/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_light.c #include "quakedef.h" rdlight_t r_dlight[MAX_DLIGHTS]; int r_numdlights = 0; cvar_t r_lightmodels = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_lightmodels", "1"}; cvar_t r_vismarklights = {0, "r_vismarklights", "1"}; cvar_t r_lightmodelhardness = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_lightmodelhardness", "0.9"}; static rtexture_t *lightcorona; static rtexturepool_t *lighttexturepool; void r_light_start(void) { float dx, dy; int x, y, a; byte pixels[32][32][4]; lighttexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool(); for (y = 0;y < 32;y++) { dy = (y - 15.5f) * (1.0f / 16.0f); for (x = 0;x < 32;x++) { dx = (x - 15.5f) * (1.0f / 16.0f); a = ((1.0f / (dx * dx + dy * dy + 0.2f)) - (1.0f / (1.0f + 0.2))) * 64.0f / (1.0f / (1.0f + 0.2)); a = bound(0, a, 255); pixels[y][x][0] = 255; pixels[y][x][1] = 255; pixels[y][x][2] = 255; pixels[y][x][3] = a; } } lightcorona = R_LoadTexture (lighttexturepool, "lightcorona", 32, 32, &pixels[0][0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE | TEXF_ALPHA); } void r_light_shutdown(void) { lighttexturepool = NULL; lightcorona = NULL; } void r_light_newmap(void) { } void R_Light_Init(void) { Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_lightmodels); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_lightmodelhardness); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_vismarklights); R_RegisterModule("R_Light", r_light_start, r_light_shutdown, r_light_newmap); } /* ================== R_AnimateLight ================== */ void R_AnimateLight (void) { int i, j, k; // // light animations // 'm' is normal light, 'a' is no light, 'z' is double bright i = (int)(cl.time * 10); for (j = 0;j < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES;j++) { if (!cl_lightstyle[j].length) { d_lightstylevalue[j] = 256; continue; } k = i % cl_lightstyle[j].length; k = cl_lightstyle[j].map[k] - 'a'; k = k*22; d_lightstylevalue[j] = k; } } void R_BuildLightList(void) { int i; dlight_t *cd; rdlight_t *rd; r_numdlights = 0; c_dlights = 0; if (!r_dynamic.integer) return; for (i = 0;i < MAX_DLIGHTS;i++) { cd = cl_dlights + i; if (cd->radius <= 0) continue; rd = &r_dlight[r_numdlights++]; VectorCopy(cd->origin, rd->origin); VectorScale(cd->color, cd->radius * 128.0f, rd->light); rd->cullradius = (1.0f / 128.0f) * sqrt(DotProduct(rd->light, rd->light)); // clamp radius to avoid overflowing division table in lightmap code if (rd->cullradius > 2048.0f) rd->cullradius = 2048.0f; rd->cullradius2 = rd->cullradius * rd->cullradius; rd->lightsubtract = 1.0f / rd->cullradius2; rd->ent = cd->ent; r_numdlights++; c_dlights++; // count every dlight in use } } static int coronapolyindex[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; void R_DrawCoronas(void) { int i; rmeshinfo_t m; float tvxyz[4][4], tvst[4][2], scale, viewdist, diff[3], dist; rdlight_t *rd; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.transparent = false; m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; m.depthdisable = true; // magic m.numtriangles = 2; m.numverts = 4; m.index = coronapolyindex; m.vertex = &tvxyz[0][0]; m.vertexstep = sizeof(float[4]); m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(lightcorona); m.texcoords[0] = &tvst[0][0]; m.texcoordstep[0] = sizeof(float[2]); tvst[0][0] = 0; tvst[0][1] = 0; tvst[1][0] = 0; tvst[1][1] = 1; tvst[2][0] = 1; tvst[2][1] = 1; tvst[3][0] = 1; tvst[3][1] = 0; viewdist = DotProduct(r_origin, vpn); for (i = 0;i < r_numdlights;i++) { rd = r_dlight + i; dist = (DotProduct(rd->origin, vpn) - viewdist); if (dist >= 24.0f) { // trace to a point just barely closer to the eye VectorSubtract(rd->origin, vpn, diff); if (TraceLine(r_origin, diff, NULL, NULL, 0, true) == 1) { scale = 1.0f / 262144.0f; //scale = 64.0f / (DotProduct(diff,diff) + 1024.0f); m.cr = rd->light[0] * scale; m.cg = rd->light[1] * scale; m.cb = rd->light[2] * scale; m.ca = 1; if (fogenabled) { VectorSubtract(rd->origin, r_origin, diff); m.ca *= 1 - exp(fogdensity/DotProduct(diff,diff)); } scale = rd->cullradius * 0.25f; tvxyz[0][0] = rd->origin[0] - vright[0] * scale - vup[0] * scale; tvxyz[0][1] = rd->origin[1] - vright[1] * scale - vup[1] * scale; tvxyz[0][2] = rd->origin[2] - vright[2] * scale - vup[2] * scale; tvxyz[1][0] = rd->origin[0] - vright[0] * scale + vup[0] * scale; tvxyz[1][1] = rd->origin[1] - vright[1] * scale + vup[1] * scale; tvxyz[1][2] = rd->origin[2] - vright[2] * scale + vup[2] * scale; tvxyz[2][0] = rd->origin[0] + vright[0] * scale + vup[0] * scale; tvxyz[2][1] = rd->origin[1] + vright[1] * scale + vup[1] * scale; tvxyz[2][2] = rd->origin[2] + vright[2] * scale + vup[2] * scale; tvxyz[3][0] = rd->origin[0] + vright[0] * scale - vup[0] * scale; tvxyz[3][1] = rd->origin[1] + vright[1] * scale - vup[1] * scale; tvxyz[3][2] = rd->origin[2] + vright[2] * scale - vup[2] * scale; R_Mesh_Draw(&m); } } } } /* ============================================================================= DYNAMIC LIGHTS ============================================================================= */ /* ============= R_MarkLights ============= */ static void R_OldMarkLights (vec3_t lightorigin, rdlight_t *rd, int bit, int bitindex, mnode_t *node) { float ndist, maxdist; msurface_t *surf; mleaf_t *leaf; int i; if (!r_dynamic.integer) return; // for comparisons to minimum acceptable light maxdist = rd->cullradius2; loc0: if (node->contents < 0) { if (node->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID) { leaf = (mleaf_t *)node; if (leaf->dlightframe != r_framecount) // not dynamic until now { leaf->dlightbits[0] = leaf->dlightbits[1] = leaf->dlightbits[2] = leaf->dlightbits[3] = leaf->dlightbits[4] = leaf->dlightbits[5] = leaf->dlightbits[6] = leaf->dlightbits[7] = 0; leaf->dlightframe = r_framecount; } leaf->dlightbits[bitindex] |= bit; } return; } ndist = PlaneDiff(lightorigin, node->plane); if (ndist > rd->cullradius) { node = node->children[0]; goto loc0; } if (ndist < -rd->cullradius) { node = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } // mark the polygons surf = currentrenderentity->model->surfaces + node->firstsurface; for (i=0 ; inumsurfaces ; i++, surf++) { int d, impacts, impactt; float dist, dist2, impact[3]; if (surf->visframe != r_framecount) continue; dist = ndist; if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) dist = -dist; if (dist < -0.25f && !(surf->flags & SURF_LIGHTBOTHSIDES)) continue; dist2 = dist * dist; if (dist2 >= maxdist) continue; impact[0] = rd->origin[0] - surf->plane->normal[0] * dist; impact[1] = rd->origin[1] - surf->plane->normal[1] * dist; impact[2] = rd->origin[2] - surf->plane->normal[2] * dist; impacts = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; d = bound(0, impacts, surf->extents[0] + 16) - impacts; dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; impactt = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; d = bound(0, impactt, surf->extents[1] + 16) - impactt; dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; /* d = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; if (d < 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 >= maxdist) continue; } else { d -= surf->extents[0] + 16; if (d > 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 >= maxdist) continue; } } d = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; if (d < 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 >= maxdist) continue; } else { d -= surf->extents[1] + 16; if (d > 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 >= maxdist) continue; } } */ if (surf->dlightframe != r_framecount) // not dynamic until now { surf->dlightbits[0] = surf->dlightbits[1] = surf->dlightbits[2] = surf->dlightbits[3] = surf->dlightbits[4] = surf->dlightbits[5] = surf->dlightbits[6] = surf->dlightbits[7] = 0; surf->dlightframe = r_framecount; } surf->dlightbits[bitindex] |= bit; /* if (((surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) == 0) == ((PlaneDist(lightorigin, surf->plane)) >= surf->plane->dist)) { if (surf->dlightframe != r_framecount) // not dynamic until now { surf->dlightbits[0] = surf->dlightbits[1] = surf->dlightbits[2] = surf->dlightbits[3] = surf->dlightbits[4] = surf->dlightbits[5] = surf->dlightbits[6] = surf->dlightbits[7] = 0; surf->dlightframe = r_framecount; } surf->dlightbits[bitindex] |= bit; } */ } if (node->children[0]->contents >= 0) { if (node->children[1]->contents >= 0) { R_OldMarkLights (lightorigin, rd, bit, bitindex, node->children[0]); node = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } else { node = node->children[0]; goto loc0; } } else if (node->children[1]->contents >= 0) { node = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } } /* static void R_NoVisMarkLights (rdlight_t *rd, int bit, int bitindex) { vec3_t lightorigin; softwareuntransform(rd->origin, lightorigin); R_OldMarkLights(lightorigin, rd, bit, bitindex, currentrenderentity->model->nodes + currentrenderentity->model->hulls[0].firstclipnode); } */ static void R_VisMarkLights (rdlight_t *rd, int bit, int bitindex) { static int lightframe = 0; mleaf_t *pvsleaf; vec3_t lightorigin; model_t *model; int i, k, m, c, leafnum; msurface_t *surf, **mark; mleaf_t *leaf; byte *in; int row; float low[3], high[3], dist, maxdist; if (!r_dynamic.integer) return; model = currentrenderentity->model; softwareuntransform(rd->origin, lightorigin); if (!r_vismarklights.integer) { R_OldMarkLights(lightorigin, rd, bit, bitindex, model->nodes + model->hulls[0].firstclipnode); return; } pvsleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (lightorigin, model); if (pvsleaf == NULL) { Con_Printf("R_VisMarkLights: NULL leaf??\n"); R_OldMarkLights(lightorigin, rd, bit, bitindex, model->nodes + model->hulls[0].firstclipnode); return; } in = pvsleaf->compressed_vis; if (!in) { // no vis info, so make all visible R_OldMarkLights(lightorigin, rd, bit, bitindex, model->nodes + model->hulls[0].firstclipnode); return; } lightframe++; low[0] = lightorigin[0] - rd->cullradius;low[1] = lightorigin[1] - rd->cullradius;low[2] = lightorigin[2] - rd->cullradius; high[0] = lightorigin[0] + rd->cullradius;high[1] = lightorigin[1] + rd->cullradius;high[2] = lightorigin[2] + rd->cullradius; // for comparisons to minimum acceptable light maxdist = rd->cullradius2; row = (model->numleafs+7)>>3; k = 0; while (k < row) { c = *in++; if (c) { for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { if (c & (1< model->numleafs) return; leaf = &model->leafs[leafnum]; if (leaf->visframe != r_framecount || leaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID || leaf->mins[0] > high[0] || leaf->maxs[0] < low[0] || leaf->mins[1] > high[1] || leaf->maxs[1] < low[1] || leaf->mins[2] > high[2] || leaf->maxs[2] < low[2]) continue; if (leaf->dlightframe != r_framecount) { // not dynamic until now leaf->dlightbits[0] = leaf->dlightbits[1] = leaf->dlightbits[2] = leaf->dlightbits[3] = leaf->dlightbits[4] = leaf->dlightbits[5] = leaf->dlightbits[6] = leaf->dlightbits[7] = 0; leaf->dlightframe = r_framecount; } leaf->dlightbits[bitindex] |= bit; if ((m = leaf->nummarksurfaces)) { mark = leaf->firstmarksurface; do { surf = *mark++; // if not visible in current frame, or already marked because it was in another leaf we passed, skip if (surf->lightframe == lightframe) continue; surf->lightframe = lightframe; if (surf->visframe != r_framecount) continue; dist = PlaneDiff(lightorigin, surf->plane); if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) dist = -dist; // LordHavoc: make sure it is infront of the surface and not too far away if (dist < rd->cullradius && (dist > -0.25f || ((surf->flags & SURF_LIGHTBOTHSIDES) && dist > -rd->cullradius))) { int d; int impacts, impactt; float dist2, impact[3]; dist2 = dist * dist; impact[0] = rd->origin[0] - surf->plane->normal[0] * dist; impact[1] = rd->origin[1] - surf->plane->normal[1] * dist; impact[2] = rd->origin[2] - surf->plane->normal[2] * dist; #if 0 d = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; if (d < 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; } else { d -= surf->extents[0]; if (d < 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; } } d = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; if (d < 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; } else { d -= surf->extents[1]; if (d < 0) { dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; } } #else impacts = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; d = bound(0, impacts, surf->extents[0] + 16) - impacts; dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; impactt = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; d = bound(0, impactt, surf->extents[1] + 16) - impactt; dist2 += d * d; if (dist2 > maxdist) continue; #endif if (surf->dlightframe != r_framecount) // not dynamic until now { surf->dlightbits[0] = surf->dlightbits[1] = surf->dlightbits[2] = surf->dlightbits[3] = surf->dlightbits[4] = surf->dlightbits[5] = surf->dlightbits[6] = surf->dlightbits[7] = 0; surf->dlightframe = r_framecount; } surf->dlightbits[bitindex] |= bit; } } while (--m); } } } k++; continue; } k += *in++; } } void R_MarkLights(void) { int i; for (i = 0;i < r_numdlights;i++) R_VisMarkLights (r_dlight + i, 1 << (i & 31), i >> 5); } /* ============================================================================= LIGHT SAMPLING ============================================================================= */ static int RecursiveLightPoint (vec3_t color, mnode_t *node, float x, float y, float startz, float endz) { int side, distz = endz - startz; float front, back; float mid; loc0: if (node->contents < 0) return false; // didn't hit anything switch (node->plane->type) { case PLANE_X: node = node->children[x < node->plane->dist]; goto loc0; case PLANE_Y: node = node->children[y < node->plane->dist]; goto loc0; case PLANE_Z: side = startz < node->plane->dist; if ((endz < node->plane->dist) == side) { node = node->children[side]; goto loc0; } // found an intersection // mid = startz + (endz - startz) * (startz - node->plane->dist) / (startz - endz); // mid = startz + distz * (startz - node->plane->dist) / (-distz); // mid = startz + (-(startz - node->plane->dist)); // mid = startz - (startz - node->plane->dist); // mid = startz + node->plane->dist - startz; mid = node->plane->dist; break; default: back = front = x * node->plane->normal[0] + y * node->plane->normal[1]; front += startz * node->plane->normal[2]; back += endz * node->plane->normal[2]; side = front < node->plane->dist; if ((back < node->plane->dist) == side) { node = node->children[side]; goto loc0; } // found an intersection // mid = startz + (endz - startz) * ((front - node->plane->dist) / ((front - node->plane->dist) - (back - node->plane->dist))); // mid = startz + (endz - startz) * ((front - node->plane->dist) / (front - back)); mid = startz + distz * (front - node->plane->dist) / (front - back); break; } // go down front side if (node->children[side]->contents >= 0 && RecursiveLightPoint (color, node->children[side], x, y, startz, mid)) return true; // hit something else { // check for impact on this node if (node->numsurfaces) { int i, ds, dt; msurface_t *surf; surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface; for (i = 0;i < node->numsurfaces;i++, surf++) { if (!(surf->flags & SURF_LIGHTMAP)) continue; // no lightmaps ds = (int) (x * surf->texinfo->vecs[0][0] + y * surf->texinfo->vecs[0][1] + mid * surf->texinfo->vecs[0][2] + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3]); dt = (int) (x * surf->texinfo->vecs[1][0] + y * surf->texinfo->vecs[1][1] + mid * surf->texinfo->vecs[1][2] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3]); if (ds < surf->texturemins[0] || dt < surf->texturemins[1]) continue; ds -= surf->texturemins[0]; dt -= surf->texturemins[1]; if (ds > surf->extents[0] || dt > surf->extents[1]) continue; if (surf->samples) { byte *lightmap; int maps, line3, size3, dsfrac = ds & 15, dtfrac = dt & 15, scale = 0, r00 = 0, g00 = 0, b00 = 0, r01 = 0, g01 = 0, b01 = 0, r10 = 0, g10 = 0, b10 = 0, r11 = 0, g11 = 0, b11 = 0; line3 = ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1)*3; size3 = ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) * ((surf->extents[1]>>4)+1)*3; // LordHavoc: *3 for colored lighting lightmap = surf->samples + ((dt>>4) * ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+1) + (ds>>4))*3; // LordHavoc: *3 for color for (maps = 0;maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255;maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; r00 += lightmap[ 0] * scale;g00 += lightmap[ 1] * scale;b00 += lightmap[ 2] * scale; r01 += lightmap[ 3] * scale;g01 += lightmap[ 4] * scale;b01 += lightmap[ 5] * scale; r10 += lightmap[line3+0] * scale;g10 += lightmap[line3+1] * scale;b10 += lightmap[line3+2] * scale; r11 += lightmap[line3+3] * scale;g11 += lightmap[line3+4] * scale;b11 += lightmap[line3+5] * scale; lightmap += size3; } /* // LordHavoc: here's the readable version of the interpolation // code, not quite as easy for the compiler to optimize... // dsfrac is the X position in the lightmap pixel, * 16 // dtfrac is the Y position in the lightmap pixel, * 16 // r00 is top left corner, r01 is top right corner // r10 is bottom left corner, r11 is bottom right corner // g and b are the same layout. // r0 and r1 are the top and bottom intermediate results // first we interpolate the top two points, to get the top // edge sample r0 = (((r01-r00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + r00; g0 = (((g01-g00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + g00; b0 = (((b01-b00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + b00; // then we interpolate the bottom two points, to get the // bottom edge sample r1 = (((r11-r10) * dsfrac) >> 4) + r10; g1 = (((g11-g10) * dsfrac) >> 4) + g10; b1 = (((b11-b10) * dsfrac) >> 4) + b10; // then we interpolate the top and bottom samples to get the // middle sample (the one which was requested) r = (((r1-r0) * dtfrac) >> 4) + r0; g = (((g1-g0) * dtfrac) >> 4) + g0; b = (((b1-b0) * dtfrac) >> 4) + b0; */ color[0] += (float) ((((((((r11-r10) * dsfrac) >> 4) + r10)-((((r01-r00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + r00)) * dtfrac) >> 4) + ((((r01-r00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + r00)) * (1.0f / 32768.0f); color[1] += (float) ((((((((g11-g10) * dsfrac) >> 4) + g10)-((((g01-g00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + g00)) * dtfrac) >> 4) + ((((g01-g00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + g00)) * (1.0f / 32768.0f); color[2] += (float) ((((((((b11-b10) * dsfrac) >> 4) + b10)-((((b01-b00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + b00)) * dtfrac) >> 4) + ((((b01-b00) * dsfrac) >> 4) + b00)) * (1.0f / 32768.0f); } return true; // success } } // go down back side node = node->children[side ^ 1]; startz = mid; distz = endz - startz; goto loc0; // return RecursiveLightPoint (color, node->children[side ^ 1], x, y, mid, endz); } } void R_CompleteLightPoint (vec3_t color, vec3_t p, int dynamic, mleaf_t *leaf) { int i, *dlightbits; vec3_t dist; float f; rdlight_t *rd; if (leaf == NULL) leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(p, cl.worldmodel); if (leaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0; return; } if (r_fullbright.integer || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 2; return; } color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f); RecursiveLightPoint (color, cl.worldmodel->nodes, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[2] - 65536); if (dynamic && leaf->dlightframe == r_framecount) { dlightbits = leaf->dlightbits; for (i = 0;i < r_numdlights;i++) { if (!(dlightbits[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 31)))) continue; rd = r_dlight + i; VectorSubtract (p, rd->origin, dist); f = DotProduct(dist, dist) + LIGHTOFFSET; if (f < rd->cullradius2) { f = (1.0f / f) - rd->lightsubtract; if (f > 0) VectorMA(color, f, rd->light, color); } } } } void R_ModelLightPoint (vec3_t color, vec3_t p, int *dlightbits) { mleaf_t *leaf; leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(p, cl.worldmodel); if (leaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 0; dlightbits[0] = dlightbits[1] = dlightbits[2] = dlightbits[3] = dlightbits[4] = dlightbits[5] = dlightbits[6] = dlightbits[7] = 0; return; } if (r_fullbright.integer || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata) { color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 2; dlightbits[0] = dlightbits[1] = dlightbits[2] = dlightbits[3] = dlightbits[4] = dlightbits[5] = dlightbits[6] = dlightbits[7] = 0; return; } color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f); RecursiveLightPoint (color, cl.worldmodel->nodes, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[2] - 65536); if (leaf->dlightframe == r_framecount) { dlightbits[0] = leaf->dlightbits[0]; dlightbits[1] = leaf->dlightbits[1]; dlightbits[2] = leaf->dlightbits[2]; dlightbits[3] = leaf->dlightbits[3]; dlightbits[4] = leaf->dlightbits[4]; dlightbits[5] = leaf->dlightbits[5]; dlightbits[6] = leaf->dlightbits[6]; dlightbits[7] = leaf->dlightbits[7]; } else dlightbits[0] = dlightbits[1] = dlightbits[2] = dlightbits[3] = dlightbits[4] = dlightbits[5] = dlightbits[6] = dlightbits[7] = 0; } void R_LightModel(int numverts) { int i, j, nearlights = 0; float color[3], basecolor[3], v[3], t, *av, *avn, *avc, a, number, f, hardness, hardnessoffset, dist2; struct { vec3_t origin; vec_t cullradius2; vec3_t light; vec_t lightsubtract; } nearlight[MAX_DLIGHTS], *nl; int modeldlightbits[8]; //staticlight_t *sl; a = currentrenderentity->alpha; if (currentrenderentity->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) basecolor[0] = basecolor[1] = basecolor[2] = 1; else { if (r_lightmodels.integer) { R_ModelLightPoint(basecolor, currentrenderentity->origin, modeldlightbits); nl = &nearlight[0]; /* // this code is unused for now for (i = 0, sl = staticlight;i < staticlights && nearlights < MAX_DLIGHTS;i++, sl++) { if (TraceLine(currentrenderentity->origin, sl->origin, NULL, NULL, 0) == 1) { nl->fadetype = sl->fadetype; nl->distancescale = sl->distancescale; nl->radius = sl->radius; VectorCopy(sl->origin, nl->origin); VectorCopy(sl->color, nl->light); nl->cullradius2 = 99999999; nl->lightsubtract = 0; nl++; nearlights++; } } */ for (i = 0;i < r_numdlights && nearlights < MAX_DLIGHTS;i++) { if (!(modeldlightbits[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 31)))) continue; if (currentrenderentity == r_dlight[i].ent) { f = (1.0f / LIGHTOFFSET) - nl->lightsubtract; if (f > 0) VectorMA(basecolor, f, r_dlight[i].light, basecolor); } else { // convert 0-255 radius coloring to 0-1, while also amplifying the brightness by 16 //if (TraceLine(currentrenderentity->origin, r_dlight[i].origin, NULL, NULL, 0) == 1) { // transform the light into the model's coordinate system //if (gl_transform.integer) // softwareuntransform(r_dlight[i].origin, nl->origin); //else VectorCopy(r_dlight[i].origin, nl->origin); nl->cullradius2 = r_dlight[i].cullradius2; VectorCopy(r_dlight[i].light, nl->light); nl->lightsubtract = r_dlight[i].lightsubtract; nl++; nearlights++; } } } } else R_CompleteLightPoint (basecolor, currentrenderentity->origin, true, NULL); } avc = aliasvertcolor; if (nearlights) { av = aliasvert; avn = aliasvertnorm; hardness = r_lightmodelhardness.value; hardnessoffset = (1.0f - hardness); for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++) { VectorCopy(basecolor, color); for (j = 0, nl = &nearlight[0];j < nearlights;j++, nl++) { // distance attenuation VectorSubtract(nl->origin, av, v); dist2 = DotProduct(v,v); if (dist2 < nl->cullradius2) { f = (1.0f / (dist2 + LIGHTOFFSET)) - nl->lightsubtract; if (f > 0) { // directional shading #if SLOWMATH t = 1.0f / sqrt(dist2); #else number = DotProduct(v, v); *((long *)&t) = 0x5f3759df - ((* (long *) &number) >> 1); t = t * (1.5f - (number * 0.5f * t * t)); #endif // DotProduct(avn,v) * t is dotproduct with a normalized v, // the hardness variables are for backlighting/shinyness f *= DotProduct(avn,v) * t * hardness + hardnessoffset; if (f > 0) VectorMA(color, f, nl->light, color); } } } VectorCopy(color, avc); avc[3] = a; avc += 4; av += 4; avn += 3; } } else { for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++) { VectorCopy(basecolor, avc); avc[3] = a; avc += 4; } } }