRight", makeCallbackF(Selection_NudgeRight), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Right, (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectNudgeUp", makeCallbackF(Selection_NudgeUp), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Up, (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectNudgeDown", makeCallbackF(Selection_NudgeDown), Accelerator( GDK_KEY_Down, (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) ); Patch_registerCommands(); XYShow_registerCommands(); typedef FreeCaller ComponentModeSelectionChangedCaller; GlobalSelectionSystem().addSelectionChangeCallback( ComponentModeSelectionChangedCaller() ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "DetachableMenus", make_property_string( g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.m_latched ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "MainToolBar", make_property_string( g_Layout_enableMainToolbar.m_latched ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "PatchToolBar", make_property_string( g_Layout_enablePatchToolbar.m_latched ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "PluginToolBar", make_property_string( g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar.m_latched ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "FilterToolBar", make_property_string( g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar.m_latched ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "QE4StyleWindows", make_property_string( g_Layout_viewStyle.m_latched ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "XYHeight", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.nXYHeight ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "XYWidth", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.nXYWidth ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "CamWidth", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.nCamWidth ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "CamHeight", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.nCamHeight ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "State", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.nState ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "PositionX", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.m_position.x ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "PositionY", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.m_position.y ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "Width", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.m_position.w ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "Height", make_property_string( g_layout_globals.m_position.h ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "CamWnd", make_property(g_posCamWnd) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "XYWnd", make_property(g_posXYWnd) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "YZWnd", make_property(g_posYZWnd) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "XZWnd", make_property(g_posXZWnd) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "EnginePath", make_property_string( g_strEnginePath ) ); if ( g_strEnginePath.empty() ) { g_strEnginePath_was_empty_1st_start = true; const char* ENGINEPATH_ATTRIBUTE = #if GDEF_OS_WINDOWS "enginepath_win32" #elif GDEF_OS_MACOS "enginepath_macos" #elif GDEF_OS_LINUX || GDEF_OS_BSD "enginepath_linux" #else #error "unknown platform" #endif ; StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << DirectoryCleaned( g_pGameDescription->getRequiredKeyValue( ENGINEPATH_ATTRIBUTE ) ); g_strEnginePath = path.c_str(); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "EnginePath", make_property_string( g_strEnginePath ) ); } GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "DisableEnginePath", make_property_string( g_disableEnginePath ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "DisableHomePath", make_property_string( g_disableHomePath ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_pakPathCount; i++ ) { std::string label = "PakPath" + std::to_string( i ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( label.c_str(), make_property_string( g_strPakPath[i] ) ); } g_Layout_viewStyle.useLatched(); g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus.useLatched(); g_Layout_enableMainToolbar.useLatched(); g_Layout_enablePatchToolbar.useLatched(); g_Layout_enablePluginToolbar.useLatched(); g_Layout_enableFilterToolbar.useLatched(); Layout_registerPreferencesPage(); Paths_registerPreferencesPage(); g_brushCount.setCountChangedCallback( makeCallbackF(QE_brushCountChanged) ); g_entityCount.setCountChangedCallback( makeCallbackF(QE_entityCountChanged) ); GlobalEntityCreator().setCounter( &g_entityCount ); GLWidget_sharedContextCreated = GlobalGL_sharedContextCreated; GLWidget_sharedContextDestroyed = GlobalGL_sharedContextDestroyed; GlobalEntityClassManager().attach( g_WorldspawnColourEntityClassObserver ); } void MainFrame_Destroy(){ GlobalEntityClassManager().detach( g_WorldspawnColourEntityClassObserver ); GlobalEntityCreator().setCounter( 0 ); g_entityCount.setCountChangedCallback( Callback() ); g_brushCount.setCountChangedCallback( Callback() ); } void GLWindow_Construct(){ // GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "MouseButtons", make_property_string( g_glwindow_globals.m_nMouseType ) ); } void GLWindow_Destroy(){ }