#include "tracing.qh" #include "../_all.qh" #include "accuracy.qh" #include "common.qh" #include "hitplot.qh" #include "../g_damage.qh" #include "../g_subs.qh" #include "../antilag.qh" #include "../../common/constants.qh" #include "../../common/util.qh" #include "../../common/weapons/all.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/common.qh" // this function calculates w_shotorg and w_shotdir based on the weapon model // offset, trueaim and antilag, and won't put w_shotorg inside a wall. // make sure you call makevectors first (FIXME?) void W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(entity ent, vector s_forward, vector mi, vector ma, float antilag, float recoil, string snd, float chan, float maxdamage, float range) { float nudge = 1; // added to traceline target and subtracted from result TOOD(divVerent): do we still need this? Doesn't the engine do this now for us? float oldsolid; vector vecs, dv; oldsolid = ent.dphitcontentsmask; if(ent.weapon == WEP_RIFLE.m_id) ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; else ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; if(antilag) WarpZone_traceline_antilag(world, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent)); // passing world, because we do NOT want it to touch dphitcontentsmask else WarpZone_TraceLine(ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * range, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent); ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; vector vf, vr, vu; vf = v_forward; vr = v_right; vu = v_up; w_shotend = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // warpzone support v_forward = vf; v_right = vr; v_up = vu; // un-adjust trueaim if shotend is too close if(vlen(w_shotend - (ent.origin + ent.view_ofs)) < autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange) w_shotend = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange; // track max damage if(accuracy_canbegooddamage(ent)) accuracy_add(ent, ent.weapon, maxdamage, 0); W_HitPlotAnalysis(ent, v_forward, v_right, v_up); if(ent.weaponentity.movedir.x > 0) vecs = ent.weaponentity.movedir; else vecs = '0 0 0'; dv = v_right * -vecs.y + v_up * vecs.z; w_shotorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + dv; // now move the shotorg forward as much as requested if possible if(antilag) { if(ent.antilag_debug) tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs.x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ent.antilag_debug); else tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs.x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent)); } else tracebox(w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs.x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent); w_shotorg = trace_endpos - v_forward * nudge; // calculate the shotdir from the chosen shotorg w_shotdir = normalize(w_shotend - w_shotorg); //vector prevdir = w_shotdir; //vector prevorg = w_shotorg; //vector prevend = w_shotend; if (antilag) if (!ent.cvar_cl_noantilag) { if (autocvar_g_antilag == 1) // switch to "ghost" if not hitting original { traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (!trace_ent.takedamage) { traceline_antilag_force (ent, w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent)); if (trace_ent.takedamage && IS_PLAYER(trace_ent)) { entity e; e = trace_ent; traceline(w_shotorg, e.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if(trace_ent == e) w_shotdir = normalize(trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg); } } } else if(autocvar_g_antilag == 3) // client side hitscan { // this part MUST use prydon cursor if (ent.cursor_trace_ent) // client was aiming at someone if (ent.cursor_trace_ent != ent) // just to make sure if (ent.cursor_trace_ent.takedamage) // and that person is killable if (IS_PLAYER(ent.cursor_trace_ent)) // and actually a player { // verify that the shot would miss without antilag // (avoids an issue where guns would always shoot at their origin) traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (!trace_ent.takedamage) { // verify that the shot would hit if altered traceline(w_shotorg, ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (trace_ent == ent.cursor_trace_ent) w_shotdir = normalize(ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg); else LOG_INFO("antilag fail\n"); } } } } ent.dphitcontentsmask = oldsolid; // restore solid type (generally SOLID_SLIDEBOX) if (!autocvar_g_norecoil) ent.punchangle_x = recoil * -1; if (snd != "") { sound (ent, chan, snd, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); W_PlayStrengthSound(ent); } // nudge w_shotend so a trace to w_shotend hits w_shotend = w_shotend + normalize(w_shotend - w_shotorg) * nudge; //if(w_shotend != prevend) { printf("SERVER: shotEND differs: %s - %s\n", vtos(w_shotend), vtos(prevend)); } //if(w_shotorg != prevorg) { printf("SERVER: shotORG differs: %s - %s\n", vtos(w_shotorg), vtos(prevorg)); } //if(w_shotdir != prevdir) { printf("SERVER: shotDIR differs: %s - %s\n", vtos(w_shotdir), vtos(prevdir)); } } vector W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(vector pvelocity, vector mvelocity, float forceAbsolute) { vector mdirection; float mspeed; vector outvelocity; mvelocity = mvelocity * W_WeaponSpeedFactor(); mdirection = normalize(mvelocity); mspeed = vlen(mvelocity); outvelocity = get_shotvelocity(pvelocity, mdirection, mspeed, (forceAbsolute ? 0 : autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style), autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor, autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor); return outvelocity; } void W_SetupProjVelocity_Explicit(entity proj, vector dir, vector upDir, float pSpeed, float pUpSpeed, float pZSpeed, float spread, float forceAbsolute) { if(proj.owner == world) error("Unowned missile"); dir = dir + upDir * (pUpSpeed / pSpeed); dir.z += pZSpeed / pSpeed; pSpeed *= vlen(dir); dir = normalize(dir); #if 0 if(autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style != mspercallsstyle) { mspercallsum = mspercallcount = 0; mspercallsstyle = autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style; } mspercallsum -= gettime(GETTIME_HIRES); #endif dir = W_CalculateSpread(dir, spread, g_weaponspreadfactor, autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style); #if 0 mspercallsum += gettime(GETTIME_HIRES); mspercallcount += 1; LOG_INFO("avg: ", ftos(mspercallcount / mspercallsum), " per sec\n"); #endif proj.velocity = W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(proj.owner.velocity, pSpeed * dir, forceAbsolute); } // ==================== // Ballistics Tracing // ==================== void FireRailgunBullet (vector start, vector end, float bdamage, float bforce, float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float forcehalflifedist, int deathtype) {SELFPARAM(); vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir; entity ent, endent; float endq3surfaceflags; float totaldmg; entity o; float length; vector beampos; string snd; entity pseudoprojectile; float f, ffs; pseudoprojectile = world; dir = normalize(end - start); length = vlen(end - start); force = dir * bforce; // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later end = end + dir; totaldmg = 0; // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made // non-solid so we can hit the next, while doing this we spawn effects and // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later o = self; while (1) { if(self.antilag_debug) WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, false, o, self.antilag_debug); else WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, false, o, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self)); if(o && WarpZone_trace_firstzone) { o = world; continue; } if(trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP || trace_ent.solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX) Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, bdamage, 0, 0, force, deathtype, trace_ent.species, self); // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1) break; // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one trace_ent.railgunhit = true; trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end; trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid; trace_ent.railgundistance = vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos) - start); trace_ent.railgunforce = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, force); // stop if this is a wall if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) break; // make the entity non-solid trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; } endpoint = trace_endpos; endent = trace_ent; endq3surfaceflags = trace_dphitq3surfaceflags; // find all the entities the railgun hit and restore their solid state ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, true); while (ent) { // restore their solid type ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup; ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, true); } // spawn a temporary explosion entity for RadiusDamage calls //explosion = spawn(); // Find all non-hit players the beam passed close by if(deathtype == WEP_VAPORIZER.m_id || deathtype == WEP_VORTEX.m_id) { FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if(msg_entity != self) if(!msg_entity.railgunhit) if(!(IS_SPEC(msg_entity) && msg_entity.enemy == self)) // we use realclient, so spectators can hear the whoosh too { // nearest point on the beam beampos = start + dir * bound(0, (msg_entity.origin - start) * dir, length); f = bound(0, 1 - vlen(beampos - msg_entity.origin) / 512, 1); if(f <= 0) continue; snd = W_Sound(strcat("nexwhoosh", ftos(floor(random() * 3) + 1))); if(!pseudoprojectile) pseudoprojectile = spawn(); // we need this so the sound uses the "entchannel4" volume soundtoat(MSG_ONE, pseudoprojectile, beampos, CH_SHOTS, snd, VOL_BASE * f, ATTEN_NONE); } if(pseudoprojectile) remove(pseudoprojectile); } // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, true); while (ent) { // get the details we need to call the damage function hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc; f = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, halflifedist, ent.railgundistance); ffs = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, forcehalflifedist, ent.railgundistance); if(accuracy_isgooddamage(self, ent)) totaldmg += bdamage * f; // apply the damage if (ent.takedamage) Damage (ent, self, self, bdamage * f, deathtype, hitloc, ent.railgunforce * ffs); // create a small explosion to throw gibs around (if applicable) //setorigin (explosion, hitloc); //RadiusDamage (explosion, self, 10, 0, 50, world, world, 300, deathtype); ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0'; ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT; ent.railgunhit = false; ent.railgundistance = 0; // advance to the next entity ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, true); } // calculate hits and fired shots for hitscan accuracy_add(self, self.weapon, 0, min(bdamage, totaldmg)); trace_endpos = endpoint; trace_ent = endent; trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = endq3surfaceflags; } void fireBullet_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end) { if(vlen(hit - start) > 16) trailparticles(world, fireBullet_trace_callback_eff, start, hit); WarpZone_trace_forent = world; fireBullet_last_hit = world; } void fireBullet(vector start, vector dir, float spread, float max_solid_penetration, float damage, float force, float dtype, int tracereffects) {SELFPARAM(); vector end; dir = normalize(dir + randomvec() * spread); end = start + dir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE; entity pl; fireBullet_last_hit = world; float solid_penetration_left = 1; float total_damage = 0; if(tracereffects & EF_RED) fireBullet_trace_callback_eff = particleeffectnum(EFFECT_RIFLE); else if(tracereffects & EF_BLUE) fireBullet_trace_callback_eff = particleeffectnum(EFFECT_RIFLE_WEAK); else fireBullet_trace_callback_eff = particleeffectnum(EFFECT_BULLET); float lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(self); if(lag < 0.001) lag = 0; if (!IS_REAL_CLIENT(self)) lag = 0; if(autocvar_g_antilag == 0 || self.cvar_cl_noantilag) lag = 0; // only do hitscan, but no antilag if(lag) { FOR_EACH_PLAYER(pl) if(pl != self) antilag_takeback(pl, time - lag); FOR_EACH_MONSTER(pl) antilag_takeback(pl, time - lag); } WarpZone_trace_forent = self; for (;;) { // TODO also show effect while tracing WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(start, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', end, false, WarpZone_trace_forent, world, fireBullet_trace_callback); dir = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, dir); end = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, end); start = trace_endpos; entity hit = trace_ent; // When hitting sky, stop. if (pointcontents(start) == CONTENT_SKY) break; if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) break; // if we hit "weapclip", bail out // // rationale of this check: // // any shader that is solid, nodraw AND trans is meant to clip weapon // shots and players, but has no other effect! // // if it is not trans, it is caulk and should not have this side effect // // matching shaders: // common/weapclip (intended) // common/noimpact (is supposed to eat projectiles, but is erased anyway) float is_weapclip = 0; if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW) if (!(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID)) if (!(trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE)) is_weapclip = 1; if(!hit || hit.solid == SOLID_BSP || hit.solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX) Damage_DamageInfo(start, damage * solid_penetration_left, 0, 0, max(1, force) * dir * solid_penetration_left, dtype, hit.species, self); if (hit && hit != WarpZone_trace_forent && hit != fireBullet_last_hit) // Avoid self-damage (except after going through a warp); avoid hitting the same entity twice (engine bug). { fireBullet_last_hit = hit; yoda = 0; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FireBullet_Hit, self, hit, start, end, damage); damage = frag_damage; float g = accuracy_isgooddamage(self, hit); Damage(hit, self, self, damage * solid_penetration_left, dtype, start, force * dir * solid_penetration_left); // calculate hits for ballistic weapons if(g) { // do not exceed 100% float added_damage = min(damage - total_damage, damage * solid_penetration_left); total_damage += damage * solid_penetration_left; accuracy_add(self, self.weapon, 0, added_damage); } } if (is_weapclip) break; // go through solid! // outside the world? forget it if(start.x > world.maxs.x || start.y > world.maxs.y || start.z > world.maxs.z || start.x < world.mins.x || start.y < world.mins.y || start.z < world.mins.z) break; float maxdist; if(max_solid_penetration < 0) break; else if(hit.ballistics_density < -1) break; // -2: no solid penetration, ever else if(hit.ballistics_density < 0) maxdist = vlen(hit.maxs - hit.mins) + 1; // -1: infinite travel distance else if(hit.ballistics_density == 0) maxdist = max_solid_penetration * solid_penetration_left; else maxdist = max_solid_penetration * solid_penetration_left * hit.ballistics_density; if(maxdist <= autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance) break; // move the entity along its velocity until it's out of solid, then let it resume // The previously hit entity is ignored here! traceline_inverted (start, start + dir * maxdist, MOVE_NORMAL, WarpZone_trace_forent, true, hit); if(trace_fraction == 1) // 1: we never got out of solid break; float dist_taken = max(autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance, vlen(trace_endpos - start)); solid_penetration_left *= (dist_taken / maxdist); // Only show effect when going through a player (invisible otherwise) if (hit && (hit.solid != SOLID_BSP)) if(vlen(trace_endpos - start) > 4) trailparticles(self, fireBullet_trace_callback_eff, start, trace_endpos); start = trace_endpos; if(hit.solid == SOLID_BSP) Damage_DamageInfo(start, 0, 0, 0, max(1, force) * normalize(dir) * -solid_penetration_left, dtype, 0, self); } if(lag) { FOR_EACH_PLAYER(pl) if(pl != self) antilag_restore(pl); FOR_EACH_MONSTER(pl) antilag_restore(pl); } }