#include "main.qh" #include "anticheat.qh" #include "hook.qh" #include "damage.qh" #include "world.qh" #include "spawnpoints.qh" #include #include "bot/api.qh" #include "command/common.qh" #include #include "weapons/csqcprojectile.qh" #include #include #include "../common/constants.qh" #include "../common/deathtypes/all.qh" #include "../common/debug.qh" #include "../common/mapinfo.qh" #include "../common/util.qh" #include "../common/vehicles/all.qh" #include #include #include "../lib/csqcmodel/sv_model.qh" #include "../lib/warpzone/common.qh" #include "../lib/warpzone/server.qh" void CreatureFrame_hotliquids(entity this) { if (this.contents_damagetime >= time) { return; } this.contents_damagetime = time + autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate; if (this.flags & FL_PROJECTILE) { if (this.watertype == CONTENT_LAVA) Damage (this, NULL, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_projectiledamage * autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate * this.waterlevel, DEATH_LAVA.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); else if (this.watertype == CONTENT_SLIME) Damage (this, NULL, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_projectiledamage * autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate * this.waterlevel, DEATH_SLIME.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } else { if (STAT(FROZEN, this)) { if (this.watertype == CONTENT_LAVA) Damage(this, NULL, NULL, 10000, DEATH_LAVA.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); else if (this.watertype == CONTENT_SLIME) Damage(this, NULL, NULL, 10000, DEATH_SLIME.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } else if (this.watertype == CONTENT_LAVA) { if (this.watersound_finished < time) { this.watersound_finished = time + 0.5; sound (this, CH_PLAYER_SINGLE, SND_LAVA, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } Damage (this, NULL, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava * autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate * this.waterlevel, DEATH_LAVA.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); if(autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava_burn) Fire_AddDamage(this, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava_burn * this.waterlevel, autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava_burn_time * this.waterlevel, DEATH_LAVA.m_id); } else if (this.watertype == CONTENT_SLIME) { if (this.watersound_finished < time) { this.watersound_finished = time + 0.5; sound (this, CH_PLAYER_SINGLE, SND_SLIME, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } Damage (this, NULL, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_slime * autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate * this.waterlevel, DEATH_SLIME.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } } } void CreatureFrame_Liquids(entity this) { if (this.watertype <= CONTENT_WATER && this.waterlevel > 0) // workaround a retarded bug made by id software :P (yes, it's that old of a bug) { if (!(this.flags & FL_INWATER)) { this.flags |= FL_INWATER; this.contents_damagetime = 0; } CreatureFrame_hotliquids(this); } else { if (this.flags & FL_INWATER) { // play leave water sound this.flags &= ~FL_INWATER; this.contents_damagetime = 0; } } } void CreatureFrame_FallDamage(entity this) { if(IS_VEHICLE(this) || (this.flags & FL_PROJECTILE)) return; // vehicles and projectiles don't receive fall damage if(!(this.velocity || this.oldvelocity)) return; // if the entity hasn't moved and isn't moving, then don't do anything // check for falling damage bool have_hook = false; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(this.(weaponentity).hook && this.(weaponentity).hook.state) { have_hook = true; break; } } if(!have_hook) { float dm; // dm is the velocity DECREASE. Velocity INCREASE should never cause a sound or any damage. if(autocvar_g_balance_falldamage_onlyvertical) dm = fabs(this.oldvelocity.z) - vlen(this.velocity); else dm = vlen(this.oldvelocity) - vlen(this.velocity); if (IS_DEAD(this)) dm = (dm - autocvar_g_balance_falldamage_deadminspeed) * autocvar_g_balance_falldamage_factor; else dm = min((dm - autocvar_g_balance_falldamage_minspeed) * autocvar_g_balance_falldamage_factor, autocvar_g_balance_falldamage_maxdamage); if (dm > 0) { tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin - '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); if (!(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODAMAGE)) Damage (this, NULL, NULL, dm, DEATH_FALL.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } } if(autocvar_g_maxspeed > 0 && vdist(this.velocity, >, autocvar_g_maxspeed)) Damage (this, NULL, NULL, 100000, DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } void CreatureFrame_All() { if(game_stopped || time < game_starttime) return; IL_EACH(g_damagedbycontents, it.damagedbycontents, { if (it.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) continue; CreatureFrame_Liquids(it); CreatureFrame_FallDamage(it); it.oldvelocity = it.velocity; }); } void Pause_TryPause(bool ispaused) { int n = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(it) != ispaused) return; ++n; }); if (!n) return; setpause(ispaused); } void SV_PausedTic(float elapsedtime) { if (!server_is_dedicated) Pause_TryPause(false); } void dedicated_print(string input) { if (server_is_dedicated) print(input); } /* ============= StartFrame Called before each frame by the server ============= */ bool game_delay_last; bool autocvar_sv_autopause = false; void systems_update(); void sys_phys_update(entity this, float dt); void StartFrame() { // TODO: if move is more than 50ms, split it into two moves (this matches QWSV behavior and the client prediction) IL_EACH(g_players, IS_FAKE_CLIENT(it), sys_phys_update(it, frametime)); IL_EACH(g_players, IS_FAKE_CLIENT(it), PlayerPreThink(it)); execute_next_frame(); if (autocvar_sv_autopause && !server_is_dedicated) Pause_TryPause(true); delete_fn = remove_unsafely; // not during spawning! serverprevtime = servertime; servertime = time; serverframetime = frametime; #ifdef PROFILING if(time > client_cefc_accumulatortime + 1) { float t = client_cefc_accumulator / (time - client_cefc_accumulatortime); int c_seeing = 0; int c_seen = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it)) ++c_seeing; if(IS_PLAYER(it)) ++c_seen; }); LOG_INFO( "CEFC time: ", ftos(t * 1000), "ms; ", "CEFC calls per second: ", ftos(c_seeing * (c_seen - 1) / t), "; ", "CEFC 100% load at: ", ftos(solve_quadratic(t, -t, -1) * '0 1 0') ); client_cefc_accumulatortime = time; client_cefc_accumulator = 0; } #endif IL_EACH(g_projectiles, it.csqcprojectile_clientanimate, CSQCProjectile_Check(it)); if (RedirectionThink()) return; UncustomizeEntitiesRun(); InitializeEntitiesRun(); WarpZone_StartFrame(); sys_frametime = autocvar_sys_ticrate * autocvar_slowmo; if (sys_frametime <= 0) sys_frametime = 1.0 / 60.0; // somewhat safe fallback if (timeout_status == TIMEOUT_LEADTIME) // just before the timeout (when timeout_status will be TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) orig_slowmo = autocvar_slowmo; // slowmo will be restored after the timeout // detect when the pre-game countdown (if any) has ended and the game has started bool game_delay = (time < game_starttime); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog && game_delay_last && !game_delay) GameLogEcho(":startdelay_ended"); game_delay_last = game_delay; CreatureFrame_All(); CheckRules_World(); if (warmup_stage && !game_stopped && warmup_limit > 0 && time >= warmup_limit) { ReadyRestart(); return; } bot_serverframe(); anticheat_startframe(); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SV_StartFrame); GlobalStats_updateglobal(); FOREACH_CLIENT(true, GlobalStats_update(it)); IL_EACH(g_players, IS_FAKE_CLIENT(it), PlayerPostThink(it)); } .vector originjitter; .vector anglesjitter; .float anglejitter; .string gametypefilter; .string cvarfilter; /** * Evaluate an expression of the form: [+ | -]? [var[op]val | [op]var | val | var] ... * +: all must match. this is the default * -: one must NOT match * * var>x * var=x * var<=x * var==x * var!=x * var===x * var!==x */ bool expr_evaluate(string s) { bool ret = false; if (str2chr(s, 0) == '+') { s = substring(s, 1, -1); } else if (str2chr(s, 0) == '-') { ret = true; s = substring(s, 1, -1); } bool expr_fail = false; for (int i = 0, n = tokenize_console(s); i < n; ++i) { int o; string k, v; s = argv(i); #define X(expr) \ if (expr) \ continue; \ expr_fail = true; \ break; #define BINOP(op, len, expr) \ if ((o = strstrofs(s, op, 0)) >= 0) { \ k = substring(s, 0, o); \ v = substring(s, o + len, -1); \ X(expr); \ } BINOP(">=", 2, cvar(k) >= stof(v)); BINOP("<=", 2, cvar(k) <= stof(v)); BINOP(">", 1, cvar(k) > stof(v)); BINOP("<", 1, cvar(k) < stof(v)); BINOP("==", 2, cvar(k) == stof(v)); BINOP("!=", 2, cvar(k) != stof(v)); BINOP("===", 3, cvar_string(k) == v); BINOP("!==", 3, cvar_string(k) != v); { k = s; bool b = true; if (str2chr(k, 0) == '!') { k = substring(s, 1, -1); b = false; } float f = stof(k); bool isnum = ftos(f) == k; X(boolean(isnum ? f : cvar(k)) == b); } #undef BINOP #undef X } if (!expr_fail) { ret = !ret; } // now ret is true if we want to keep the item, and false if we want to get rid of it return ret; } void SV_OnEntityPreSpawnFunction(entity this) { if (this) if (this.gametypefilter != "") if (!isGametypeInFilter(MapInfo_LoadedGametype, teamplay, have_team_spawns, this.gametypefilter)) { delete(this); return; } if (this.cvarfilter != "" && !expr_evaluate(this.cvarfilter)) { delete(this); return; } if (DoesQ3ARemoveThisEntity(this)) { delete(this); return; } set_movetype(this, this.movetype); if (this.monster_attack) { IL_PUSH(g_monster_targets, this); } // support special -1 and -2 angle from radiant if (this.angles == '0 -1 0') { this.angles = '-90 0 0'; } else if (this.angles == '0 -2 0') { this.angles = '+90 0 0'; } #define X(out, in) MACRO_BEGIN \ if (in != 0) { out = out + (random() * 2 - 1) * in; } \ MACRO_END X(this.origin.x, this.originjitter.x); X(this.origin.y, this.originjitter.y); X(this.origin.z, this.originjitter.z); X(this.angles.x, this.anglesjitter.x); X(this.angles.y, this.anglesjitter.y); X(this.angles.z, this.anglesjitter.z); X(this.angles.y, this.anglejitter); #undef X if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(OnEntityPreSpawn, this)) { delete(this); return; } } void WarpZone_PostInitialize_Callback() { // create waypoint links for warpzones entity tracetest_ent = spawn(); setsize(tracetest_ent, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST); tracetest_ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; //for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "trigger_warpzone")); ) waypoint_spawnforteleporter_wz(e, tracetest_ent); delete(tracetest_ent); } /* ================== main unused but required by the engine ================== */ void main () { }