#ifdef REGISTER_WEAPON REGISTER_WEAPON(NEX, w_nex, IT_CELLS, 7, WEP_FLAG_NORMAL | WEP_TYPE_HITSCAN, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH, "nex", "nex", "Nex"); #else #ifdef SVQC void SendCSQCNexBeamParticle() { vector v; v = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, TE_CSQC_NEXGUNBEAMPARTICLE); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotorg_x); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotorg_y); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, w_shotorg_z); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, v_x); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, v_y); WriteCoord(MSG_BROADCAST, v_z); } void W_Nex_Attack (void) { float flying; flying = IsFlying(self); // do this BEFORE to make the trace values from FireRailgunBullet last W_SetupShot (self, TRUE, 5, "weapons/nexfire.wav", cvar("g_balance_nex_damage")); yoda = 0; FireRailgunBullet (w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, cvar("g_balance_nex_damage"), cvar("g_balance_nex_force"), cvar("g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_mindist"), cvar("g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_maxdist"), cvar("g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_halflife"), cvar("g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_forcehalflife"), WEP_NEX); if(yoda && flying) AnnounceTo(self, "yoda"); //beam and muzzle flash done on client SendCSQCNexBeamParticle(); // flash and burn the wall if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP && !(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)) Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, cvar("g_balance_nex_damage"), 0, 0, cvar("g_balance_nex_force") * w_shotdir, WEP_NEX, self); if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - cvar("g_balance_nex_ammo"); } void spawnfunc_weapon_nex (void); // defined in t_items.qc float w_nex(float req) { if (req == WR_AIM) self.BUTTON_ATCK = bot_aim(1000000, 0, 1, FALSE); else if (req == WR_THINK) { if (self.BUTTON_ATCK) { if (weapon_prepareattack(0, cvar("g_balance_nex_refire"))) { W_Nex_Attack(); weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, cvar("g_balance_nex_animtime"), w_ready); } } } else if (req == WR_PRECACHE) { precache_model ("models/nexflash.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/g_nex.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/v_nex.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/h_nex.iqm"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexfire.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexwhoosh1.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexwhoosh2.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexwhoosh3.wav"); } else if (req == WR_SETUP) weapon_setup(WEP_NEX); else if (req == WR_CHECKAMMO1) return self.ammo_cells >= cvar("g_balance_nex_ammo"); else if (req == WR_CHECKAMMO2) return FALSE; else if (req == WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE) w_deathtypestring = "did the impossible"; else if (req == WR_KILLMESSAGE) w_deathtypestring = "has been vaporized by"; return TRUE; }; #endif #ifdef CSQC float w_nex(float req) { return TRUE; } #endif #endif