#pragma once string cache_mutatormsg; string cache_lastmutatormsg; // The following variables are used for balancing. They are not updated // automatically. You need to call CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts to get // proper values. // These four have 2 different states. If they are equal to -1, it means that // the player can't join the team. Zero or positive value means that player can // join the team and means the number of players on that team. float c1; float c2; float c3; float c4; float numbotsteam1; ///< Number of bots in the first team. float numbotsteam2; ///< Number of bots in the second team. float numbotsteam3; ///< Number of bots in the third team. float numbotsteam4; ///< Number of bots in the fourth team. entity lowesthumanteam1; ///< Human with the lowest score in the first team. entity lowesthumanteam2; ///< Human with the lowest score in the second team. entity lowesthumanteam3; ///< Human with the lowest score in the third team. entity lowesthumanteam4; ///< Human with the lowest score in the fourth team. entity lowestbotteam1; ///< Bot with the lowest score in the first team. entity lowestbotteam2; ///< Bot with the lowest score in the second team. entity lowestbotteam3; ///< Bot with the lowest score in the third team. entity lowestbotteam4; ///< Bot with the lowest score in the fourth team. int redowned, blueowned, yellowowned, pinkowned; //float audit_teams_time; void TeamchangeFrags(entity e); void LogTeamchange(float player_id, float team_number, float type); void default_delayedinit(entity this); void ActivateTeamplay(); void InitGameplayMode(); string GetClientVersionMessage(entity this); string getwelcomemessage(entity this); void SetPlayerColors(entity player, float _color); /// \brief Sets the team of the player. /// \param[in,out] player Player to adjust. /// \param[in] teamnum Team number to set. See TEAM_NUM constants. /// \return True if team switch was successful, false otherwise. bool SetPlayerTeamSimple(entity player, int teamnum); /// \brief Sets the team of the player. /// \param[in,out] player Player to adjust. /// \param[in] destinationteam Team to set. /// \param[in] sourceteam Previous team of the player. /// \param[in] noprint Whether to print this event to players' console. /// \return True if team switch was successful, false otherwise. bool SetPlayerTeam(entity player, int destinationteam, int sourceteam, bool noprint); // set c1...c4 to show what teams are allowed void CheckAllowedTeams (entity for_whom); float PlayerValue(entity p); // c1...c4 should be set to -1 (not allowed) or 0 (allowed). // teams that are allowed will now have their player counts stored in c1...c4 void GetTeamCounts(entity ignore); /// \brief Returns whether one team is smaller than the other. /// \param[in] teama First team. /// \param[in] teamb Second team. /// \param[in] e Player to check. /// \param[in] usescore Whether to take into account team scores. /// \return True if first team is smaller than the second one, false otherwise. /// \note This function assumes that CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts have /// been called. bool IsTeamSmallerThanTeam(int teama, int teamb, entity e, bool usescore); /// \brief Returns whether one team is equal to the other. /// \param[in] teama First team. /// \param[in] teamb Second team. /// \param[in] e Player to check. /// \param[in] usescore Whether to take into account team scores. /// \return True if first team is equal to the second one, false otherwise. /// \note This function assumes that CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts have /// been called. bool IsTeamEqualToTeam(int teama, int teamb, entity e, bool usescore); /// \brief Returns the bitmask of the best teams for the player to join. /// \param[in] player Player to check. /// \param[in] usescore Whether to take into account team scores. /// \return Bitmask of the best teams for the player to join. /// \note This function assumes that CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts have /// been called. int FindBestTeams(entity player, bool usescore); // returns # of smallest team (1, 2, 3, 4) // NOTE: Assumes CheckAllowedTeams has already been called! float FindSmallestTeam(entity player, float ignore_player); int JoinBestTeam(entity this, bool only_return_best, bool forcebestteam); /// \brief Auto balances bots in teams after the player has changed team. /// \param[in] sourceteam Previous team of the player (1, 2, 3, 4). /// \param[in] destinationteam Current team of the player (1, 2, 3, 4). /// \return No return. /// \note This function assumes that CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts have /// been called. void AutoBalanceBots(int sourceteam, int destinationteam); void ShufflePlayerOutOfTeam (float source_team); void setcolor(entity this, int clr);