#include "steerlib.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #endif /** Uniform pull towards a point **/ vector steerlib_pull(entity this, vector point) { return normalize(point - this.origin); } /** Uniform push from a point **/ #define steerlib_push(ent,point) normalize(ent.origin - point) /* vector steerlib_push(entity this, vector point) { return normalize(this.origin - point); } */ /** Pull toward a point, The further away, the stronger the pull. **/ vector steerlib_arrive(entity this, vector point, float maximal_distance) { float distance; vector direction; distance = bound(0.001,vlen(this.origin - point),maximal_distance); direction = normalize(point - this.origin); return direction * (distance / maximal_distance); } /** Pull toward a point increasing the pull the closer we get **/ vector steerlib_attract(entity this, vector point, float maximal_distance) { float distance; vector direction; distance = bound(0.001,vlen(this.origin - point),maximal_distance); direction = normalize(point - this.origin); return direction * (1-(distance / maximal_distance)); } vector steerlib_attract2(entity this, vector point, float min_influense,float max_distance,float max_influense) { float distance; vector direction; float influense; distance = bound(0.00001,vlen(this.origin - point),max_distance); direction = normalize(point - this.origin); influense = 1 - (distance / max_distance); influense = min_influense + (influense * (max_influense - min_influense)); return direction * influense; } /* vector steerlib_attract2(vector point, float maximal_distance,float min_influense,float max_influense,float distance) { //float distance; vector current_direction; vector target_direction; float i_target,i_current; if(!distance) distance = vlen(this.origin - point); distance = bound(0.001,distance,maximal_distance); target_direction = normalize(point - this.origin); current_direction = normalize(this.velocity); i_target = bound(min_influense,(1-(distance / maximal_distance)),max_influense); i_current = 1 - i_target; // i_target = bound(min_influense,(1-(distance / maximal_distance)),max_influense); string s; s = ftos(i_target); bprint("IT: ",s,"\n"); s = ftos(i_current); bprint("IC : ",s,"\n"); return normalize((target_direction * i_target) + (current_direction * i_current)); } */ /** Move away from a point. **/ vector steerlib_repell(entity this, vector point,float maximal_distance) { float distance; vector direction; distance = bound(0.001,vlen(this.origin - point),maximal_distance); direction = normalize(this.origin - point); return direction * (1-(distance / maximal_distance)); } /** Try to keep at ideal_distance away from point **/ vector steerlib_standoff(entity this, vector point,float ideal_distance) { float distance; vector direction; distance = vlen(this.origin - point); if(distance < ideal_distance) { direction = normalize(this.origin - point); return direction * (distance / ideal_distance); } direction = normalize(point - this.origin); return direction * (ideal_distance / distance); } /** A random heading in a forward halfcicrle use like: this.target = steerlib_wander(256,32,this.target) where range is the cicrle radius and tresh is how close we need to be to pick a new heading. **/ vector steerlib_wander(entity this, float range, float tresh, vector oldpoint) { vector wander_point; wander_point = v_forward - oldpoint; if (vlen(wander_point) > tresh) return oldpoint; range = bound(0,range,1); wander_point = this.origin + v_forward * 128; wander_point = wander_point + randomvec() * (range * 128) - randomvec() * (range * 128); return normalize(wander_point - this.origin); } /** Dodge a point. dont work to well. **/ vector steerlib_dodge(entity this, vector point, vector dodge_dir, float min_distance) { float distance; distance = max(vlen(this.origin - point),min_distance); if (min_distance < distance) return '0 0 0'; return dodge_dir * (min_distance/distance); } /** flocking by .flock_id Group will move towards the unified direction while keeping close to eachother. **/ .float flock_id; vector steerlib_flock(entity this, float _radius, float standoff,float separation_force,float flock_force) { entity flock_member; vector push = '0 0 0', pull = '0 0 0'; float ccount = 0; flock_member = findradius(this.origin, _radius); while(flock_member) { if(flock_member != this) if(flock_member.flock_id == this.flock_id) { ++ccount; push = push + (steerlib_repell(this, flock_member.origin,standoff) * separation_force); pull = pull + (steerlib_arrive(this, flock_member.origin + flock_member.velocity, _radius) * flock_force); } flock_member = flock_member.chain; } return push + (pull* (1 / ccount)); } /** flocking by .flock_id Group will move towards the unified direction while keeping close to eachother. xy only version (for ground movers). **/ vector steerlib_flock2d(entity this, float _radius, float standoff,float separation_force,float flock_force) { entity flock_member; vector push = '0 0 0', pull = '0 0 0'; float ccount = 0; flock_member = findradius(this.origin,_radius); while(flock_member) { if(flock_member != this) if(flock_member.flock_id == this.flock_id) { ++ccount; push = push + (steerlib_repell(this, flock_member.origin, standoff) * separation_force); pull = pull + (steerlib_arrive(this, flock_member.origin + flock_member.velocity, _radius) * flock_force); } flock_member = flock_member.chain; } push.z = 0; pull.z = 0; return push + (pull * (1 / ccount)); } /** All members want to be in the center, and keep away from eachother. The furtehr form the center the more they want to be there. This results in a aligned movement (?!) much like flocking. **/ vector steerlib_swarm(entity this, float _radius, float standoff,float separation_force,float swarm_force) { entity swarm_member; vector force = '0 0 0', center = '0 0 0'; float ccount = 0; swarm_member = findradius(this.origin,_radius); while(swarm_member) { if(swarm_member.flock_id == this.flock_id) { ++ccount; center = center + swarm_member.origin; force = force + (steerlib_repell(this, swarm_member.origin,standoff) * separation_force); } swarm_member = swarm_member.chain; } center = center * (1 / ccount); force = force + (steerlib_arrive(this, center,_radius) * swarm_force); return force; } /** Steer towards the direction least obstructed. Run four tracelines in a forward funnel, bias each diretion negative if something is found there. You need to call makevectors() (or equivalent) before this function to set v_forward and v_right **/ vector steerlib_traceavoid(entity this, float pitch,float length) { vector vup_left,vup_right,vdown_left,vdown_right; float fup_left,fup_right,fdown_left,fdown_right; vector upwish,downwish,leftwish,rightwish; vector v_left,v_down; v_left = v_right * -1; v_down = v_up * -1; vup_left = (v_forward + (v_left * pitch + v_up * pitch)) * length; traceline(this.origin, this.origin + vup_left,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); fup_left = trace_fraction; //te_lightning1(NULL,this.origin, trace_endpos); vup_right = (v_forward + (v_right * pitch + v_up * pitch)) * length; traceline(this.origin,this.origin + vup_right ,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); fup_right = trace_fraction; //te_lightning1(NULL,this.origin, trace_endpos); vdown_left = (v_forward + (v_left * pitch + v_down * pitch)) * length; traceline(this.origin,this.origin + vdown_left,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); fdown_left = trace_fraction; //te_lightning1(NULL,this.origin, trace_endpos); vdown_right = (v_forward + (v_right * pitch + v_down * pitch)) * length; traceline(this.origin,this.origin + vdown_right,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); fdown_right = trace_fraction; //te_lightning1(NULL,this.origin, trace_endpos); upwish = v_up * (fup_left + fup_right); downwish = v_down * (fdown_left + fdown_right); leftwish = v_left * (fup_left + fdown_left); rightwish = v_right * (fup_right + fdown_right); return (upwish+leftwish+downwish+rightwish) * 0.25; } /** Steer towards the direction least obstructed. Run tracelines in a forward trident, bias each direction negative if something is found there. **/ vector steerlib_traceavoid_flat(entity this, float pitch, float length, vector vofs) { vector vt_left, vt_right,vt_front; float f_left, f_right,f_front; vector leftwish, rightwish,frontwish, v_left; v_left = v_right * -1; vt_front = v_forward * length; traceline(this.origin + vofs, this.origin + vofs + vt_front,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); f_front = trace_fraction; vt_left = (v_forward + (v_left * pitch)) * length; traceline(this.origin + vofs, this.origin + vofs + vt_left,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); f_left = trace_fraction; //te_lightning1(NULL,this.origin, trace_endpos); vt_right = (v_forward + (v_right * pitch)) * length; traceline(this.origin + vofs, this.origin + vofs + vt_right ,MOVE_NOMONSTERS,this); f_right = trace_fraction; //te_lightning1(NULL,this.origin, trace_endpos); leftwish = v_left * f_left; rightwish = v_right * f_right; frontwish = v_forward * f_front; return normalize(leftwish + rightwish + frontwish); } float beamsweep_badpoint(vector point,float waterok) { float pc,pc2; if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) return 1; pc = pointcontents(point); pc2 = pointcontents(point - '0 0 1'); switch(pc) { case CONTENT_SOLID: break; case CONTENT_SLIME: break; case CONTENT_LAVA: break; case CONTENT_SKY: return 1; case CONTENT_EMPTY: if (pc2 == CONTENT_SOLID) return 0; if (pc2 == CONTENT_WATER) if(waterok) return 0; break; case CONTENT_WATER: if(waterok) return 0; break; } return 1; } //#define BEAMSTEER_VISUAL float beamsweep(entity this, vector from, vector dir,float length, float step,float step_up, float step_down) { float i; vector a,b,u,d; u = '0 0 1' * step_up; d = '0 0 1' * step_down; traceline(from + u, from - d,MOVE_NORMAL,this); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) return 0; if(beamsweep_badpoint(trace_endpos,0)) return 0; a = trace_endpos; for(i = 0; i < length; i += step) { b = a + dir * step; tracebox(a + u,'-4 -4 -4','4 4 4', b + u,MOVE_NORMAL,this); if(trace_fraction != 1.0) return i / length; traceline(b + u, b - d,MOVE_NORMAL,this); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) return i / length; if(beamsweep_badpoint(trace_endpos,0)) return i / length; #ifdef BEAMSTEER_VISUAL te_lightning1(NULL,a+u,b+u); te_lightning1(NULL,b+u,b-d); #endif a = trace_endpos; } return 1; } vector steerlib_beamsteer(entity this, vector dir, float length, float step, float step_up, float step_down) { float bm_forward, bm_right, bm_left,p; vector vr,vl; dir.z *= 0.15; vr = vectoangles(dir); //vr_x *= -1; tracebox(this.origin + '0 0 1' * step_up, this.mins, this.maxs, ('0 0 1' * step_up) + this.origin + (dir * length), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) { //te_lightning1(this,this.origin,this.origin + (dir * length)); return dir; } makevectors(vr); bm_forward = beamsweep(this, this.origin, v_forward, length, step, step_up, step_down); vr = normalize(v_forward + v_right * 0.125); vl = normalize(v_forward - v_right * 0.125); bm_right = beamsweep(this, this.origin, vr, length, step, step_up, step_down); bm_left = beamsweep(this, this.origin, vl, length, step, step_up, step_down); p = bm_left + bm_right; if(p == 2) { //te_lightning1(this,this.origin + '0 0 32',this.origin + '0 0 32' + vr * length); //te_lightning1(this.tur_head,this.origin + '0 0 32',this.origin + '0 0 32' + vl * length); return v_forward; } p = 2 - p; vr = normalize(v_forward + v_right * p); vl = normalize(v_forward - v_right * p); bm_right = beamsweep(this, this.origin, vr, length, step, step_up, step_down); bm_left = beamsweep(this, this.origin, vl, length, step, step_up, step_down); if(bm_left + bm_right < 0.15) { vr = normalize((v_forward*-1) + v_right * 0.75); vl = normalize((v_forward*-1) - v_right * 0.75); bm_right = beamsweep(this, this.origin, vr, length, step, step_up, step_down); bm_left = beamsweep(this, this.origin, vl, length, step, step_up, step_down); } //te_lightning1(this,this.origin + '0 0 32',this.origin + '0 0 32' + vr * length); //te_lightning1(this.tur_head,this.origin + '0 0 32',this.origin + '0 0 32' + vl * length); bm_forward *= bm_forward; bm_right *= bm_right; bm_left *= bm_left; vr = vr * bm_right; vl = vl * bm_left; return normalize(vr + vl); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Testting // // Everything below this point is a mess :D // ////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define TLIBS_TETSLIBS #ifdef TLIBS_TETSLIBS void flocker_die(entity this) { Send_Effect(EFFECT_ROCKET_EXPLODE, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); this.owner.cnt += 1; this.owner = NULL; this.nextthink = time; setthink(this, SUB_Remove); } void flocker_think(entity this) { vector dodgemove,swarmmove; vector reprellmove,wandermove,newmove; this.angles_x = this.angles.x * -1; makevectors(this.angles); this.angles_x = this.angles.x * -1; dodgemove = steerlib_traceavoid(this, 0.35,1000); swarmmove = steerlib_flock(this, 500,75,700,500); reprellmove = steerlib_repell(this, this.owner.enemy.origin+this.enemy.velocity,2000) * 700; if(dodgemove == '0 0 0') { this.pos1 = steerlib_wander(this, 0.5,0.1,this.pos1); wandermove = this.pos1 * 50; } else this.pos1 = normalize(this.velocity); dodgemove = dodgemove * vlen(this.velocity) * 5; newmove = swarmmove + reprellmove + wandermove + dodgemove; this.velocity = movelib_inertmove_byspeed(this, newmove,300,0.2,0.9); //this.velocity = movelib_inertmove(this, dodgemove,0.65); this.velocity = movelib_dragvec(this, 0.01,0.6); this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity); if(this.health <= 0) flocker_die(this); else this.nextthink = time + 0.1; } MODEL(FLOCKER, "models/turrets/rocket.md3"); void spawn_flocker(entity this) { entity flocker = new(flocker); setorigin(flocker, this.origin + '0 0 32'); setmodel (flocker, MDL_FLOCKER); setsize (flocker, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3'); flocker.flock_id = this.flock_id; flocker.owner = this; setthink(flocker, flocker_think); flocker.nextthink = time + random() * 5; PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(flocker); set_movetype(flocker, MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE); flocker.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; flocker.velocity = randomvec() * 300; flocker.angles = vectoangles(flocker.velocity); flocker.health = 10; flocker.pos1 = normalize(flocker.velocity + randomvec() * 0.1); this.cnt = this.cnt -1; } void flockerspawn_think(entity this) { if(this.cnt > 0) spawn_flocker(this); this.nextthink = time + this.delay; } void flocker_hunter_think(entity this) { vector dodgemove,attractmove,newmove; entity ee; this.angles_x = this.angles.x * -1; makevectors(this.angles); this.angles_x = this.angles.x * -1; if(this.enemy) if(vdist(this.enemy.origin - this.origin, <, 64)) { ee = this.enemy; ee.health = -1; this.enemy = NULL; } if(!this.enemy) { FOREACH_ENTITY_FLOAT(flock_id, this.flock_id, { if(it == this.owner || it == ee) continue; if(!this.enemy || vlen2(this.origin - it.origin) < vlen2(this.origin - this.enemy.origin)) this.enemy = it; }); } if(this.enemy) attractmove = steerlib_attract(this, this.enemy.origin+this.enemy.velocity * 0.1,5000) * 1250; else attractmove = normalize(this.velocity) * 200; dodgemove = steerlib_traceavoid(this, 0.35,1500) * vlen(this.velocity); newmove = dodgemove + attractmove; this.velocity = movelib_inertmove_byspeed(this, newmove,1250,0.3,0.7); this.velocity = movelib_dragvec(this, 0.01,0.5); this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity); this.nextthink = time + 0.1; } float globflockcnt; spawnfunc(flockerspawn) { ++globflockcnt; if(!this.cnt) this.cnt = 20; if(!this.delay) this.delay = 0.25; if(!this.flock_id) this.flock_id = globflockcnt; setthink(this, flockerspawn_think); this.nextthink = time + 0.25; this.enemy = new(FLock Hunter); setmodel(this.enemy, MDL_FLOCKER); setorigin(this.enemy, this.origin + '0 0 768' + (randomvec() * 128)); this.enemy.scale = 3; this.enemy.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; set_movetype(this.enemy, MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE); PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(this.enemy); setthink(this.enemy, flocker_hunter_think); this.enemy.nextthink = time + 10; this.enemy.flock_id = this.flock_id; this.enemy.owner = this; } #endif