// Comment out below to skip turrets #define TTURRETS_ENABLED #ifdef TTURRETS_ENABLED #ifdef SVQC //#message "with tZork turrets" float turret_count; vector real_origin(entity ent); /// Map time control over pain inflicted .float turret_scale_damage; /// Map time control targetting range .float turret_scale_range; /// Map time control refire .float turret_scale_refire; /// Map time control ammo held and recharged .float turret_scale_ammo; /// Map time control aim speed .float turret_scale_aim; /// Map time control health .float turret_scale_health; /// Map time control respawn time .float turret_scale_respawn; /// Used for cvar reloading .string cvar_basename; //.float spawnflags #define TSF_SUSPENDED 1 /// Spawn a pillar model under the turret to make it look ok on uneven ground surfaces #define TSF_TERRAINBASE 2 /// Disable builtin ammo regeneration #define TSF_NO_AMMO_REGEN 4 /// Dont break path to chase enemys. will still fire at them if possible. #define TSF_NO_PATHBREAK 8 /// Dont respawn #define TSL_NO_RESPAWN 16 /// Let this turret roam when idle. #define TSL_ROAM 32 /// target selection flags .float target_select_flags; /// target validatoin flags .float target_validate_flags; /// Dont select a target on its own. #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_NO 2 /// Need line of sight #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_LOS 4 /// Players are valid targets #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS 8 /// Missiles are valid targets #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILES 16 /// Responds to turret_trigger_target events #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_TRIGGERTARGET 32 /// Angular limitations of turret head limits target selection #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_ANGLELIMITS 64 /// Range limits apply in targetselection #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_RANGELIMTS 128 /// DOnt select targets with a .team matching its own #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK 256 /// Cant select targets on its own. needs to be triggerd or slaved. #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOBUILTIN 512 /// TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK is inverted (selects only mebers of own .team) #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_OWNTEAM 1024 /// Turrets aren't valid targets #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOTURRETS 2048 /// Use feild of view #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_FOV 4096 #define TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILESONLY 8192 /// aim flags .float aim_flags; /// Dont aim. #define TFL_AIM_NO 1 /// Go for ground, not direct hit, but only if target is on ground. #define TFL_AIM_GROUNDGROUND 2 /// Try to predict target movement (does not account for gravity) #define TFL_AIM_LEAD 4 /// Compensate for shot traveltime when lead #define TFL_AIM_SHOTTIMECOMPENSATE 8 /// Try to do real prediction of targets z pos at impact. #define TFL_AIM_ZPREDICT 16 /// Simply aim at target's current location #define TFL_AIM_SIMPLE 32 /// track (turn and pitch head) flags .float track_flags; /// Dont move head #define TFL_TRACK_NO 2 /// Pitch the head #define TFL_TRACK_PITCH 4 /// Rotate the head #define TFL_TRACK_ROT 8 /// How tracking is preformed .float track_type; /// Hard angle increments. Ugly for fast turning, best accuracy. #define TFL_TRACKTYPE_STEPMOTOR 1 /// Smoth absolute movement. Looks ok, fair accuracy. #define TFL_TRACKTYPE_FLUIDPRECISE 2 /// Simulated inertia. "Wobbly mode" Looks kool, can mean really bad accuracy depending on how the fields below are set #define TFL_TRACKTYPE_FLUIDINERTIA 3 /// TFL_TRACKTYPE_FLUIDINERTIA: pitch multiplier .float track_accel_pitch; /// TFL_TRACKTYPE_FLUIDINERTIA: rotation multiplier .float track_accel_rot; /// TFL_TRACKTYPE_FLUIDINERTIA: Blendrate with old rotation (inertia simulation) 1 = only old, 0 = only new .float track_blendrate; /// How prefire check is preformed .float firecheck_flags; /// Dont kill the dead #define TFL_FIRECHECK_DEAD 4 /// Range limits apply #define TFL_FIRECHECK_DISTANCES 8 /// Line Of Sight needs to be clear #define TFL_FIRECHECK_LOS 16 /// Consider distance inpactpoint<->aimspot #define TFL_FIRECHECK_AIMDIST 32 /// Consider enemy origin<->impactpoint #define TFL_FIRECHECK_REALDIST 64 /// Consider angular diff head<->aimspot #define TFL_FIRECHECK_ANGLEDIST 128 /// (re)consider target.team<->self.team #define TFL_FIRECHECK_TEAMCECK 256 /// Try to avoid friendly fire #define TFL_FIRECHECK_AFF 512 /// Own .ammo needs to be >= then own .shot_dmg #define TFL_FIRECHECK_OWM_AMMO 1024 /// Others ammo need to be < others .ammo_max #define TFL_FIRECHECK_OTHER_AMMO 2048 /// Check own .attack_finished_single vs time #define TFL_FIRECHECK_REFIRE 4096 /// Move the acctual target to aimspot before tracing impact (and back after) //#define TFL_FIRECHECK_VERIFIED 8192 /// Dont do any chekcs #define TFL_FIRECHECK_NO 16384 /// How shooting is done .float shoot_flags; /// Dont shoot #define TFL_SHOOT_NO 64 /// Fire in vollys (partial implementation through .shot_volly) #define TFL_SHOOT_VOLLY 2 /// Always do a full volly, even if target is lost or dead. (not implemented) #define TFL_SHOOT_VOLLYALWAYS 4 /// Loop though all valid tarters, and hit them. #define TFL_SHOOT_HITALLVALID 8 /// Fiering makes unit loose target (after volly is done, if in volly mode) #define TFL_SHOOT_CLEARTARGET 16 ///Custom shooting; #define TFL_SHOOT_CUSTOM 32 /// Information aboute the units capabilities .float turrcaps_flags; /// No kown capabilities #define TFL_TURRCAPS_NONE 0 /// Capable of sniping #define TFL_TURRCAPS_SNIPER 2 /// Capable of splasdamage #define TFL_TURRCAPS_RADIUSDMG 4 /// Has one or more cannons with zero shot traveltime #define TFL_TURRCAPS_HITSCAN 8 /// More then one (type of) gun #define TFL_TURRCAPS_MULTIGUN 16 /// Carries at least one guided weapon #define TFL_TURRCAPS_GUIDED 32 /// At least one gun fiers slow projectiles #define TFL_TURRCAPS_SLOWPROJ 64 /// At least one gun fiers medium speed projectiles #define TFL_TURRCAPS_MEDPROJ 128 /// At least one gun fiers fast projectiles #define TFL_TURRCAPS_FASTPROJ 256 /// At least one gun capable of damaging players #define TFL_TURRCAPS_PLAYERKILL 512 /// At least one gun that can shoot town missiles #define TFL_TURRCAPS_MISSILEKILL 1024 /// Has support capabilities. powerplants and sutch. #define TFL_TURRCAPS_SUPPORT 2048 /// Proveides at least one type of ammmo #define TFL_TURRCAPS_AMMOSOURCE 4096 /// Can recive targets from external sources #define TFL_TURRCAPS_RECIVETARGETS 8192 /// Capable of self-transport #define TFL_TURRCAPS_MOVE 16384 /// Will roam arround even if not chasing anyting #define TFL_TURRCAPS_ROAM 32768 #define TFL_TURRCAPS_ISTURRET 65536 /// Ammo types needed and/or provided //.float ammo_flags; #define ammo_flags currentammo /// Has and needs no ammo #define TFL_AMMO_NONE 64 /// Uses power #define TFL_AMMO_ENERGY 2 /// Uses bullets #define TFL_AMMO_BULLETS 4 /// Uses explosives #define TFL_AMMO_ROCKETS 8 /// Regenerates ammo on its own #define TFL_AMMO_RECHARGE 16 /// Can recive ammo from others #define TFL_AMMO_RECIVE 32 /// How incomming damage is handeld .float damage_flags; /// Cant be hurt #define TFL_DMG_NO 256 /// Can be damaged #define TFL_DMG_YES 2 /// Can be damaged by teammates #define TFL_DMG_TAKEFROMTEAM 4 /// Traget attackers #define TFL_DMG_RETALIATE 8 /// Target attackers, even is on own team #define TFL_DMG_RETALIATEONTEAM 16 /// Loses target when damaged #define TFL_DMG_TARGETLOSS 32 /// Reciving damage trows off aim (pointless atm, aim gets recalculated to fast). not implemented. #define TFL_DMG_AIMSHAKE 64 /// Reciving damage slaps the head arround #define TFL_DMG_HEADSHAKE 128 /// Die and stay dead. #define TFL_DMG_DEATH_NORESPAWN 256 // Spawnflags /// Spawn in teambased modes #define TFL_SPAWN_TEAM 2 /// Spawn in FFA modes #define TFL_SPAWN_FFA 4 /* * Fields used by turrets */ /// Turrets internal ai speed .float ticrate; /// Where to point the when no target .vector idle_aim; /// Top part of turret .entity tur_head; /// Start/respawn health .float tur_health; /// Defend this entity (or ratehr this entitys position) .entity tur_defend; /// and shoot from here. (can be non constant, think MLRS) .vector tur_shotorg; /// Aim at this spot .vector tur_aimpos; /// Predicted time the round will impact .float tur_impacttime; // Predicted place the round will impact //.vector tur_impactpoint; // unused /// What entity the aimtrace hit, if any. .entity tur_impactent; /// Distance to enemy .float tur_dist_enemy; /// Distance to aimspot .float tur_dist_aimpos; /// Distance impact<->aim .float tur_dist_impact_to_aimpos; /// Decresment counter form .shot_volly to 0. .float volly_counter; /* * Projectile/missile. its up to the individual turret implementation to ** deal the damage, blow upp the missile or whatever. */ /// Track then refireing is possible //.float attack_finished; = attack_finished_single /// Shoot this often .float shot_refire; /// Shots travel this fast, when appliable .float shot_speed; /// Inaccuracy .float shot_spread; /// Estimated (core) damage of projectiles. also reduce on ammo with this amount when fiering .float shot_dmg; /// If radius dmg, this is how big that radius is. .float shot_radius; /// Max force exserted by round impact .float shot_force; /// < 1 = shoot # times at target (if possible) .float shot_volly; /// Refire after a compleated volly. .float shot_volly_refire; /// Consider targets within this range .float target_range; /// Dont consider targets closer then .float target_range_min; /// Targets closer to this are prefered .float target_range_optimal; /* * The standard targetselection tries to select a target based on * range, angle offset, target type, "is old target" * Thise biases will allow score scaling to (dis)favor diffrent targets */ /// (dis)Favor best range this mutch .float target_select_rangebias; /// (dis)Favor targeting my old enemy this mutch .float target_select_samebias; /// (dis)Favor targeting the enemy closest to my guns current angle this mutch .float target_select_anglebias; /// (dis)Favor Missiles? (-1 to diable targeting compleatly) .float target_select_missilebias; /// (dis)Favot living players (-1 to diable targeting compleatly) .float target_select_playerbias; /// Field of view //.float target_select_fov; /// Last timestamp this turret aquierd a valid target .float target_select_time; /// Throttle re-validation of current target .float target_validate_time; /* * Aim refers to real aiming, not gun pos (thats done by track) */ /// Maximum offset between impact and aim spot to fire .float aim_firetolerance_dist; /// How fast can i rotate/pitch (per second in stepmotor mode, base force in smooth modes) .float aim_speed; /// cant aim higher/lower then this .float aim_maxpitch; /// I cant rotate more then this .float aim_maxrot; // Ammo/power. keeping dmg and ammo on a one to one ratio is preferable (for rating) /// Staring & current ammo .float ammo; /// Regenerate this mutch ammo (per second) .float ammo_recharge; /// Max amount of ammo i can hold .float ammo_max; // Uncomment below to enable various debug output. //#define TURRET_DEBUG //#define TURRET_DEBUG_TARGETVALIDATE //#define TURRET_DEBUG_TARGETSELECT #ifdef TURRET_DEBUG .float tur_dbg_dmg_t_h; // Total dmg that hit something (can be more then tur_dbg_dmg_t_f since it should count radius dmg. .float tur_dbg_dmg_t_f; // Total damage spent .float tur_dbg_start; // When did i go online? .float tur_dbg_tmr1; // timer for random use .float tur_dbg_tmr2; // timer for random use .float tur_dbg_tmr3; // timer for random use .vector tur_dbg_rvec; // Random vector, mainly for coloruing stuff' #endif // System main's /// Main AI loop void turret_think(); /// Prefire checks and sutch void turret_fire(); // Callbacks /// implements the actual fiering .void() turret_firefunc; /// prefire checks go here. return 1 to go bang, 0 not to. .float() turret_firecheckfunc; /// Execure AFTER main AI loop .void() turret_postthink; /// Add a target .float(entity e_target,entity e_sender) turret_addtarget; .void() turret_diehook; .void() turret_respawnhook; /* * Target selection, preferably but not nessesarely * return a normalized result. */ /// Function to use for target evaluation. usualy turret_stdproc_targetscore_generic .float(entity _turret, entity _target) turret_score_target; /* * Target selection */ /// Generic, fairly smart, bias-aware target selection. float turret_stdproc_targetscore_generic(entity _turret, entity _target); /// Experimental supportunits targetselector float turret_stdproc_targetscore_support(entity _turret,entity _target); /* * Aim functions */ /// Generic aimer guided by self.aim_flags vector turret_stdproc_aim_generic(); /* * Turret turning & pitch */ /// Tries to line up the turret head with the aimpos void turret_stdproc_track(); /// Generic damage handeling. blows up the turret when health <= 0 void turret_stdproc_damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector vforce); /// Spawns a explotion, does some damage & trows bits arround. void turret_stdproc_die(); /// reassembles the turret. void turret_stdproc_respawn(); /// Evaluate target validity float turret_validate_target(entity e_turret,entity e_target,float validate_flags); /// Turret Head Angle Diff Vector. updated by a sucsessfull call to turret_validate_target vector tvt_thadv; /// Turret Angle Diff Vector. updated by a sucsessfull call to turret_validate_target vector tvt_tadv; /// Turret Head Angle Diff Float. updated by a sucsessfull call to turret_validate_target float tvt_thadf; /// Turret Angle Diff Float. updated by a sucsessfull call to turret_validate_target float tvt_tadf; /// Distance. updated by a sucsessfull call to turret_validate_target float tvt_dist; /// updates aim org, shot org, shot dir and enemy org for selected turret void turret_do_updates(entity e_turret); .vector tur_shotdir_updated; void turrets_precash(); #endif // SVQC // common .float turret_type; float TID_COMMON = 1; float TID_EWHEEL = 2; float TID_FLAC = 3; float TID_FUSION = 4; float TID_HELLION = 5; float TID_HK = 6; float TID_MACHINEGUN = 7; float TID_MLRS = 8; float TID_PHASER = 9; float TID_PLASMA = 10; float TID_PLASMA_DUAL = 11; float TID_TESLA = 12; float TID_WALKER = 13; float TID_LAST = 13; float TNSF_UPDATE = 2; float TNSF_STATUS = 4; float TNSF_SETUP = 8; float TNSF_ANG = 16; float TNSF_AVEL = 32; float TNSF_MOVE = 64; .float anim_start_time; float TNSF_ANIM = 128; float TNSF_FULL_UPDATE = 16777215; #endif // TTURRETS_ENABLED