float playerstats_db; string teamstats_last; string playerstats_last; string events_last; .float playerstats_addedglobalinfo; .string playerstats_id; void PlayerStats_Init() { string uri; playerstats_db = -1; playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; uri = autocvar_g_playerstats_uri; if(uri == "") return; playerstats_db = db_create(); if(playerstats_db >= 0) playerstats_waitforme = FALSE; // must wait for it at match end serverflags |= SERVERFLAG_PLAYERSTATS; PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_WINS); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_MATCHES); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_JOINS); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD_VALID); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_RANK); // accuracy stats entity w; float i; for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { w = get_weaponinfo(i); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-hit")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-fired")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-hit")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-fired")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-frags")); } PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_3); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_5); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_10); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_15); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_20); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_25); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_30); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_BOTLIKE); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_FIRSTBLOOD); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_FIRSTVICTIM); } void PlayerStats_AddPlayer(entity e) { string s; if(playerstats_db < 0) return; if(e.playerstats_id) return; s = string_null; if(e.crypto_idfp != "" && e.cvar_cl_allow_uidtracking == 1) s = e.crypto_idfp; else if(clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) s = sprintf("bot#%g#%s", skill, e.cleanname); if(!s || find(world, playerstats_id, s)) // already have one of the ID - next one can't be tracked then! { if(clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) s = sprintf("bot#%d", e.playerid); else s = sprintf("player#%d", e.playerid); } e.playerstats_id = strzone(s); string key; key = sprintf("%s:*", e.playerstats_id); string p; p = db_get(playerstats_db, key); if(p == "") { if(playerstats_last) { db_put(playerstats_db, key, playerstats_last); strunzone(playerstats_last); } else db_put(playerstats_db, key, "#"); playerstats_last = strzone(e.playerstats_id); } } void PlayerStats_AddTeam(float t) // TODO: doesn't this remain unused? { if(playerstats_db < 0) return; string key; key = sprintf("%d", t); string p; p = db_get(playerstats_db, key); if(p == "") { if(teamstats_last) { db_put(playerstats_db, key, teamstats_last); strunzone(teamstats_last); } else db_put(playerstats_db, key, "#"); teamstats_last = strzone(key); } } void PlayerStats_AddEvent(string event_id) { if(playerstats_db < 0) return; string key; key = sprintf("*:%s", event_id); string p; p = db_get(playerstats_db, key); if(p == "") { if(events_last) { db_put(playerstats_db, key, events_last); strunzone(events_last); } else db_put(playerstats_db, key, "#"); events_last = strzone(event_id); } } void PlayerStats_Event(entity e, string event_id, float value) { if(!e.playerstats_id || playerstats_db < 0) return; string key; float val; key = sprintf("%s:%s", e.playerstats_id, event_id); val = stof(db_get(playerstats_db, key)); val += value; db_put(playerstats_db, key, ftos(val)); } void PlayerStats_TeamScore(float t, string event_id, float value) // TODO: doesn't this remain unused? { string key; float val; key = sprintf("team#%d:%s", t, event_id); val = stof(db_get(playerstats_db, key)); val += value; db_put(playerstats_db, key, ftos(val)); } /* format spec: A collection of lines of the format SPACE NEWLINE, where is always a single character. The following keys are defined: V: format version (always 1) - this MUST be the first line! #: comment (MUST be ignored by any parser) R: release information on the server T: time at which the game ended G: game type O: mod name (icon request) as in server browser M: map name I: match ID (see "matchid" in g_world.qc S: "hostname" of the server C: number of "unpure" cvar changes U: UDP port number of the server D: duration of the match P: player ID of an existing player; this also sets the owner for all following "n", "e" and "t" lines (lower case!) n: nickname of the player (optional) t: team ID i: player index e: followed by an event name, a space, and the event count/score event names can be: alivetime: total playing time of the player wins: number of games won (can only be set if matches is set) matches: number of matches played to the end (not aborted by map switch) joins: number of matches joined (always 1 unless player never played during the match) scoreboardvalid: set to 1 if the player was there at the end of the match total-: total score of that scoreboard item scoreboard-: end-of-game score of that scoreboard item (can differ in non-team games) achievement-: achievement counters (their "count" is usually 1 if nonzero at all) kills-: number of kills against the indexed player rank : rank of player acc--hit: total damage dealt acc--fired: total damage that all fired projectiles *could* have dealt acc--cnt-hit: amount of shots that actually hit acc--cnt-fired: amount of fired shots acc--frags: amount of frags dealt by weapon Response format (not used yet): V: format version (always 1) - this MUST be the first line! #: comment (MUST be ignored by any parser) R: release information on the XonStat server T: current time S: in case of a stats submit request, the human readable xonstat URL for the submitted match P: player ID of an existing player; this also sets the owner for all following "n", "e" and "t" lines (lower case!) e: followed by an event name, a space, and the event count/score, and - if this is a reply to a stats submit request - a space, and the delta of the event count/score caused by this match event names can be the same as above (they then are either sums, or minimum/maximum values, depending on context), as well as: elo: current Elo calculated by the stats server rank : global rank of player for this game type (for stats submit requests) rank- : global rank of player for any game type (for non stats submit requests) not all events need to be included, of course if an event is counted additively from unprocessed submitted data, it should not be sent as part of stats submit response achievement- events may be generated by the xonstat server and reported as part of stats submit responses! */ void PlayerStats_ready(entity fh, entity pass, float status) { string p, pn; string e, en; string nn, tt; string s; switch(status) { case URL_READY_CANWRITE: url_fputs(fh, "V 1\n"); #ifdef WATERMARK url_fputs(fh, sprintf("R %s\n", WATERMARK())); #endif url_fputs(fh, sprintf("T %s.%06d\n", strftime(FALSE, "%s"), floor(random() * 1000000))); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("G %s\n", GetGametype())); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("O %s\n", modname)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("M %s\n", GetMapname())); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("I %s\n", matchid)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("S %s\n", cvar_string("hostname"))); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("C %d\n", cvar_purechanges_count)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("U %d\n", cvar("port"))); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("D %f\n", max(0, time - game_starttime))); for(p = playerstats_last; (pn = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:*", p))) != ""; p = pn) { url_fputs(fh, sprintf("P %s\n", p)); nn = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_playerid", p)); if(nn != "") url_fputs(fh, sprintf("i %s\n", nn)); nn = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_netname", p)); if(nn != "") url_fputs(fh, sprintf("n %s\n", nn)); if(teamplay) { tt = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_team", p)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("t %s\n", tt)); } for(e = events_last; (en = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("*:%s", e))) != ""; e = en) { float v; v = stof(db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:%s", p, e))); if(v != 0) url_fputs(fh, sprintf("e %s %g\n", e, v)); } } url_fputs(fh, "\n"); url_fclose(fh); break; case URL_READY_CANREAD: // url_fclose is processing, we got a response for writing the data // this must come from HTTP print("Got response from player stats server:\n"); while((s = url_fgets(fh))) print(" ", s, "\n"); print("End of response.\n"); url_fclose(fh); break; case URL_READY_CLOSED: // url_fclose has finished print("Player stats written\n"); playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; db_close(playerstats_db); playerstats_db = -1; break; case URL_READY_ERROR: default: print("Player stats writing failed: ", ftos(status), "\n"); playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; if(playerstats_db >= 0) { db_close(playerstats_db); playerstats_db = -1; } break; } } //#NO AUTOCVARS START void PlayerStats_Shutdown() { string uri; if(playerstats_db < 0) return; uri = autocvar_g_playerstats_uri; if(uri != "") { playerstats_waitforme = FALSE; url_multi_fopen(uri, FILE_APPEND, PlayerStats_ready, world); } else { playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; db_close(playerstats_db); playerstats_db = -1; } } //#NO AUTOCVARS END void PlayerStats_Accuracy(entity p) { entity a, w; a = p.accuracy; float i; for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { w = get_weaponinfo(i); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-hit"), a.(accuracy_hit[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-fired"), a.(accuracy_fired[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-hit"), a.(accuracy_cnt_hit[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-fired"), a.(accuracy_cnt_fired[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-frags"), a.(accuracy_frags[i-1])); } //backtrace(strcat("adding player stat accuracy for ", p.netname, ".\n")); } void PlayerStats_AddGlobalInfo(entity p) { if(playerstats_db < 0) return; if(!p.playerstats_id || playerstats_db < 0) return; p.playerstats_addedglobalinfo = TRUE; // add global info! if(p.alivetime) { PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME, time - p.alivetime); p.alivetime = 0; } db_put(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_playerid", p.playerstats_id), ftos(p.playerid)); if(p.cvar_cl_allow_uid2name == 1 || clienttype(p) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) db_put(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_netname", p.playerstats_id), p.netname); if(teamplay) db_put(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_team", p.playerstats_id), ftos(p.team)); if(stof(db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%d:%s", p.playerstats_id, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME))) > 0) PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_JOINS, 1); PlayerStats_Accuracy(p); strunzone(p.playerstats_id); p.playerstats_id = string_null; } void PlayerStats_EndMatch(float finished) { entity p, winner; winner = PlayerScore_Sort(score_dummyfield); FOR_EACH_CLIENT(p) // spectators intentionally not included { //PlayerStats_Accuracy(p); // stats are already written with PlayerStats_AddGlobalInfo(entity), don't double them up. if(g_arena || g_lms || g_ca) if(p.alivetime <= 0) { continue; } else if(p.classname != "player") { continue; } PlayerScore_PlayerStats(p); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD_VALID, 1); if(finished) { PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_WINS, p.winning); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_MATCHES, 1); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_RANK, p.score_dummyfield); } } }