#pragma once #include bool autocvar__sv_init; bool autocvar_g_use_ammunition; bool autocvar_g_jetpack; bool autocvar_g_warmup_allguns; bool autocvar_g_warmup_allow_timeout; #define autocvar_g_weaponarena cvar_string("g_weaponarena") string autocvar_quit_and_redirect; float autocvar_quit_and_redirect_timer; bool autocvar_quit_when_empty; string autocvar_sessionid; bool autocvar_sv_curl_serverpackages_auto; bool autocvar_sv_db_saveasdump; bool autocvar_sv_logscores_bots; bool autocvar_sv_logscores_console; bool autocvar_sv_logscores_file; string autocvar_sv_logscores_filename; float autocvar_sv_mapchange_delay; float autocvar_timelimit_increment; float autocvar_timelimit_decrement; float autocvar_timelimit_min; float autocvar_timelimit_max; float autocvar_timelimit_overtime; int autocvar_timelimit_overtimes; float autocvar_timelimit_suddendeath; float checkrules_equality; float checkrules_suddendeathwarning; float checkrules_suddendeathend; float checkrules_overtimesadded; //how many overtimes have been already added // flag set on worldspawn so that the code knows if it is dedicated or not bool server_is_dedicated; string cvar_changes; string cvar_purechanges; float cvar_purechanges_count; string modname; string gamemode_name; string clientstuff; string matchid; .string fog; string redirection_target; string cache_mutatormsg; string cache_lastmutatormsg; float default_player_alpha; float default_weapon_alpha; float g_pickup_shells_max; float g_pickup_nails_max; float g_pickup_rockets_max; float g_pickup_cells_max; float g_pickup_plasma_max; float g_pickup_fuel_max; float g_pickup_weapons_anyway; float g_weaponarena; WepSet g_weaponarena_weapons; float g_weaponarena_random; // TODO string g_weaponarena_list; WepSet start_weapons; WepSet start_weapons_default; WepSet start_weapons_defaultmask; int start_items; float start_ammo_shells; float start_ammo_nails; float start_ammo_rockets; float start_ammo_cells; float start_ammo_plasma; float start_ammo_fuel; /// \brief Number of random start weapons to give to players. int random_start_weapons_count; /// \brief Holds a list of possible random start weapons. string autocvar_g_random_start_weapons; /// \brief Entity that contains amount of ammo to give with random start /// weapons. entity random_start_ammo; float start_health; float start_armorvalue; WepSet warmup_start_weapons; WepSet warmup_start_weapons_default; WepSet warmup_start_weapons_defaultmask; #define WARMUP_START_WEAPONS ((autocvar_g_warmup_allguns == 1) ? (warmup_start_weapons & (weaponsInMap | start_weapons)) : warmup_start_weapons) float warmup_start_ammo_shells; float warmup_start_ammo_nails; float warmup_start_ammo_rockets; float warmup_start_ammo_cells; float warmup_start_ammo_plasma; float warmup_start_ammo_fuel; float warmup_start_health; float warmup_start_armorvalue; float g_weapon_stay; float want_weapon(entity weaponinfo, float allguns); // WEAPONTODO: what still needs done? float g_grappling_hook; float warmup_stage; bool sv_ready_restart_after_countdown; .void(entity this) initialize_entity; .int initialize_entity_order; .entity initialize_entity_next; entity initialize_entity_first; void InitializeEntitiesRun(); void InitializeEntity(entity e, void(entity this) func, int order); // database float ServerProgsDB; float TemporaryDB; .float winning; const int WINNING_NO = 0; // no winner, but time limits may terminate the game const int WINNING_YES = 1; // winner found const int WINNING_NEVER = 2; // no winner, enter overtime if time limit is reached const int WINNING_STARTSUDDENDEATHOVERTIME = 3; // no winner, enter suddendeath overtime NOW float WinningCondition_Scores(float limit, float leadlimit); void SetWinners(.float field, float value); void ReadyRestart(); void DumpStats(float final); bool MoveToRandomLocationWithinBounds(entity e, vector boundmin, vector boundmax, float goodcontents, float badcontents, float badsurfaceflags, int attempts, float maxaboveground, float minviewdistance); float MoveToRandomMapLocation(entity e, float goodcontents, float badcontents, float badsurfaceflags, float attempts, float maxaboveground, float minviewdistance); void CheckRules_World(); float RedirectionThink(); // quake 3 music compatibility .string music; .string noise; void readplayerstartcvars(); void readlevelcvars(); .vector dropped_origin; void droptofloor(entity this); IntrusiveList g_moveables; STATIC_INIT(g_moveables) { g_moveables = IL_NEW(); }