.string object_clipboard; entity sandbox_EditObject() { // returns the traced entity if the player can edit it, and world if not makevectors(self.v_angle); WarpZone_TraceLine(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_distance_edit, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if(trace_ent.classname == "object" && trace_ent.realowner == self) return trace_ent; else return world; } entity sandbox_SpawnObject() { // spawn a new object with default properties entity e; e = spawn(); e.realowner = self; e.classname = "object"; e.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; e.solid = SOLID_BSP; // set origin and direction based on player position and view angle makevectors(self.v_angle); WarpZone_TraceLine(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_distance_spawn, MOVE_NORMAL, self); setorigin(e, trace_endpos); e.angles_y = self.v_angle_y; return e; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(sandbox_PlayerCommand) { if(MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE) // command was already handled? return FALSE; if(cmd_name == "g_sandbox") { if(cmd_argc < 2) { print_to(self, "Sandbox mode is active. For usage information, type 'sandbox help'"); return TRUE; } entity e; if(argv(1) == "help") { print_to(self, "You can use the following sandbox commands:"); print_to(self, "^7\"^2spawn_item ^3item^7\" spawns the specified item in front of the player. Only weapons are currently supported"); print_to(self, "^7\"^2spawn_object ^3models/foo/bar.md3^7\" spawns a new object in front of the player, and gives it the specified model"); print_to(self, "^7\"^2remove_object^7\" removes the object the player is looking at. Players can only remove their own objects"); print_to(self, "^7\"^2duplicate_object_copy^7\" copies the object the player is looking at. Players can only copy their own objects"); print_to(self, "^7\"^2duplicate_object_paste^7\" pastes the copied object in front of the player"); print_to(self, "^7The ^1drag object ^7key can be used to grab and carry objects. Players can only grab their own objects"); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "spawn_item") { // only weapons are currently supported if(cmd_argc < 3) { print_to(self, "WARNING: Attempted to spawn an item without specifying its type. Please specify the name of your item after the 'spawn_item' command"); return TRUE; } // spawn a new item float i; makevectors(self.v_angle); WarpZone_TraceLine(self.origin + self.view_ofs, self.origin + self.view_ofs + v_forward * autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_distance_spawn, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { e = get_weaponinfo(i); if(e.netname == argv(2)) { W_ThrowNewWeapon(self, i, FALSE, trace_endpos, '0 0 0'); if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info) print(strcat(self.netname, " spawned a ^2", e.netname, "^7 at origin ", vtos(e.origin), "\n")); return TRUE; } } print_to(self, "WARNING: Attempted to spawn an invalid or unsupported item. See 'sandbox help' for allowed items"); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "spawn_object") { // don't allow spawning objects without a model if(cmd_argc < 3) { print_to(self, "WARNING: Attempted to spawn an object without specifying a model. Please specify the path to your model file after the 'spawn_object' command"); return TRUE; } else if not(fexists(argv(2))) { print_to(self, "WARNING: Attempted to spawn an object with a non-existent model. Make sure the path to your model file is correct"); return TRUE; } e = sandbox_SpawnObject(); setmodel(e, argv(2)); if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info) print(strcat(self.netname, " spawned an object at origin ", vtos(e.origin), "\n")); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "remove_object") { e = sandbox_EditObject(); if(e != world) { if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info) print(strcat(self.netname, " removed an object at origin ", vtos(e.origin), "\n")); remove(e); e = world; return TRUE; } print_to(self, "WARNING: Object could not be removed. Make sure you are facing an object that belongs to you"); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "duplicate_object_copy") { // copies customizable properties of the selected object to the clipboard e = sandbox_EditObject(); // you can only copy objects you can edit, so this works if(e != world) { if(self.object_clipboard != "") // unzone the player's clipboard if it's not empty strunzone(self.object_clipboard); self.object_clipboard = strzone(strcat(e.model, " ", ftos(e.movetype))); print_to(self, "Object copied to clipboard"); return TRUE; } print_to(self, "WARNING: Object could not be copied. Make sure you are facing an object that belongs to you"); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "duplicate_object_paste") { // spawns a new object using the properties in the player's clipboard if(self.object_clipboard == "") // no object in clipboard { print_to(self, "WARNING: No object in clipboard. You must copy an object before you can paste it"); return TRUE; } e = sandbox_SpawnObject(); tokenize_console(self.object_clipboard); setmodel(e, argv(0)); e.movetype = stof(argv(1)); print_to(self, "Object pasted"); if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info) print(strcat(self.netname, " pasted an object at origin ", vtos(e.origin), "\n")); return TRUE; } else { print_to(self, "Invalid command. For usage information, type 'sandbox help'"); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(sandbox_PlayerPreThink) { // if the player is close enough to their object, they can drag it if(autocvar_sv_cheats) return FALSE; // cheat dragging is used instead // grab is TRUE if the object can be picked up. While an object is being carried, the Drag() function // must execute for it either way, otherwise it would cause bugs if it went out of the player's trace. // This also makes sure that an object can only pe picked up if in range, but does not get dropped if // it goes out of range while slinging it around. entity e; float grab; e = sandbox_EditObject(); if(e != world && vlen(e.origin - self.origin) <= autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_distance_edit) grab = TRUE; if(Drag(e, grab)) // execute dragging { if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info) print(strcat(self.netname, " grabbed an object at origin ", vtos(e.origin), "\n")); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(sandbox_ClientDisconnect) { // unzone the player's clipboard if it's not empty if(self.object_clipboard != "") { strunzone(self.object_clipboard); self.object_clipboard = string_null; } } MUTATOR_DEFINITION(sandbox) { MUTATOR_HOOK(SV_ParseClientCommand, sandbox_PlayerCommand, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, sandbox_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(ClientDisconnect, sandbox_ClientDisconnect, CBC_ORDER_ANY); return 0; }