float playerstats_db; string teamstats_last; string playerstats_last; string events_last; .float playerstats_addedglobalinfo; .string playerstats_id; void PlayerStats_Init() // initiated before InitGameplayMode so that scores are added properly { string uri; playerstats_db = -1; playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; uri = autocvar_g_playerstats_uri; if(uri == "") return; playerstats_db = db_create(); if(playerstats_db >= 0) playerstats_waitforme = FALSE; // must wait for it at match end serverflags |= SERVERFLAG_PLAYERSTATS; PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_AVGLATENCY); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_WINS); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_MATCHES); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_JOINS); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD_VALID); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_RANK); // accuracy stats entity w; float i; for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { w = get_weaponinfo(i); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-hit")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-fired")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-hit")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-fired")); PlayerStats_AddEvent(strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-frags")); } PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_3); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_5); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_10); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_15); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_20); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_25); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_30); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_BOTLIKE); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_FIRSTBLOOD); PlayerStats_AddEvent(PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_FIRSTVICTIM); } void PlayerStats_AddPlayer(entity e) { string s; if(playerstats_db < 0) return; if(e.playerstats_id) return; s = string_null; if(e.crypto_idfp != "" && e.cvar_cl_allow_uidtracking == 1) s = e.crypto_idfp; else if(clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) s = sprintf("bot#%g#%s", skill, e.cleanname); if((s == "") || find(world, playerstats_id, s)) // already have one of the ID - next one can't be tracked then! { if(clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) s = sprintf("bot#%d", e.playerid); else s = sprintf("player#%d", e.playerid); } e.playerstats_id = strzone(s); string key; key = sprintf("%s:*", e.playerstats_id); string p; p = db_get(playerstats_db, key); if(p == "") { if(playerstats_last) { db_put(playerstats_db, key, playerstats_last); strunzone(playerstats_last); } else db_put(playerstats_db, key, "#"); playerstats_last = strzone(e.playerstats_id); } } void PlayerStats_AddTeam(float t) // TODO: doesn't this remain unused? { if(playerstats_db < 0) return; string key; key = sprintf("%d", t); string p; p = db_get(playerstats_db, key); if(p == "") { if(teamstats_last) { db_put(playerstats_db, key, teamstats_last); strunzone(teamstats_last); } else db_put(playerstats_db, key, "#"); teamstats_last = strzone(key); } } void PlayerStats_AddEvent(string event_id) { if(playerstats_db < 0) return; string key; key = sprintf("*:%s", event_id); string p; p = db_get(playerstats_db, key); if(p == "") { if(events_last) { db_put(playerstats_db, key, events_last); strunzone(events_last); } else db_put(playerstats_db, key, "#"); events_last = strzone(event_id); } } void PlayerStats_Event(entity e, string event_id, float value) { if((e.playerstats_id == "") || playerstats_db < 0) return; string key; float val; key = sprintf("%s:%s", e.playerstats_id, event_id); val = stof(db_get(playerstats_db, key)); val += value; db_put(playerstats_db, key, ftos(val)); } void PlayerStats_TeamScore(float t, string event_id, float value) // TODO: doesn't this remain unused? { string key; float val; key = sprintf("team#%d:%s", t, event_id); val = stof(db_get(playerstats_db, key)); val += value; db_put(playerstats_db, key, ftos(val)); } /* format spec: A collection of lines of the format SPACE NEWLINE, where is always a single character. The following keys are defined: V: format version (always a fixed number) - this MUST be the first line! #: comment (MUST be ignored by any parser) R: release information on the server T: time at which the game ended G: game type O: mod name (icon request) as in server browser M: map name I: match ID (see "matchid" in g_world.qc S: "hostname" of the server C: number of "unpure" cvar changes U: UDP port number of the server D: duration of the match P: player ID of an existing player; this also sets the owner for all following "n", "e" and "t" lines (lower case!) n: nickname of the player (optional) t: team ID i: player index e: followed by an event name, a space, and the event count/score event names can be: alivetime: total playing time of the player avglatency: average network latency compounded throughout the match wins: number of games won (can only be set if matches is set) matches: number of matches played to the end (not aborted by map switch) joins: number of matches joined (always 1 unless player never played during the match) scoreboardvalid: set to 1 if the player was there at the end of the match total-: total score of that scoreboard item scoreboard-: end-of-game score of that scoreboard item (can differ in non-team games) achievement-: achievement counters (their "count" is usually 1 if nonzero at all) kills-: number of kills against the indexed player rank : rank of player acc--hit: total damage dealt acc--fired: total damage that all fired projectiles *could* have dealt acc--cnt-hit: amount of shots that actually hit acc--cnt-fired: amount of fired shots acc--frags: amount of frags dealt by weapon Response format (not used yet): see https://gist.github.com/4284222 */ void PlayerStats_ready(entity fh, entity pass, float status) { string p, pn; string e, en; string nn, tt; string s; switch(status) { case URL_READY_CANWRITE: url_fputs(fh, "V 5\n"); #ifdef WATERMARK url_fputs(fh, sprintf("R %s\n", WATERMARK)); #endif url_fputs(fh, sprintf("T %s.%06d\n", strftime(FALSE, "%s"), floor(random() * 1000000))); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("G %s\n", GetGametype())); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("O %s\n", modname)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("M %s\n", GetMapname())); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("I %s\n", matchid)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("S %s\n", cvar_string("hostname"))); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("C %d\n", cvar_purechanges_count)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("U %d\n", cvar("port"))); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("D %f\n", max(0, time - game_starttime))); for(p = playerstats_last; (pn = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:*", p))) != ""; p = pn) { url_fputs(fh, sprintf("P %s\n", p)); nn = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_playerid", p)); if(nn != "") url_fputs(fh, sprintf("i %s\n", nn)); nn = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_netname", p)); if(nn != "") url_fputs(fh, sprintf("n %s\n", nn)); if(teamplay) { tt = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_team", p)); url_fputs(fh, sprintf("t %s\n", tt)); } for(e = events_last; (en = db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("*:%s", e))) != ""; e = en) { float v; v = stof(db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:%s", p, e))); if(v != 0) url_fputs(fh, sprintf("e %s %g\n", e, v)); } } url_fputs(fh, "\n"); url_fclose(fh); break; case URL_READY_CANREAD: // url_fclose is processing, we got a response for writing the data // this must come from HTTP print("Got response from player stats server:\n"); while((s = url_fgets(fh))) print(" ", s, "\n"); print("End of response.\n"); url_fclose(fh); break; case URL_READY_CLOSED: // url_fclose has finished print("Player stats written\n"); playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; db_close(playerstats_db); playerstats_db = -1; break; case URL_READY_ERROR: default: print("Player stats writing failed: ", ftos(status), "\n"); playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; if(playerstats_db >= 0) { db_close(playerstats_db); playerstats_db = -1; } break; } } //#NO AUTOCVARS START void PlayerStats_Shutdown() { string uri; if(playerstats_db < 0) return; uri = autocvar_g_playerstats_uri; if(uri != "") { playerstats_waitforme = FALSE; url_multi_fopen(uri, FILE_APPEND, PlayerStats_ready, world); } else { playerstats_waitforme = TRUE; db_close(playerstats_db); playerstats_db = -1; } } //#NO AUTOCVARS END void PlayerStats_Accuracy(entity p) { entity a, w; a = p.accuracy; float i; for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { w = get_weaponinfo(i); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-hit"), a.(accuracy_hit[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-fired"), a.(accuracy_fired[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-hit"), a.(accuracy_cnt_hit[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-cnt-fired"), a.(accuracy_cnt_fired[i-1])); PlayerStats_Event(p, strcat("acc-", w.netname, "-frags"), a.(accuracy_frags[i-1])); } //backtrace(strcat("adding player stat accuracy for ", p.netname, ".\n")); } void PlayerStats_AddGlobalInfo(entity p) { if(playerstats_db < 0) return; if((p.playerstats_id == "") || playerstats_db < 0) return; p.playerstats_addedglobalinfo = TRUE; // add global info! if(p.alivetime) { PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME, time - p.alivetime); p.alivetime = 0; } db_put(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_playerid", p.playerstats_id), ftos(p.playerid)); if(p.cvar_cl_allow_uid2name == 1 || clienttype(p) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) db_put(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_netname", p.playerstats_id), p.netname); if(teamplay) db_put(playerstats_db, sprintf("%s:_team", p.playerstats_id), ftos(p.team)); if(stof(db_get(playerstats_db, sprintf("%d:%s", p.playerstats_id, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME))) > 0) PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_JOINS, 1); PlayerStats_Accuracy(p); strunzone(p.playerstats_id); p.playerstats_id = string_null; } .float scoreboard_pos; void PlayerStats_EndMatch(float finished) { entity p; PlayerScore_Sort(score_dummyfield, 0); PlayerScore_Sort(scoreboard_pos, 1); FOR_EACH_CLIENT(p) { //PlayerStats_Accuracy(p); // stats are already written with PlayerStats_AddGlobalInfo(entity), don't double them up. if (p.classname != "player" && p.classname != "observer") { continue; } else if (g_ca && (p.caplayer == 0)) { continue; } // spectators in CA have caplayer==0 else if (p.frags == FRAGS_SPECTATOR) { continue; } // only spectators have frags==-666 else if (g_arena) { continue; } // FIXME if(clienttype(p) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { if(p.latency_cnt) { float latency = (p.latency_sum / p.latency_cnt); if(latency) { PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_AVGLATENCY, latency); } } } PlayerScore_PlayerStats(p); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD_VALID, 1); if(finished) { PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_WINS, p.winning); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_MATCHES, 1); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_RANK, p.score_dummyfield); PlayerStats_Event(p, PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD_POS, p.scoreboard_pos); } } }