float total_players; float redalive, bluealive, yellowalive, pinkalive; .float redalive_stat, bluealive_stat, yellowalive_stat, pinkalive_stat; float ca_teams; float allowed_to_spawn; void CA_count_alive_players() { entity e; total_players = redalive = bluealive = yellowalive = pinkalive = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) { if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { ++total_players; if (e.health >= 1) ++redalive; } else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { ++total_players; if (e.health >= 1) ++bluealive; } else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM3) { ++total_players; if (e.health >= 1) ++yellowalive; } else if(e.team == COLOR_TEAM4) { ++total_players; if (e.health >= 1) ++pinkalive; } } FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(e) { e.redalive_stat = redalive; e.bluealive_stat = bluealive; e.yellowalive_stat = yellowalive; e.pinkalive_stat = pinkalive; } } float CA_GetWinnerTeam() { float winner_team = 0; if(redalive >= 1) winner_team = COLOR_TEAM1; if(bluealive >= 1) { if(winner_team) return 0; winner_team = COLOR_TEAM2; } if(yellowalive >= 1) { if(winner_team) return 0; winner_team = COLOR_TEAM3; } if(pinkalive >= 1) { if(winner_team) return 0; winner_team = COLOR_TEAM4; } if(winner_team) return winner_team; return -1; // no player left } #define CA_ALIVE_TEAMS() ((redalive > 0) + (bluealive > 0) + (yellowalive > 0) + (pinkalive > 0)) #define CA_ALIVE_TEAMS_OK() (CA_ALIVE_TEAMS() == ca_teams) float CA_CheckWinner() { entity e; if(round_handler_GetTimeLeft() <= 0) { FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(e) centerprint(e, "Round over, there's no winner"); bprint("Round over, there's no winner.\n"); allowed_to_spawn = FALSE; return 1; } CA_count_alive_players(); if(CA_ALIVE_TEAMS() > 1) return 0; float winner_team; string teamname; winner_team = CA_GetWinnerTeam(); if(winner_team > 0) { teamname = ColoredTeamName(winner_team); FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(e) centerprint(e, strcat(teamname, " wins the round")); bprint(teamname, " wins the round.\n"); TeamScore_AddToTeam(winner_team, ST_SCORE, +1); } else if(winner_team == -1) { FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(e) centerprint(e, "Round tied"); bprint("Round tied.\n"); } allowed_to_spawn = FALSE; return 1; } void CA_RoundStart() { if(inWarmupStage) allowed_to_spawn = TRUE; else allowed_to_spawn = FALSE; } float prev_total_players; float CA_CheckTeams() { entity e; allowed_to_spawn = TRUE; CA_count_alive_players(); if(CA_ALIVE_TEAMS_OK()) { if(prev_total_players != -1) { FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(e) Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic_Expire(e, CPID_WAITING_PLAYERS); } prev_total_players = -1; return 1; } if(prev_total_players != total_players) { string teams_missing = ""; if(!redalive) teams_missing = strcat(teams_missing, ColoredTeamName(COLOR_TEAM1), ", "); if(!bluealive) teams_missing = strcat(teams_missing, ColoredTeamName(COLOR_TEAM2), ", "); if(ca_teams >= 3) if(!yellowalive) teams_missing = strcat(teams_missing, ColoredTeamName(COLOR_TEAM3), ", "); if(ca_teams == 4) if(!pinkalive) teams_missing = strcat(teams_missing, ColoredTeamName(COLOR_TEAM4), ", "); teams_missing = substring(teams_missing, 0, strlen(teams_missing)-2); FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(e) Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(e, CPID_WAITING_PLAYERS, strcat("Waiting for players to join...\n\nNeed active players for: ", teams_missing), -1, 0); prev_total_players = total_players; } return 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_PlayerSpawn) { self.caplayer = 1; return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_PutClientInServer) { if(!allowed_to_spawn) { self.classname = "observer"; if(!self.caplayer) { self.caplayer = 0.5; if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) sprint(self, "You will join the game in the next round.\n"); } } return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_reset_map_players) { FOR_EACH_CLIENT(self) { if(self.caplayer) { self.classname = "player"; self.caplayer = 1; PutClientInServer(); } } return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_ClientConnect) { self.classname = "observer"; return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_reset_map_global) { allowed_to_spawn = TRUE; return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_GetTeamCount) { ca_teams = autocvar_g_ca_teams_override; if(ca_teams < 2) ca_teams = autocvar_g_ca_teams; ca_teams = bound(2, ca_teams, 4); ret_float = ca_teams; return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_PlayerPreThink) { if(!allowed_to_spawn) self.stat_respawn_time = 0; return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_ForbidPlayerScore_Clear) { return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_MakePlayerObserver) { if(self.caplayer) self.frags = FRAGS_LMS_LOSER; return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon) { return 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ca_GiveFragsForKill) { frag_score = 0; // score will be given to the winner team when the round ends return 1; } void ca_Initialize() { allowed_to_spawn = TRUE; round_handler_Spawn(CA_CheckTeams, CA_CheckWinner, CA_RoundStart, 5, autocvar_g_ca_warmup, autocvar_g_ca_round_timelimit); addstat(STAT_REDALIVE, AS_INT, redalive_stat); addstat(STAT_BLUEALIVE, AS_INT, bluealive_stat); addstat(STAT_YELLOWALIVE, AS_INT, yellowalive_stat); addstat(STAT_PINKALIVE, AS_INT, pinkalive_stat); } MUTATOR_DEFINITION(gamemode_ca) { MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerSpawn, ca_PlayerSpawn, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(PutClientInServer, ca_PutClientInServer, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(MakePlayerObserver, ca_MakePlayerObserver, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(ClientConnect, ca_ClientConnect, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(reset_map_global, ca_reset_map_global, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(reset_map_players, ca_reset_map_players, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(GetTeamCount, ca_GetTeamCount, CBC_ORDER_EXCLUSIVE); MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, ca_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(ForbidPlayerScore_Clear, ca_ForbidPlayerScore_Clear, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon, ca_ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(GiveFragsForKill, ca_GiveFragsForKill, CBC_ORDER_FIRST); MUTATOR_ONADD { if(time > 1) // game loads at time 1 error("This is a game type and it cannot be added at runtime."); ca_Initialize(); } MUTATOR_ONREMOVE { print("This is a game type and it cannot be removed at runtime."); return -1; } return 0; }