#if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include "../dpdefs/progsdefs.qh" #include "../dpdefs/dpextensions.qh" #include "../warpzonelib/anglestransform.qh" #include "../warpzonelib/util_server.qh" #include "../common/constants.qh" #include "../common/util.qh" #include "../common/weapons/weapons.qh" #include "autocvars.qh" #include "defs.qh" #include "../common/notifications.qh" #include "../common/deathtypes.qh" #include "mutators/mutators_include.qh" #include "../csqcmodellib/sv_model.qh" #include "portals.qh" #include "g_hook.qh" #endif #define PORTALS_ARE_NOT_SOLID const vector SAFENUDGE = '1 1 1'; const vector SAFERNUDGE = '8 8 8'; .vector portal_transform; .vector portal_safe_origin; .float portal_wants_to_vanish; .float portal_activatetime; .float savemodelindex; float PlayerEdgeDistance(entity p, vector v) { vector vbest; if(v.x < 0) vbest_x = p.mins.x; else vbest_x = p.maxs.x; if(v.y < 0) vbest_y = p.mins.y; else vbest_y = p.maxs.y; if(v.z < 0) vbest_z = p.mins.z; else vbest_z = p.maxs.z; return vbest * v; } vector Portal_ApplyTransformToPlayerAngle(vector transform, vector vangle) { vector old_forward, old_up; vector old_yawforward; vector new_forward, new_up; vector new_yawforward; vector ang; ang = vangle; /* ang_x = bound(-89, mod(-ang_x + 180, 360) - 180, 89); ang = AnglesTransform_ApplyToVAngles(transform, ang); */ // PLAYERS use different math #ifndef POSITIVE_PITCH_IS_DOWN ang_x = -ang.x; #endif //print("reference: ", vtos(AnglesTransform_ApplyToVAngles(transform, ang)), "\n"); fixedmakevectors(ang); old_forward = v_forward; old_up = v_up; fixedmakevectors(ang.y * '0 1 0'); old_yawforward = v_forward; // their aiming directions are portalled... new_forward = AnglesTransform_Apply(transform, old_forward); new_up = AnglesTransform_Apply(transform, old_up); new_yawforward = AnglesTransform_Apply(transform, old_yawforward); // but now find a new sense of direction // this is NOT easy! // assume new_forward points straight up. // What is our yaw? // // new_up could now point forward OR backward... which direction to choose? if(new_forward.z > 0.7 || new_forward.z < -0.7) // far up; in this case, the "up" vector points backwards { // new_yawforward and new_yawup define the new aiming half-circle // we "just" need to find out whether new_up or -new_up is in that half circle ang = fixedvectoangles(new_forward); // this still gets us a nice pitch value... if(new_up * new_yawforward < 0) new_up = -1 * new_up; ang_y = vectoyaw(new_up); // this vector is the yaw we want //print("UP/DOWN path: ", vtos(ang), "\n"); } else { // good angles; here, "forward" suffices ang = fixedvectoangles(new_forward); //print("GOOD path: ", vtos(ang), "\n"); } #ifndef POSITIVE_PITCH_IS_DOWN ang_x = -ang.x; #endif ang_z = vangle.z; return ang; } .vector right_vector; float Portal_TeleportPlayer(entity teleporter, entity player) { vector from, to, safe, step, transform, ang, newvel; float planeshift, s, t; if (!teleporter.enemy) { backtrace("Portal_TeleportPlayer called without other portal being set. Stop."); return 0; } from = teleporter.origin; transform = teleporter.portal_transform; to = teleporter.enemy.origin; to = to + AnglesTransform_Apply(teleporter.portal_transform, player.origin - from); newvel = AnglesTransform_Apply(transform, player.velocity); // this now is INSIDE the plane... can't use that // shift it out fixedmakevectors(teleporter.enemy.mangle); // first shift it ON the plane if needed planeshift = ((teleporter.enemy.origin - to) * v_forward) + PlayerEdgeDistance(player, v_forward) + 1; /* if(planeshift > 0 && (newvel * v_forward) > vlen(newvel) * 0.01) // if we can't, let us not do the planeshift and do somewhat incorrect transformation in the end to += newvel * (planeshift / (newvel * v_forward)); else */ to += v_forward * planeshift; s = (to - teleporter.enemy.origin) * v_right; t = (to - teleporter.enemy.origin) * v_up; s = bound(-48, s, 48); t = bound(-48, t, 48); to = teleporter.enemy.origin + ((to - teleporter.enemy.origin) * v_forward) * v_forward + s * v_right + t * v_up; safe = teleporter.enemy.portal_safe_origin; // a valid player origin step = to + ((safe - to) * v_forward) * v_forward; tracebox(safe, player.mins - SAFENUDGE, player.maxs + SAFENUDGE, step, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, player); if(trace_startsolid) { print("'safe' teleport location is not safe!\n"); // FAIL TODO why does this happen? return 0; } safe = trace_endpos + normalize(safe - trace_endpos) * 0; tracebox(safe, player.mins - SAFENUDGE, player.maxs + SAFENUDGE, to, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, player); if(trace_startsolid) { print("trace_endpos in solid, this can't be!\n"); // FAIL TODO why does this happen? (reported by MrBougo) return 0; } to = trace_endpos + normalize(safe - trace_endpos) * 0; //print(vtos(to), "\n"); // ang_x stuff works around weird quake angles if(IS_PLAYER(player)) ang = Portal_ApplyTransformToPlayerAngle(transform, player.v_angle); else ang = AnglesTransform_ApplyToAngles(transform, player.angles); // factor -1 allows chaining portals, but may be weird player.right_vector = -1 * AnglesTransform_Apply(transform, player.right_vector); entity oldself = self; self = player; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PortalTeleport); player = self; self = oldself; if (!teleporter.enemy) { backtrace("Portal_TeleportPlayer ended up without other portal being set BEFORE TeleportPlayer. Stop."); return 0; } tdeath_hit = 0; TeleportPlayer(teleporter, player, to, ang, newvel, teleporter.enemy.absmin, teleporter.enemy.absmax, TELEPORT_FLAGS_PORTAL); if(tdeath_hit) { // telefrag within 1 second of portal creation = amazing if(time < teleporter.teleport_time + 1) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_ACHIEVEMENT_AMAZING); } if (!teleporter.enemy) { backtrace("Portal_TeleportPlayer ended up without other portal being set AFTER TeleportPlayer. Stop."); return 0; } // reset fade counter teleporter.portal_wants_to_vanish = 0; teleporter.fade_time = time + autocvar_g_balance_portal_lifetime; teleporter.health = autocvar_g_balance_portal_health; teleporter.enemy.health = autocvar_g_balance_portal_health; return 1; } float Portal_FindSafeOrigin(entity portal) { vector o; o = portal.origin; portal.mins = PL_MIN - SAFERNUDGE; portal.maxs = PL_MAX + SAFERNUDGE; fixedmakevectors(portal.mangle); portal.origin += 16 * v_forward; if(!move_out_of_solid(portal)) { #ifdef DEBUG print("NO SAFE ORIGIN\n"); #endif return 0; } portal.portal_safe_origin = portal.origin; setorigin(portal, o); return 1; } float Portal_WillHitPlane(vector eorg, vector emins, vector emaxs, vector evel, vector porg, vector pnorm, float psize) { float dist, distpersec, delta; vector v; dist = (eorg - porg) * pnorm; dist += min(emins.x * pnorm.x, emaxs.x * pnorm.x); dist += min(emins.y * pnorm.y, emaxs.y * pnorm.y); dist += min(emins.z * pnorm.z, emaxs.z * pnorm.z); if(dist < -1) // other side? return 0; #ifdef PORTALS_ARE_NOT_SOLID distpersec = evel * pnorm; if(distpersec >= 0) // going away from the portal? return 0; // we don't need this check with solid portals, them being SOLID_BSP should suffice delta = dist / distpersec; v = eorg - evel * delta - porg; v = v - pnorm * (pnorm * v); return vlen(v) < psize; #else return 1; #endif } void Portal_Touch() { vector g; #ifdef PORTALS_ARE_NOT_SOLID // portal is being removed? if(self.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) return; // possibly engine bug if(IS_PLAYER(other)) return; // handled by think #endif if(other.classname == "item_flag_team") return; // never portal these if(other.classname == "grapplinghook") return; // handled by think if(!self.enemy) error("Portal_Touch called for a broken portal\n"); #ifdef PORTALS_ARE_NOT_SOLID if(trace_fraction < 1) return; // only handle TouchAreaGrid ones (only these can teleport) #else if(trace_fraction >= 1) return; // only handle impacts #endif if(other.classname == "porto") { if(other.portal_id == self.portal_id) return; } if(time < self.portal_activatetime) if(other == self.aiment) { self.portal_activatetime = time + 0.1; return; } if(other != self.aiment) if(IS_PLAYER(other)) if(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(other) || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(self.aiment)) return; // cannot go through someone else's portal if(other.aiment != self.aiment) if(IS_PLAYER(other.aiment)) if(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(other.aiment) || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(self.aiment)) return; // cannot go through someone else's portal fixedmakevectors(self.mangle); g = frametime * '0 0 -1' * autocvar_sv_gravity; if(!Portal_WillHitPlane(other.origin, other.mins, other.maxs, other.velocity + g, self.origin, v_forward, self.maxs.x)) return; /* if(other.mins_x < PL_MIN_x || other.mins_y < PL_MIN_y || other.mins_z < PL_MIN_z || other.maxs_x > PL_MAX_x || other.maxs_y > PL_MAX_y || other.maxs_z > PL_MAX_z) { // can't teleport this return; } */ if(Portal_TeleportPlayer(self, other)) if(other.classname == "porto") if(other.effects & EF_RED) other.effects += EF_BLUE - EF_RED; } void Portal_Think(); void Portal_MakeBrokenPortal(entity portal) { portal.skin = 2; portal.solid = SOLID_NOT; portal.touch = func_null; portal.think = func_null; portal.effects = 0; portal.nextthink = 0; portal.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; } void Portal_MakeWaitingPortal(entity portal) { portal.skin = 2; portal.solid = SOLID_NOT; portal.touch = func_null; portal.think = func_null; portal.effects = EF_ADDITIVE; portal.nextthink = 0; portal.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; } void Portal_MakeInPortal(entity portal) { portal.skin = 0; portal.solid = SOLID_NOT; // this is done when connecting them! portal.touch = Portal_Touch; portal.think = Portal_Think; portal.effects = EF_RED; portal.nextthink = time; portal.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; } void Portal_MakeOutPortal(entity portal) { portal.skin = 1; portal.solid = SOLID_NOT; portal.touch = func_null; portal.think = func_null; portal.effects = EF_STARDUST | EF_BLUE; portal.nextthink = 0; portal.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; } void Portal_Disconnect(entity teleporter, entity destination) { teleporter.enemy = world; destination.enemy = world; Portal_MakeBrokenPortal(teleporter); Portal_MakeBrokenPortal(destination); } void Portal_Connect(entity teleporter, entity destination) { teleporter.portal_transform = AnglesTransform_RightDivide(AnglesTransform_TurnDirectionFR(destination.mangle), teleporter.mangle); teleporter.enemy = destination; destination.enemy = teleporter; Portal_MakeInPortal(teleporter); Portal_MakeOutPortal(destination); teleporter.fade_time = time + autocvar_g_balance_portal_lifetime; destination.fade_time = teleporter.fade_time; teleporter.portal_wants_to_vanish = 0; destination.portal_wants_to_vanish = 0; teleporter.teleport_time = time; #ifdef PORTALS_ARE_NOT_SOLID teleporter.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; #else teleporter.solid = SOLID_BSP; #endif } void Portal_Remove(entity portal, float killed) { entity e; e = portal.enemy; if(e) { Portal_Disconnect(portal, e); Portal_Remove(e, killed); } if(portal == portal.aiment.portal_in) portal.aiment.portal_in = world; if(portal == portal.aiment.portal_out) portal.aiment.portal_out = world; //portal.aiment = world; // makes the portal vanish if(killed) { fixedmakevectors(portal.mangle); sound(portal, CH_SHOTS, "porto/explode.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("rocket_explode"), portal.origin + v_forward * 16, v_forward * 1024, 4); remove(portal); } else { Portal_MakeBrokenPortal(portal); sound(portal, CH_SHOTS, "porto/expire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); SUB_SetFade(portal, time, 0.5); } } void Portal_Damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { if(deathtype == DEATH_TELEFRAG) return; if(attacker != self.aiment) if(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(attacker) || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(self.aiment)) return; self.health -= damage; if(self.health < 0) Portal_Remove(self, 1); } void Portal_Think_TryTeleportPlayer(entity e, vector g) { if(!Portal_WillHitPlane(e.origin, e.mins, e.maxs, e.velocity + g, self.origin, v_forward, self.maxs.x)) return; // if e would hit the portal in a frame... // already teleport him tracebox(e.origin, e.mins, e.maxs, e.origin + e.velocity * 2 * frametime, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if(trace_ent == self) Portal_TeleportPlayer(self, e); } void Portal_Think() { entity e, o; vector g; #ifdef PORTALS_ARE_NOT_SOLID // portal is being removed? if(self.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) return; // possibly engine bug if(!self.enemy) error("Portal_Think called for a broken portal\n"); o = self.aiment; self.solid = SOLID_BBOX; self.aiment = world; g = frametime * '0 0 -1' * autocvar_sv_gravity; fixedmakevectors(self.mangle); FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) { if(e != o) if(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(e) || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(o)) continue; // cannot go through someone else's portal if(e != o || time >= self.portal_activatetime) Portal_Think_TryTeleportPlayer(e, g); if(e.hook) Portal_Think_TryTeleportPlayer(e.hook, g); } self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; self.aiment = o; #endif self.nextthink = time; if(time > self.fade_time) Portal_Remove(self, 0); } float Portal_Customize() { if(IS_SPEC(other)) other = other.enemy; if(other == self.aiment) { self.modelindex = self.savemodelindex; } else if(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(other) || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(self.aiment)) { self.modelindex = 0; } else { self.modelindex = self.savemodelindex; } return true; } // cleanup: // when creating in-portal: // disconnect // clear existing in-portal // set as in-portal // connect // when creating out-portal: // disconnect // clear existing out-portal // set as out-portal // when player dies: // disconnect portals // clear both portals // after timeout of in-portal: // disconnect portals // clear both portals // TODO: ensure only one portal shot at once float Portal_SetInPortal(entity own, entity portal) { if(own.portal_in) { if(own.portal_out) Portal_Disconnect(own.portal_in, own.portal_out); Portal_Remove(own.portal_in, 0); } own.portal_in = portal; if(own.portal_out) { own.portal_out.portal_id = portal.portal_id; Portal_Connect(own.portal_in, own.portal_out); } return 2; } float Portal_SetOutPortal(entity own, entity portal) { if(own.portal_out) { if(own.portal_in) Portal_Disconnect(own.portal_in, own.portal_out); Portal_Remove(own.portal_out, 0); } own.portal_out = portal; if(own.portal_in) { own.portal_in.portal_id = portal.portal_id; Portal_Connect(own.portal_in, own.portal_out); } return 1; } void Portal_ClearAll_PortalsOnly(entity own) { if(own.portal_in) Portal_Remove(own.portal_in, 0); if(own.portal_out) Portal_Remove(own.portal_out, 0); } void Portal_ClearAll(entity own) { Portal_ClearAll_PortalsOnly(own); W_Porto_Remove(own); } void Portal_RemoveLater_Think() { Portal_Remove(self, self.cnt); } void Portal_RemoveLater(entity portal, float kill) { Portal_MakeBrokenPortal(portal); portal.cnt = kill; portal.think = Portal_RemoveLater_Think; portal.nextthink = time; } void Portal_ClearAllLater_PortalsOnly(entity own) { if(own.portal_in) Portal_RemoveLater(own.portal_in, 0); if(own.portal_out) Portal_RemoveLater(own.portal_out, 0); } void Portal_ClearAllLater(entity own) { Portal_ClearAllLater_PortalsOnly(own); W_Porto_Remove(own); } void Portal_ClearWithID(entity own, float id) { if(own.portal_in) if(own.portal_in.portal_id == id) { if(own.portal_out) Portal_Disconnect(own.portal_in, own.portal_out); Portal_Remove(own.portal_in, 0); } if(own.portal_out) if(own.portal_out.portal_id == id) { if(own.portal_in) Portal_Disconnect(own.portal_in, own.portal_out); Portal_Remove(own.portal_out, 0); } } entity Portal_Spawn(entity own, vector org, vector ang) { entity portal; fixedmakevectors(ang); if(!CheckWireframeBox(own, org - 48 * v_right - 48 * v_up + 16 * v_forward, 96 * v_right, 96 * v_up, 96 * v_forward)) return world; portal = spawn(); portal.classname = "portal"; portal.aiment = own; setorigin(portal, org); portal.mangle = ang; portal.angles = ang; portal.angles_x = -portal.angles.x; // is a bmodel portal.think = Portal_Think; portal.nextthink = 0; portal.portal_activatetime = time + 0.1; portal.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; portal.event_damage = Portal_Damage; portal.fade_time = time + autocvar_g_balance_portal_lifetime; portal.health = autocvar_g_balance_portal_health; setmodel(portal, "models/portal.md3"); portal.savemodelindex = portal.modelindex; portal.customizeentityforclient = Portal_Customize; if(!Portal_FindSafeOrigin(portal)) { remove(portal); return world; } setsize(portal, '-48 -48 -48', '48 48 48'); Portal_MakeWaitingPortal(portal); return portal; } float Portal_SpawnInPortalAtTrace(entity own, vector dir, float portal_id_val) { entity portal; vector ang; vector org; org = trace_endpos; ang = fixedvectoangles2(trace_plane_normal, dir); fixedmakevectors(ang); portal = Portal_Spawn(own, org, ang); if(!portal) return 0; portal.portal_id = portal_id_val; Portal_SetInPortal(own, portal); return 1; } float Portal_SpawnOutPortalAtTrace(entity own, vector dir, float portal_id_val) { entity portal; vector ang; vector org; org = trace_endpos; ang = fixedvectoangles2(trace_plane_normal, dir); fixedmakevectors(ang); portal = Portal_Spawn(own, org, ang); if(!portal) return 0; portal.portal_id = portal_id_val; Portal_SetOutPortal(own, portal); return 1; }