#include "spawning.qh" /// \file /// \brief Source file that contains implementation of the functions related to /// creation of game items. /// \copyright GNU GPLv2 or any later version. #include #include #include #include #include .bool m_isloot; ///< Holds whether item is loot. /// \brief Holds whether strength, shield or superweapon timers expire while /// this item is on the ground. .bool m_isexpiring; entity Item_FindDefinition(string class_name) { FOREACH(Items, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc == class_name, { return it; }); FOREACH(Weapons, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc == class_name, { return it.m_pickup; }); return NULL; } bool Item_IsAllowed(string class_name) { entity definition = Item_FindDefinition(class_name); if (definition == NULL) { return false; } return Item_IsDefinitionAllowed(definition); } bool Item_IsDefinitionAllowed(entity definition) { return !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FilterItemDefinition, definition); } entity Item_Create(string class_name, vector position, bool no_align) { entity item = spawn(); item.classname = class_name; item.spawnfunc_checked = true; setorigin(item, position); item.noalign = no_align; Item_Initialize(item, class_name); if (wasfreed(item)) { return NULL; } return item; } void Item_Initialize(entity item, string class_name) { FOREACH(Weapons, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc == class_name, { weapon_defaultspawnfunc(item, it); return; }); FOREACH(Items, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc == class_name, { StartItem(item, it); return; }); LOG_FATALF("Item_Initialize: Invalid classname: %s", class_name); } entity Item_CreateLoot(string class_name, vector position, vector vel, float time_to_live) { entity item = spawn(); if (!Item_InitializeLoot(item, class_name, position, vel, time_to_live)) { return NULL; } return item; } bool Item_InitializeLoot(entity item, string class_name, vector position, vector vel, float time_to_live) { item.classname = class_name; Item_SetLoot(item, true); item.noalign = true; setorigin(item, position); item.pickup_anyway = true; item.spawnfunc_checked = true; Item_Initialize(item, class_name); if (wasfreed(item)) { return false; } item.gravity = 1; item.velocity = vel; SUB_SetFade(item, time + time_to_live, 1); return true; } bool Item_IsLoot(entity item) { return item.m_isloot || item.classname == "droppedweapon"; } void Item_SetLoot(entity item, bool loot) { item.m_isloot = loot; } bool Item_ShouldKeepPosition(entity item) { return item.noalign || (item.spawnflags & 1); } bool Item_IsExpiring(entity item) { return item.m_isexpiring; } void Item_SetExpiring(entity item, bool expiring) { item.m_isexpiring = expiring; } // Compatibility spawn functions // in Quake this is green armor, in Xonotic maps it is an armor shard SPAWNFUNC_ITEM_COND(item_armor1, cvar("sv_mapformat_is_quake3"), ITEM_ArmorSmall, ITEM_ArmorMedium) SPAWNFUNC_ITEM(item_armor25, ITEM_ArmorMega) SPAWNFUNC_ITEM(item_armor_large, ITEM_ArmorMega) SPAWNFUNC_ITEM(item_health1, ITEM_HealthSmall) SPAWNFUNC_ITEM(item_health25, ITEM_HealthMedium) SPAWNFUNC_ITEM(item_health_large, ITEM_HealthBig) SPAWNFUNC_ITEM(item_health100, ITEM_HealthMega)